Hi everybody welcome back to the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast episode 170. what I said one it's not understand. And you were just about to re-correct me. So this is 170 what do you think it is well it was 169 last week your math is impeccable. So if my calculations are correct it's 170. we're getting faster 200. should we do something. For 200. why the hell not livey again live out well let me just one second right hey Siri what's the day in 30 weeks time oh September what date Tuesday the 12th of September I don't see why not ride a couple little Friday the what was the Friday be the 18th. Or something quick maths about like a little Ryder Cup how do you really stop it hey Siri when's this year's Ryder Cup oh wait. So no radical end of September yeah. So I I like I like I don't know why radical because let's be realistic throughout this year holidays we might miss a couple of episodes right 200 episodes might be mid-september to end of September so when would the live one be then.

End of September yeah when the radicals on yeah well how's that work then.

Everybody's come in well it's my birthday at the radical weekend oh. So you can't come you could fly my wife and child out as well then.

It'll make a family trip a bit I mean everyone's there look people want a live podcast will do it okay if you want a live podcast to celebrate 200 episodes was that a live one 100 episodes oh my God that time time is quite literally flown um if you want to see us to do a 200 episode live leave a comment down below. And if you don't also leave a comment down below just a yes to do with no adult um mad week in the world of golf again I I um yeah today's action-packed jam-packed podcast episode I think golf professional golf tour golf is arguably in the strongest place it's been. For a long long long long time I would agree um and weirdly I think part of that is down to live actually. And because PJ tour I've pulled up the socks they're getting these bigger better events with the big names big boys are playing an elevated event 100 this weekend one of them we're going to come on in a little minute. But also if you are a live fan you've still got live you can enjoy live if you like both great you've got loads back next.

Week yeah I know. So it's like if you like if you're if because it feels like weirdly it's become this new kind of audience who are Ultra lift which is great that's fine. So they've got kind of got lived in might not want to watch PJ tour that's okay you've got some people who are just pure PJ tour DP World Tour fans that's okay. And then.

You've got other people who are a bit. For hire would you like watching both which again is okay. So everyone's winning do you feel feel. And I certainly have seen this in comments do you feel you almost have to pick a side they're like some people think you do because. So last week I was very proud to do a live Instagram feed to announce the next.

Player on the tgl which is this new golf league coming out start of 2024. And it's effectively powered by PJ tour and you've got guys like tiger Rory um max Homer Max Homer obviously the player is Adam Scott the player I got to announce was Matt Fitzpatrick a lot of people oh you're all about PJ tour well I'm kind of not I'm kind of open to all sides I think both tours have got their strengths. But also both tours have got their weaknesses I think also that's that's comments on YouTube when we've had discussions about this before some people weirdly it's mad how polarized our one discussion people can take it some people come back. And go are you guys just um PJ talks all you care about. And other people go oh so you're behind live don't know where the money comes from it's like weird it's like literally at the minute I'm kind of the only thing I'm definitely still more in in PJ in favor of on the PJ tour is like this weekend. And again we'll Quant it in a minute but Scotty Shuffle one is back to world number one. And you want PJ Tour event you look at that field it was strong it was phenomenal admittedly there's guys who weren't playing they'll Live players that may maybe would have made even stronger. But ultimately he has now won another PJ tour win was his fifth win now uh yeah because he won four last year it was exactly 365 days since its first win insane. So he has now got five PJ tour titles to his name I don't feel that yeah about live no because it's still. So new and that might come you know we might be Saturday three four five years time and we're going such a body has won six times on live. And it might feel huge that that will come in time it's like anything when you make something from scratch it feels hard to really give it that well you're not gonna give that history. And Prestige as much so that's the one thing I still give live I would definitely sorry PJ tall the PGA Tour has pulled up its socks 100 again this event this week was the Waste Management Phoenix Open one of the flagship events of the year the calendar year you've got the four majors which obviously get the most attention I would then.

Say the PLAYERS Championship at Sawgrass. And then.

Probably Waste Management Phoenix Open it's kind of like the wacky golf tournament there's a Streaker it was a Streaker who got arrested um I mean ambitious he got a long way yeah starting on 16th all the way down 17th. And got pulled out the lake on the 18th and got arrested um there wasn't as many did were the crack was over a bit more crowd control this year because we talked about it last year on the podcast when Sam Rider got his hole in one last year. And everyone went crazy and chucking cans and you had Joel um you had um Harry Hicks you got Harry Higgs and Joel Damon lifting the top up and the crowd were going wild I only saw one crowd going wild this time around did you did you see it it was um it was Adam hadwin when he nearly made a hole-in-one on a Saturday if the crowd went wild I didn't actually watched a good chunk of the golf not every minute of every day clearly. But I watched a good chunk and it did feel like it was an excitable kind of vibe. But it was a bit more behaved it must have been more policed I feel this year maybe like you said because the Super Bowl was on whoever people didn't go maybe the more people that were up. For just being on the Lash went somewhere else I don't know maybe they just watered down the beer good shout maybe maybe they just thought you know what we can't have these guys being as mental the guy who slipped through the net was the Streaker right I saw a tweet off you said you want to go there one day yeah he's been absolute nuisance I think I'd be the worst yeah I'd be throwing my calendar on the on the Fairway if if someone made a path I was given two scenarios right you go to the event next.

Year okay. And you go with Rick Shields right yeah. So you know that people I know you're a bit country when you go out that people might watch the videos might be looking at you might film you whatever so the first scenario I want to give me you guys have a next.

Year as Rick Shields how Source do you get in well I don't get sourced. So no yeah we have a couple of kids oh yeah of course I've been married you'd see Ricky come out I would go I'd get a bit of probably Hospitality I'd be in the Posh seats one hour yeah I wouldn't be running from the crowd 6 a.m in the morning I'd have a seat reserved. For me you know what I mean I'd do it I do it the the Posh way. So how many drinks we're talking six six seven right yeah you then.

Go the same time. But for some reason you'll be able to get like this you can change your face right it's no one knows it's you. And you can be the real Ricky now talk to me seriously I would genuinely love to do it I would genuinely love to do it I would be there first in the queue at 2AM in the morning okay already already cracking open my first Stella yeah okay good. And I'd have a can at least every 30 minutes on the 30 minutes until 6am when the gates open yeah okay at this point I'm already I'm already gone blooded I've already got eight guns in me it's then.

