All right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast episode 166 and the main man's back guy welcome thank you happy 2023. thank you you are a different man I've changed haven't I you really changed actually. So mature now so much more but mature well from myself and everyone that listens to the podcast congratulations thank you as life changed quite a bit Yeah less uh less sleep I can't even speak less sleep definitely um. But not been as bad as I maybe thought it would be however. you hear these Tales don't you more experienced parents have gone yeah. But wait till six weeks and you'll get that is wait. So two wait till they're 18 going on nights out. So I get that now yeah we we will speak to parents. Or friends who've got older kids or wait till they're teenagers when does it ever start I don't think it does I think that's the thing you've got to be prepared. For but then.

I can't wait down to the point where I got someone got a newborn oh God may wait till the three you know you know give no you know I'm not gonna do that actually I'm gonna try. And be nice because that's one thing I found actually Jokes Aside is that like when my wife had her tell her friends about the baby. And stuff a lot of them were. So excited. But I feel like for men it's quite a lot of banterite that's your golf over now say goodbye to your handicap and all that but I've actually been around six times so I don't want to flex too much time give it more balls than the as well which is good. But no thank you actually um I think that you start what I did say to just off camera then..

But uh put Instagram post on it like a lot of likes for me which was great really appreciate everyone's comments as well couldn't reply to everyone's comments. But a lot of well wishes fans of the podcast fans of the channel so thank you guys I really appreciate it um yeah nice starts the year we are now ready to smash 2023. I'm concerned that we're coming into too hot yeah it's almost burnt really it's gone it's well done this year is gonna be we've got some exciting plans which we're going to talk about in this podcast. But I feel like already you know thanks again for everyone watching but the start of the year the videos is popping in it yeah really good I think we had an incredibly kind of stroking our own egos a little bit. But I think the response from the fans the certainly main Channel content has been phenomenal the match with Ricky Fowler the videos filmed out in Florida the uh reviews that have been coming out obviously we've had TaylorMade stealth two Callaway Paradigm by the time we listened to his podcast the Cobra review should be out certainly the same day. And then.

Ping review later this week that's a big one it's been busy though ain't it like Club reviews and I must admit I hate January Club launches yeah certainly. For what we're doing for filming videos editing videos and um I do think this year though in a good way. For us and certainly for everyone watching it has felt like quite an exciting year for clubs I know sometimes people get a bit bored new clubs and the price of them is always a bit of a story. And rightly so you know club's now 520 odd quid for a new driver I do also think straight after Christmas with these Brands coming out with these drivers again everyone straight after Christmas is going oh do I really want to spend this 600 Quid on a sport I might not be playing right now you know because a lot of people aren't playing certainly in the UK in in January I think what they've got to do. And they've got to build the excitement before the season starts so when everyone does dust off the club's March April time the masses are here everyone's getting excited they've got that urge like what Apple do. So well and they make you want a new phone even though you couldn't find fine TaylorMade Callaway ping Cobra are. So good at marketing and we know as golfers and your videos Prove it there's so little gay in year on year but if a brand can Market it well you want it. And I think last year stealth which again you said in your video was marketed. So well stealth got everyone talking this year however. going off our views on your videos a little bit flat. And Paradigm is what everyone's talking about everybody's talking about Callaway this year like I I've colorways last year I don't think it would be harsh to say that drive a flop. For them yeah it was a good performing Club. But in terms of like people talking about it it was a bit vanilla wasn't it. And stealth took all the headlines sorry Matt can you just turn me down a tiny bit of my headphones if you don't mind well thank you where um Callaway this year certainly come to town. And come to play and in the reviews I must admit the Paradigm did really impress me though. So it's not even for me it's not even just so much of a marketing story I do actually think they've got the product to back it up this year this year what do you think about it as well like every golf well pretty much everyone not everybody. But most golf Brands bring a driver out year on year and this might sound silly but surely they want every driver to be better than the last and that typically is the case marginally. But sometimes they have to have a year that's a bit Bland to then.

Have a great year the next.

Year and the only weird analogy I can use it doesn't quite make sense. But hopefully it can does it's like football team. So when Liverpool's time in Nike the first kit was all right I think the second one was really good. And they had no K1 it's almost in a way it's like Nike no we can't make every kit brilliant we can't. So some years after it wants a bit in there so the next.

Year you're super excited I do think this year stealth two like one of my mates text me actually watched your video. And he just bought a stealth I think he was quite obviously stealth 2's not much different. But he actually said something on the lines of it's quite lazy that they're just doing a stealth two now I know white element have done it they've kind of you know tweaking the technology. But then.


Year to move away from stealth and call it something different that again ramps up that excitement doesn't it I I think that's what the all the history has told us that's what they do yeah exactly bar the m one of them two weeks they had a couple of versions of each time it's been two year cycle you see same. And then.

You see Sim two you see stealth then.

You see stealth two next.

Year you'll see whatever what do you call it right you've got a job just line the job you do your creative director at TaylorMade golf hi Rick welcome to your first day quick task the new driving I've got a name. For it yet we're gonna call it I need a big year um it's pretty easy come on the tailor-made hamracks Hammer racks nice I remember years ago this never materialized I don't know why I went to American Golf and you would have been at Trafford as well coaching I had a rumor that one of the drives which never came to light was gonna be called Juggernaut from who I don't know I can't remember where I heard it there's a room at the time the drive I don't think I've done a juggernaut bag possibly don't quote me on that. But there's a roommate gonna build a juggernaut what would you say to that rate out of ten well every day when you first hear it it's horrendous but yeah you get used to Juggernaut yeah it only Paradigm I remember when we first when we got introduced it by Callaway I was like Paradigm what the hell I. But now it just sits doesn't it it just works you don't even think of it as being anything different now which was the driver that came out with the name that wasn't meant to be the name on time it was like the code name I don't know oh that's gonna annoy me because a lot of time when these when these products are being put into man you put in yeah they have like a secret name they have like a secret name. And one brand was it not epic it was on it I don't know yeah it was Callaway epic was never meant to be called epic epic was it's almost its code name. And it got that name and then.

It stuck as they brought it out that's right yeah because it was going to be called something completely different um I think naming is very difficult. For drivers but obviously these marketing Brands I wonder how many names that get thrown down to the table I think what again kind of going against it just said though. And going full circle Brands need exciting names these claims that get people excited. But one drive again this video is coming later this week that's got a lot of attention. So far is the Ping g430 now the previous generation the pink g425 it's not exactly a mass of a different name is it let's be honest if it's like changed it in terms of looks it's not massive a change it's like it tweaks that you're refined. But again only going off kind of feels. And looks online people are super excited about like driving because as a lot of people might know listening. Or watching ping now only really leads to drive every two years and that really I think almost gives him some credibility that people almost believe it more that right okay you're not trying to fleece us you'd wait in a year yeah you're working on R D which again all the brands are. But it appears they're doing even more and then.

