Hey guys welcome back to the Rick Shields ghost the Ghost Hunt oh we've got some Ghouls and some goats honestly yeah yeah today.

This my mouth my vocal cords are not working you've had three off the T you've had two Provisions no this is five. For them you went out of bounds massively I can't speak outbounds right off the first two yeah overcompensated then.

You've thinned one down the middle it's in play. But it's not very good so welcome to the show episode 160 you think after 160 episodes I'd get the name of the show correct yes. But no I failed anyway I'm Rick this is guy yeah I'm guy I'm actually officially I'm on a half day today.

And I have got as a record than this it's 11 57 a.m I technically finished work at half past 12 today.

It's 11 53. did I say seven yeah I got that wrong as well I've definitely caught your tongue. So I've got 37 minutes left of work so if this podcast is longer than 37 minutes that just shows my dedication to you Richard's media brand. And the podcast list is in the clubhouse there you go don't want I don't want a round of applause. But if you want to give it my driving feel free so I'm going to stretch this out we're gonna we're gonna chill out today.

Yeah you've done something excited about actually you've planned something. For this I don't know yeah. So as we're getting towards the back end of the year it's 2022 has been an exciting year um and 10 years now doing YouTube it's been a hell of a journey but this last 12 months I really look back and I've reflected this morning on a few moments in time from this year that I look back and go wow like that was pretty amazing. So in this podcast I'm gonna go through my top five highlights from 2022. wow I'm looking forward to that um I've got no idea what are these kind of YouTube related personal. Or golf or a bit of everything what we none of it is actual personal at home stuff all of it is I don't want to share that stuff on the podcast um no a lot all of it is work related okay whether it's uh videos I filmed you know golfers are filmed with venues are filmed at certain different challenges um highlights. And I think it'll make sense as we go through the top five towards the end. But right now we're filming this podcast a little bit earlier because I am currently now right now in America but you're here now I know who knows but I am having a week over in America in Orlando we're gonna do some filming over there unfortunately guy you can't make it because of family commitments um. But it's going to be an exciting week. And a hell of a week it is we've got some again I'm not going to be there. But I know what's going on. And some of the things that should be happening are very exciting. For the channel and they will be in next.

Year's top five things because they'll they'll be recorded this year. But the content will go out in 2023. So that can fall into next.

Year's category if what you have got planned all happens which it should do some of those videos will definitely be 100 in next.

Year's top five well oh really no that's exciting thing because these videos are. So exciting but next.

Year's could even be better but some um golf courses some players some new equipment there's lots going on. And I'm very very excited. And I've I'm I'll be honest slightly apprehensive and a bit nervous and maybe that's why I've had this stumble at the at the start of this podcast I feel like there's lots going on in my brain at the moment I've not been on a plane. For nearly three years the last time I was on a plane was 2020 in Dubai when I filmed with Tommy Fleetwood. And I'll be honest with you I feel a bit flustered I feel a bit like what do I do like how do I how do I travel again I'm really excited about flying again I've never been a nervous fire touchwood. But it's like it feels like a new experience again for me you know um so I'm really I'm really intrigued about that getting a bit of sunshine in December uh like I say we're flying into Orlando staying in Jupiter for a few days then.

Ended up in Tampa next.

Weekend um and fingers crossed if everything goes to plan we have some absolute Banger videos with some Banger guests and potentially some inserted clips for the podcast as well over the next.

Few weeks so lots going on exciting times um we would have also seen on the channel last week we started properly again almost feels like a refresh button on the bright 75s we did we mentioned about silith now a bit of a spoiler if you've not watched big 75. Yet we will give some of it away. So maybe skip five minutes but rate 75 at silith there was Rick Shields there was Guy China it was assistant Pro Tom what a um amazing golf course that somewhat feels like a Hidden Gem to a lot of people yeah. But brutal yeah we we caught on a day that was typical UK winter weather right it was it was a bit murky it wasn't particularly very nice there was no sunshine like all day Zero Sunshine it was cold it was windy um. But but a hell of a layout the gov was interesting. So what did you was it nine. Or ten or ten ten over but it was a weird one because I actually felt like. And Tom said it on on start the video the wind normally is into wind on the way out downwind on the way home yep he said however. today.

Is different it's downwind on the way out. And into wind on the way home which is he said it's the much harder way it is. And um that kind of reflected a little bit on the video I played okay front now nothing brilliant. But then.

