All right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast episode 162. um I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy but this is a guest episode yes. And a big guest an exciting guest yes now guy you weren't present. For this I wasn't so this is kind of new. For you as well yeah um we have today.

On the episode Ricky Fowler wowzers. So we filmed this while we're out in Jupiter Florida at his home Golf Course medalist which is an amazing place. And even in more breaking news the match me versus Ricky Fowler is out tomorrow Wednesday wow big day I've seen a little bit of this footage. So far what a tough Golf Course are you glad you weren't playing it yes um Ricky Fowler was bombing it. So I'm gonna say I don't give too much away he is bombing it. And um you have definitely got your work cut out even though you're getting a 10 shot Head Start yes from the bits you saw of me though yeah no comment oh great yeah um anyway that video is going to be coming out tomorrow I think you're going to really really enjoy it. But on today's episode we have Ricky Fowler we're going to come on to uh loads of stories that we we talked to him about. And from the fact of his struggles yeah he was very open about that. For the last couple of years he's really struggled with his golf game I could relate um but not to his level he was he was top 10 player in the world. And he's dropped right down the rankings he's not worn for a few years he's really kind of I would the biggest blip in his career so far yeah well you know you can relate because you were the top 15 girlfriend Salford. For a little period last year and then.

I started I'd send it up and then.

You got knocked down the top 15. ouch so yeah this this is a really good episode he dives into his his switching of golf coaches he talks about going back to Butch Harman which who he started with which famously is Tiger Woods's golf coach from back in the day um. But he's kind of Journey he's just become a father he's got married a couple of years ago his life's changing and so we kind of dive into all of that I also get an opportunity to ask him some of yours questions from the fans listening and watching so I asked some hard-hitting questions and towards the end of the podcast as much as this isn't investigative journalism we did touch on the new tours live PGA juicy world it's a little bit of his take on that as well nice well yeah that's um I think did you have about 45 minutes. For them yeah. So by the length of this podcast that you're looking at or watching now you'll know how long we talk for first so don't know if anyone skip forward but don't because we want to quickly digest the last episode of break75 the wonderful Ely golf housing it's called it's not just collect Golf Club it's like a funny name I think it's Ely Golf House yeah golf houses what a golf course what a venue to start off with yeah it's it's really tucked away it's about 20 minutes away from Saint Andrews when we arrived it was just literally a sign off the off the main road Ely Golf Club up here. And as you drove up it felt much more like a sports complex yes like there was tennis courts there was Bowling Greens there was a really nice driving range there was a little mini golf course there there was there was lots of things going on not the day we particularly turned up there was nothing going on because I don't think many more than 10 people played that day we picked the worst day ever. For weather it was windy it was raining it was cold it was it was everything that you don't want a golf round to be however. that is the true test of Link's golf your game is trending in the right way I'll give you some credit where credit's due thank you um. But that was a true test of Links Golf it was quite an Open golf course to be first you couldn't lose a golf ball however. um it was windy there was holes that were very short par fours. But then.

Went into the face they were actually playing quite long yeah there was then.

Long path Falls that went behind. Or playing short um little spot if you've not watched it without any of Rick's score away obviously on Friday you shot 73 I did r70. So you got your brakes with your five you crushed it into Smithereens it was a past seven. So it's helped a little bit but still that's not um but your golf's good I'm feeling it it's getting there oh it was a really interesting round of golf on um at Ely I felt. And I I might have spoke about it at the start of the video or at least I have after I when I turned up there and even though the weather was bad. And it was horrible day um I never expected to shoot a big number like I just knew the confidence I just knew that I would have been surprised because it was actually a film the day after crail yeah. So obviously played really good at crail and I just kind of went into that round thinking you know even if it's a bad day I can't see this being a massive number and I made a couple of silly mistakes I made did a really silly double bow again like a fifth hole which really frustrated me. But what was nice about this round of golf. And I've not had this for a while I made four or five Birds yeah. And I think that's needed you know I'm always going to make Bogies as you do. And most people listening watching will do. But to shoot a good score on to start and start trying to hopefully break power or at least always break 75. you've got to throw in a handful of birdies absolutely and that was something uh with my own game I know it's not necessarily about me. But I was really happy because I was three overpower through four holes. And as you said in the video this one of those rounds now working go one way. Or the other the most obvious way normally goes is that three over power becomes four becomes five becomes six. And before you know you shot 92 or you can get a few powers in a row kind of study the ship. And maybe roll in a cheeky little birdie and before you know it you're kind of two of a path through nine yeah your game of golf this in this episode in the early episode was much more like you were almost fighting on to that kind of score line. And you held onto it really well to finish with a 74 yeah. So obviously you brought 75 five as well but like you're almost like they were even though the scores were. So close together it felt like we'd done them in different ways yeah I gave a lot of shots away early um. But that's the thing sometimes and it sounds silly and obviously whenever you go and play golf you'd clearly go and rather shoot the best score possible obviously that's the point to golf but sometimes I quite like those rounds of golf where you have a bit of a bad start but really kind of steady the ship and come in with a skull it might not be record-breaking but you can feel kind of really proud of because on the flip side if you go out. And play really well then.

Bogey like the last phone in row that's that horrible feeling you get in the car oh what did I do there there's a different different mental psyche let's say the last four. Or five holes that you played so I know your bird is 17. did you you probably won on the last four. Or five something like that yeah 100 level let's say you were one. For those last four or five holes and shot 74. okay which you did it's a very different psyche if you were if you made double bogey bogey on the last two to shoot 74. exactly like they almost feel like completely two separate rounds of golf don't they you're probably disappointed if that was the case where sometimes starting double bogey Bogue you're like okay well that's that out of the way I don't mind starting horrendously sometimes because it's like right well that's out of the way I'm now going to just fight all the way through these absolutely what a golf course um really really enjoyed that we've said this before we'll say again there's. So many amazing golf course in Scotland's little kind of hidden gems um and then.

