I think he'd go. For birdie puts like we've said this before too much because. For a birdie i do i just like the birdie sauce on the videos yeah i need i really really need to work my putting something i'm going to work on over the weekend ready. For monday when playing at hillside it's been shanking it rake 75. shank it this week they did it jcb off the course um okay. So so far let's have a proper dive into this now because i feel like we've not proper dived into it for a few weeks so we're up to now episode number seven episode number eight will be coming out this week that you're listening to the podcast yes. So far we've done marriott 77 i won't go through them all sent another link's not great uh mia very good one on the presbyter two over um jcb a million over uh but really enjoyed the experience and celtic manor last week with jack decent but could have been better putting was horrendous this week which would have seen presbytery yes hannah davis with hannah davis summarize my performance this week solid yeah still poor you need to work on your putting another thing i've found about your game actually. And i've said this to you on the day since i don't think he was good at judging shots i'll fly allies yeah i'm not there was a hole the par five was a dog leg right it was a massive dog like right you hit a decent enough drive over the corner took a bit off kind of a little bit of a drawy one which is perfectly fine what did you have in was it two thirds it was a long way in. But you're in a proper you're in a quite thick rough that's quite wet but like not thick like deep but like nice what's the word i think about that lush rough that's it bit wet it was wind behind very kind of flat hole with quite bouncy fairways. And you're gonna hit three iron and you're also not only that you've got like quite a chunky three on a drive night and really haven't yet and i was like that's gonna be well too much which should go four. And i said no go five you hit five it probably wasn't maybe you needed four. And a half iron really yeah. But you got on the green pretty much were you one degree. Or just you're on the green putting for eagle if you'd hit your three iron you'd have been potentially lost ball big or something the other thing as well like throwing out of that rough would have been a much harder shot yeah less light i might i might yeah it might have flushed out. But i might have also only hit it 150 yards down the fairway you know and that's something to do today.

We did that ping ball video which i'm not sure if that'll be out. Yet or not but you we're gonna hit a that was a weird one though seven iron yeah nice no what we're gonna hit i was i was about one seven eight a one seven five to the flag you can actually go wedge. Or something okay you said nine nine. And i was in just in the rough ball was set up quite nicely. And i had seven eight out because the pin was at the back. And i don't know i just i do like hitting shots hard. So i don't know why over the last couple of times i've opted to go for a slightly bigger club because i had my hand on seven guys said nine. And we compromised on eight yeah behind the scenes guy basically caddis. For me all the way around um yeah it's weird i don't know my i feel like i'm swinging it better i feel like my misses have got slightly better my driving round celtic matter was outrageously really good my driving around stockport was sketchy some unbelievable drives. But then.