The back now I'm playing those last kind of seven or eight holes back into wind was real brutal the front nine yeah it was easier however. I think that would that round was very much a typical Rick Shields break 75 Round because let me come on to it it started off not too bad at all quite solid a couple Burgers here. And there not not ideal but I feel like and this is the the difficult thing with break 75 on a past 72 course as well when you get to like two. Or three over which in those conditions after like nine holes isn't a bad score is that what you were after yeah I was too over. But you're already thinking you suddenly starts in on camera and off camera right I need a few birdies now and your mindset is which I understand if I get a few birdies go back to level power I'm in this kind of safe Zone. And break 75 should be tick big green tick done however. chasing those birdies cause you to sometimes end up making a bowl game hitting driver off the deck yeah. And there's a shot I watched it back before the edit where you said um all right I'm gonna try a shot now I've never tried before. And you hit like a three quarter 50 degree wedge like a soft floaty one that you're invited and I know we've not seen the video go live yet because recording this early but I guarantee there'll be comments like that and it's kind of like that mindset of which I know I obviously I know what breaks it drives are coming. And things go a lot better um I think it's just it's just that isn't it as well that combined with the fact that Golf Course got much harder back now it's very easy to tell that two over becomes a 10 over it's not that you need to massively improve by eight eight shots it's just little small things. And you know what part of me as well wonders whether even just that that really flippant comment on the First Tee affected my sidekick going into the back nine like Tom said you've normally it's hard on the front line today.

It's gonna be easier. And today.

It's gonna be really hard on the back nine yeah. And I think again because I had maybe if I was two on the front nine I think oh I've got a nice cushion here this is what I should be you would think he needed yeah I feel like I had to be level par because it was inevitable I was gonna drop shots on the back nine yeah. So it's almost even the wording and and it's very interesting and it certainly wasn't Tom's fault but you can pick up little comments from people when you play with them can't you. And that can actually influence the way you play your golf 100. And yeah when you sometimes the this is almost counter-intuitive. But the best way of playing a golf course sometimes can be blind because although you don't get that local knowledge if you hit one like say as a whole. For example is a marker post away man you hit it roughly on that. And he gets you born your oh my word I did not realize that all life was out of bounds. But when someone tells you I'm the First Tee to go don't go left that's giving you advice in a friendly way but all of a sudden you're thinking oh my God this is scary t-shirt. But my favorite part of the whole video and it's it tick underground that makes me laugh what hole was it quite early on about four. Or five you hit that hybrid and you blocked it and you went this hybrid is leaving my golf bag the very next.

Shot even this horrendous thick rough where you should just chip it out. And you pull out this hybrid and then.

After a provisional I think I think again that possibly showed the fact that I felt like I had to make a score um. And I have you know I almost chipping out and playing for bogey on that hole almost I wasn't allowed to do that because I felt like the front now even though that that actual hole the force was into wind yes. And so anyway great golf course I think the game is trending well that's what we're going to come on to without giving this away I want you to out of 10 rate your performance at cylift out of 10 on that video uh six okay now we know we know. And the audience that crail is coming next..

And then.

Ely we don't want to give away scores what would you say your performance scores are more like in these two. Or hidden closer to ten closer to ten still not tens uh crail I would say my mindset was the closest to ten it's been. For a while and I'd say my game was getting closer to 10.. So that's good and an elite I felt like my within my game was closer to 10. my mindset mindset wasn't as close to 10. So um there will be a day where I blend everything. And and I think I could potentially really really shoot the lights out. But it's going in the right direction which I'm really pleased about I feel like the little bit of work I did over the last few weeks has definitely helped um me. And my mindset and just put me in a much a much nicer position in my golf in life um and then.


Year just a bit of breaking news season three of break 75. will be bigger better more what's the right word almost more adventurous I'm gonna say is a little a little sell me the sizzle okay am I right let's play Let's play this up now you're Excel okay that's who you are okay let me okay. And I've got my beard I've got okay got my hats on yeah I'm Rick Shields yep okay hi Rick um. And I'm Johnny public okay J-Dog yeah. And see you at the range traffic Golf Center yeah Rick you're right hi Rick oh yeah he is horrible in real life no it's not me I'm sorry I think you've got someone sorry it's Peter Finch that's it yeah no how would you. So someone says right I love rate 75 I dip in now most weeks I've heard you've got a season three coming yes J-Dog I have got a season three coming. And I think you're gonna really enjoy it because first off there's going to be more episodes than we've ever done before oh okay okay not always weekly. But we are gonna do full season-long season season long season series of break 75s. But they're almost going to be broken down into mini series throughout the year okay. And there's gonna be golf courses you've never seen before they're gonna be golf courses I've never seen before there's going to be guy yeah. Or that little ferret man there's gonna be new guests there's going to be different situations um. But it's going to be filmed better I'm going to play better sorry I've just seen you shanking it Rick on the Range um it's going to be bigger better. And again I would say more adventurous than what we've done so far we've had two seasons um first season started off very kind of quick and fast-paced and it was all about kind of like almost cramming a full 18 hole video into a 15-minute production which was exciting. And it's something new that we'd never done before in the audience had potentially never seen before and the feedback was we could do with making them a bit longer then.