Certainly if you're from the states you've not played Links golf or you've not been to the coast like that it is. So different isn't it I'm just gonna pull up something I know it's one of the oldest golf courses was it the third. Or seventh something like that it's about three and seven it's not why I said that it's definitely not four five. Or six um because I'm sure crail was one of the others if crail was the seventh oldest I'm sure is there a bit of like old wives tale in Scotland do you think because every golf courses were the oldest golf course. And there's like an Asterix it's got 18 holes they're putting shipping green and stimulate window nickel Pro Shop there's also the last tricks isn't there after it well that is the thing like no one was around nobody nobody knows when these golf courses were made. And also what symbolizes it actually being made and completed because there's a separation between golf being played on that land yeah. And actually becoming a golf course very true because a bit like Saint Andrews like golf was played on that land. But when did it actually become right we're going to put a flag here we're gonna put a t there you know let's say tomorrow we went to a local park which wasn't a golf course. And started playing golf well we're playing golf on that Park technically we might be the first people to ever play golf on that Park but it's not a golf course yeah you know. And that's where you get a lot of these wives tales or these kind of um unclear facts about the origins of golf like do you remember when we went to the golf museum at Saint Andrews yeah. And there's loads of stories about golf actually being created in was it somewhere like Norway. Or Denmark yeah they even think China as well I'm sure because there was a there was a variation. Or some sort of adaptation of a ball and a stick being hit towards a Target quick one for you then.

Rick we go to a park tomorrow right we start playing golf before you know it becomes the Rick Shields Golf Club okay yeah. And wanting to give me five things so we build it right okay you have to give me five things that your golf club would have that are quite kind of run-of-the-mill. So things that you like from current golf clubs where that might be as simple as it has a clubhouse that could be one right okay. So five things like that I also want to give me things that your golf club would have that is different that's Innovative that shows that you are a man of the Future Okay. So the five things it would have what's it called by the way first of all um is it the Rick Shields Golf Course you've got like some different name like hookers Lane that's a different Club we'll talk about that a different time guy that's a that's a different side of the business you know that we don't talk about that on air um hooker's Lane yeah I'm not sure about that. But it's got a ring to it wow um so yeah maybe we look at it we'll come up with a name soon um. For me it's going to have many many different T's okay. So you go for the different things first or so oh yeah sorry let's go five normal things five things you would have that you like from a normal Golf Club a really really good practice area okay that's good okay grass tea provi ones a bit like what I spoke about in last week's podcast what I saw a little about in Jupiter okay nice a really really good practice green that's number two yeah. But it's it's a little bit quirky actually even though it can be used as a practice green you can also have a it has like a little nine hole putting course on the green as well okay okay yeah. So two new book the same evidence yeah okay it would have a really really friendly borderline over friendly he's been accused of being over friendly a few times before starter okay like a Malcolm yeah the first guy you meet yeah. And he greets you out the car Mr Mr China nice to see you again sir and he gets a little bit in your personal space okay. But he's lovable he stands a bit too close he has nothing dodgy about him let's not cause any accusations no. But there has been rumors there has been rumors but it sounds a little bit too close but he's nice um then.

It would have a re unbelievable Pro Shop okay hardware. And soft Gods unbelievable everything you could ever want right it's got everything and the average spending there is upwards of 775 dollars wow dollars sorry sorry sorry. So 500 pounds yeah I've converted that from dollars to 500 pounds um. And then.

So there's I think there's four things. So far yeah. So number five what about another nice changing room I think that's the key no boring number five we're not um would be a good one it's very easy to navigate from the from the car park to all of the pit stations that you want to go to okay. So whether it's driving range Pro Shop putting green Clubhouse grab grab some food before you go and play see Mal come on starter to the T okay it's not complex okay there's not going back. And forth the land that one but I'll let you have it I like that one okay let's have your five exciting ones. So these are five things at the Rick Shields Golf Club AKA hookers Lane that you would not normally see at a golf club to talk to me zero dress code well okay zero yep okay clothes on. Or you have to have clothes on okay even a t-shirt vests could wear a vest wherever you want okay okay there's no tee times you can never be late okay that's good. For you okay. So I turn up had a busy day at work in the summer I turn up at 5 45 get on the first tea it's around there's like 20 groups but there's no there's no official first hole oh okay. So you just jump away the holes navigate towards there's four or five different starting points okay. So you might go well starting point number one's busy but starting point number three is quiet okay okay reduce the entire Golf Course okay is one floodlet nice two has a retractable roof [Music] great the whole Golf Course okay yeah that's that's definitely different okay gonna cost a few quid. So if it rains not an issue if it's dark not an issue you know it'll be quite good to fund that when it does close it could always sponsors easy. So you're there playing it's under the under the light it's under the dome and they've got a big thing saying Titleist and then.

One ball in golf they can fund it if they want they've got two bills I mean the roof's high oh yeah really high. But local real if you hit the roof you get to play your shot again yeah you should get mad lift hit the roof yeah that's the ward I hit the roof. So that's three okay. So yeah okay different there's no limit on how many people can play in one group ah okay okay. So you've been an eight ball what if I turn up in a one ball behind the eight ball you can go on starting point number three okay right yeah it's all covered that's nice under the roof. And the lights gate and also it doesn't matter nobody's right when you turn up at five o'clock after work you're not racing to get round before it goes dark there's no need to because there's a roof in this lights never goes dark right never goes dark okay that's four give me the fifth Point best to the last the fifth point yeah is there's a halfway house between every group wow there's 18 halfway houses nice. So because it doesn't matter if you start on point three starting point three or starting point four starting point two well your halfway house isn't the same as mine that makes sense but I would like that to do a themed. So one's like an Indian McDonald's yeah KFC yeah uh Mexican. And Indian Italian Sushi yeah pizzas pastas. And everything's free it's all included in your green fee which is four million pounds not pay. For the roof somehow the rooftop pay for itself so yeah different I did not think that the the park in in Salford down the road we fit all this. But you know that's really good that's insightful and if you want to send your dream Golf Club to us feel free yeah if you want a fun hookers Lane with a roof give us a shout yeah um wow just a quick one before we go on to the podcast then.

A couple of things we last week said that if you were an apple listener of the podcast. And you hadn't rated us and given us some feedback then.