A couple of missed lefts actually quite a few big lefts which i've been kind of working towards wedge play feels nicer i'm hitting greens which is a positive yeah i'm not getting that close just. Yet but i'm hitting greens um bunker play was good uh i am playing a little bit drawing with my irons overall i feel like it's close. For me though how do you feel like the attitude differs i think it's been three standout rounds. And i think i could have probably even done four my attitude uh mia presby stop port yeah whether i play better in cheshire who knows way more just like chilled confident relaxed like i never felt in any of those three rounds i was going to shoot a big number i think it's because it's course that you've played before which helps to some degree. But because it is local you just go you just turn up a little bit before hit a few putts go in the net. And i think you just feel relaxed well if i went to that celtic manner not only was it quite a tough course it was like a three-hour drive it was quite like uh it felt like a big day didn't it same with jcb as that was solid as well. But i think when you go somewhere that you just feel a bit more relaxed that you play better i think when you've got a history of a of a golf course it's much better when you've actually got a history of let's say i've played mir a million times i know i can shoot well around there i've played presbyter a million times i know i can shoot well around there it's just the ones where you know like a jcb i'd never played it celtic man i never played it. And i don't have any good memories of the place to know that i can shoot on the path. For example what about the shot at um stockport out the furry bunker we went through eye and i said all right like a seven i just get out of the fair bunker you hit it free. And you hit the lip and it back so the other thing we've not actually mentioned yet it's the stock port because the video's come out yet hopefully you've watched it i shot 73 so two over par so i broke um i broke 75 comfortably obviously by two um on the six hole par five i hit the fairway bunker annoyingly and with this new chunky three iron i've got in the bags i've dropped my dropped my two iron which we've not really said much about because actually my two iron broke on the driving range at jcb which we actually never included in the video um. So i've got this like chunkier 3i now this titleist u500 i think it is. Or 510. i think it's the five characters with those two it's the slimmer one anyway um i was in this fairway bunker 230 yards out. And i rocketed this beautiful high draw three iron out the bunker nowhere near the lip guy and matt who was there filming thinks it caught the lip me. And harry who was also filming knew it didn't hit the lip it was sailed over comfortably right up towards the green. And the three put it for par i did it um. But no i think i'm sorry what. So we would have played it while this podcast coming out hillside this week how do you think i'm going to get on it's a golf course i've played a number of times. But it's not it's not easy what do you know what t's gonna be going off as far back as we're allowed the maximum length of the golf course is 7 000 yards can i be honest yeah i don't mean this to be a cop um i think breaking 80 will be very impressive okay. But i just think it will yes i'm playing with spencer who's a young junior there who who has featured on the golf video a video i did before where i was doing a golfbidder challenge playing with the golf clubs when i was 11 years old. And if you remember joined up with a young lad and we played three holes and uh that was spencer. And he chips he slammed that wedging remember yeah he's 16 now playing off one um he's a member there we beat you i do you think i should maybe try even though we're gonna play stroke play do you think i should almost mentally try. And play match play against him maybe actually yes i feel like that helped that would help me the only thing i think you sometimes do when you're playing is like i thought you'd go. For birdie puts like we've said this before too much because. For a birdie i do i just like the birdie source on the videos yeah i need i really really need to work on my putting something i'm going to work on over the weekend ready. For monday when playing at hillside and there's been some change at the golf course so if you don't know hillside it's one of the best best linx golf courses here in the uk it's actually right next.

Door to royal berkdale it kind of gets overshadowed a little bit by role burdell just because obviously bertdale is the open venue etc. But it's a stunning golf course the bat nine is absolutely gorgeous we played there with spencer a couple of years ago didn't we did you lost i lost quite literally eight balls yeah i was four i can't remember how i played that day i think i played okay i think you shot 15 over you're quite happy um. So 75. it's been a good series people are loving it something i wanted to address i think it's actually a question i got we've had some really good facebook questions again today.

I'm going to kind of bounce them throughout this episode uh. But one of them which i'm going to find hopefully straight away yeah um bear with me. For one sec um has this always happened when i want to find the question it takes her and it takes ages to come up okay got it michael hung has said can we have extended cuts of the break 75 series more of a vlog style. And you could release them on the second channel maybe it's a good question with a lot of people in the facebook group saying about the watch the videos were longer. And even in the comments section of the videos people want them to be longer we're not going to make them any longer are we we are going to make them shorter if anything shorter. And better now the reason we've gone longer is because i think 20 minutes is the absolute top it could be what's been our longest. So far and it's a balance because obviously the people are commenting. And in the facebook group this is the podcast are kind of hardcore fans if you like which is great. But a lot of people that watch just kind of watch casually and if they became much longer people the vast majority would get a bit bored i mean they could be an hour long it could be comfortably an hour long because 18 holes of golf we could show many more of the shots with the guests we could show you know. So much more of the dialogue the bits in between the shots like saying it's that's not the the vibe to use one of your words it's not the vibe we're going. For but also when you even though we've had some amazing guests something there's been some good chat off camera when you do play golf if we were playing new it won straight. And i got a bit left you go you kind of walk up the tin you kind of walk together but also like when you phone have a quick scroll and kind of start to walk separate ways it's not always exciting and i think what people have enjoyed about these videos is that kind of fast paced how there's no kind of dead space. So if we did make them longer people wouldn't actually enjoy them quite as much i think people think they want them longer. But the majority would tune out yeah short. And sweet short and sweet there's a couple of really cool spin-off series i've got planned or we've got planned for after break 75 because we're only doing 12 episodes this year that's it 12 episodes we're up to number eight this week so there's not many left so glad everyone's enjoying them and then.

I've got a couple of ideas for spin-off shows which will be coming. For the latter end in the fall 2021.