We stretched out to 20 minutes 30 minutes last season some episodes got to an hour I think that's kind of under an hour is a sweet spot yeah. And I think that's where hopefully you guys uh Martin Jones Jones last week that's what he wanted even by the way that some guys father know it's called Martin Jones. And watch it breaks it for every week love it with his cans of Stella yeah um yeah. So I think I think that's where the direction of break 75s are going. And II I'm going to commit to bloody practicing harder. And enjoying it more I think I think that's the big thing that I've not done this year as much when I've played crap I've not enjoyed it. But I need to get over that and if I play better 97 of the time I'll enjoy it 100 of the time well thanks Rick it was great to meet you I do love the channel. But my favorites golf mates and tubes and animals they're my favorite Channel I get that yeah I get that you'll always be second I'll third sometimes no x18 I'm very much looking forward to it myself um quick one before we get onto your well not a quick one. But a medium one before we get onto your um top five final moments of the year but an email and we get lots of emails as you know and please do emails if you've got a question of thought an opinion a fact a um anything else you could have no advice. For Rick to break 75. this is a bullet line one. But anyway if you do want to emails podcast rickshiels.com we read them all um don't reply to them all. And obviously we can't read them out on the podcast but we love getting them and this one is from a lady. And I don't want to read a name out just because um she may want to be staying Anonymous I'm not sure but it was something that I was got that camera might be picking up on you it's cool sorry is it is it Harry I thought yeah okay I'll move it then.

Um. So Pamela Anderson you can't see anything um but yeah it was something I was gonna actually reply back to. And take the time to actually no I'll read on the podcast. And I'll kind of address it because it was something that did yeah anyway. So it says hi Rick and guy I tune in every week and again it's from a female I watch the podcast enjoy the content I find it entertaining and amusing and we'll keep listening but and there was a book with three full stops. But but bits of gentle and well-intended feedback your focus is incredibly male-centric. And as an emoji with like a bit of a tear not hit home that hurt apart from the odd bit of content with the fabulous Sophie walk or Iona brackets looking forward to the coming video with her which will be out this week on Friday break 75. the golf chat is virtually all about the male game the only time a woman has featured in one of your imaginary golfer stories was when Barbara was at home to the returning hole in one hero. And she brought she was probably in the kitchen it doesn't mean I'll tune out. But I do feel I'm listening to an all boys club I've come to golf fairly late it was something my husband wanted to learn together I had a preconceived view that it excluded women with the arcade rules. And not been able to go to the clubhouse through the front door or denied membership and the membership was older white uh males there's a bit of that still knocking about. But it's all moving forward and you're part of that look at you Mr Shear the top 30 of the most 100 influential golfers actually top 25 but um I'm surprised to find myself absolutely loving golf it's fabulous I'm not only uh I'm not very good but I've got the book big time this is in uh spite the fact I'm quite often the only woman at the driving range on the golf course if there's a serious intent behind including women. And making it more welcoming and inclusive to wider sections of society I think you could be a big part of that I'm not moaning I'm just sharing the experience of one of your subscribers I wonder what percent of male. And female your subscribers are we can tell you that in a minute this is mysterious um I'll keep tuning in you amused me I'm interested to see I'm interested in to see this hearing sorry what you have to say P.S I'm all down the road in Lancashire um I love that your Global audience is shining a torch on the northwest. So um I suppose I mean that that's that's a nice email yeah. And it's it's absolutely fantastic that we are attracting such a wide odd range of audiences. And I'm not even just talking male female you know there's a lot of young audiences out there real much older audience out there you know different people from different backgrounds and countries some some fans who have got into golf really recently it's brand new to them some fans have been playing off all their lives so that the width and depth of the audience luckily for us is huge certainly in the golfing World um I think to counter that a little bit is that I actually think we do feature quite a few female guests we've had quite a few on the channel. And we do also touch on quite a lot of kind of important topics in the golfing World um I'm sorry she doesn't feel like we touch on enough um. But I know our audience is very male Centric have you got the number that is it right now well. So that's it so that the main channel the Rick Shields golf main kind of um channel is 97 male. So that just shows you and then.

The actual podcast Channel which obviously you're listening or watching on now is 98.1 male. So I suppose there's two ways looking at that we definitely love to attract uh more women to the channel and you know definitely encourage more women to play golf that's something that we have had emails about before you know from certain DRX where people have said you know I'd love to get my partner my wife my girlfriend into golf how can I do that. And you've given some great advice and obviously you're a family man with two young daughters who you've given great advice on how to get them into golf get them um you know Keen into golf and you know I I haven't got children yet I have actually got a daughter on the way and um I've got two young nieces who have taken the driving range I've been to the Germans my wife with my mother and you know we're definitely Pro women in golf I think just a note on that as well we've been really lucky actually to have some great um women on the podcast to tell their story. And different stories as well so we've had obviously Carly Booth Annika Sorenson from that real kind of and that's I mean Annika starts to be not getting bigger than that telling her story of her golf we've had you know Sophie Walker. And NC Mamet have told the story of professional golf then.