Two years later you'll have a new driver and it feels like a lot of people are super excited me included actually to try the ping g430 you have tried it your videos come this week. But can you give the podcast listeners. And viewers the hardcore Clubhouse members a little bit of insight well I think you're spot on with the fact you said g425 was. So good so good like there's been this term in golf in golfer brand and this the Unicorn driver okay. And this unicorn driver is one that every brand is trying to get close to that's given ultimate distance. And ultimate forgiveness and we've even had conversations with other non-ping manufacturers that tell us the Ping g425 Max is the unique the closer unicorn as we is that's the driver every brand wishes they had. And it is good we both got it in the bag it is that blend of everything into it it's kind of good off the tee it's forgiving. So to try and beat that better it is a big task well there's one big issue with the pink that you told me offer they may have resolved elaboration biggest I'm not going to get into the data because the review the full in-depth review will be coming out Friday ping g425 as much as it was a unicorn it sounded like a broken truck reversing it's it's possibly one of the worst sounding drivers out there it is loud it's tingy it's yeah it's not. For everyone it's sometimes embarrassingly loud like you'll know it when you go down to driving range like when you're Smash and Driver it's like it's got like a weird like it's not a satisfying crunches it's dead or whatever looks over and see if you're eating at 300 yards like come on don't look at me Don't Judge Me by by the sound of my drive oh it's loud so this version if I'm gonna give any teasers away definitely sounds better yeah they've resolved that kind of tingy-pingy noise. But I think ping is a brand probably from a lot of people I'd love to do a survey on this probably is the brand that has the most credibility. And and customers and golfers kind of cut through other brands BS yeah. And and ping a much they seem much more just I don't know wholesome I think it's a family-owned company. So this is that credibility. For some that that makes people feel a bit more trusted maybe they do do gimmicks. And they do have silly names. And stuff turbulators which make no difference. Or gold let's be honest they don't so they're not you know they're not that they're suddenly they don't do that marketing stuff like other brands do. But they seem to kind of get away with it better and I think the fact that they tweak them little bits every couple of years. Or every 18 months as it was that you've got this family number this franchise I think it's good in two ways because I'm a again as you said I use a g425. But I'm definitely a try to g430 because in my eyes I think well I love my driver if it's any better whatsoever I may as well possibly put one in the bag because why would you not. But also what I like about it is it doesn't suddenly make my one feel super old no whereas when you had um a Sim 2. And stealth came out it depends how bothered you are. But you Sim two looks old straight away whereas if you saw someone the Ping g400 it doesn't look too old not at all not even a little bit so I think they've nailed it on that um. But for me and I'm interested to hear your thoughts on whether you're gonna put me driving the bag I know you're gonna maybe try some bizarrely because I've trapped played this year like last year now sorry more golfer probably after a long time part of me is Keen to try more drives because thank them hitting it quite well. And I hopefully we'll see some differences but on the other part I mean I'd be a bigger part of me is feeling like because I'm playing more golf again obviously this is going to sound. So obvious but I know when I hit a bad shot it's me I don't want to hit a good shot it's me I know when I'm playing a decent round got a score kind of a pocket I'm going down 17 that need a straight drive it's me I don't feel like I feel like I can see through the BS more than ever. And I know by putting a stealth to my hand or a paradigm I'm not suddenly gonna start playing better from for me it's a couple of things where I'm looking for a new driver the right and left miss the big misses I cannot be fixed by a driver I've come to that conclusion that if you're gonna hit it straight out of bounds right or straight left that is you can do that with any single driver on the planet yes. For me it's a couple of things with a new driver certainly when you play more golf is the slight Miss hits that should still go straight it's nice to have a drive in the bag that still offers the maximum distance it possibly can with a bad strike okay. And some drivers don't do that. So Taylor Made if you go for a super low spinning tailor-made driver for argument's sake if you don't strike that in the middle the drop off in performance is vast the SLDR was the biggest. For that wasn't it massive it's terrible so you know regardless of whether you let's say everything as you come into the ball everything is spot on your pathy face sorry your path you're delivering everything else. But you just missed Center which all of us can do obviously you want a driver that's not going to absolutely kill you it's not going to land 50 yards shorter it's going to be there. And there about so that's one thing and I think the other thing is when you've hit the middle obviously you want a driver that's going to keep up with. And maximize your potential when you hit the middle as well so it's not like you could because those Square drivers back in the day will now have been pretty accurate. But didn't go very far no. So you're saying you want that accuracy when you don't quite hit one but when you do it one you still want to be up there with the big that's again the Unicorn driver in it exactly. And that's where this kind of big thing with this forgiveness for me and I've done loads and loads yeah horrible um. And and Tiger and Rory must cringed when they do things like that yeah advert I mean they're getting paid a squillion dollars. So who cares but um for me of all the drives they have a test you just cannot fix right and left well it's it's down to obviously your Club pattern the club face and strike isn't it and all those three are down to you yeah like some the only only thing on that is let's say stealth two this year I found those to go more right. And left because of different spin off the face though so sometimes when you when you hit it and the spin just drops off it I kind of get this one knuckly one to the left and I definitely feel like twist face doesn't suit me in the way I hit the golf ball for some reason I think I hit the toe as my miss a lot of the time. And my toe Miss strikes on other driving seem to hit it straighter yeah where with the stealth. And the twist face it seems to just leak it miles off to the right to me um but yeah that. For forgiveness for me is off-centered hits when it when you've done everything you possibly can as good as you could have done it. But you've slightly miscentered here that's when I think you should get the most forgiveness. And like say ping g425 Max let's give that on that note then.

We are possibly hopefully fingers crossed this week in a film called Break 75. So we've got a very very special one at a open venue which you won't say too much about that'll be coming very soon and some other ones and then.

You're also again we're gonna pass this more depth later on we're going to America again yeah. For some more brick 75s do you think then.

There's potential. For the g425 to believe in the back and there could be something else replacing it and if so give us a couple of little sneaky hints I would like to experiment I'd like to see other people okay okay wow wow there's nothing wrong in my relationship at the moment I've been together. For 18 months everything's going well I'm loyal I just I think we should explore other options okay okay. So if we can get through this our relationship will be stronger okay okay you want that tart don't you sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I couldn't resist it I want that that's a problem I want that uh driver with the fancy name yeah um the one with the marble effect that that's the one I'm most inclined to test okay the Paradigm. So I'm inclined to put it in the bag and play around which one the normal standard standard night I think I could do X. And I think if I was to if if I'm taking. But this is weird let's have it that was just weird if I was going to the driving range okay okay taking diamonds Crosshair diamonds triple die friend I'm taking I'm taking Triple Diamond to the driving range. And flexing and that you know that's going to give me the best chance to top in the leaderboarding distance on top Trace it's still got the best sense of a duck that no one has to worry about should delete it. Or just go again if I'm going out on the golf course. And if I'm absolutely 100 wanting a driver in bag for for safety okay I'm putting the Paradigm X in yeah. But if I just want to nudge that dial and go oh go on it's a little bit longer have that little bit more forgiveness the first round of golf I'm gonna new drive I'm going to put in the bag excluding this Open golf course which I'm going to stick with G4 25 because that's important around the goal. For that coming up this week but I'm gonna put Paradigm in the driver first inch I think one of the things that's changed is that the launch of break 75 series as you are sounds obvious. But you're more thoughtful of what clubs you put in the bag before break 75 which is kind of the challenge video here. Or more reviews you'd put in the background if you fancied wouldn't you yeah I think again I'm seeing from playing more golf that sounds again obvious. But you need tools and ultimately our tools that you can rely on when the going gets tough. And if you have got a good score like to go down this open venue and you know you want to rely on your driver you don't want that shiny and new and looks good on Instagram you want what works um the next.