A race to the 60s don't forget how fast you think you run when you're drunk yeah you ever done that. For a night out you're so fast yeah. So I'd be going Gates would open. And I would be off and I'd be full American mode giving it the old way you know man let's go I'll be legging it to the 16th okay foam finger I'd probably be fatigued I probably shotgun another Stella can you know. For energy [Music] I would be bombing it to 16th I'd be front row Center just loving life I would be a person I'd have to have some sort of mechanism so that I could go to the toilet without leaving my seat pants and Nappy a diaper um I would be there for the Long Haul I would make friends with everybody I would have started this thing you'd be thinking your friends everybody like who's he come where you've got no weird lad you see this one night out is that a weird one I've got no mates it was like who are you with you just had everyone. And I'd have one of those hats with the two cans and the straws coming down I'd be the guy doing the snake you know the bottle snake I'll be the guy starting that I would be the life and soul of the party or that is what I would think yeah I would probably be then.

Woken up at maybe 10 to 12 at night Hey sir sir you've got to leave now. And I've somehow handcuffed myself to my seat I'm probably being arrested and probably being escorted out and probably banned from every PJ Tour event and has the real Rick Shields I I miss him I missed him I wish he could come back um well there was a weird did you ever did you see the clip that the PGA Tour posted about um Matt Fitzpatrick. And is it Larry Fitzpatrick who's in the NFL okay I didn't see this going round in Disguise at the waste management oh that's quite cool it could have been was it not that I thought the disguises were pretty awful like they were they were it disguised who they were. But you could tell they were disguised yes I know what you're saying a very fake face yeah like it wasn't even it wasn't like you know when you get the prosthetic face yeah that's pretty cool this was basically just a beard. And some glasses so it was a bit yeah if you could shave your beard off maybe what would it take you to shave your beard off that's quite an open question loaded question I don't really know no. But would it ever happen what is it a monetary value. Or an opportunity okay um okay. So is it is it either there's a sum of money to shave your beard off both. So so Gillette oh okay we'll give it to Clarity how's it to you there's actually a number of questions around this okay I've thought about this probably thought about it just in case this scenario ever pops up if it was just a one-off right shave it. For charity Whip It Off yeah straight off money to charity you can't go out. And hiding after it you've got to carry on as normal it's gonna take a week and I'll be back if it was to stay constantly clean shaven that's different Cutler fish very different the money comes to me okay okay now a weekly retainer of four grand a week just overshay yeah. So if Gillette wanted to come in and wanted me to be clean shaven I would obviously lose subscribers and since you let a lot if you got a little thing that you sleep I'm just thinking Wilkinson Sword yeah there's not many bronzers that would want me to be clean shaven no true Olivia. So that side yeah. Or for whatever weird reason tiger says I've always watched a film with Rick but I just can't film with him with that much with that masculine beard I have it a few people say that about you they would film with you but the Beards this big now few have said that Rory said that. So if it was that if that was the case if it was an opportunity then.

Obviously I'd shave it off if it was like I can play Augusta yeah no cameras. But you can play Augusta. But no beard yeah I'll do that okay any others um join the RNA no beard forever. But you can be a member of the RNA forever no can I have a Tash yeah okay whatever you want really um yeah anyway off topic anyway. So Scottish Apple won yeah he is now world number one we are in this well we're in this good place in golf because two things firstly the PJ tour. And live both exist at the moment we were worried about that it feels like they're gonna do their own thing. And there's more golf everyone to watch great also we have got well firstly we missed off taggled his back this week tigers are putting it up at the Genesis super exciting he's not played competitively since the open. So let's see how he gets on very good for golf people talk about it the other thing I can say I'm a huge Tiger fan if this is podcast watch his videos you know that me. And Rick were huge tiger fans however. this kind of time of year. Or whenever when tiger does come back I can understand why people don't like tiger. For whatever reason get a bit annoyed because there'll be so much Spotlight around him playing and even if he plays terribly it'll be featured all the time so my heart goes out those non-tiger fans I'm a huge Tiger fan I feel like if you're a non-tiger fan I don't know what value you get out of this podcast beard talk yep yeah done it cheers um yeah I'm not. For me tiger coming back is really exciting it shows he's obviously wanting to. And capable of competing again this year um he's obviously completely and utterly putting his schedule around major tournament absolutely um but Riv Riviera the Genesis is his event he kind of he's the host of it isn't he. So and if you remember correctly it was exactly two years ago straight after the Genesis when he had his car crash yeah it was literally that following week. So it's great to have him back it's great to see how he's going to compete I'm not expecting the world. But if he can win by 10 I think that's a realistic expectation. But you're right you know what the going back one more stage quickly I found it interesting watching the golf on Sunday like a waste management because the the top of the leaderboard was stacked with household names well. So this is one thing I want to come on to. So at the minute we've got this this top three in the world who are insane we've got now Scottish Scheffler it's world number one. And rightly so he's insane Rory has gone down to number two and then.

John Rams at number three and what's what's insane with that is actually insane a lot. But is it's insane those three golfers on the day are the best in the world. So I almost can't comprehend if those three play well in one tournament who wins like I actually don't know obviously with tiger in his day when he was on nobody could compete when he was off most people couldn't compete is Scottish apples on it's no one beats him if Rory's on nobody beats him. And if John Rams on nobody beats him so what happens when they if they come to the master this year and all three of them play the lights out which might not happen but if they do who wins you know what's really interesting though when you look at those three golfers you're right when they're at the peak you almost can't imagine anyone beating him. But there's such different golfers aren't they Scottish shuffler isn't as long as Ram or Rory he's not short of any stretches he's not as long for me Scotty just doesn't make mistakes he really that put on 16 for the par he just so I saw online people say it's like speed he just grinds it out well he he didn't drop a shot in the last I think it was 21 holes of the tournament how do you beat that yeah. And he still goes and shoots for every shot yesterday five or six under so it's not he just doesn't make mistakes Rory on the other hand we've seen it from history these unbelievable golfer without question and when he's on fire you can't imagine anyone beating him but we've seen him throw away leads we've seen him come back and win and John Ram you for me John Rams probably of of the actual three golfers mentioned there the one I would expect to win more often because he doesn't make ridiculous amounts of mistakes and he makes outrageous amount of birdies yeah. So he's hot right now I mean out of those three who would you say if they played all played on fire who would you say would win Rory no I think wrong I think if they all played each other 10 times over just those three my guess. And I might be wrong statistic statistics might prove me wrong on this I genuinely feel like Ram would win more times what was interesting you said then.