Into the media yeah um. And how they've been success and then.

We've had kind of had you know more kind of influencer style so we've had Mia Baker on the podcast the story of how she found it hard to get into golf as a woman and the clothing wasn't right and how she got in touch with big corporations to try and fix that she's done a great job of that and we've even had women on the podcast who've got very um kind of successful roles in the world of golf so we've had Gemma hunter from England golf who regardless of gender or anything is the most um clued up person in the world of golf. And handicapped you'll ever eat quite literally it's her job she knows more about handicaps than anybody certainly in in the UK um so we've definitely tried to give women a voice in this platform we would never shy away from female guests we've always absolutely reached out so you know that list is phenomenal podcast yeah you know we look at your main Channel you've had obviously Hannah Davis on is a local golf coach she she she's featured in you know I'm gonna be quite crude in saying this. But these people understand that when they come on your channel the follower base grows which is partly what's in it. For them and why we want to provide them with that new do. And that then.

In turn she's a golf coach I'm sure seeing her get more lessons it's helped her to get some level of sponsorship and we know that that's great you've also went out and Van Damme Olivia Cowan Annabelle demick Ayanna Stephen the list goes on basically but I think just just on the note of why the podcast may feel quite male Centric at times with the fact will you know we are both male uh we can only speak on really on our stories. And our life in golf and kind of unfortunately I suppose we have a a very very very very very very high male audience if we were to start doing a section every week on you know the best ladies clubs in the market. Or you know things like that that would service a certain sense of our audience but obviously only a small percentage so what I would like to do is certainly address you know we'll continue to have amazing females on the podcast that's something that we will definitely do in know against Sophie walk into a live show. And she's phenomenal she was probably the best downstairs. But there also are many you know if this person listening uh isn't aware of this there's a lot of female creators out there as well who should go. And check out another girl is it Hannah Holden who does a lot of work. For National Club golfer she's very good she does a lot of the reviews uh against Sophie Walker does does a lot Mia Baker Rachel McQueen I think Mia Baker does these these nights as well have you seen these in London yeah Jazzy golfer as well at pitch. And and she'll open it up to kind of non-golfers really and when I've seen it on Instagram it's absolutely buzzing the nights look amazing and to be honest a bit probably opposite to us it looks like there's 98 women there yeah which is absolutely phenomenal. So there's so many opportunities to to meet you know females in golf you know and I don't I understand it because I've actually got quite a deep connection this because it was my mum that got me into the game of golf like it was literally my mum going to a driving range getting less lessons dragging me along joining as a golf club she was a lady Captain really quickly. And she obviously she met loads and loads of friends through Golf and and that set me on my pathway like it was it was. And even then.

What we're talking 25 years ago there was no real barriers that was quite an easy thing. And I'm not saying that's perfect everywhere but as a woman and a junior going into a golf club there was certainly no restrictions from what from what I gather. And when I speak to my mum there was no real restrictions with that yeah. And that's something that's going to address because it's not I don't want to come across as too defensive on this I'm more than happy with people not to like me personally. And some people don't like you and that should that's just life you can't please everybody but one thing I don't this podcast ever be seen as is you know not inclusive you know the joke about the clubhouse hashtag the clubhouse to enter that you've got a link to all the podcasts that matter if you're a male female what your your background is your beliefs your heritage anything like that. So that's something that we uh we're trying to pick up on yeah very good. And uh yeah looking forward to having lots more guests on next.

Year. And uh as always a real wide mixture of guests right my top five moments now each year let's start a new year it's kind of that time where you look at the the up and coming year thing I wonder what's gonna come this year like we've been very very fortunate in the position that I I get to be in that I've had some unbelievable opportunities every year surprises me with opportunities that you think wow that's that's really cool I can't believe I'm doing that now I can't believe that's happened. And when I look back at 2022 and again I don't want this to feel like too much of a wrap up but obviously we're getting towards the winter months is that I look back. And go what the hell this year has probably been even again elevated the highlights that I've got in the in this uh in this list here I want to read out a couple that actually didn't make it on the list wow enough okay first off this is the long list yeah this is the just outside the top five list because we've even done things like. For example we hit 2 million subscribers this year on YouTube yeah like what how mad is that that was in January 2022 um. And the first ever channel to hit it we've we doubled a million which is obviously uh only recently just been done by good good hitting a million subscribers um to have that level of audience. And it's super appreciated and hopefully that comes across on videos and what we do with the podcast. But things like are amazing. And the other thing we've actually had chance this year to meet a lot more fans I feel certainly through the years of covid through 2020 and 2021 that was hard. But this year it's been great to arrange range nights like how good have they been unbelievable we want to do more we want to be able to meet fans in even a bigger scale because like 100 odd it's great as a range now. But obviously the numbers are in the millions now I don't know how we do that just. Yet because obviously there's a safety reasons and things like that because that's why we've not been able to get more at a driving range and I still want to be able to offer my time to everybody it comes to a driving range now a range night but that's been really incredible you know what I've Loved about the range Knights like I said there's going to be definitely more coming. And maybe they'll all be filmed because the the benefit of filming them is to make great content. And I think it shows people having a great time. And but the only downside to filming them is sometimes it's we've got two minds. And we were kind of thinking about the night. And people having a great time and we're all seeing like the production of the video so we'll be a mixture of those but I think there's two two-fold really I think when we have the range nights it's great seeing you interact with with people that love the videos. And that obviously want to speak to you maybe get a picture and whatever it might be something Heckle here sometimes I think's funny there's a good banter but arguably even bigger than that I love how people almost form friendships on the night yeah. So with with range night we normally have five six seven people in one Bay if you've come with you and your mate then.