Round if we play another round this week which will hopefully do hopefully gonna get three rounds of golfing this week this the other round of golf after the Paradigm unless that blows me away yeah. And it never leaves the bag I'm also tempted to put aerojet in WoW an aerojet LS okay. So that review is going to come out today.

But I'm tempted to go down that route that shows a good sign of the review then.

Which I'm I don't think I'm gonna say ever a future with the red face no return made stealth too I agree I just don't see that happening. And then.

Failing that I'd probably toy with g430 just because it's brand new and shiny failing all that g425 is not going anywhere I'll tell you what a kiss. And makeup yeah you got a lot of kissing something I feel like you could comfortably put G4 30 in the back I think I'm gonna try one the only kwama g430 is. And which I want performance and hope that'll give me a little bit whenever that might be more forgiveness or distance I don't like the color scheme on the top no I think. For me one of the things I loved about g425 a lot was loud it was big. And had the two letters on it still really looked quite traditional I know it sounds it shouldn't really work but it did the new one with this kind of like paint effect the lime green around the back I don't mind what I do underneath the golf club make it's bright. And as good as possible because that sells in the shelf and you see the tour pro using it but on the top like a bit plainer so I'm gonna try it might go in the bag I think when you put the two next.

To each other g425. And G30 next.

To each other the G30 the g430 looks cheaper really yeah g425 looks more premium wow just because of the black. And the silver it kind of looks like a better finish it's an exciting year but all so you know guys if you are watching. And you know you you don't have the latest and greatest equipment and stuff which obviously a lot of people don't curse when I go out and play golf and have fun you don't need obviously Rick's videos Prove this all the time you don't need the greatest shiny new clubs you really don't um you can get some great deals on Facebook on golfbidder eBay whatever um. But it's a quick note again I'm just last thing on golf equipment and maybe quite a big thing actually we're a couple weeks late to this or a week or so late to this but earlier in the year uh earlier in the year two weeks ago it was announced at Callaway Callaway golf have signed good good. And there's now kind of I'll say signed it feels a bit more like some level of collaboration it doesn't quite feeling like a partnership yeah um they've also I think they've announced Niall Horan yeah. And there was somebody else of some quite well-known account which didn't slip my mind anyway it doesn't matter. But there's somebody else as well so it feels like Callaway and obviously are making a shift into trying to make their golf brand as cool as possible because I remember growing up Callaway were. And in a very Innovative brand they're a very cool brand and they've had spells I would say of losing that to TaylorMade a little bit yeah definitely. And losing ground and again as you said Rogue St last year kind of proved that they weren't quite desirable they've got some elite elite athletes now John Ram obviously being the most famous um is he world number two now yeah there's lots of arguments I've heard that. But he obviously is one with Paradigm already this announcement from Callaway. And good good I want to hear your take on this but I want to hear it from both sides I want to hear you're taking it from well three sides from good Goods perspective from Callaway's perspective and but also from the audience's perspective and the fans of good good is that change anything do you think well let's start off with that first first off I'm excited to see what the guys do together you know I'm a big obviously a big fan of good good love what they're doing obviously they've been through an interest in 2022. And one obviously doing the best collaboration in the world with me but also obviously members of the team changing having a shift in their Direction which is interesting whether the Callaway deal had an influence on that time will tell not sure um because these things don't they're not quick decisions not overnight decisions these Partnerships take months. And months as we've kind of even Partnerships that we've done in the past so um that's interesting how that would maybe have changed people's opinion or whatever it may be but I think from a viewer standpoint I don't believe there's any disadvantage whatsoever well they don't do Club reviews do they no Club reviews. So there's no worry about them being biased. Or unbiased towards Brands because it's never been their Forte and actually watch the video the other day just on the extra Channel where it's like Bobby Matt and Steve and whacking the new paradigm driving in a simulator and even said it's not a review we're just going to smack in tell you what tell us what you think now you've got to take those thoughts with maybe a bit of pinch of salt these days because obviously they're now paid to use that product that's fine it's not like they're going out testing the tail made. Or anything else so I think from a viewer you know that's no big deal. And I think from a viewer if you're a good good fan. And you've already started seeing this they're going to have some great opportunities to partner with some of their athletes that's the big thing isn't it if you've already seen them doing little teasers Clips I know John featuring that video. But wouldn't surprise me if John Ram featuring a few extra videos down the line and some of their other Callaway athletes are gonna feature in good good videos I think that's a good thing. For the athletes if you are signed by Callaway realistically what would you rather you're going to get part of your deal if you sign to color in your tour pro is that you get paid screens. Or pounds you use the equipment you have to have certain media day to elevate your partnership to talk to Golf Magazine whatever I'd imagine might be wrong but John Ram would rather one of his media days be going playing golf with good good then.

Sitting down doing the same interview with 10 golf magazines correct. And and it adds more value massively so the viewer gets more out of it Callaway get more out of it John Ram gets more out of it good good gets something out of it so you know it is a much more beneficial we've experienced this in in the past where you know we've had opportunity to have athletes. For media days and oh you can have such a person. For half an hour it's like no no no golf magazines might utilize that time. And do a what's in the bag. And ask some hard-hitting questions but really now the way that modern social media is going you want full days with these athletes now you've seen it on on our channel. So far like the opportunities we got with Adam Scott Tommy Fleet with Lee Westwood Ricky Fowler more recently like you want to be able to sit down and have a do a full one-hour podcast. And be able to go out and do 18 holes on a golf course like the whole industry has changed in that manner. And players players understand the value of that as well don't they know like that's why kind of having these communications with players has become a lot easier these days but it's like well actually if we go out and spend the full day there you know you're going to get somewhere in the ballpark of two million to four million views that's worthwhile. For you coming doing it your Instagram followers will boost up a little bit it's more appealing to sponsor Etc. So that that's really exciting I think from the other thing that the audience might see moving forward Obviously good good started to bring out Hardware this is my question yeah they've got a Potter. And a potential golf ball so obviously that probably those conversations that start stuff started happened before Callaway came in so I don't think that was ever the plan I don't think good good plan was ever to sign with a manufacturer you know Joe I mean their actual business strategy I think they fully fully wanted to go on their own. And create actual Hardware products and everything else and they seem to have a very successful launch of the putters seemed like good quality and as people started to see online now these kind of golf balls come up on the USGA conforming list I think as that was going on Callaway have seen the opportunity. And open the conversation up so do you think I don't know if you know this. Or not but do you think then.