The leaderboard was stacked it was a tweet I saw before from Dan Rappaport who's from foreplay who we know who's doing great things. For them he's a golf journalist he's actually on the obviously the full swing documentary his tweet was this world number 233 Nick Taylor played in the final group of the courageous Tournament of the year with two of the top three players in the world. And shot 65. he beat Ram by three tied Scotty solo second and 2.18 million extra dollars extremely well earned the PGA Tour is. So so deep I mean think about that in where what world ranking is it well it was 233 oh my God I'm guessing now I have a quick lucky look skyrocketed after that the the only thing that I must admit I I felt like he was gonna fall away at some point in that final number three years now wow is that final group playing with those two I definitely thought he was going to fall away um. But but I love seeing Jason day up there yes Jason day became tied fifth love seeing Ricky up there holding one on the last day as well which is amazing love seeing him back up there kind of almost competing it's great to see some of these guys who to the role of mission. And fallen off a little bit and but kind of rebuilt uh kind of presence back on tour which has been great and maybe you'd even think potentially absence of Live players might have either spurred them on. Or or help them get get back to where the up on that leaderboard again you know um I think the money in all of golf at the moment is the only thing that's kind of putting me off a little bit I know the PJ told them overly advertise the fact that they're making this much money. But 3.6 million for first place yeah I think it's a weird one I think. For the audience it doesn't matter no you don't care what they take home. But I suppose it matters to those guys from the turn up and play um I just worry because I've seen it a little bit certainly with the instruction again of living sorry for all the comparisons today.

But I think it's a fitting time to do. So the big story We Live is money money from where it's coming from to also how much the players are earning yeah the PGA tour. For me has never been about that as it's not with with um the open or the Masters it's never been about the money I just worry with these elevated events and these extra purses is it almost going to be talked about a little bit more I mean maybe I'm getting a bit guilty here maybe I shouldn't be talking about it right now I just I just don't want our sport to ever come across as being kind of greedy I think that's the problem with Elite Sport I wasn't it footballers just go wherever the money is Ronaldo's gone to Saudi Arabia clay. For money I think it is a narrative I think people do talk about it. But I think you can kind of get past it when you're watching a player play a PJ tournament. And go on to win you're thinking about how well they've played and what it means to them trying to get the first win or the second win or another win if they've already got several already I think it really build this great narrative right now of all these great golfers playing. So well like when the masses comes I don't even know how much to play for and it doesn't matter it's about a green jacket save the open the cleric jug Etc so you're right it can leave a bit of a sour taste in your mouth. But I think most people just know that golfers play. For money it's not so much a sour taste in my mouth from a personal standpoint I believe they're worth this value like I believe they if they want to earn 10 million it's just even just a few tweets and things today.

That I've seen I'm I'm noticing media outside of the World of Golf talking about the money yeah. And I don't want that message to get kind of too too I don't know spread really well speaking of playing for money uh we don't have the money we have just if you've not seen break 75 from last week the couple of spoilers in here but I'm sure a lot of you listening and watching have watched it already it's done really nicely which is great thanks. For your support on that we've played at my definitely top three courses I think it's probably top one. But top three Wallace you played very nicely we're joined by James Robinson James is a lovely lad we didn't even need him he's there as the best player you've played really well uh maybe James spurred you on to actually play. So well I don't know watching him um is that something actually by the way get in the comments sometimes when you play with a good golf when you do play well people go oh that helped you. But does it I quite like playing with a good golfer who doesn't intimidate me okay. So for example I don't particularly think I play well when I've played against some of these tour players because. Or one maybe because it's a bit of a challenge but also I feel a bit intimidated by Westwood or or Fleetwood or Adam Scott or Ricky Fowler that just don't embarrass yourself now Rick where someone maybe of not obviously a good good player someone like a James Robinson or or Ione or that type of character they're good players but I don't feel embarrassed if hate about shot yeah you know. But I don't to be honest I don't really mind I have to say that because it doesn't help it does to some degree it gives me maybe a bit like when you're running a race it gives you a um what they're called Pace Setter yeah okay um I do agree with that to something when you if you do the analogy of a race then.

You can clearly see where that person is out. So you need to try and run level with them to do a certain time. But you never purposely try and play Bad Golf every golfer when you go out no matter how well we play we're trying to get the ball in the hole in the least amount of Strokes possible suppose playing with the good golfer it can maybe I don't know maybe almost copy them without even knowing you're copying them not in terms of how they are like when I play with James I see him hit great shots I just can't do that to watch him do it I can't just copy him. But I can learn from how he's approaching things. Or even Club selections and things like that I mean I suppose I should be asking you the question hey I mean you've been well after the Peter's unfortunate to play with me many many times now yeah yeah yeah. And I I would say that's partly due to your success not the facts of how many golf balls you hit the range or the hard work and practice you put in just quite simply because you've been mirroring my incredible mannerisms well yeah. So Wallace um you played you shot one under yeah you did very very nicely you're driving off the off the tee was just very solid. And I feel like you're the kind of golf when we play when you play Bad it can be bad right when you play well I actually can't really see you missing a fairway no there's always that chance of a bit of a fire chip in there. But you get you put out a bit more so it's not not the end of the world but you can be on when you're on I feel like when I when I'm playing well if I get through halfway playing well I never think I need to hold on if I'm playing well at nine I'm like well let's just continue. Or let's even try and do better than that yeah where if I'm playing bad to halfway it can snowball. And go really bad but also sometimes that halfway point I can reset. And go right let's make sure the bat Nine's better yeah. So yeah sometimes my bad rounds can kind of just snowball. And I can almost never get off this kind of yeah that's true you know my head goes. And my confidence goes and everything else but when my confidence is high I just think I'm gonna play good golf no it was um a good video. And yeah I wasn't on with my driver um lost four balls. And three holes it was impressive which was frustrating you know what's the worst part I watch it back today.

A little bit. And I looked at those holes and what I can't believe is on each of the holes you can literally hit it as far left literally no you could go 800 yards almost there's no danger. So I looked at that and thought that's something I need to take for my own game and probably thing could take some little bit of advice from this sometimes you've got holes with his outbounds left water right it's hard it's a tough hole you have to sit straight and if you don't there's consequences for that but when you've got out of bounds on a hole which I added on three consecutive holes all down the right and it's wind off the left as well if you've got room left which we did have there's honestly there's no excuse. For that is there at all you've got to be confident pick your line up the left hand side. And hit towards that line but on or even then.