You're gonna have to get chucked in a bit hey Loosely we use that term lash into a bay with five random people by the end of the night they've seen people swapping numbers and Instagrams and going organizing a game of golf together. And that's really powerful and it's like you know that's what the videos and the YouTube kind of community if you like it can do it can bring people together. And golf is a unique Sport. And a great sport in that you can go. And play on your own clear your head and just play against the golf course play against yourself but nothing beats going playing golf with two. Or three mates not having to laugh and that's what these range nights go on to do yeah no you're right okay ready yes the official official the official list number five yeah okay playing with Legends also this is a broad this is not true well it is. But I couldn't I couldn't separate it it's a better joint fifth okay joint fear I got to we got to spend time with two like categorically Legends of the game like top 10 most famous golfers ever yeah okay one of them being Sir Nick Faldo like if you decided to start this year that we would have been going out in the golf course at cruden Bay up in Aberdeen which was a horrendous day like the weather was atrocious to go out. And film with Sir Nick Faldo then.

To sit down and do such an incredible in-depth podcast with him yeah it's right up there with my favorite this year podcast because I just wanted to continue to ask him questions about his life he's won six major championships he's won the Masters the open like he's the most decorated english golfer ever. And to spend time with him to film with him something that I wasn't sure how the audience would react to it because it's so like different to the audience I feel like we speak to on YouTube the audience really reacted well to it that for me was a real highlight. And actually over in the states where I am now I'm actually gonna be meeting up with him again which is gonna be really exciting. For some stuff that he wants to do. For his channels so that was really cool um. But the other one and like this way it kind of comes into joint fifth Tom Watson Tom Watson I mean what like I'm one of his son like what the hell yeah getting to spend time with Tom Watson is is unique enough okay yeah get into play spend five minutes in his company would possibly make this list okay you then.

Sprinkle on it was at St Andrews the home of golf you then.

Sprinkle on it's the fact you're playing the old course in Reverse alternate shots with Tom Watson yeah it's like what it's like how the hell I think out of all the things I've done this year probably that's the moment Where I Stood then..

And really pinched myself and gone what the hell how has this happened like making videos that you Trafford Center hitting a few balls trying to give some advice about coaching I'm now playing the old course in Reverse with Tom Watson I mean it's it's I mean this is number five by the way. Or houses so things are going to continue to get better from there. But that that for me was really really just epic. And and um the week of the open we I got to bump into him again and interview him and met his wife is his new wife new wife. And like we had a great interaction there he really remembered spending time with us filming a month or so early it was just a lovely lovely guy. So that in at number five is spending time with Legends. And I'm looking forward to doing more of that there's probably not obviously there's more Legends on the list but like imagine to be able to spend next.

Year spending some time with Jack Nicholas imagine having Thanksgiving with Tiger Woods you you tiger and Charlie having thanks to dick and Nicholas around the same time in Turkey so I think I think anything like that is is just amazing okay in at number four number four is something that um I didn't think I could achieve. And and there was there was lots of time to reflect as I was doing it my charity walk across Scotland walk 150. now the idea the concept of it to start from Prestwick the home of the first ever open venue to walk 150 miles across Scotland carrying my golf clubs all the way to Saint Andrews to raise money. For prostate cancer UK six days six marathons a day it was just the idea itself was just mental to have achieved it. And to have raised as much money as we did most arrays nearly I think maybe either nearly 130 000. Or just over a hundred and thirty thousand pounds which is going to be incredible that money's gonna go a long way in the world of you know research. And development and awareness but be able to just I still look I look at my camera roll when I was looking through this list I was going through back on my camera roll. And we actually never made a video about walk 150 we might do in the future we did actually film most of it it might be kind of a Netflix documentary style video that we do at one point. But I really look back at it with really fun memories like it was hard it was tough. And it was challenging. But it was. So rewarding at the same time I think on that you know curiosity you obviously I was only there. For the first little section of it and I can't comprehend how difficult that was on your feet. And your joints and and mentally as well so you know you've got huge uh admiration for that but but also and you know arguably as important if not more important those people actually put the hand in the pocket to add into the to the to the book it so to speak because you know there was there was some I looked through just giving page. And there was some incredible donations of like hundreds of pounds by some people who you think most obviously have a few quid. But but something as well it's almost sounds strained but almost more kind of heartwarming the people that donate like two quid or five quid it's like you know not everybody obviously in the current economic State as well can afford to give money to charity. And the fact that you you encourage them to do somebody's such an incredible feat. But the fact that people did that you know it just shows again on this I think it's gonna be a link with all these different things we say this community element of people coming together. And doing for the greater God and it's really really special and Powerful so thank you so much everyone that donated it's incredible yeah well. So so again next.