Going forward it's going to be more that you won't see the good equipment as much it might be more collaborative stuff at a paradigm good good addition that's different color. Or different got the logo on whatever that's what I Envision yeah. And whether there might be a good good line of clubs that have been built by Callaway so for example um let's say the Costco set yeah you know the um Kirkland Signature yeah yeah there's always rumors about who's the manufacturer behind those yeah now good good could bring out a set of clubs. And they're good good clubs but Callaway have made them when you look at the small print is that they're actually made in the country I think that would work really well two ways either super expensive limitation stuff which would sell. Or full 180 on that a quite a like a cool aspirational starter set a bit like the stick stuff that you reviewed where it's like 600 or everybody she's not super cheap it's not but it's much cheaper than buying normal colorway stuff it could be good Edition and it could be something that gets the younger audience who might be able to get that with with birthday money with Chris money was saving up easier than going out. And buying a 600 pound Paradigm driver yeah. So I definitely don't think it was in their strategy. Or their their um original plans but obviously something shifted Callaway have come in I'm sure they've put a deal down on the table Obviously good good couldn't refuse um and the conversations would have been what can we do together about equipment everything else from Callaway I think it's very very clever yeah I do I've got I've got to give them credit there you know when you when you look at the landscape of what's going to sell more products is it to go. And sign two or three and no disrespect maybe unknown yeah um what's the right word very talented. But not very well um established tour Pros essentially they could easily do that with they could go. And sign five up and coming budding tour Stars okay how much product would they. And could they have the possibility of selling yeah like if you go on sign I'm gonna make a name up here. But the um guy Channel [Music] 85 one of the Reds Rob rod I don't can't think of any name any name in the world you've got Roger Smith Rogerson nice okay Roger is a PJ tall from Mexico all right okay okay. So Roger Smith left-handed by the way left-handed up and come in yeah unbelievable Talent yeah that's good he's he's got everything he's got two 2 000 followers on Instagram nice okay he's not very active he'll only post when he's. But weirdly I've got a Blue Tick yeah now Roger Smith adds value yeah when he's going out. And playing round of golf oh what's he using he's got a call he's got a paradigm hat on Paradigm tour bag Paradigm clubs okay how much are we paying Roger we're paying him a million pounds a day a day a million pound a year okay well how much products is he selling uh is actually never sold a single product nobody's bore a driver because of Rogers it actually caused more refunds if anything which is weird. But could Roger Smith be the next.

John Ram could he be the next.

Gambling it literally it that is not a safe bet no is it. And you could do that five times you could have ten times over. And that was very much Taylor made's strategy a number of years ago they had a huge field of Roger Smith well there was a time. And you'll know this obviously if you qualified for the open or got a European tour card Brands were coming knocking on your door giving you anything everything you wanted maybe it was cash. But in terms of actual Hardware just giving you everything you want so maybe a little bit of cash as well to wear a hat those days from what I've heard are over now Brands want a small number of Marquee athletes. And that same in football like Nike now they don't sound as many footballers at the best it's happening in golf and now they've got a little bit more budget to say right well we're not gonna sponsor all these tour Pros let's look at good good well that's the thing now and again you look at a brand and you go well why are we taking these gambles we've got some of the big names. And being honest right now how many big names in the world of golf actually shifts equipment few tiger Rory I want to agree with you on that I do. And I kind of do agree with you. But at the same time I worked for Nike golf and I went to so many fitting events with customers and I give them a Nike driver which is when Rory was winning Majors when tiger was doing pretty well he didn't mean to buy it they had hit it well yeah honestly they got they did say well look that's when I came out of business look at the ad the ad Brooks kepka they had Tiger Woods he had Rory McIlroy David Davao yeah. And they still couldn't survive but they probably could have survived but they weren't anywhere nearly wanted to be you had ping above them Callaway above them TaylorMade Titleist Mizuno Cobra all performing better than Nike so I do kind of my head wants to agree with you. But I actually I know it doesn't always happen but even so the marketing tools aren't they yeah they're they're athletes that they can use in their launches whatever it may be. But like I said there's not many of those guys that there's not there's 10. And now you strip away some of those players who've gone to live exactly a lot of these manufacturers now won't touch with a barge puddle you've now got even less of a of a select amount like how much money is Callaway saved this year now not paying Mickelson. And I'm trying to think of other players. But have gone to live and they've dropped as of Taylor Made yeah I wonder how much TaylorMade used to pay Dustin Johnson. And like Matt wolf and oh that one has got to go somewhere surely it's budgets in so good color we've looked at in going well there's an opportunity here it's not a gamble it's a safe bet where we can buy these incredibly influential young talented golfers who have got now a million subscribers on YouTube that will help us promote our products well you know what as well I think this is something that it's a two-way kind of Street almost they're gonna see some short term gain from it I believe they probably will this year shift more Paradigm with the back of Garrett. And the rest of the guys using their driver that's a fact but something I've seen like the other day that's weird and I've said this before. But my ball of choice is the title is probably one right it's the golf ball I want to use I'm fully one people comment below I'm sure Bridgestone I gotta make better golf balls TaylorMade golf balls phenomenal uh tricks. And make golf Gold golf balls Vice that you could reel up another 10 brands who make arguably as good if not better golf on the Pro V1 so it boils down to well why do I then.

Play the Pro V1 the answer is quite simple when I was 10 years old maybe 10. Or 11 2000 Pro V1 was launched. And it was obviously marketed very well the best players use it. And for that 20 years ago was it 22 years ago 23 years ago to now I have used Pro V1 the box has slightly changed over time was that gold box. And it just means something to you think about now the 10 year olds. Or 12 year olds that there are many of watching good good getting invite getting kind of showcased Callaway products getting that planted that seed they might go on to become potentially lifelong Callaway fans it's powerful I think it just depends on where their strategy lies now because the other thing. And there's been all the brands in this build up to Callaway well because I like Mizuno Garrett and Michael was Mizuno I think they're called Bobby was using. And maybe Steven as well so there's actually been other brands like does it sometimes look like they just kind of follow in possible the best opportunities which I don't blame. For one minute but as long as I think now as long as that relationship is a long-lasting relationship it has to be it can't be one year it can't be two year It's gotta be in my opinion it's gonna always be forever I think it works when a tour pro goes from Callaway to Titleist. Or whatever it might be it kind of works because people know well yeah you're out there you're playing. For millions of dollars but you're gonna use the brand that pay you the most and you know that when you're at that level the Titleist tailor-made Cowboy will make you a set of clubs that work. For you let's be honest they'll give you whatever golf ball you want really they'll make a set of Blazer which tailor-made mix that blades for every man in his dog now however. not be wrong and said people might disagree I think when I put you in this category as well when you swap from Nike to Island Scott. Or Nike to Echo you have to be which you have been I obviously know this for a fact you have to be so on it with the brand new signing with it's something you believe in you want to use because I feel like people trust you more and care more than they might do with the tour bro does that make sense no definitely I think that's why you know as a Creator in any industry whether it be Fitness. Or golf or whatever if you are moving from Brand to Brand to sponsored to sponsor that might obviously fund your channel which is important. But also it can look a bit dodgy enough yeah because I've been saying good could have done that. But obviously if the next.