We'll go 10 aim ten yards for the left than that but if you know it's going to make your second shot in maybe a bit longer. But if you know there's no I mean yeah I'm really annoyed at that because I feel like I should know better. And remember um one of the things that I heard in a podcast that was from Steve Williams who was Tiger Woods his ex Carrie very famously he said that tiger had some of the most waved shots in the locker occasionally. But it always makes sure if you're gonna hit a bad one it would be on the right side if that makes sense not physically correct but the correct side yeah. And I think we should learn more from that because it's inexcusable the thing is. For you it's a weird one because it was that fourth hole the path four. Or fifth hole Yeah where downwind drivable green. And you actually just blocked it yeah. And that obviously found trouble it then.

The next.

Two or three holes that kind of spiraled into much more of a slightly slices so for me if you'd have hit an okay t-shirt on that hole I don't think that Trend would have happened. For the next.

Couple well and that was something else obviously people Eagle well it was part of the videos gonna say eagle-eyed viewers it was part of the video I I thought the front nine with the Ping g430 super forgiving right super forgiving yes. And for whatever reason now I saw a couple of cards people saying oh bad word I'm trying to blame his tools I wasn't really blaming the tools it was. For me I knew it hit bad shots those drives there's no hips. And butts and you know no golf clubs. And magic wand whatever but that had for me felt it was more fady from a heel shot now when you heal the golf shot it's going to typically fade. But for that head for every reason if I get faded more swapped about one after nine saw a bit more success but it was funny that there was comments on the video from from a number of people not many a small number saying oh well that's illegal. And stuff and it's like DQ don't get me wrong you're disqualified for the future break 75 there's rules of golf right and that's fine and if I was playing a golf comp you've got to stick to the rules of goal you do if you're playing what is relatively a fun game of golf after nine holes don't swap my driver it's not the end of the world like I can't believe that's what people take in the videos they don't say oh you know you've hit two out of bounds. And your third one you know you could have added that out you could have made sure it made it your first one was in it's like we're playing. So open honestly and I swap my driver and that's something that people get hung up on I wouldn't yeah it's bizarre isn't it it's it's a compliment. For what people notice but on that though they're very much invested in yeah in the video that's good I suppose. But what's arguably even more exciting this Friday 4pm Rick Shields he's on YouTube it's a video have you play in Royal Liverpool the host of the 151st open this year you go there break 75 with the Claret joke explain well it was you. And me it was you. And me it was me. And you um Royal Liverpool will be the home of golf. For a week or so in the middle of July this year yes. And it's crazy when you anytime you get to play an open venue it's special whenever you get to play an open venue the year of the open it's really special Royal Liverpool is a golf course that's over the years grown on me yeah. And I think that's fair I'm not the first person to say I know you probably think that as well it's one of those ones that you probably need to play a couple of times to really appreciate it yeah um It's a Wonderful setting a wonderful golf course there's been some real nice alterations a new 17th hole which is really dinky little pathway I love it it's going to cause issues it's a Marmite hole yeah. And I'm on the love it side I love it as well uh I've played it most of the time well so far only one time it caught me out a little bit which might be this Friday find out soon so yeah we we did a break 75. And it was a collaboration with the open themselves. And the one Club brought to you by MasterCard now as I mentioned we got a few extra cameras of support from the open so like some of the shots you see on real TV we have some ball tracking cameras which elevates the content the Claret jug is there on site there's some banners up there this open uh I've got I actually get a caddy you do anneal from from actually himself um. And it was just a really really good experience the golf course is demanding it it's tough it tests every single part of your game I think it's one of the hardest driving open venues I've played [Music] probably Carnoustie might just be harder. For driving but I feel like for Liverpool you've got to be I feel like you've got to be accurate and long off the team I think it'll be harder. For the guys in the open when the roofs up we had a few holes obviously that's if that's the thing when you're playing these open courses and if you're ever lucky enough to do. So you don't always see them in the true reflection because we typically would get it in slightly a lot smaller shorter raw a bit more friendly obviously not always have to fully fully back tees and it's still hard I think the difference though between July. And now is the ball the July ground condition will be harder yeah that's true which is you can actually interpret that two ways you'll probably hit it longer off the tee like tigers when he won their famous hit one driver shot. And that was it. So you get a bit of that but then.

The benefit of playing this time of year when you land it into green the ball will stop yeah you do that in the summer. And the ball's off the back of the green you've got to land it short and roll it up and take the Contours it's a different way of thinking well it should be uh hopefully people think it's a good video. But there's a couple of extra bonus things as well I'm gonna tell our kind of Hardcore podcast listeners so firstly the video was out on Friday um. So hopefully you will watch it. And enjoy now within that video as a giveaway that I think is really really good. So you can't enter now obviously but you can on Friday within the video. So there'll be more insight into that in the video which let you know what is up. For grabs there's a pair of official Patron Hospitality tickets to the 151st open courtesy of MasterCard so first of all if you win this giveaway you go into the open with a friend that's pretty cool secondly and arguably I go even better a round of golf at the iconic Royal Liverpool for you and a friend wow pretty exciting not me and a friend no that's the winner the winner. And a friend um 150th open pin flag signed by the open Champion Cameron Smith which is pretty cool. And a free box of limitation 150th open Titleist probably ones which let's be honest you might need you will need. So that is a super exciting giveaway I think it's a really good one I mean you know we'll look you've been to many in open. And we'll be going to that one as well we might see the winner there The Competition winner there um. But go into the open is special. And and playing the golf course as well you know is really special. So that's exciting but also a bit more um kind of extra stuff we've got for with the open and with the one club is that today.