We would love it the audience you guys absolutely came and nailed it for us a huge thank you for that it really helps um boost the podcast up the charts now no to you listed you don't care where the podcast sits in the chats. And really touch with you we don't massively care however. it is it's not in like mad we do like to see it high up. So we actually reached last week uh in the UK that says number seven for the whole of sport so when you look at that and you think of well if it's Sports there are another huge huge podcasts to get to number seven was amazing that's massively helped obviously by you guys listening. But also by subscribing on Apple and rating it as well so thank you so much you guys are very very good people. But Matt cut to me but seventh isn't good enough we want to be first in the whole of sport and the entirety of the world so if you've not reviewed yet make sure you review the podcast on Apple everywhere else yes. And also big shout out uh we mentioned also last week we were getting close to 100 000 subscribers followers on Instagram we've done it we're a hundred thousand it's my last wish Before Christmas to you everybody listening. And watching go and subscribe to the actual podcast YouTube channel we want to get over 200 000 subscribers I mean that that gets clenching that fist very tightly that gets us through Christmas okay that gets us through Christmas. And helps fund the roof of hooker's Lane yeah it does um. And by the way all 200 000 subscribers get free membership yes if it ever happens you actually go you bring some evidence you go this is like six years time Rick's gone really gray. And old and like he's there at this uh hooker's Lane it's just took the life out of him it's been a hard graph it cost 10 billion pounds set up so much hi Rick all right Danny I don't know you don't yeah yeah you remember oh yeah yeah yeah you said the podcast six years ago I said 162. I was a member all right yeah come in third stretch a loop down the road uh. But yeah thank you. So much everybody and also for those of you that don't comment don't like um don't subscribe whatever that's also not fine but okay we do appreciate the silent majority as well. But please do subscribe um shall we get into the podcast with Ricky uh if you must I'm joking it's a very good one I have heard it really um if I'm not I won't lie I've heard half of it. So far I'm listening to the rest of it now in real time everybody else okay. So sit back enjoy Ricky Fowler Ricky Shields opening up heartfelt podcast all the way from Jupiter medalist enjoy and don't forget tomorrow is the match Ricky I'll take him down [Music] well first offer okay thanks. For having us down here I genuinely this might be my favorite place I've ever been it's a it's a special place um I've been a member here at uh I want to say I joined as a full member I think it was back in 2012. okay um back then.

They kind of had just a limited amount of spots. For for tour pros and I'd had a you know a couple good years on tour and I felt like this is a place that I'll really always want to be. So um yeah joined as a full member. And helped you know free up another spot on the pro side of things but yeah it's just a a good place to hang. And play golf there's you know it's not a it's not a country club it's it's golf it feels like it's got a really nice vibe to it it does um you know everyone I mean show up play good food chef here is great um later in the day afternoon you get a handful guys hanging out on the on the patio flying cars having drinks. And it's a lot of good people around here and uh I've been told that this golf course is outrageously difficult um I feel like it's gotten easier over the years um I think this is the fourth version they've done some redo's um you know Norman did the original um. And I think he was a part of the first. And second renovation um but I yeah I've heard like the first couple were were very tough um they've they've cleared out some areas that used to just be like basically jungle um. So yeah it's a little bit more member friendly now okay. But still um you know we've got a great day today.

Um. But yeah you'll get some days where it's it's blowing a proper 15 to 20. And it's it's about all you want I suppose for you when you want to practice you want to test yourself because obviously you test yourself on the hardest Golf Course week and week out on the on the tour you need somewhere that's going to test you all the time you need a place that's to tour standard all the time like this you know a golf course like here at medalist yeah this one. For me I feel like this one's a great place to kind of get a good test throughout the game you know down here in Florida we got some good tight granularized around grains and you can really tell where your chipping game's at it'll tell you pretty quickly I thought I found that out pretty quickly being here only a day yeah chipping's not my fault saying that this uh this type of grass at Bermuda. So I've grass it's just oh you've really got to catch it yeah you'll I mean if you're tripping well around here like I was out of bears Club yesterday. For for a Pro-Am with uh Jack and Barbara oh nice um same thing just it's that tight and grainy and if you're not delivering the club properly um I think the first hole we play we started on four yesterday um. And I had this little like uphill in the grind shot and it was one of those ones where you just want to like close your eyes. And luckily I hit it I was just trying to hit it to like eight ten feet yeah it was accomplished that. But it was one you try. And get cute with and hit it in the bunker and you can make a mess of it quickly you know I think that'll be quite nice. For people listening and watching the fact that even yourself who's played golf to such an incredible level been on tour since 2008 right there's still shots around the golf course that kind of give you the oh God I'm not quite comfortable over this one or not quite not quite feeling this type of shot because I think there's a lot of amateurs listening we'll just kind of presume a tour pro like you just takes it all in the stride. And you know almost doesn't have those um anxiety issues out on the golf course and things like that but it's probably not the truth is it really I would say I mean there's there's probably you know a few days a year playing in tournament golf where you really have no worry everything's clicking. And and you're just rolling with it um there's plenty of times and I feel like um all all Pros would be lying if there's never a situation where they don't feel a little a little uh not too sure about it um yeah it happens. But sometimes like it's just deciding how you handle those situations like sometimes there's if it's a shot and you may not feel too comfortable with it well you don't have to try and pull it off yeah. And then.

There's other situations where this is the shot you have to hit. And you just have to you know man up and and hit it so yeah there's. But there's plenty of times where like you may not feel too comfortable and you just accept like okay well I'm either not going to get this that close yeah. Or you know you're kind of taking the big mistake or or big number out of play of course that way throughout this podcast we're gonna grab some lunch then.

Head out and I do a challenge on my YouTube channel where I've been lucky enough to play against some incredible tour Pros Tommy Fleetwood Adam Scott Lee Westwood. And we do a 10 shot challenge. So I start 10 on the far you start level four we've left the same tees which when we just smoke a minute off camera as you were hinting at the bat backs round here right we could I mean it we don't we don't have to to go too crazy the we're right here by the first. And 10th tee um luckily today.