Year 2023 I've got something crazy planned worth one million 1 billion miles walk to the mood uh I've got something planned for next.

Summer so stay tuned for that there'll be another charity I want to try and do something big. For charity each year because what it's it's it's as I say raising money for charity it's the community side of it and it's challenging and pushing me and I really look forward to it so that was really cool this year number three okay three um top three oh yeah top three in bronze position oh I've got the now I'm gonna stick with it in number three was filming with guy janak Adam Scott Adam Scott wow. So Adam Scott is not only strolled past Nick Faldo. And Tommy Watson he's actually just shoved him and going yeah get back I think mainly because um we lived we grew up in his it in his era you know Tom Watson. And Nick Faldo I can obviously look at them. And go wow you know Legends of the game but I started golf at the very tail end of Nick faldo's career yeah where when I started playing golf Adam Scott was really starting to kind of you know yeah second to only tiger really. And a lot of things yes um. And to spend time with him and again he was. So kind on the podcast and we went out and played at King's bars in a 10 shot challenge he was everything I wanted them to be. And more he was he was um very humble. And very what what all surprised me and hopefully it's the environment we create but these guys know they're coming for a day of film and afternoon filming an hour of them whatever it might be it's it's how much they actually get into it and I think certainly no matter how good you are at golf it's been proven by uh Adam Scott. And a couple of other guys that you've played with Tommy and Westwood Etc get a golfer who's competitive which all these guys are against another golf who's competitive. And puts another line whether it should be for Pride they won't win they want to beat you and Adam Scott wanted to beat you but in the most humble and pleasant way possible yeah it was it was really good it was it was uh the fact like say it was. So lovely with his time a couple of weeks after we saw him at the open and he jumped out of his chair and came running over and chatted to us and it was just I'm. So glad and I've been very lucky everybody that I've managed to meet or film with have been how I expect them to be but I think I almost put more of an emphasis on him yeah I was like please don't shout out my dreams please be just as nice as I hope you are going to be. And he was actually nice around the you know what's mad that's partly what I would love to meet tiger because obviously I would there's an apartment to be worried yeah I like him. So much and I've looked up to him for 25 26 years whatever it's been if he wasn't that nice I'd just be heartbroken yeah. So tiger when we meet be nice mate please please be nice um right that was number three that was nice bro I mean in some ways I imagine faldo's annoyed he sat there was three he's got three Green Jackets he's looking at we Adam Scott over there we won I'm thinking one green jacket to get out of this position he's there with three. And a few cleric jokes in his back pocket but so maybe next.

Year he's got three or four Nick Faldo Green Jackets and then.

He's got two clarets or three he's got six Mages double o six he's these little things oh yeah three opens. And three and three then.

He's like wow they've got to work harder for that [ __ ] right you might not like this one then.

Number two number two and and only because it was something that I've really wanted to do. For a while and it was great to I think we got a lot out of it as a business as a club just two minutes ago I'm joking um in two because it was that kind of on YouTube right now YouTube's grown as a platform massively I think I know we go in this one in the last 10 years it's grown hugely. And it's been great to see craters and grow and develop and you know really kind of work out their identity in the space um and I'm proud of YouTube creators I feel like YouTube creators as a whole certainly in the golf space as a whole anyway but certainly golf space I think we as a whole a lot of creators out there are doing really good jobs okay however. I needed to however. there was one collaboration I really want to try. And achieve this this year and and it was six young gentlemen from Texas. And by the name of good good and we managed to have a full week of collaborative content at JCB and it was Bloody hard yeah. And it was horrible weather. And it was stressful. But it was also eye-opening. And fascinating more from a business standpoint as well as kind of an open Forum to spend time with like-minded YouTubers in that in that space wasn't it yeah it was you know obviously we were there with our team they were there with their team you know we got to spend time completely together. For pretty much six or seven days talking about YouTube growth we were they were asking us about how they can develop we were asking them how do they do certain things. And it was it was just very kind of eye-opening I felt like we've not had those conversations. For a long time with any other creators no it was it was really good the content that came out of it was very good it was great. For for them to kind of learn from us and it created something for 10 years it was great from from all to learn from them in how a new bunch of creators are attacking things. And it's quite funny though isn't it list of the top five things of the Year obviously naturally with this kind of list it's down to how you perceive things so like you said in one sense I can completely agree that this was almost more impactful in some ways a film with Faldo. And Watson as crazy as that sounds sounds to say it was if you look at the numbers generated the the reach Etc it was. But then.