Tuesday around 12 p.m lunchtime it should be out now. And you're watching this or maybe listen to this we also recorded a very different video something that I think people listen to this podcast might well be interested in hopefully they are we were we filmed with again with the open at the high in the scenes of break 75. So you find out what we really choose this was a more behind the scenes of kind of the operation of film in a break 75 from us arriving to meeting some of the guys in the in the uh in the actual Clubhouse I'm not going to give too much away. And also a bit of a behind the scenes of out filming um so sign up to the one Club you get access to that video um it's really cool it's like it's not super long it's like five minutes long but it's packed full of information that I don't think many of you would know. And again a lot hardcore viewers who certainly love break75 would love to find out yes that's it. So if you want to watch that um it's exclusively on the one Club website so the link is the description of this either audio podcast. Or video podcast the top line with a link you can sign up it's completely free to do. And the one club is the opens kind of platform. For like action nuggets of content exclusive content so it's really good obviously we're members of I've been for ages so join up to that and you'll watch that video it's a bit more again if you listen to this podcast I imagine you fans of rate 75 it's quite a cool unique look at what goes on out there and you see some of the cameras some of the camera Lads Harry's on there quite a bit flexing holding the camera yeah Matt there was Matt there was Matt there were you there Matt he was there he was in the shot much though is he is the shot yeah. But it's not like Matt Matt's not happy that last week when Harry did the podcast Harry got a few shouts out. So matting is his name mentioned. So producer Matt was in Belfast having a whale of a time drinking loads of Guinness. So that's why he wasn't in the podcast um so it's exciting there's lots come in um I've got a quick question for you for going to anything else it is really big isn't it. So totally legal yeah Lee obviously you've now got access to watching full swing yes no I think it's okay that's allowed to because it's media yeah. So um last well last week you mentioned that you've been watching full swing already Early Access the Netflix documentary and when we finish the podcast you very kind of said if you want to watch it you can watch it on on my device. So I watched it I think I've got one left I've really enjoyed it um obviously I think it's about the 16. For this month no I think it's the I think it's the 16th is it not in a couple of days. So everybody then.

I'm sure he's got Netflix which seems to be most people you can watch it today.

No it's not today.

Mad don't think it's today.

Anyway I really enjoyed it um there was part of I would have liked to see a little bit more up that's always the case that if you give people something like yours want a bit more. So the big thing guy took away from it was seeing the tour golfers behind the scenes. So one thing I really enjoyed was the morning of the US Open when Matt Fitzpatrick won you actually saw him in the accommodation was standing with his family kind of sat there kind of chilling in the morning of the event which he went on to win. And it was insane. So that was that was unbelievable. And then.

When he won it you saw a little bit of footage afterwards like not much I would have loved to have seen more I would have loved the cameras to go home with him that night and see what it sounds about what he has to fatigue what they do does he get drunk how he celebrates the night I suppose it has to be a limit with these things though well did you hear did you hear John Ram I think embarrassingly say when he became world number one whenever it was last year that's when he conceived his baby yes I did. So I think there's probably limits to how much well maybe if it's an absolute one-on-one personal documentary. And you let those cameras into your life you probably sign up for very intense filming for this it was kind of like yeah we'll do it. But there's kind of obviously the limit but yeah overall it was really good I I wouldn't after what we said last week when you'd watched it. And you said you can't imagine people would now become massive fans of golf I kind of agree with you a bit more now after seeing it I do think you could bind to people. So I've now become an even bigger fan of Tony fee now what an amazing guy best I've become a fan of Joel Darman who I'll be honest didn't know much about a new opposite little bits about him I didn't know his story about having cancer and things mum passing away and I love how with Joel so many golfers are super ambitious. And I suppose you have to be to get on the PJ tour at any level and be competing you have to be competitive you have to be motivated he's got those really different relaxed out this kind of Outlook that well someone's got a world number 70. you know I'm as good as the top 10 guy yeah. But I liked it it was a threatening to see actually well let's not give too much more away because I think that's a nice little insight. And genuinely I would recommend people to if you've got Netflix to watch it yeah. And that's not that's not a plug this wasn't anything that was kind of you know needed to I think if you're into golf I think you'll really enjoy the full swing documentary absolutely. So we've got some more questions this week we normally post the questions on our Facebook group The Amazing Rick Shields Golf Show podcast group is it amazing most of the time there's a few plonkers in there yes couple I think not many now we've got Ian secretary yes. And Brenda Barbara Barbara you know what's that well what I feel bad here what's the name Matt no it's not I don't know I think it is it Donna Donna that sounds wrong if you actually know this. And that's a jack we should know where she's on our payroll is it Donna anyway now we've got Ian. And Donna I also feel like we need someone to play as sex as like security okay Watchman I'm seeing a Brenda do you say Brenda I thought it's Brenda. Or Barbara or Donna I feel like I'm really forgetting now um I feel like I can't continue until I find this out anyway I've got a new character on and I think this character is gonna cut out the riff raff that sometimes happens in the group weirdos sorry we've got Doreen right I can relax now I got really frustrated then.

We've got Doreen Ian secretary Ian's secretary lots of great pictures in the group last time yes. So who's this now it's a doorman okay. And you might have lost abdomen this one does okay does this golf go back any other golf club that's very true you might have listened to every single episode okay I've not. But that's just another day you might you might be allowed access to the clubhouse but I do think we need a security guard. For a few plonkers um you know just a few that just there is a couple yeah buzz buzz okay he has to be bold ex-military yep okay you wouldn't mess with us okay all right he likes his golf he does. But he's terrible he's off like I don't want to say just in case I've offend anyone understand it's got a handicap he's got a really really short back swing but fast because he's a big guy Jordan fans so you can't swing too far he can jump around loves playing in the Boogie okay always nips in the Pro Shot we've not come up with our Pro Shop characters just. Yet it's coming we'll get come to that Jason but um so baz you know he loves his golf he does the job mainly because he likes the authority you know one thing that baz does that no one does criticize he wears two gloves yeah of course he does. And with cut out fingers oh on the golf course yeah yeah yeah yeah. And it's one of those things that it doesn't look great but you don't really want to tell him nobody's gonna I don't think he knows why he does it. And he just does two mcquats he wears. So he loves the authority but he mainly does the job because he gets free golf at the golf club how old is he he is he's retired. But you still won't mess with him I I think he's younger I think he's 52 okay. But he retired we didn't say why we're tired from we're doing what he's doing before yes he's 52. But he's actually got a daughter who's like 36. he had a son he had a daughter very very young right and she's got kids of course and he sees them a lot and looks after him a lot he really look up to the Grandad yeah. So yeah the new fictional character. For the I would say fictional factual character for the clubhouse so pictures welcome pitch in the group however. I do want to see pictures there comes a cut off points. So if you don't put them on in that the first day or two we kind of can't keep accepting them because it's getting Overkill anybody has got a picture together of Ian Doreen and baz it's not photoshopped if anyone's got a picture of all three of them you win this week's award very good you get you get you plaque and your name put up in the clubhouse well after all of that and I with all of what you've just said um we didn't use the group this week. For questions because there was a few too many plants no it was just because um I don't want to mix it up a little bit. So not everybody uses Facebook some people have a very much a Mark Zuckerberg agenda um so I went to Twitter so if you don't like Elon Musk I apologize uh maybe next.