Number one is down off the right. But it is I believe it's about 275 carry okay um good way to ease into the round yeah it's it's I mean it definitely helps when it's downwind I might lose all I might be over par after the first hole after starting I mean one I mean we could always just like hit the shot see it. And go up to the to the normal tees as well up there normally it's like a I'll hit five wood and a and wedge or an iron um that's a little bit more of an inviting first hole we'll see that we'll see how we get on I'm sure as the rounds going on if it's tight you'll be like we're going off the backseas get off the back on ten get on the back of the rest of them I would say well. For the most part um the only ones that have like some back back tees one um 9 10 and then.

18. okay um outside of that the normal back tees there's just a few few that get stretched out as I mentioned before you've been you turned Pro in 2008 right 2009 2009. And you've had a phenomenal career nine wins on on tour right and uh I think nine. Or so world I have five on tour nine worldwide wins somewhere around there I I just I need to get more that's that's what it comes down to when you look back at that time frame and I want to talk about what the future holds as well like do you feel proud of what you've achieved do you feel like you've you've kind of hit what you'd want to. Or do you feel like there's a lot more to obviously play. For and moving into the future obviously you're working hard on your golf swing at the moment you know I'd love to dive into that a little bit with you as well when you look back at the moment do you feel that there's I don't know things that you're still grasping. For and you're still kind of aim for really in the world of golf uh there's kind of two ways to look at it because I feel like as a golfer you're you're never satisfied so always want more um It's never enough um I mean you look at someone like tiger when he was in his you know that stretch of the late 90s early 2000s like that's arguably some of the best golf we've ever seen. And still wanted more still kept pressing different working on different stuff to try and keep getting better um and so I would say like sitting here today.

Yes I've had a you know a nice career. But I want more but also on the flip side if you were to go back to me as a you know seven eight-year-old kid of having to dream of playing on the PGA tour we've we've done just fine I mean having some wins winning a Players Championship um. So probably have exceeded the initial dream of you know just being on the PJ tour and winning um but like I said no one's ever satisfied um when you're in the current situation. And knowing where you are what you've done um. So yeah always want more I don't think you can ever be satisfied as a tour pro because you need that drive you know what's going to force you to practice what's going to force you to keep pushing yourself. And you see that there's certainly a um a type of attitude with tour players that the it's an individual Sport and you're in control of your own destiny and you've got to set these targets you've got to keep working towards you know Improvement and getting better all the time and as I mentioned you've been working really hard in your golf swing and working on your Technique what how's that all kind of come about and how's that how's the progress to that so far um I mean it's been it's been I mean good. So far um you know to kind of go out with a few events this fall and working on some changes in the house you know had two good finishes yeah um. So that was definitely good to see. And then.

I was able to get some time off spend some time with the family. And just starting to kind of really get back to work now um so you know obviously didn't play very well the last few years um but I I I learned a lot um and so you know decided to go away from from John Tillery who I can't say enough good things about the guy love him um it was just a bummer that you know didn't wasn't really working it was you know in a way like kind of speak in different languages. And yeah we gave we gave it our best shot um you know I put I put a lot of work in um I he I know JT he was he was grinding was putting everything he had. And to you know trying to to make it work and um you know at the end of the day um just a business decision on my part and you know said you know kind of run its course. And I need to go a different direction so um I thought kind of the easiest was going back to Butch um a lot of people you know ask why I ever left him will Butch stop traveling. So it wasn't it wasn't me necessarily leaving Butch yes um. And we've always maintained um communication always kept up with Butch and stayed in touch but even since technically starting to work with him the last few months I've only seen him once okay. And that was when I was in the tournament in Vegas because he's out in Vegas isn't it. So yeah I still don't I don't hardly see him it's more just text. Or phone calls sending videos back and forth um I've hit balls with his brother Craig here at medalist yeah um actually we only did that once before I went out to Vegas. So it's it's a little bit more you know on me and just having the communication with Butch as well as Craig I suppose you mentioned something really interesting just then.

Like the talk about different languages and coaching can be like that like I say you can work with this particular coach. And for whatever reason the communication might be a little bit different but then.

You know you go back to Butch and obviously you've had a great relationship with Butch over the years and you know it's maybe certain things that he's identified or communication the way he puts something across it kind of clicks again doesn't it and you go okay yeah that makes that makes sense. Or whatever it may look like yeah. And I would say even even a lot of it is I start to give you know a lot of credit to JT too from from what I learned about the swing. And body and myself over the last few years it kind of helped put me in the position um for this fall where I was able to be in a better spot. And then.

Also accomplish some of the things that myself and but wanted to do with the swing I suppose as well when you look at the last few years like your life changed a lot there's yeah these changes get married have a kid have a kid you know those things definitely affect your performance you know I'm sure your perspective. And life might have even tweaked a little bit and change when you see the pattern little feet knocking around so I bet that's been kind of quite a big U-turn in in your in your daily lifestyle as well I guess yeah no it's I mean it's been fun I wouldn't I wouldn't change anything. And um you know the bummer over those I would say over those few years is that like golf was the only thing that wasn't you know great everything else like at home. And family friends like everything was amazing. So at least I had you know that to to fall back on and lean on um it was just a bummer that you know things weren't clicking on the golf course. And um it's nice to you know start to see that it's still in there we can still play. So short-term goals obviously we're back in the 2022 now moving into next.

Year do you are you quite religious in setting goals. For the the next.

Year is that something you do on a yearly basis. Or are you more long-term projects five years ten years how do you kind of set your goals ready. For the new season um sometimes I'll write things down sometimes I won't but um I mean. For me I think the kind of easiest. And most simple is when [Music] um you know I think we did a good job of of getting contention a couple times this fall. And um no I I want to win. So we do that that's going to help take care of a lot of other goals. But that would kind of be the initial um but it's nice to be in a position where you know I feel like I can. And know I can go back out. And win because obviously I want to be back on you know President's Cup and Ryder Cup teams and um there's still a lot of a lot of stuff we want to accomplish you've been obviously a radical player and you know that's obviously a totally different kettle of fish it's team golf do you have super fond memories of radical do you love kind of getting playing in those. And being part of the team oh yeah um I mean there's some of the the best memories as uh as a professional golfer I think um you know being able to be on teams um you know playing with you know guys like JT. And then.