Year they became telomerate ambassadors the year after Titleist it would start to lose its meaning massively you've got it you've got to be loyal with it and and we've seen that creators kind of swapping and changing and it does you lose that kind of trust yeah quick question then..

For you we now know we now know that um TaylorMade have foreplay who are huge podcast in America huge. And we know that titleists have just announced no who were Callaway who another huge podcast in America both those channels have. Or will well a Titleist I've just done a video sorry no end up doing a video with Titleist he had Jordan Spieth. And Justin Thomas really good video's done really well for no laying up obviously good good of sounded Callaway. And do some amazing videos we know that you obviously still review golf clubs we've got a new channel launching very soon rickshaw's golf reviews go. And subscribe this video is coming very soon forty thousand Subs with no videos. Yet videos are coming soon don't worry. So for you obviously and for us the definitely the the media short to medium term vision is Club reviews. And I don't believe you've said this from Dada. And I know you stand by this you could not sign a hardware deal with a brand and then.

Do Club reviews it wouldn't feel right if you're sponsored by TaylorMade. And then.

You say Euro Callaway product people aren't gonna trust what you say that that's understandable that's fine however. with all that said. And done can you envision a future where Rick Shields become sponsored by a golf Hardware brand. Or do you still believe that that's never ever going to happen I think you've probably summarized it in the question unless I'm don't unless I start reviews I won't sign with the manufacturer yeah because. For me as much as the advantages that the lab to get in now with these opportunities with tour players or you can kind of do that a bit on our own back Ricky Fowler Ricky Fowler Adam Scott you know we've done all those on their own. But none of them have been kind of sponsored by a brand or anything else so um I think there's value if you if you have the right type of Channel. And unfortunately I think review channels. Or people who certainly test reviews just have to take on the chin that they're they've gone down this path and that's kind of where they've led to I don't think then.

You can get in bed with a manufacturer what would be the one thing then.

Let's just obviously. For one second put financials to one side obviously if Taylor Made we're gonna give you 10 billion pounds and probably would sign wouldn't you let's be honest yeah as anybody would yeah. But let's just have up to one side what would be the one thing that brand would be able to offer you which would actually excite you so whether it is a case if we can get let's say TaylorMade say look we want to sign you we're going to give you a guarantee of tiger. For a day or whatever it might be we're gonna give you Rory we're gonna give you x y and z that might tempt you or they might say look Rick we want to launch new set of golf clubs that say that kind of sort of a budget set for for the casual golf we think your audience you could leverage your input we could leverage that might exactly what would be the number one thing again bar financials that would make you really consider that would be anything yeah yeah time with tour players obviously is valuable. And and all some manufacturers such as TaylorMade can offer phenomenal access to Tiger Rory. And some of the best players in the world the the videos would kill it obviously whether we get those opportunities on our own it's hard to say sometimes and again I'm not saying sometimes when they are almost forced to make a video by the manufacturer yeah does it come across as as authentic it's hard to say into it it depends yeah who who the athlete is how they're feeling like dare there's lots of factors. But yeah it can fit because ultimately they're paid to be there all the golfers we filmed with. And wanted to be there like for example Adam Scott that was the most organic yeah day of his time there was literally no ties right it was just organic. And and hopefully that comes across in the video and the podcast and the way that they're not looking at their watch and going are we wrapping this up soon like. And everyone I've done that we had two days with Tommy Fleetwood and because they want it snowed he came back and did another day Lee Westwood he was wonderful with his time like when we filmed the 18 these guys aren't just putting the clubs in the car. And going another no look I'm in. For a drink and a chat and almost every single player that we've had on the channel every single one we've gone back in the clubhouse had a quick drink bite to it it's not like it's not transactional is it no there is ultimately you both get them out of it you're getting views they're getting exposure. But it doesn't it's never felt like that it's done in a way of they want to be on your channel and you want to have a game of golf for them so for some degree if a manufacturer said I can get all these guys. For you my return but do they want to that's true do they actually want to come on the channel because I think that's. So important into it yes I imagine just turning up. And getting dropped on the first team going right this is Rick um this is Rory off you go yeah right all right great the only one with it I think you do tiger regardless correct. But I think because no matter what mood. And also he's got the Charisma where he could turn it on exactly but I think bar tiger even Roy. And I don't think I think Rory would actually give you his attention because he's been well I've met in briefly different encounts he's always been seems like a nice bloke. And obviously you've met him and interviewed him and stuff but um yeah other than that I think yeah they've got to be wanting to be there that's the biggest difference imagine DJ no we might not be doing stuff. For TaylorMade now but DJ not wanting to be there or Brooks kapka for example they just wouldn't want to do it right there. And you know what I don't mind them not wanting to do it yeah I've reached out to a few players recently because the trip we did in Jupiter. And the trip coming up again in Orlando coming up soon I've reached out to players and someone said I can't quite make it. Or some of them haven't responded they might not want to fair enough that's okay yeah because if you don't want to then.

That that's okay the only conversation I'd be interested to have. And again this doesn't get deep but if a brand came to me and I laid out my five ten year Vision which to be honest has only recently kind of coming to fruition about kind of plans for the future which we don't need to share just now but if they said we can get you there quicker. Or more efficiently yeah then.

That might be worth a conversation you know it might just be like well actually that thing you want to do how long do you plan that five years a week will probably do that next.

Year you know. And whether that's getting more kids into golf yep whether that's making you know currently currently we're at 65 million golfers in the world and you know I'd love to think that over the next.

10 years that could get closer to 100 million well if a brand came in. And said well we can make that happen yeah. Or help assist you make that happen and that's another conversation so you know it's all these different things but I I just think the truth that I built in my audience yeah it's too valuable. And it really is we've said today.

That the Club reviews are a massive massive huge part of the channel well none of they are that's wrong actually they don't get as big a views as some other things get which is fine. But they're a great way for people to learn about Club learner equipment maybe new people to find the channel and enjoy what what we do what you do. So they are here to stay. And as we said earlier we alluded to the review channel is coming very soon there's been a little bit of confusion probably not to be fair from podcast listeners. And viewers I think they've heard us talk about before what people saying why are you making a review Channel if the reviews are going on the channel already. And that's quite simple the big videos that we think Justified being on Rick Shields golf will still be on there. So reviewing a tailor-made stealth whatever it might be will be on Rick's main channel. For other things like for example Cobra to refer to them are bringing out some amazing looking ions. Or some Seabees some blades we probably wouldn't put them the main Channel now however. that could be a great place for the review Channel and you have been cooking up something pretty exciting in in a room about 20 hours away from where we're sat now where it will be um well how would we explain it a bespoke review whole Center yeah that will make reviews much more streamlined yes. So it's yeah I think there's a possibility of making 150 reviews this year yeah that's kind of the goal. And obviously we're not going to then.