Equally if actually 10 years ago somebody said to you oh in 10 years we've been on YouTube. So you go all right wow that's great and you'll do a collaboration with a big Channel you go oh brilliant you you'd accept it wouldn't you. But if someone said you'll be playing the old course back because it's Tom Watson you'd be like no well that's ridiculous with your name upon the open board. So yeah it's how you perceive things. But I do I do understand. And I do agree that. For the channel and for you this year and for what it meant to the golf YouTube Creator space that was a very pivotal. And Monumental moment in the channel yeah I just think it was it was again just getting the like-minded individuals around. And you know it was just it was just a fun week it was mad it was crazy it was lots going on it was hard work it was only the week after the open it was it was it was stressful it was. But it was like I've got a real kick out of it. And again when I looked through my my photo uh photo role which I did do this to put this list I looked through that section. And go that's really actually quite cool like the massive fan meet up we got to do yeah you know at Marriott the fact we got to film however. many videos it was. For our channel for their Channel it was a productive week it was just good it just definitely gave us a bit of a different uh perspective on how content's filmed. And they took a lot of inspiration from us of how they cut film their content so yeah it was just a collaborative week I thought if we really offered me a job this would all will triple X your salary I said no I'm not going to America get lost they say they'll come over to him okay question then.

Follow-up question slightly off topic. But it's also on topic we get asked a lot in the podcast on you us on social media wherever it might be about collaborating with other golf creators whether it be um you know Pete or whether it be up and coming creators who've not got many kind of followers yet but they're doing something in the space how do you see 2020 3 looking in terms of golf created collaboration I am open to doing more I think the the idea has to be really good. And it kind of has to be beneficial for both parties yeah um I think we've said it even on this podcast I was maybe going to try. And do one this year I would actually really really like to do a YouTube golf day again like. Or a YouTube week or some something that gets all YouTubers into one place um where it's kind of a bit of competition a lot of filming collaborations here then.

Everywhere just being able to grow the space as a whole um it was hard work when we did it in 2019. But it's something that I feel like we've got some level of blueprint over now there's more creators out there that's where it gets difficult I think there'd have to be some sort of a cut-off point. Or I don't know I think we could work something out. For me though it's more difficult because when we did it in 2019 thankfully we had most of the big creators there there's obviously also gonna be a non-exception. But in reality there wasn't many people you could say why is X not there why is y not there the downside to it now would be there's that many big channels to actually get a date. And a venue that would suit all those channels even if you got like six big ones I have a minute you'll be there'll always be somebody going oh why are they not there. And that's only somebody asking but at the same time you'd be thinking yeah I wish such a body was here as well. But we can definitely give it our best shot. And we can try find a venue a date a time frame where we could have something incredible I think the audience would absolutely absolutely I really do. So that was number two in at number one the gold price the gold medal the Highlight did they get a jacket to work I think. So what color well it's gonna have to be a very big jacket a red jacket it's gonna be a huge big jacket so this isn't a person okay this isn't a singular video okay this is a week in time this year the was just epic. And I guess no it was the week that I think I was looking forward to the most this year. And possibly you okay it was the week that pretty much the golfing world was absolutely obsessed about this year no surprise to everybody listening it was the open the 150th yes at Saint Andrews yeah. And I can't put a exact point of what that week was there wasn't a pivotal moment it was everything about that week it was all the build up about that week it was almost a hangover after that week it was like it was as close of a golf Festival yeah that that's ever been put on um obviously you had some of the biggest net we had all the biggest names in golf we got the opportunity of watching Tiger Woods walk over this Wilkin bridge on that Friday when he'd unfortunately missed the court you you're walking around you've seen all these we got to meet loads of fans more than we would do at any range night got to do some work at the open working. For MasterCard and the open themselves got to interview some fantastic players and some Personalities in the world of sport got to go out and drink it's like a stag do you did um like. But it but it got it was just everything about it I've all almost it took a hundred percent of my energy. And it drained me all the way down my battery at the start of the week was 100. And when I finished I was I was redlining you had this massive right huge huge double in size bicep by the end of the week. And that's what we do with Rick with that right bicep yeah. And now that's what I was thinking then.