You know guys that are good friends of mine. But I've also enjoyed I mean just the weeks as a whole from being in the team room together yeah um you know having some drinks on Sunday night. And you know unfortunately we've been on uh Ryder cups more losing sides than winning sides but um it's still more of a you know afterwards it's you know celebration of the accomplishment of obviously being on the team um but it is more fun to have some drinks after you've won I must admit the UST U.S team now though at the moment is incredibly strong you know yeah I gotta I gotta play my ass off to to get back on there because there's uh we got plenty of young Talent yeah a lot of guys playing really well. And it's fun to see um that's that's the way you want it um you know growing up I always you know played in practice with buddies that were good players. And um people have always you know kind of brought up like you know I'm behind the green waiting for buddies to finish and yeah. And it's like it's fun that way because to me it's the most fun when you beat your friends and kind of have like the bragging rights yeah. So when I've won and I've had friends there waiting for me it's it's a kind of cool and fun accomplishment and you know to have the respect between your peers um and to be able to share those moments together um I'm getting like Justin Thomas is a good friend of yours. And John Spieth yep um are they the main kind of best Pals on tour yeah those two I mean um also really close with Jason duffner yeah um yeah I'm close to a lot of other guys. But yeah I was I mean JT. And I probably spend the most time together um of those guys you didn't grow up playing golf with those guys though did you no uh JT. And Jordan both a little younger than me yeah um Duff's a little older um there's a there's a handful of guys on tour that um are around my age that I played some junior golf. And college golf with yeah um. So yeah that's what's fun is you know everyone's kind of part of a big family. And um yeah like I said it's it's more fun when you're when you're beating your friends. And kind of end up with the bragging rights who who out with those guys takes it the the worst if you if you go out let's say you go and having a bit of a hitting giggle with JT and Jordan whoever else like who who's a not a great loser if you kick their ass um I think everyone's about the same I mean nobody likes losing enough no no they all hate it they love winning um I mean tiger could be up there as one of the the worst he hates losing which obviously you know goes to show what he's accomplished over the years he's he hates losing he plays here as well right he does that's crazy. And have you had some good challenges around here with him we've had some some matches over the years um you know we've had a good time and um you know I know he's been over the last couple years when he's you know been healthier trying to come back this is this is where he kind of you know checks things. Or you know obviously with going through loss injury trying to you know go out. And walk and see how he's doing so um yeah it's nice to have a place where you know tiger feels comfortable to call this is you know his home course I um just before we did this podcast I put out on my Instagram that did this podcast with you what do you think was the most popular question to ask you. And I couldn't believe the tidal wave of questions on this one particular topic I have no idea why you wear orange which which I know the story of. But I'm surprised so many kind of so many questions came about this was that being that it was it more like non- us based okay I've got quite a global reach. But maybe I know I know you're you're kind of big time I didn't read it like that much I didn't mean it like that sounded awful more like I've got fans over in the US. But I think in the certainly in the UK the college system isn't anywhere close to what yeah it's very different I know obviously you know outside of the US it's very much you you go to college you know. For you know what you want to do life-wise in business. Or doctor or whatever it may be um you know our our Sports in college are are a pretty big deal in the states huge college football. And basketball and on down the line but um you know college golf is pretty big. And a lot of the a lot of kids in the US go play college golf before turning pro and so the orange for me went to Oklahoma State yeah. And um our colors are orange. And black and just thought it was uh kind of fun. And different not many guys necessarily wore orange so kind of a way to just kind of continue to be myself and not try and be someone else yeah like I said I I knew it was from Oklahoma State. But honestly the amount of times like why do we have orange. And it's I suppose to some degree it's probably what a lot of golfers when they maybe think about yourself freaking followed like wearing orange bright colors you know um. So it's not a bad thing it's being able to stand out from the crowd a little bit as well you know yeah I always wanted to you know I think I mentioned earlier is like not trying to you know necessarily be like someone else just be yourself I grew up riding in racing dirt bikes um. And with the you know riding gear is a little bit more can be on the louder side fun. And you know whether it's colorful or not but it's not just plain necessarily so having kind of the action sports background and just not being afraid to wear some loud colors or or different outfits um that was more just me having fun. And being myself do you ever get time to do any of that now with most sports. Or other stuff Hobbies outside of the World of Golf uh not much um you know riding I I wish I could just don't really have the the time to do it. And is it is it a bit risky as well if you did it you know yeah you can't go injuring yourself because um it'd be hard. For me to just go cruise around and not do anything that that has some risk because it would it would kind of be like telling someone that's a scratch golfer to just go out. And shoot 90-95 and have fun like yeah you want to go play golf. So like if I get on a bike you know I was a decent Rider. So I'd want to go ride to my abilities and um just not that fun that way well the thing is you like say if you push yourself too far over you never by accident that could be you know really horrendous obviously golf career yeah in riding it's it's not a matter of of if it's it's when it's that's a good part yeah like it's playing golf crash is going to happen yeah like it's like trying to go around. And not hit a ball in the water or hit a bad shot like it's gonna happen at some point yeah um. So yeah it's it's just not necessarily worth the risk right now. So what else then.

Did you enjoy what takes your mind off golf obviously spending time with family I'm sure is there any other hobbies that you're passionate about uh family's been really the the main thing thing I enjoy when I get some a little bit of free time around the house I'll fish out back um. And then.

When we're home I'm usually in the gym probably about six days a week um and then.