Week we'll try where can we try my space Myspace yeah. But what Tom knew in my space Tom yeah of course you are right. So a bit of a scattering of questions um can you just use my laptop okay though Matt can't see anything good um. So she's from Tom MC the only problem is actually with Twitter you don't always get people's full name. So if I don't say full names I don't know it Tom MC quick one so what's happened to dear Rick there's some coming but there's not been the best email so um basically the podcast email and we're getting a lot of emails every day a lot of them are just Spam. So I think because every week we read out our podcast email. So this is getting bombarded by spammers um we need the it we read I do read everyone the good ones are passed on to you um even all the spammys. But yeah. So for example one from um Esmond Montgomery hello I am the manager of Ausable studio studio SAS is a French video game developer based in Bordeaux founded in 2002 our studio is interested in your YouTube channel please reply me. And I will tell you more about collaboration done there you go that's lastly of the week this week happens listener of the week we'll just kind of keep it vibing sometimes we have the erections as we don't what about VIPs anyway I bet he doesn't listen anymore I think he does it doesn't he does I think a lot of people listen I think what happens with the podcast is which I like. And don't like some people become big fans which I really appreciate we love everyone listening and commenting and people like find it and they see a couple of episodes to get really into it and probably binge him in the car for like two weeks three weeks maybe and become like this is the best thing ever to join the group they're active you start to see the name pop it up. And down and then.

They realize that there's more to life than I was talking nonsense the thing is to those people Derek Chan might be quite a fresh name in their brain I know I've really forgot the young lad that was the real all my days the proper the real first ever listener of the week oh was it Tom no oh that's really annoy me that again people to be fair it's been a long time hasn't it oh nearly Adam do you know how much performance time sorry this is probably not really good if you're new to the podcast. So anyway that's the questions Tom MCA said has Rick um ever considered being based in America given the audience viewership accessibility professionals year-round weather Etc yes elaborate what's happening Rick uh. So Ed Brown sorry Ed Brown if you still listen to the podcast I think you following on Instagram DM me. And say yep yeah I do if you don't I won't hear from you um going back to America yeah definitely it's crossed my mind um. So I think we're not probably time to tell you guys that like if I'm off we go. For that um we're off to uh we're off to Jupiter Florida no to be honest I've Loved going out there a couple of times this last few months it is an amazing place. But I love home there's nothing no place like home yeah. But I think with opportunities going out there I would not rule it out in the future future future potentially doing a few months out there. And then.

Coming home well certainly through the winter it's very nice over there in the winter um Calvin moynihana said. And if you picked this one specifically have you guys any plans to come to Ireland for about 75 if so what courses would take your first preference we are talking to many different golf course in Ireland right now it all keeps saying now we might this three possible filming trips in Ireland this week this was of a night at home um I think through the potential three times this year. So stay tuned we do one are you gonna say courses are not gonna get under wraps Under Wraps okay uh Matt Horton has said. And this is very relatable I'll give one actually nice Matt Horton has said why do I score 86 one week. And then.

107 the next.

Why do I sometimes shoot 70 then.

86 myself Rory does it Rory is the one I always think of he'll go 63-73. it's just golf like sometimes you're just not feeling it like you might go off to a bad start you might it might have even started before that your your night's sleep might have been bad you might have been stressed from work you're carrying those stresses out into the golf course you suddenly have a bad hole. And you just comes into it yeah you're not slept well your recovery's not great yeah I've been I've been trying out a whoop see how it goes it looks good anyway it's a fashion band it is really. But to be honest my recovery was gone this isn't an advert by the way you asked me the other day what's a good recovery I think in the green is good green is green 76 that's pretty good yeah sweet um anything towards. But we've got we've got one on so yeah where we are it's just golf it's what we I think it's what we love about golf you can never Master it we've seen that before like again if you can it's hard to quite under Sports you don't do those Sports competitively. But I imagine if you are a good runner an elite level Runner a county Runner. Or a very hardcore kind of casual if that makes sense like you probably might one good day go and run a 10K in 20 minutes and then.

The next.

Might be like 21 like oh what that was a bit annoying. But you know it's a bit off but God I can't imagine you'd suddenly go out and do a 25 minute one you know what I mean they can't they can't have bad days right yeah. But I don't think the difference exactly. But like if you shoot 86 you're a good level of golfer you know you're probably well roughly average 14 handicap whatever yeah a bit better than average 107 Is Not Great there's obviously 21 shot discrepancy there which is obviously more than a shot of hole it's a lot in it. But I think when we do play well if we don't give ourselves credit. For how much goes right so for me if I play well I don't go to bounce obviously don't lose any balls that way I get up and down a lot hold the odd 30 foot drained monster port and if I don't realize that all those things would have easily not happened so the 30-footer might have just missed the up and out of the bone come out just not work whatever so before you know it you've got all the outer bounds it just stays inbounds by foot or whatever could have gone out of bounds you've almost like saved five or six shots and things going your way. And it might even be the fact that let's say the bunker shot one week where you hit it quite nice and get up and down the following week a bit of a bad lie you leave it in the bunker hmm it takes you a couple to get out of it you thin it through the other side of the green and suddenly that that can actually add four more shots onto you exactly. So it's golf unfortunately I'd love to be able to sprinkle some magic to say this is you'll always shoot between this score right that'd be horrible imagine going you can't imagine it would never happen. But I just try to imagine going playing golf tomorrow I would team it up at Marriott let's just say. And you knew that you're going to shoot between 70. And 73. where would the fun be the whole excitement is that I want to play well today.