Put 150 main videos out on the channel. And 150 reviews out on the main Channel because not believe it or not you are people listening to this will want to watch every single review ever. But the majority of people don't yeah that's the truth isn't it lots of people in the new channel if you subscribe to which we'd love you to do you have to watch every you might be looking one there might be other news that ping games are quite fancy I'll watch them I have no intention of buying them I'm just trying to watch something to kind of entertain yourself. So there'll be quite a lot going on there there is a question actually. For everybody everybody watching certainly YouTube channel and by the way how the hell have we missed this thank you everybody that watches the YouTube channel we've now got over 200 000 subscribers that is very good 200 000 on the podcast Channel that's impressive thank you. So much and well done to Matt behind the scenes you edits all the videos he does a phenomenal job um I feel like he needs it can we start calling producer Matt yeah okay do you like that Matt love it that's it I think producer Matt because he does he produces all the obviously you planned the podcast yes co-host it. But Matt's the real heavy lifting he's like so for example I'm like a piece of bread right I'm like a brown piece of bread can you do a piece of brown bread conceited yeah he's the really nice filling. So he gets me new together and glues us together wow it's like um what would he be a little chicken tikka okay interesting spicy. So yeah with with Matt's assistant we've got over 200 000. 1000 subscribers thank you. But coming on to that point if you are listening you want to watch obviously you can still watch on the YouTube channel I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments down below why do you watch a review um like what's the actual P because let's say. For example the Paradigm driver I think it says 600 000 with what reviews 600 000 people aren't going out buying that driver no you know what you've got a great point I actually. For the first time in a long time this period of enough work I watched a number of views and I normally watch them to see how other people have produced their video because if we go out and do a stealth 2 video honestly how all the creators have done their video. And see you know what they're doing well what not what we can learn. And you know it's it's quite exciting for me in a nerdy way but I never actually watch it to hear their opinion massively because I've heard your opinion or I've tried it myself and I've formed an opinion however. I haven't yet hit the g430 at the time of watching these other videos you hadn't hit it much so I actually went online you've quizzed me quite a bit well that's because it's quite exciting because I'm a fan as you know a rave that's G ping g425 so I want to say well what's the new one is it different. So I've watched I watched txg um they're pretty good I can't I watched handle anyway of people reviewing it and hear what they're to say and it took me into that place again as a viewer not someone that works for you or you know it works with industry as a viewer and it is good if you've got a product there will be people watching that Paradigm who rather just want to watch it. For some entertainment for 10 minutes people who actually might be not buying it or people who might have a um a rogue St I might have an epic who almost watching and hoping that you say it's not much better because then.

They can be more happy with what you've got validates their driver we love getting a deal though if you went out today.

And bought whatever anything literally anything a bucket in Spade or a create a beer anything and then.

You heard the next.

Day it doubled in price you almost feel more chuffed with that purchase don't you so although it's not about the price which if you know you've got an epic second hand though you bought one a while ago that you still love and you've heard the new one isn't much different it almost makes you more truth with what you've got yeah. So yeah I'd love to hear what people say I'm guessing I do think there must be just a lot of people who watch it. For an entertainment standpoint 100 because it's a new YouTube video speaking of entertainment standpoint that's a nice segue in on the 15th of February so a couple of weeks away or a couple of three weeks away or so anyway four weeks away um full swing is coming to Netflix there's been a huge announcement over the weekend I'm sure a lot of people have seen it the drought to survive which was the formula one kind of documentary series it was. So so popular it got a load of people into F1 including me and kind of weirdly my wife kind of got into a little bit as well proved by the way the F1 increased viewership yeah especially in the female yeah female Market I'm not surprised the F1 document are you still not fully watched it. Yet it's so good it gets you into basically I knew nothing F1 other than the cows went on the track and that's how so they knew nothing about it explains the whole format of the racing explaining different teams it got you into the lives of the drivers behind the scenes their actual lives at home it was really insightful. And it also showed you the races in a way that if you hadn't watched them live which I hadn't explained them and you got sat on the edge of your seat so anyway this exact kind of same thing is happening with golf we'd heard about it. For a long time now we even see we'd seen the film crews out the open um but there's been a trailer released so a lot of you might have seen it already it's called full swing it launched on February the 15th this is just a few a few of the names of golfers who are going to be in it there's more than this this is a handful Jordan Spieth Justin Thomas Colin marakawa Brooks kepka Scottish Scheffler Ian Poulter Roy McElroy Dustin Johnson Tony fee Now Matt Fitzpatrick Cameron young. And many many many many more I think Tommy's in it. And a load more as you will know a handful of those are now live players. And a lot of those are PJ tour players what a year. For this to how lucky was it. For Netflix the year they go out to do this is the live is formed I'm expecting fireworks a real insight into the players that have gone to live maybe that'll change your perceptions a real insight into people have started not to go to live. And that again may change expectations on people's thoughts on those players how excited are you. For this will you be watching it is that silly question the trailer was one of the greatest things I've ever seen yeah I've watched it twice right we watched it in the office we put it on the big screen like we all literally watched him like oh my God like genuinely Goosebumps I loved it when they did the uh Rory introduction at the right at the end player in the room. And he sits down it's Rory it's it's just brilliant and that regardless of of the the the the drama I really really really hope it has a positive effect on Golf and participation and viewership that's number one for me I really hope it does what drives the survivors done. For F1 and gets more people interesting golf whether just from watching or playing hopefully that's that's one positive thing I think I'm interested to know what the take is going to be okay. And this is the little bit of skeptic in me I'm often not very skeptical I'm I'm normally very positive about things I wonder how much control the PGA Tour have had over this season because let's say the argument's sake Netflix wants to season two well surely PGA Tour has had some level of control over this first series to allowance come back. For season two because I just don't know if it's going to be 100 transparent it might be. And I hope it is yeah I think the only way we're going to find out is if if the players. Or people in the industry or whatever call it out and say that's not how it happened we're not going to know about that just. Yet yeah. So fingers crossed it's a 100 Netflix of filmed it and put the blinkers on and got no we're editing it in it's our content yeah don't care about season two because it's got to be a bit of that surely yeah I can't it was actually a while ago now that I watched the the F1 stuff. And people may can't below and say this is nonsense. But I feel like it was quite true reflection it might not happen it might be very biased towards the Formula One I'm not too sure. But yeah that's a good point yeah. So that's number one I think I I can't wait to watch it it will it come out week on weeks I must admit a very Loosely I'd look before I'm not sure it might be week on week it might drop them all yeah hopefully I can just binge. And watch all of them because that's how I'd want to watch it um I think it's gonna be fascinating I think I really do I think the players that have gotten like you say there's such a handful of big name players who move to live hope it shows a bit of that. And kind of follows a bit of that yeah I mean I mean I don't believe that Netflix went to a live event I just hope these select players they almost just followed those players as opposed to the tour yeah I can't wait to see the open week wow yeah because there was an open special one like say where we yeah I think that's gonna be phenomenal because again my biggest highlight from last year I think it was the open itself. And to be able to relive all of that and just just be able to Netflix and film it and to do such a great job I think what I'm looking forward to with this as well is actually seeing some of the players in in kind of real life because this player that Matt Fitzpatrick who before he won the US Open I wouldn't definitely didn't dislike him that's not the case. But I didn't like him I kind of felt somewhere in between with him really I just didn't really have much of opinion because he's quite a you know a kind of quite a kind of quiet reserved good tidy golfer just just keeps himself to himself yeah just kind of very like neutral if that always makes sense. And and some golfers are it's very hard. And I get to show your personality on the golf course just like a legend like Savvy or tag where that comes out in abundance but a lot of guys are quite level-headed um. And then.