My wife and I enjoy cooking at home nice so that kind of you throw some playing or practicing and it kind of fills up the day that's your day done and have you always been super into kind of the fitness obviously the golf development of fitness and strength and Powers really come in really kind of obviously since tiger hit the scene and obviously there was a dominance of distance is that always something you've been quite passionate about. Or do you do you enjoy it. Or do you have to force yourself to go. And get in the gym uh it's a little bit of both I I do enjoy it. But I'm not I'm not in there pushing myself or or in the gym to necessarily look a certain way um I still want to enjoy life and you know have a drink here there eat some unhealthy food um but it's more about you know making sure that my body is capable of what I want it to do um yeah like I said I'm not in there to try. And make myself look a certain way it's you know I'm in there to play golf and and to play for a long time so so it's more yeah. So it's it's looking after conditioning your body but are you doing anything that's kind of helping you hit the ball further you do anything that's helping the performance out on the golf course as well yeah it's I mean it's it's all based around Golf. And and physical health um you know I'm not trying to necessarily make any crazy gains on distance or anything like that um have you ever chase that no I mean I've always been above average um. And I I I don't have any aspirations to really try and push it too much um I I just don't know I don't necessarily see the the real benefit in it yeah um. And more so just focusing on you know the things that I may not be as good at make those better and continue to strengthen my strengths I've always I always love asking this question so it's a really really good golfers because we're a lot of young golfers aspiring tour pro to be listening right now okay. And obviously the education of practice has improved a lot of golfers now listening know how to practice better have you got any top tips for kind of young aspiring golfers and whether that's to be on tour or whether that's just to get better where would you kind of focus your attention on as a and more of a of a broader answer to how people can improve effectively um I think I mean outside of doing your your Basics. And putting and chipping kind of hitting your fundamentals there but for me in the way I have kind of always gone about it especially once I was able to to get to a golf course. And and utilize actually playing um is playing golf a lot of times you know I'll warm up get a little bit of work on the Range. But get out and go play golf um and then.

Whatever I may struggle with out there if it's a certain shot um then.

I can okay I'm gonna go work on this at the range I think a lot of people can spend too much time on the Range. And playing Range golf versus playing actual golf is very different. So playing puts you in a lot more situational positions of you're not just hitting the same shot over and over you're not always hitting the full shot so to me it's play golf okay what did I struggle with I'm gonna go work on that I'm gonna address it well you're right. So many you know golf the range there's no consequence it's really easy to hit a good drive on the rain yeah of course because you've got another ball there's no there's nothing that's that's not water right there's not 275 yard carry on the first hole there's not trees there's no there's no um there's no consequence yeah. But it's like yeah if you maybe struggled with you know holding a left. Or right win that day or flighting the ball whatever it may be then.

Okay I'm gonna go work on these specific things versus sometimes unless you're working on like a swing change that needs reps. But you know I feel like people go to the range without much of an idea of what they're going to do other than just hit balls um. And you end up either in a worse spot or searching um go play okay these are the one two three things I struggle with I'm gonna go work on this did you stop playing golf really young uh yeah I started hitting balls. And playing it too um I played my first tournament at four and a half oh my goodness so yeah. And parents into golf I guess uh a little bit my grandpa was the one who introduced me um. And so he's he picked up the game as well as my dad um we all kind of started around the same time my Grandpa took me the driving range when I was two. And uh it kind of just immediately fell in love with it wow um with let's say hypothetically we're sat here in 10 years time okay what do you see the pathway. For the next.

10 years what would you love to have accomplished what what would you love to be saying that now my greatest achievement is um well I'd like there to be at least one major um I I definitely you know talked about goals you know a win. And going from there. But I need I need to win some more um to to feel you know satisfied or at least somewhat satisfied like we said no one's ever ever fully satisfied you always want more. But because even if you win well I bet you're like well maybe exactly yeah. So I mean having one would be great that's at least uh you know taking that box. But you always want more what's been the heart because obviously you've come second in three of the major and third and the other what's been the hardest one to kind of swallow what was the hardest one to go ah that was um that annoyed me I would say I would say Valhalla PGA was was probably my my best shot um you know I felt like I I hit a lot of quality shots. And what year was that again sorry I think it was 14. okay. But Rory won um so the year before you won the Players yeah I'm pretty sure I could be wrong around that time. But yeah that one I I was in a great position going to The Back Nine um I had a couple swings that that I guess you could say they cost me they might not have you never know. But um that was probably the one I felt best. And was either in the lead. Or close enough in in certain points where that was the one I felt like I had a very good chance there was others um you know at the open I finished second to Rory I I he played well. And I never got close enough was that right Liverpool um. So that's where it is again this year yeah. And then.

2023 Us open at Pinehurst kymer was way out front yeah um I was never necessarily going to catch him he needed to come back a little bit. So that I could catch that um and he just played solid golf so I was never in a in a spot where I could get there um. And then.

Obviously had a great chance at the Masters when Patrick Reed won so 2018. I was there. For that one I think. So and I'm terrible with 2018 stuff but yeah um that was one where I was chasing. And kind of got to a point where I had a chance um Patrick ended up I think making par on the last two yeah um. So I lost by one but like I mentioned I I think Valhalla was the one where I had been actual chance um where I had some control under things like that when did you use that. For fuel to motivate you to to get out and practice do you use all those kind of near opportunities to to Really force yourself to get out there. And practice because obviously you want to get those off off your back you want to forget about those and obviously remember the the phenomenal victories yeah because there's there's there's certain shots in those um moments whether it's the back nine. Or whatever it may be knowing the ones that you hit how you wanted to and they're executed it's hard to say perfectly but what you're trying to do. And then.

There's the others where like use either poor swing or bad mental commitment and trying to figure out okay why we did. So well here what why we struggle or make a mistake here um and yeah that's something you look back. And kind of try and pull on the memories of the good ones and then.

Remember you know the poor ones as well because okay what happened here what I do how how can I do better in that situation um it's just done to me I want to thank you. For something RF 33s the ions the super super bladed ones the ones that you 33 iterations they killed it on my channel oh really yeah I made two videos about them. And I went and played golf with them struggle like hell because they're like the smallest plated I've ever seen in my life it was in like lockdown when I got the first time I got a hold of him. And a beautiful looking eyes you had obviously the saying that yeah yeah is there going to be another version because you're not currently playing with those are you I'm not I went to I ended up going to uh a set of irons that's coming up next.