I'd be like see if I can shoot 73 driving like this yeah just like spraying everywhere. But realistically it would be quite boring it was quite interesting when we played it with James Robinson at Wallace. And he literally said he had his d game yeah. And shot a one under 200 or whatever it's obviously he was kind of taking the mick there. But even the best players like they're terrible round is worth much much worse than their best round. But it's not terrible round depends yeah what you define is terrible. So like the other day I played for me very badly at Wallace at 84. but I'm fully aware to some people that's like the best ever like that's a really good score and equally James is his bad score will be two over that's like what I've been made up with yeah. So there's levels for everything isn't there it's whatever however. good you are at golf the storm better unless he's got a shuffler. And you know there's always someone much worse he would kill for your game so that's something to remember maybe have a daily not I mean that 107 some people be made up with that yeah. So it's always relative um this guy hasn't got a name on Twitter so it's not a proper one he said what are your thoughts on current director consumer Golf Club. So direct to consuming I'm sure a lot of people know but it's when a brand literally sells from their website to you there's no being an American golfers no Clubhouse golfs there's more Brands time to do that I think actually some of the more major brands are probably wanted to do that as well because there's more profit in it. For them potentially what do you think of them. So far there's pros and cons isn't this but there is there's a few that I've tested that have been very good. And and you know I'm I'm an advocator of direct consumer often not always the price is a little bit cheaper. But you're right some of these big Brands will be going direct to Consumer the price will probably be just. And they'll make more money um the only downside I see currently is you obviously don't get to try the golf club before you use them yeah which often when you're in a golf shop at least you can hit it into a net. Or a simulator or whatever it is you can get a hit. And there's obviously limited custom fit options but there's more custom fit options coming out recently where you can go online you can almost fill out a chart. And it'll give you the recommendation so I don't think it's perfect. But it's getting closer yeah I think that's one we asked it in the world where like more Brands now in all walks of life would rather go direct to Consumers if you think about Nike's on a pair of golf shoes if you buy them off their web website. For 120 quid they might make 80 quid you can buy them off American Golf 120 quid then.

Obviously American Golf have to take their money their margin their profit. And then.

They bought it from from Nike for a price so it makes sense the reap for the for the brand to sell to you directly but it's difficult with golf isn't it because you know the different specs different laughs but I think we'll see a future soon where a lot more brands are doing it directly. And also get yeah more money your data Ryan link said it's a funny question this do I want to address it do you think it's fur when filming a break 75 that you use drones to find your wayward drives normally you're allowed three minutes to look through your ball. And the real world you'll have drones helping us that could be the difference between 874 and 80. there's a note on that we do use drones on path threes. So when we hit a shot into a path three the drones up so if we ever get hole in one that happened yet it'd be a cool angle and we also use drones often to actually track the holes that when you're watching as a viewer you can see how the hole looks those drone tracking shots are normally done either before we play golf. Or after we've played so not actually as we're playing because it wouldn't really work or we have the little beauty shop but we don't actually be great for John did help us. But the golf ball is that small when the drone's up you wouldn't see it anywhere. And it's that fast no um it doesn't it doesn't make a difference whatsoever we use it as a form of we're not using it to find our golf ball we're using it as a form to show the viewer a different angle from the sky yeah it's. So it'd be great if it could track the golf ball but also on that flip note there's nothing stopping him stopping him he wants to buy a drone and look for his golf balls he plays I think I'll know it was kind of a bit of a I don't think it was just a bit dig. But I think there's not many advantages that we have. And break do a break 75 because maybe you could say there's me if there's me. And you playing somebody else there's three of us and there's like four or five people on the crew so you could say you've got eight people looking for your golf ball that's an advantage potentially well then.

That's not many but then.

Any advantage we have got a massively outweighed by the fact that every shot you hit you know 500 000 people at least are gonna watch. And you've got a narrate every shot yeah. So that's something again people have been having a bit of a dig me out specifically in in the weirdly in the Facebook group that you know are narrating my shots to camera. And you know you're not as good as James shouldn't be be doing that but what are you gonna remember is yeah Rick certainly James. But when every golfer should be in a shot with purpose now obviously with our own ability so if you're of 28 and you're brand new to golf he probably shouldn't be gone a t going Par Four 350 even hits on the green because it's not gonna happen is it let's be honest you're gonna be realistic. But equally a 28 handicap I should still be thinking there's wind up the left and that's going to affect my shot. And there's a bunker on the left I want to try and miss that or I want to try you know have a purpose to each goal you'll know that as a coach obviously so the reason we tell the camera that and it might get a bit boring admittedly if I'm talking you don't care what how I'm doing but is to give people an idea of what we're thinking if I was playing a friendly around a golf with our viewers I'm not every shot on a girl right winding swap the left we're gonna Club up to a six iron three quarters punch it because it it would be boring it'd be insane it turns around you're rolling on this we're going to get this it's making a video. And I think this is we want it to come across as um as natural. And as we want you to we want to bring you as the viewer into the screen and pop you on the golf course as if you are literally watching with us that's kind of how we like to film it the reality to actually film like that you know it there is. So many different moving parts and narrating a shot or using a drone and things like that um but yeah there's pros. And cons otherwise if if using a drone was a massive Advantage one would use it more often. And two um we'd be shooting much better scores while sniffer dogs they're gonna smell probably ones we've used them a few times and they're pretty effective yeah um a couple more yeah a quick one from Linden he said what are its goals the end of the year score wise. So just break 75 consistently or be like a purely scratched golfer and also would you want to be that guy it was funny last night I was watching the um I forgot it's called Scottsdale open yeah which is open. And uh I was watching I thought Coulda could I do that what was it about Scottish after shooting like 65 that made you think you could do it in 1708 2. And winning thirds but what was it about their score I don't know was it 182 ball speed that John's getting does that feel relatable to you I don't know why I just in a few years. And a number of years yeah I've got a big birthday coming up as ever as most people have a big birthday coming up a big three nine. And I thought to myself I wonder what I could do then.

If I really really really really applied myself now I've already got I'm already gonna have a caveat to this because I can't really really apply myself you know what sorry you know what I got thinking right as I was tidying up the Buddy kids toys he played well under pirate Wallace here things got carried away watching the Phoenix Open I thought to myself imagine because I read a book years ago called dream on it's about the tale of a guy who was a pretty average guy average job with family could he shoot underpower. Or level part in a year and he basically dedicated his life I won't spoil the ending it's a really good book myself I thought to myself yeah he had no family. And like he lost his job and um I lost myself imagine if you really did apply yourself. For four or five years like that's all you did could I break 75 um I don't know why I got dreaming anyway my goals really yeah I want I want to have my work. For me it's not about my best scores I like that really like your best score is good yeah if I shoot Level under par on the occasion I'm more than happy. For me it's just not shooting anything more than 77 yeah like in fact I just want to have a bad round of golf. And I'll literally walk off the golf course and that's the worst I can possibly play golf ever. And I'm writing the 77 down that'll be that would be my dream really and I think to do that all my every area of my game's just got to get better driving's these driving's good enough. For that now I would say I would say so I think I genuinely don't think a hole anywhere near enough puts he puts very hard I always find I don't know if that's obviously I can get up. And down but I don't get up and down enough and I for the amount of shots chances and like say how well I've been driving I just don't think I give myself enough bird I feel like if I if I could clip my fingers. And help little bits obviously I can't driving I wouldn't even touch it obviously if I would if you had but yeah leave driving ions less over shape I think work on three-quarter shots a bit more controlled shots I think would help massively no real distance needed gains obviously chip in as you kind of kryptonite. So a little bit more sharpened around there and maybe put in a bit more like Pace control so everything driving's okay. But even then.

The shoes are really good as well. So a couple of and again this is an extreme example. But in America I played at Bay Hill I wasn't long enough to play at Bay Hill yeah. But what I'm saying that's an exception oh we're sorry right yeah okay I I would like to have enough distance to be able to play a championship golf like that rock cliff Hall in Newcastle that wasn't long enough to play a golf course yeah I suppose yeah I get what you're saying I'd like to have that extra gear if I needed to 170 be nice ball speed wouldn't it Cruise it it's a nice 170. uh what about yourself um plus five handicap oh that's everything how much a championship maybe no go well yeah. But that'd be next.

Goes to USM when that get the masses the next.

Year yeah play that become friends with tiger yeah um probably don't join the tgl of course I'm gonna live with you. So yeah I'm joining yeah um then.

Probably quit once he's in the tgl sorry I've missed something out tgl then.

Time to live. For 15 mil do one season then.

Quit they have to give back 12 mil because I've quit. But keep the three sail off into the sunset any Mages in there well I'll play I'll play the muscles make the cut probably play in the openings I'll get yeah enough to us arm. And uh no I wouldn't go to uspg in the US Open that's that's stupid thinking if you thought that I would I would probably come tied 34th in the open play the last round with Harrington. And Dan Gavins anyway last question um from Matt Smith uh hi guy um congratulations on the new arrival thank you very much um man you've got cameras doing very well thank you very much [Music] but the comedian today.

That was good yeah thank you very much I wasn't rehearsed to you that was a right off the cuff this 200 this episode 200 Life podcast is going to be fireworks in it imagine there's a couple of Shandy's down us I'm gonna bring on this in Disguise Rick that goes to the Phoenix Open allows us by the way I think people remember that we say we're doing this now. So we probably have to do it really I also started playing the open one time sorry that was the other one I would I wouldn't mind oh what um what would be the objective to get to actually get into the open. Or get through first stage or in the open wow what's the chances realistically um I can see you get on the moon I can actually imagine you going to the Moon zero zero zero Awards right this is definitely true now there's more chance. And 100 I get back this up more chance of you going to space I'm like I Like a Virgin Atlantic thing yeah because you can just pay. For that yeah exactly there's more chance of you into space the small chance of you playing with tiger I'm probably not in good enough shape to go to space they were like no you need to be uh let's think of five things there's more chance of playing my tiger yeah go into space yeah buying a golf course yeah um what else is there sponsoring a top 10 player in the world yeah tiger winning the four Mages definitely more chance of that anyway sorry Rick you keep going mate keep playing along. So you tell me there's a chance does it oh yeah yeah you pay your entry fee who knows that's that is the thing that's back to that that's the beauty of it though if you go. And you play your absolute lights out who knows I shoot 300 or nothing and not get through acute school anyway so this last question is from Matt Smith. And he says uh when going. For a fitting on a driver or any club for that matter is it important because an open mind. Or should you have your hearts and what you want I love that question for a couple of reasons which I'm going to come on to because they're both right oh. So I in my opinion so what what do you think you think that you should be open-minded um I think you should have done maybe research watch a few rickshaw's videos new channels coming very soon plug. So you're armed with enough information and I think you should certainly if you're trying to stick to a budget have a rough idea of what sort of drivers are in your budget nice just. So you don't get I don't want to use the word but but um influenced I'm going to use buy the fitter to buy a driver that is probably a different price point yeah that's all I'd say to it yeah I think I was going to say that there's two sides I think should be open because you never know what Drive you're gonna hit well. So why would you not try stuff you may as well but on the flip side I think if it comes down to two. And one of the ones was the one you wanted. And you really wanted it I think get that one because you see it sometimes people might let's just say you wanted a stealth too right. And you go and tried and they said have you tried the new ping. And you go no I've not actually have you thought about not really. And you tried it now if the pink massively out performs a stealth then.

You'd be mad not to get the Ping however. if they're a little bit close and you're not quite sure but then.

It's like well let's just say oh but but the Ping actually my mate's got a ping and the fitter seems really good maybe she'll get the Pingo oh and Rick she has got a pink oh but I did want the stealth I think go. For the stealth because often when you want something and you don't get that one you do feel a bit disheartened after don't you you feel like oh I should have got that one. So yeah do both try others. But if you know deep down you want one and it works go with that because ultimately all the golf clubs are good they're all good a plant will grow it a plant will grow if you've planted the seed is that everything. So basically if it's your idea you're probably going to make it grow more rather than it being someone else's idea because you're always like should I water that plant I should let it die anyway on that note thanks. For listening to the 170th episode of the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast hopefully you've enjoyed it if you haven't please send any complaints to guy at complaints.com forward slash don't bother forward slash Quest the open if you have got positive comments please leave them on this video or all of yours an apple I love a little apple review I imagine this is just a quick call out if you're that person that guy that girl who the silent majority I respect you I duck my cat to you you love the podcast you like the podcast you tolerate the podcast you listen weekly go about your business you're just that kind of quiet guy that's fine I like that if you've never reviewed the podcast on Apple just do a little favor. And go on four or five stars ideally five rate it and say something like you know like the podcast I can tolerate the podcast. Or love the podcast whatever you want to say just say it I think good things will happen to you that day if you do that I do I've always said yeah I think you'll you'll think oh should I leave a review I'm not sure. And then.

Guys oh yeah okay oh you know what I will I like the lights I'll do one. And you leave one you press enter and you go oh I've got a nice fuzzy feeling inside nothing massive will happen like not gonna suddenly change your life. But you might shut the car door I've had a tenner and that kind of thing could happen to you you know what's mad I bet statistically one person that listens to this podcast now will go. And find a tenor statistically that will happen to some person someone statistically get hole in one tomorrow statistically speaking more chance of me more chance than that happening than me getting in the open that is my attention to you in five hole in ones in one round the two of them being on par Fives Guys actually listening I'm gonna go. And practice and grind until my hands bleed hopefully you've enjoyed this podcast and by the way this is the first week of many many many many many many more uploads to the YouTube channels across the platform yes strapping hold on to yourself. And get ready for Content coming out yourself strap yourself in hold on all right guys thanks listen we'll see you soon peace Buzz I need to go.