I've heard rumors i don't know if this can be spoken on the podcast right. But i'd love you to do. So i've heard some little rumors fishing around the internet and there's there's been these kind of speculations for weeks months years now but you kind of told me something that i want to just talk on the podcast i don't know if you're hearing this it means that we've kept it in so that's good if you don't hear this it won't have gone live so sorry i've heard little rumors that you might be in the summer collaborating with a channel a massive channel good good people want this and i want this and tell me now what's happening because i don't know enough about this talk to me are you going to collaborate with good good. So talks have started yes. And it's looking incredibly promising this year yes even though we've been trying to do this. For three years that bloody thing covered got in the way this year in the summer good good if you've not checked out good good channel yet they are killing it they're doing really good like they're good lads they you know good golfers really good editing kind of a more i'd like to think probably a younger demographic getting lots of new golfers into the game young kids making golf look cool massively respect what they're doing. And they are hustling they are working hard um. So hopefully we can get a killer collaboration which i genuinely think will break the internet yes. So what kind of collaboration we're thinking a friendly match um because i feel like if we went you play against them then.

They've got such a fashion fan base we might lose bring it bring it bring it let's go let's let's go out all guns blazing um let's just see i think a mixture of fun videos a mixture of a competitive one maybe competitiveness a whole mixture of different types of content i think the plan is. For them to come over in the summer come over to the uk um hopefully i'm not talking about a turn here because this hasn't been kind of booked just yet um but i'm in an exciting time anyway yeah i'm excited to meet up with the lads um yeah i'd follow the journey i'm a big fan of the channels um what they're doing yeah brilliant i'm very excited. And i think own the viewer. And people who enjoy golf and enjoy youtube will benefit from this collaboration that's it as well. And i think something that we've become more aware of now as well is that there's. So many golf youtube channels and there's so many good ones now as well like good good the way they film their course videos are unbelievable like really really good. And it's not well better than ours no they're not very good um. But that's the beauty of for us it's great to see other channels doing well because it makes it does actually make us more almost competitive we want up our production to make sure that you know hundreds of our videos still looking good. And when we talk about collaboration that'll be the stuff that you see but actually with the collaborations that we talk about off camera about how do you shoot that how do you get that. And they might ask us well how do you how do you get your podcast looking that good. Or how do you do this. And they'll come to the studio and see it and we'll get them on the podcast and it's mo it's a collaborative output the viewer will see that. But it's actually more of a collaborative kind of input all together or you know like-minded individuals going well how can we all get better how do you do that okay well how do you do that. And let's exchange ideas and thoughts and let's make the whole platform that's it the better the videos are the better it is. For us because people watch their videos don't watch one youtube video a day or every two days oh that video was sick good good videos really good oh there's a rick shields video on the side i'll watch that one. Or vice versa so it's good for the whole platform it's good for golf it's good that they'll be getting people into i think we know we speak to a wide audience. And certainly younger but a lot of older people as well they speak to a lot of younger people a lot of young golfers watch their videos you can see on the comments people say as you do on hours. But on their videos they say i don't even play golf i watch every good good video that person might become a golfer might want to ban you driver and watch our videos so it's good for everyone it's a rising tides rise together.