Year a little more uh a little bigger a little more forgiving um yeah those blades were ridiculous they're yeah they're they're definitely on the edge um yeah this I've I feel like what I want. Or what the ultimate goal we're trying to just take the the blades that I was playing. And just give them a little different look yeah um the sole turned out a little bit different. And wasn't necessarily working the same and so that's where I struggled so the the ball flight ended up being a little different um the look looking down on him is is what I wanted they they're obviously fun to look at um the three Iron's not. For for some people they may not be fun to look at and hit um yeah they're it'd be fun to work on version two they may not be blades they may be um with the technology. And all the all the stuff that manufacturers know now um you can make you know more forgiving clubs that still feel. And and get the consistency of blades um sorry into the equipment I am um not necessarily messing around and tinkering too much I like to kind of get my set and and go I don't like making many changes he tweets with a few Putters last year was that oh this year this last year yeah um. And again that's something I don't necessarily like to do. But trying to when something's not necessarily working or isn't looking right to the eye sometimes changes need to happen and just find something that looks good and gives you more confidence um but yeah ultimately I like to kind of stay away from doing a lot of changes yeah I think Potters is one though you can kind of tweak. And sometimes you'll just put a new putter in the bag and oh yeah I like look at that. And it just gives that little bit of confidence um one of the I've got some fan questions I want to go through in a minute but one one for me and again something I integrated into my eye I probably need to reduce again I remember seeing a video of you obviously hover the Potter set up um and I found that I'm gonna do it today.

Actually now I've remembered I sometimes kind of forget these things it felt like you'd take a look attention out your hands. And it felt like it was easier to take the putter away because you weren't almost lifting it off the floor before you took it back yeah. So it was something Paul the zonko who kind of he runs kind of the fitting. And the studio for for Scotty down there um in Southern California I got to spend a lot of time down there growing up and and through high school and college and um it was one of the things kind of messed with because when you look at when the when the Putter's sold um to take it back there has to be either some sort of lift. Or you have to take it up and outside um unless you're on super fast greens with no friction you can actually slide it. And take it straight back but there is some sort of lift of. And mine was a touch of a lift. And it would be just a touch outside so um we did some video work. And was looking kind of just thought well what if I hover a little bit Yeah. And try that and it just flowed straight back because you don't have you're already lifted so you're good to go um it is an odd feeling at first it takes a little bit of practice because you do have to you kind of lose in you know an anchor Point yeah people don't think they're putting necessarily weight on their putter. But if it's sold it is kind of a form of of an anchor on the ground um no matter if you're pushing down. Or not yeah. So it did clean up the stroke. For the takeaway um which if you have a bad takeaway you can you can fix it. And Putt well from there but was just trying to make it as clean as possible I suppose the one thing that you find a bit more challenging when you hover it is to make sure that the ball stays in the middle of the face still because it feels like it can almost go towards toe. And heal a little bit more the putter yeah. And it's it's a little bit of the yeah balance. And being able to kind of hold everything steady um it can get a it can get a little tough when it's a little Breezy um. But you just got to put the Reps in first of all you don't I don't know obviously there are windy places out here. But I suppose that really kicks in when you're over at the open yeah I mean it does get it can get pretty windy down here I mean I would say you know an average day blows 10 to 15. But we get plenty of days that are over 20. um. But yeah you don't play in proper windy conditions until you go overseas I've got some questions okay uh this is from the top I'm going to start off with a good one Tom Fox Dean have you ever had a sausage roll I have here in the US. Or just no not here in this not here in the US you like him yeah no I've gotten them uh from like some of the little stands over at the open yeah yeah like a halfway house they're just the best we do like uh I'm guessing they don't sell them here not not really there's there'd be versions that could be close to it. But um yeah there I wouldn't say they're necessarily good. For you but they do taste nice uh Alex uh caught a set you can pick you. And three others for a scramble okay who are you picking. And you know what I'm going to open it up it's gonna be past. And present too um I'm guessing the guy you were with yesterday might even make it in Mr Nicholas oh I think I think. For me past present that's a hard one because if it was a five ball it'd be pretty easy come on you can have five okay it'd be I'll go Hogan Nicholas tiger. And then.

One of my favorites Arnold Palmer very good on that yeah I mean that would be quite a good one just to sit back. And watch yeah I don't even just spectate yeah it's like cocktails. And watch those four yeah yeah I'll film it you can you can spot tight um I'm gonna extend on that a little bit more let's say you now are gone out playing okay. And you could pick a player to hit so for example pick a player to hit all the tee shots pick a place with all the iron shots pick a putter what would the four ball but look like then.

And also you've got to pick apart for you okay um I'd say driving it's going to be pretty easy take Rory okay um Iron play tiger um short game I'm gonna go with JT I love I love the way he chips. And pitches ball and hits you know wedge shots from really any wedge shots and around the green um so I guess I have to go myself putting uh hasn't exactly been my strong point the last couple years but I know I'm a good putter yeah I feel like that's that has been your strong point over the years. But that's the other tough part with the last three years is working on stuff. And when even when there's days where I've had decent or good ball striking I've always been able to rely on my Putter and that's something through the early part of my career like my putter was always there. So if I had a bad ball striking day I could kind of manage and save it when I had good days I made putts um unfortunately last few years I I really didn't make anything so even if I hit the ball well I just got nothing out of it and you need to officer such a huge part of it Ben Adams has put what's your favorite tattoo favorite tattoo how many did you have I think seven my favorite's probably the first one I got um it's my coach from growing up because it's his like he used to do a lot of pencil drawings um. And he would sign it um in pencil Barry McDonald so I got his name tattooed on my wrist that's the first one you had one wow is that because of how much influence he had over you. And yeah I mean I I spent I mean my whole childhood growing up uh he was a big Ben Hogan guy um always had the Little Five Lessons Ben Hogan book in his back pocket um. And so super old school um yeah he unfortunately passed away um right before I won my first pro event in 2011. But uh yeah a huge part of who I am who I am. And why I'm where I'm at I love the Olympic rings yeah well I do too unfortunately I have to cover them up. For a lot of shoots because um you can't have the the Rings visible and oh because it's like a trademarks logo yeah. So did you know that before you got it done not completely um. So I do love the tattoo I think knowing what I know now I probably would have done it in a different position somewhere different on your back. Or whatever um so yeah it is a great memory. But um it's been a bit of a hassle with with all the shoots having to cover it up um this is another random one this is from Hunter Johnson obviously you've had a Tash in the past okay. But can you grow a full beard I I can't really um sideburns don't grow okay. So I'm I'm blank here [Music] um and I would it's I would never be able to get to where you're at um I didn't know I could get somewhere else until it started growing I was like hold on it's quite decent kind of what you've seen is about as much as I get um yeah I don't get full coverage another question this is just from a username legatron um will dick fowl the pi ever make another appearance not sure that was with Farmers actually that was a fun one to shoot um we shot like four spots in one day messing around. And um yeah they just decided not to to move forward with it. But I wouldn't be against it on the golf boys that's that was mud it was you know that was just showing that were weird. And like to goof around as well showing personalities yeah I know I'm not a good singer I'm definitely not a good dancer. But all you have to do is just let loose. And goof around and we had some fun with it were you uh were you well oiled. For that shoot no none of us it's over yeah wow that was that was the four of us dead sober what's happened to Ben Crane's mod videos because oh man he was doing some funny videos the workout videos. And stuff he started with and when he when he was talking about how to read greens. And he was jumping in the near pond. And unfortunately like they're they're funny if you don't know anything but if you're a golfer and him kind of making fun of all the the golf stuff it made it that much more funny uh someone's asked another random what's your second favorite color the presuming orange is your favorite color um probably on Blue okay um I remember growing up blue was like one of my favorite colors I think I had my room painted blue as a kid uh this is from a username that doesn't really make sense. For a name but anything and I'm glad this has come from a fan anything you regret over your career ah no it's because I think it's it's wrong to live with regrets um I think the big thing. For me is always kind of if there was a spot where I messed up. Or made a mistake is just learning from that. And yeah either not letting it happen again. Or okay what do I need to do in the the next.