Obviously one when um mattress won the US Open and actually went to a lot more podcast things I actually watched a lot more of him and I got to like him a lot more it's such a downsworth lad who seems so likable and I felt almost annoyed at myself for not knowing that before but how would I but with this I'm hoping that we get to see a lot more of these guys actually behind the scenes and seeing what the light because I think they should get a lot more fans. And it likes to get new fans into golf which is really exciting did you see because I didn't realize Netflix have also done a tennis version of this sorry. So I watched a bit out the other day break point yeah it's quite good a good with the names aren't they yeah break point because that's like the only thing I would maybe content Breaking Point yeah because it's like it you get to that point where you like breaking because as you see the clip of um was it Rafa Nadal in the tunnel of the French Open I didn't see that. And this was all Netflix. And it was just like he won he'd won the match before he'd even go in the tunnel like his pre-shot routes yeah the other opponent who I don't know his name was just like oh my God. But hopefully we see a bit of things that we've never ever ever seen in the World of Golf and like say hope and pray it doesn't do what the golf media has done last year. And paint golfers this kind of just um obnoxious money grabbing machine yeah I think yeah 100 I think what's been good though going back to good good. And yourself and other creators is that people like again like you good good other guys are showing golf in a different light now now that you know the internet. And YouTube is a thing. So I think that people are. So younger people have realizing actually golf isn't an old stuffy sport anymore it is um you know exciting it can be fun it's something with your friends I think it's the the kind of the tall levels job now to also prove that's not the case at tall level as well these guys are normal guys having fun. And um yeah very exciting last thing I want to come on to we've actually got a couple of questions from Facebook actually. So let me just real through but actually that's a sign that's good or bad we've answered a few of these within the podcast but Martin Richardson said are tailor-made still speaking to Rick. And that question got a lot of likes of us again I'm guessing he's hinting at the fact that your stealth 2 review as always was super impartial super honest. And wasn't the most glowing of reviews um what's your answer to that it wasn't an advert there you go for me and and you know what I loved it this year as I have done every year doing product reviews now this has been eight eight nine years doing product reviews now I really felt the love from the audience and the understanding from the audience this year that I am impartial and I'm not biased yeah. And I've read loads of comments about that it was like it's. So refreshing but it's like I've been doing it I've been doing the same for 10 years like it's just how it is yeah I'm testing. And obviously we have we have relationships with these Brands as we've talked about before they obviously give us the product they'll give us all the Spiel and then.

Once that has been done communication is cut off yeah the only time it ever hit it it's normally more me than yourself I might get attacked upon the employees that we speak to beforehand saying oh great video on the X driver. And that's normally because if in that instance we've given it a positive review they're obviously really chuffed and wildly not but if you've done a video that's been seen by a million golfers where you say products good their staff are clearly chuffed if if we say it's not very good then.

Typically we hear nothing from them. But that's also fine the next.

Time we'll hear from them is next.

Year when they say hi guy you've got the stealth three coming out where it's going to call you know are you going to review it um. But yeah it doesn't matter what I think there's as long as we can put out a review that we know. And we can we can. And obviously we do we we believe in that review otherwise we won't post it on YouTube as long as we can look at. And get a review and go well we've tested it fairly yeah I've tested in a manner there. And my thoughts have come across in the most Fair transparent way can possibly come across nobody's got nobody's got any you can't come back to me anyway. And then.

You've got a good balance though where you also can't be too like negative on something so when a brand coming up the new driver you have to kind of almost it's weird because in one way when I compared to the previous year see if it has got any better but even if it's only got marginally better you can say it's a bad driver because it's bad in the last years which was also a good driver. So it's how it's like sometimes the new iPhones come out and they're slightly better you can't see that's a bad fog it still does all the amazing things that the iPhone does it's great Innovation. So it's quite hard isn't it sometimes to actually manage your expectations which I think we do a decent job of. And I think there's a lot of things as well if you actually watch motor reviews. And this is how I kind of my journey of a product goes around is there'll be positive points there'll be plenty of positive points. But then.

There'll also be facts and from those facts then.

You decide whether it's going to be the positive more positive results. Or less yeah you know pre-testing pre-fax I can be as positive. Or negative because they're all my opinion as long as then.

The facts are displayed as long as then.

What I say after those facts are related back to the actual testing there's no no way of coming back. But we probably speak to him again next.

Year when they bring out the next.

Driver another question by the way these questions come from Facebook the Facebook group by the way if if any brand did kick off a force you guys would be the first yeah we'll do a massive part we'd actually love that. So any Brands want to kick off please email us I'll ring those kick off and then.

We'll do a massive podcast you guys will be the first people to know about ultimately this is the thing the worst thing that could happen to us. And this is why it's not that big of a deal if let's just say I don't want to say TaylorMade because that's not fair on them. But a brand weren't happy and spout the dummy out and said Rick that scene any clubs ever again. But you know that's done we say fine we'd do a podcast about it would tell the audience the reasons why I wouldn't be would tell the reasons why. And then.


Year when products come out we just goes to shop we'd buy the product which is fine. And then.