I realized it was that Guinness movement it's just like this constantly shots yeah. But you're right and and obviously I can only Echo that what it was the best week in golfing ever. For me full stop I think what what it was when you try. And actually dissects to why it was. So good and there's obviously many many many reasons but we'd been going to the old courses in Andrews. For the last year quite often for different reasons for filming for all sorts of different reasons and every time you went it was getting closer it was getting a little bit busier there was more infrastructure getting built around the place. And it was the first event. For us really kind of post covid where life thankfully felt a lot more normal and it was not only was it the 150th which is such a marquee number it was at the old course which if you've never been to Andrews it's hard to really imagine this. But it's literally a golf course in a town really so all the kind of pubs normally a golf major in England that were sorry the the open in England. Or Scotland or wherever it might be you've kind of got the venue you've got the tinted Village and you kind of leave site and then.

You go off to your local towns and there's some level of atmosphere at night but it kind of gets diluted by the spread with the old course everything carries on in within a 10 minute walk spills out onto the street you've got obviously fans were coming up to you of the channel you've got people who work in the industry that you've not seen. For a while you've got people who also make content it was just an unreal week. And obviously seeing friends and like you had family come up yeah it was it was insane. And when I actually look at this list now the top five a lot of the things on that list pointed towards the open yeah like filming with Watson pointed towards the open filming uh they're doing the charity walk walking to Saint Andrews that was pointing towards. So every everything was actually pointing that way even filmed with Adam Scott that was the week before yeah. So it felt like Saint Andrews is kind of I know it's like our second home this year it really has been into have such a fantastic event there. And obviously it went right down to the wire with Rory and uh and um cam Smith but also come Cameron young and like you just look at it and go it was just it was a bar tiger winning it it was almost perfect. But I don't know but and I think as well won that was with the open. So with the old cut it does feel like a an event. And certainly that's a venue where anyone playing could win to some degree now this year there's maybe a slight asterisk on that because it was the 150th there was. So much uh built up around in the narrative that you felt like kind of relatively unknown player is probably going to struggle coming down that stretch with the with the lead because it's just going to be almost too much to handle fact that it went down a bit of a battle between Cameron Smith. And Rory who are literally the best two players in the world that was fitting I mean again whoever wins deserves to win it. But if it was kind of a name that's not available um. And I don't feel like I've missed much off that list no no this actually. So this hope there will be a couple more podcasts before the end of the year. So it's not an end of year wrap up as such it's just something we wanted to talk about today.

And I think like we said that bit earlier on. But it's huge thanks everyone for watching the videos as well isn't it the fact that everybody watches the videos gives the channel and yourself such such amazing opportunities and that continued support and it's been nice this year that the kind of the we've slightly tweaked the content the break 75s have become a bit longer and that was a risk not everybody wants to watch a 45 minute video now a long video what people have enjoyed them. And um it's exciting and I think with everyone's support. For next.

Year and hope the Channel Growing even more it's exciting to see what other opportunities you get what's next.

What's next.

Yeah thank you Echo guys thoughts thanks. So much for everybody for watching listening we're helping out all the channels grow um without you guys it wouldn't be possible um thanks to all the guys who work tirelessly behind the scenes thanks to you for all your efforts thanks to you I'll do a little bit thanks you putting. So much effort into it as well and obvious so that's behind the scenes who do a great job editing Matt's normal doing the podcast he's off today.

But Harry's jumped in Tim Ed um and Mata have mentioned before and we've got a few new recruits with Sam and Neil it's growing it's getting bigger it's getting more exciting and uh here comes next.

Year let's do another top five next.

Year. And uh see if I can top Trump this year's just a tweet then.

Just following on from that next.

Year segment just a last last thing. For the podcast a little bit of secret nugget for the end for those hardcore listening all the way here um you have been early testing some new equipment we've also seen some more equipment which you can't massively talk about yet but new driver season you can almost Twitter yeah you can smell it new driver season is coming thick. And fast there's almost two drivers wrapping the cardboard boxes are coming some of them in fact let me think now they've all got stories they've all got some level of innovation a lot of it's quite similar. And you know you want me to surprise it's about a bit more forgiveness and a bit more speed blah blah but I think there's some very exciting products to come out you've hit some with a certain brand um that I only saw a handful of shots off. But there was some definite promise there yeah it might be new driver in the back season is it gonna be do you think by the way I do fancy some new clubs that's obviously the reason why I'm playing bad um. And obviously with the review Channel I'll be testing more clubs as well so the Marquee drivers will be coming out on the main Channel early January um from Brands such as uh ding yeah flameless shade yeah um Holloway these wish knock-offs are getting worse aren't they Holloway. And um oh this one's a tough one snowbra snow bruh thanks listen guys stay tuned lots more to come and we shall see you next.

Week hopefully we might be a day late next.

Week we'll let you know okay I don't have a let you know. But we might let you know it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday um what we'll do is because obviously I'm not gonna be an American you girl I'll go knocking everyone's door. And say sorry about this life sorry and also I owe you 12 minutes of overtime yep it's four million pounds please sir get yourself off okay I'll do that enough anyway sorry bye bye bye.