Time we're in that situation. So no if uh I wouldn't be where I am today.

If all the that stuff didn't cross uh we're gonna do a couple more Andre Groves says what's your best course you've ever played at um foreign County downs one of my favorites yeah. So I've not played it's on my bucket list yeah if you get it on a day like this. Or with a little bit of breeze it's hard to beat um you can get some nasty days where it may not be very fun of course yeah I know it looks absolutely out of this world links golf's my by far my favorite I think it's well obviously we we got very lucky to get a lot of Links Golf where we are. And uh it took me a while to appreciate Links Golf I used to think it was really unfair I just think it's not it just gives you. So many so many options like you can still play it like a normal golf course you can play the ball in the air if you want to. But you don't have to you can you can hit. So many different shots and yeah you're gonna get some you might get some breaks here. And there but it's just part of it well I think I mean why I like looking scarf is you can use bloody putter everywhere like I love the fact you could you know out here you're gonna have to chip a lot of shots. And you know you can you can pot it from around the greens a bit out here um it's pretty tight. And fast everywhere or are are super um Jason is incredible um. So you'll see I mean we've got a I think yesterday probably uh vertica. And top dress so you're seeing a little bit of nice sanding on the top so these will be they should be rolling today.

Last question. And this is from Max Hume what do you think of the state of professional golf right now it's it's very interesting um I think ultimately it's going to end up in a better position. For the players hopefully for everyone in the whole game of golf um it's it's I've enjoyed kind of learning more about the ins and outs of of the PJ tour as well as live I'd say it's kind of unfortunate that something like live had to you know come to fruition to make the tour you know get up off their chair and you know do something yeah um you know I've always believed that the PJ tours the has been the best place to play currently is. And you know a lot of us want to see it continue to be that [Music] um but yeah you can you can't really just stay the same. And expect to be the best so yeah it's been it's been super interesting um I think a lot of people thought that you know live wasn't going to work. Or gonna happen so yeah there's going to a lot of it. But imagine like imagine if Liv was backed by like apple. Or Amazon um because I also don't necessarily like that the kind of the one stance is just going after kind of the the moral issue. And being associated or with Saudi it's like no one's no one's perfect no one's clean um yeah it is what it is it's been an unbelievably interesting year you're right you know when you when you first look at whenever it was the first tournament back it over in London you think I wonder how this is all gonna kind of come out how it's all going to go go ahead. And and you know like say it probably has made certainly from players standpoint they're in a much stronger position than they've ever have been and they've got choices and it sounds like the PGA Tour obviously doing things to to keep everybody and you know make it better for for the players inevitably yeah everyone's everyone's trying um when we talked about like swing wise. And all that and golf like you're never satisfied you always want more so it's like you know the tour is being pushed right now um The Players want what's best. So everyone's learning and everyone's trying to move forward do you think there needs to be a time where the tours need to meet I think I think the meeting should have taken place four. Or five years ago when this all kind of came about that was um that was the the tour's first mistake was was not meeting whether you agree. Or not um at least having the you know either heard the info or gotten you know the info for yourself and going from there I think maybe in a little different position than we are today.

Um right should we head out on the golf course I say we get some food first. And then.

We'll go I honestly I don't I feel quite relaxed at the moment but I genuinely believe something that first tea today.

That might be the most daunting t-shirt I've ever faced in my life I'll just imagine if it was in off the left yeah right not much Breeze. But at least we got some help I just I just think this place is just magical you're very very lucky down here in Jupiter. And all the different golf courses you've got and this is when this is our our winter weather um yeah it's it's it's hard to beat. And I honestly like the Summers down here even more just because it's there's less people um I mean the peop Jupiter. And Palm Beach and everything down here a lot of people come down to spend the winters um to get out of the cold um so there's there's less people around and it's a little bit more of a locals town uh here in the summer is it not bacon though it's warm. But you're used to it I I wouldn't say necessarily the UK gets that warm but um you know for the most part unless you go up and high in the mountains like everywhere is pretty warm in the summer. So uh get out go play in the morning usually be inside work out in the afternoons um now it's like the Bahamas is 60 miles dead East at least the Northwest part of them. So it's it's pretty tropical we usually get um little ocean breeze so yeah it's hot. And humid but we put up with it with the alley pool with it we've literally been there two days and we're like right we need an office over here we need to have a base over here because it's just it's just delightful yeah we kind of forget all these amazing places uh Ricky you've been amazing let's go. And grab some food let's go on the golf course sounds good.