Do the review on it which is fine. So nothing massively changes no it's it's not um anyway. So yeah these questions are coming from the Facebook group if you listen to this you're not a member of it well why not join um go onto Facebook in the little search bar the rickshaws Golf Show podcast join the group you um really like the group don't you ambassador of it it's under your name yo it's your rules really isn't it as well you're absolutely dude as well taking people out I've always done that when I post now on my main Channel sometimes as an option to put it in the podcast I know it's doing that it's actually it's automatically doing it feels nice. So I feel like you've actually got you actually get a slightly different select a comments nice nice group in there yeah the comments on the podcast are much more pretending to be banter yeah pretending to be banter the the when I say it's better is that probably not better comments actually it's probably worse comments because I think they think they're you know it's a bit more matey in it yeah it's almost behind like a closed door I also thought of something as well that obviously we have the clubhouse. So if you're in the clubhouse you've listened to every episode of the podcast which has now run 166 episodes of some achievements you're a member of the clubhouse you you're valued as one of Rick's friends um if you ever see him out and about he'll give you a handshake um you used to give money didn't you but it's going down I can't keep doing that I also thought a lot of people are not signed with Callaway there's a lot of people who are hardcore who um might listen to 80 episodes in the last couple of weeks they're not quite there it's gonna be a long time until they get there. So they are a new thing I've decided they're social members oh. So the night we got on with them well they can play on the course at certain times after four they can go on the course. And play our imaginary Golf Course they kind of allowed in the clubhouse but with supervision so they're not kind of trusted fully yet but they can graduate to be a clubhouse member. So if you're thinking only part of this club I've not listened to them all yet you're a social member how'd you feel to that um it's a little bit exclusive being a social member as in like I don't like the different rules okay well you come up with the rules. And now before we on this out so it's definite okay Clubhouse member you've listened to everybody all access you do what you want all access all areas like the place is yours yes okay it's yours as it is ours yes social members okay a more visiting members okay okay. So they can pop in. And we'll make you feel at home shake the hands still of course yeah. But it's you're not you're not properly in yeah okay you're not gonna lock with your name on it you know what I mean your shoes aren't when you go to when you go to the locker room guy the locker room guy cleans all your shoes he doesn't know your name no because you're sir he's respectful he doesn't call you Mr Charlie. Or Mr Shields or Mr Jones it's sir which is still nice it is. But it's you feel like I want that little bit of extra service the clubhouse member goes to bar and Doreen says usual Mr Shields correct she gets Your Baby Guinness she's toasty where Doreen or go oh it's uh how are you doing sir I hope you're good yeah what can I get you what how can I make your day better. So still nice services but over time the more times you visit the clubhouse the more time you as a social member and you finally get over that Finish Line when you become a clubhouse member all perks unlocked you get a locker your shoes are there ready. For you you go to Doreen she hugs you she does she gets you she gets you a Christmas present. For your wife that you didn't know you needed she goes there you go I've looked after you this year and your wife really loves that president to the point where you pretend it's from you well that's the whole idea all right okay doreen's bought it. For you to give to your wife I like it so like she just she's got you back the only issue is with Dory she wears a lot of perfume. And when she was that hog you go home you're like where have you been yeah. But you say it's from Doreen it's just absolutely fine don't like she's she women let me show the words out women love her as well yeah they do your partner loves her as well it's like she's just she's like she's like that grandmother feeling. But she's not too old either she looks good for her age yeah she does a lot she's gonna say something else no let's not go there she's a member of staff I'd love to find a picture of Dory um wow well. For a post on the podcast group put your put your pictures of Dory repeat the best Dory does he give you the new mascot we'll get a picture of my desk I want to get a French picture of Dory to go behind me anyway uh that was a very long-winded question because I'm not even got to the question. Yet it's from John Stannard and I've Got a Theory on this right there I'm going to run first I want you to tell me from right wrong. Or your thoughts he said are most Club competitions won by 8 to 18 22 handicappers under the new system question mark if. So what can be done. So in answer to John I actually don't know the stats on that what handicap wins the most competitions at a golf club I don't know what the new handicap systems had an impact on that as well however. I would say again this is why I want to hear your thoughts Rick I feel like competitions can be worn obviously Club competition by any handicap you have the guys off scratch who has the best days I'd shoot 500. And wins also another guy 28 who comes in like 54 points we've all seen it however. my theory is rightly. Or wrongly and and 18 handicapper has the best potential to go deep under the handicap and the reason for that is if you have 18 simple terms obviously it should be boguing every hole. But in reality you are going to make pars. But we also have some blow ups as well but I've got 18 handicaps to guy who can go out. And he just has like eight piles out of nowhere and then.

Maybe only one bad hole and comes in with like 44 steelford points I feel like that is something that that guy. Or that girl that handicap can do probably more than any other handicap I'd agree however. I think it's just a simpler reason that says 100 people playing their competition I know you're gonna say yeah the stats would tell us that the highest percentage of golfers in that group are going to be mid-handedcasters very true 18 to 22. aren't they yeah if you broke up if you had a hundred golfers. Or even make this simpler turn those 100 into 10 okay you're likely to have one player of scratch maybe one player off single figures yeah you'd have three. Or four of those players between 13 and 22 handicapped yeah very true that's really probably the main reason I'm not sure if those stats then.

Have changed from before World handicap system. And now I just think majority of the time most people playing in the club competition are that type of handicap that's why you're here because that's a good point thanks uh We've not got a deer writ this week I think that hopefully we've gone through enough there if you want your email read out next.

Week uh we might do that podcast a little bit early because it's going to America I'm not touched on that. Yet and I'll save that for the next.

One maybe because we can do that before you go do that on Friday possibly in the afternoon oh yeah we'll go out before yeah. So on Friday we'll still come out next.

Tuesday but we'll record it early and we will give you a big insight to Rick's exciting ship coming up there's a lot happening it's super exciting. For the channel um so if you want to ask any questions of anything we've talked about or anything a Derek or whatever emails podcast one last favor as well we'll ask a lot of you guys but we're gonna ask this week if you are listening on Apple give us a five star rating. Or a four-star ideally a five star and maybe just comment a bit like something to do with um I rate this podcast because I like Dory something like that just give us a rating. And we really appreciate it and I think also check if you're actually subscribed yeah on the podcast correct a lot of people search it yeah. But sometimes I find myself I'll go on podcast and I'll search my favorite podcast rather than actually subscribing yeah. And then.

The algorithm is that good no listen to it without you being subscribed. So subscribe give us a few stars and would appreciate it and Doreen will give you that nice hug. And a bacon and Brie toasty bacon and Brie she knows I only have cheese though we'd love to catch up guys thanks for listening hopefully you enjoyed this episode it's nice to have you back guys thank you weeks obviously we've had guest episodes which I've actually done really well by the way I have they've been great guests uh Brad factson putting video went out yesterday the Claude Harmon video went out the actual video went out last week so they're really really good great response on those and on that note we might we talked about this morning we might start to feature a few little exclusive videos to go on this channel yeah I'm excited about let us know what you think. But maybe that little start of a little what's in the bag maybe we'll do a little what's in the bag. Or whatever if you're interested about what clubs we use bit more we go a bit more length and you make sure eight minute video maybe like a little 20 minute a bit more real kind of super fun day I could like interview you and you could interview me perfect um yeah that's nice. So guys thanks for listening hopefully you enjoy have a great week everybody and hopefully you're having a wonderful start to 2023 and we shall see you next.

Tuesday on the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast.