All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 186 whatever fastly approaching 200 aren't we I did say we would do a live show. For 200 but we've not really planned anything yet we've got 14 weeks it's quite a long time isn't it I think we can get a live one in wow well when how why well what would the date be if we were to the plan one two three four it's gonna be about September time okay we in fact I think we predicted about Ryder Cup time that's actually yeah that's a good point we did. So yeah wow let's start the ball rolling. So you committed now committing now we commit a lot of things on this podcast live podcast 200 episode um special Bonanza worth uh Manchester again I think Manchester it's not homely feel has nothing Manchester it turned up last time boozy it was it was Larry. So yeah we did one at 100 live show in fact this weekend just been I've been back down in London this weekend yeah with Claire my wife we were watching Beyonce on Thursday Stadium By the Way Insane insane not I think it's too much capacity. For our live show for 200. I'm not sure we'd quite fill Tottenham Hotspur Stadium um but we actually drove through the area where we did the live podcast last time oh yeah in Islington yeah. So yeah I drove through I was like I recognize this place Champions League final night you have to have a sellout crowd that night did we unfortunately because of because of this Champions League finals this time make sure we pick a nice day in September um yeah I think we can do it okay it's quite a lot of work. So we've come into it right now right now right wow okay done got the ball rolling 200 episode live in Manchester no they're not forgetting that it's right it'll be like on the 18th green at Marriott hi everyone thanks. For coming like well yeah. So in this week's episode we've got some breaking news and that wasn't even the breaking news we got a little bit more breaking news later on in this episode so don't go anywhere but first off thank you for everyone's continued support listening watching the podcast if you if you an avid watcher of the podcast be sure to subscribe to the podcast Channel a few people think they're subscribed. But they might not be they might be only subscribe to the main Channel they might only be subscribed to the very soon three announce the release review Channel but they might not be subscribed to the podcast Channel but might not want to be well then.

You're not allowed to listen well fine yeah be darling. But yeah today.

We actually had a bit I was doing this a bit later on a Monday than we normally would because I was kind of scratching my head going Rick I've got nothing to say to anybody. And then.

With a little bit of a chat and next.

Thing we've got a show that is action-packed. And again arguably too much good content too much good content for free I would say yeah. And we should be charging for this now don't have a sponsor we just put it out there for free every week Blood Sweat and Tears tears lots of Tears Tantrums Matt's always crying behind the camera Matt got his little is his trophy gone yeah it's got that good reason goddy's trophy's gone. And yeah engraved Matt not. Yet oh yeah okay. So wow it's been a big weekend in the world of golf um Lots has gone on there's been multiple interesting winners which we're gonna come on to you know what I've liked this weekend it's all been about new up-and-coming town so there's a couple of superstars who have won this weekend plus huge shout out to Victor hovland let's start there first Victor hovland won this weekend at Memorial Jack Nicholas's Golf Course uh it's called Muirfield he's apparently he's made it even harder this year it's one of the hardest golf courses on the PGA tour and Jack Nicholas isn't finished with it just being the hardest he wants to make it near impossible and I mean some of the scoring would suggest that it was near impossible however. it went down to a playoff. And you know what I'm really really happy to say Victor hovland took the win your friend your friend of mine he's been on the podcast before many many episodes ago after bringing back on again and we have told about the idea of getting him our 10 shot challenge I think now he's a four-time PGA Tour winner he now qualifies. For attention not good enough no. So now he's four times winner and you know why I'm I'm proud of him because in the PGA Championship when he was in the final groups with Brooks Captain he was going Toe to Toe with Brooks all the way through the bat nine I think it was the 17th hole he found a bunker. Or 16th only found a bunker went for the hero shot it didn't pay off and unfortunately that tournament eluded his grasp yes. So to come back only a couple of weeks later and win I think that's pretty I think that shows balls. And courage I do think that we say this often when there's a major championship around the corner how when someone says to me who gonna pick I don't know because there's that many people could win. And it just proves you can you look at that leaderboard. And you look at the world rankings now that the golfers they're up they're playing well kind of week in week out it's absolutely insane and although obviously they you know right rightfully so this is about obviously Victor Holland's winning. And it is. But again Scottish Scheffler came third it's another week inside the top five did you did you see your stats. So this weekend he was number one Strokes gained teeth degree yeah number one. And by a mile yeah sorry he was in complete last place once he got on the putting green his pot in was ferocious if he would have had anywhere near a putting game this weekend he would have won by 10. it just cements this idea that he he seems to back in the era when tiger was. So dominant you would look at leaderboard and only see tiger's name at the top and after round three tiger's name bit the top it's inevitable he's going to win yeah we scored a shuffler he goes. So under the radar for most of the of the tournament and when he's behind going into the final day he always seems to go up the leaderboard we went up by 29 places it's just a joke I think he had the lowest round of the day he's six under was it it's 500 500. And then.

You've got he always gets in that kind of top three position but also if he is leading going into the final day you also expect him to win yeah he is a real real talent. And and you know he just continues to cement himself as being the best player in the world Rory unfortunately doesn't seem to have that same um Trend let's say you know he shot three over final round and dropped from first to tied seventh he was leading into the final round which we've seen from Rory a few times I think that's fair to say now what isn't fair to say is he has gone on from leading after three rounds. And he's won a lot of tournaments from that position but there is a there is a noticeable amount of tournaments that he's lost after leading after 54 holes what does he need to change is it his Welch game is it the biggest rumor that keeps flying around on social on Twitter on that vile platform Twitter is that like he needs a new card he needs a professional caddy it's like oh I mean I don't know if that is the absolute answer I mean he's not one a major since having Harry diamond on the bag. But he's also not one of major for an awful long time nearly 10 years so it's it's not I wouldn't say that was fair to kind of just only put that on Harry's his kind of best friend growing up shoulders um. But also as well on that you know Rory you'd imagine knows what he needs to improve on and he's experienced enough to to know how to improve on whatever that might be if he had an inkling then.

It was his caddy even though it's his best friend I'm sure he's gonna part ways. And for the sake of his career of course you got to keep him on the bag as a bit of a Goodwill gesture but this is where like asking asking me doesn't know his game anywhere close to what Rory knows it as he will know what he needs to improve on the only one thing. And this is I think this is social media again blowing this Mass without proportion you only ever really see Rory McIlroy hitting full shots on a driving range. Or you know when he when he when he's bombing drivers on in these kind of TaylorMade commercials you don't particularly see that the and I'm not saying he doesn't practice it enough you don't particularly see the wedge shots that he hits or the put-in practice that he puts in which I'm pretty pretty confident there's many many many many many many hours put into that section of the game yeah you just don't seem to see it on social media as much because maybe it's not sexy. But um yeah Rory went the wrong way Victor came back after a bit of a heartbreak a couple of couple of weeks ago Scottish Chef is just there. And they're about every single time and speaking of Rory though uh obviously well known to being Irish from Northern Ireland yes Hollywood Golf Club um this week on the DP World Tour another young golfer from Northern Ireland. And from Hollywood Golf Club Tom McKibben won his first ever DP world event it's incredible European open and got a nice I think it's 350 000 Euros. Or something like that 20 years old what there's so many things to that story to unpack that the fact okay you can have two golfers from the same club. And a little I've I've been to the golf club in Northern Ireland a little Golf Club it's it's not a big Resort of course it's not as if it's one of these places in America where it's not like a Sawgrass or a um um Bay Hill you know it's very small it's quite quaint I didn't actually get opportunity to play the golf course we should maybe get over there and play play it um it wouldn't scream out to it's going to breed two now tour winners now it's insane 20 years old I've known Tom. Or no no. For a long time because you're right I went to it's been my old job when I went to Nike as a fitting representative he's a travel UK and Ireland doing fitting events at golf clubs and golf venues Etc and in 2016 I did one at Hollywood Golf Club. So obviously um you know at the time Roy was using Nike golf clubs it was a good venue. For Nike where they sold a lot of product because obviously it's his home Club Etc and I went and he had this like Shrine to him with all the trolls it's really cool and on the day Tom McKibben was there. And I said this was six years ago now um in fact no seven years ago now it was. So it would only been like 13 at the time he was there that day. And I was gonna have a chatting to his parents. And himself and the rep that I was with who also worked. For Nike that was based in Ireland he knew of Tom. And said oh this guy's gonna be like the next.

Big thing. And at the time he was doing really well I think he'd won like some stuff in America. And he was only obviously a really young kid. But his swing was pure. And I suppose for him what's helped him massively is being an environment where there has been someone a junior go on to become like a world number one because I sometimes think Virginia golf is what can be quite difficult when you become quite kind of good. Or or decent in a in a small Golf Club has not really had many great Juniors before you can get a lot of um people in in meaning well. But really thinking you're gonna be the next.

Big thing that makes sense yeah no it totally does. And not they want to crush the dream didn't you say you had it massive list it was my growing up it's one of my biggest regrets is not testing myself against other golfers. And also kind of listening to the member hype had almost class it as so you'd play with a member I was 11 year old. Or 12 year old 13 whatever playing as a junior member at the golf club I grew up at and you play with a group of men oh wow Rick you you know what the hell you really give out a whack and you know they're not really gauging on anything they're just kind of gauging on either their own game or what their perception of an 11 or 12 or 13 year old kids should be doing and to some degree at that age you kind of believe the hype you believe what they're telling you you believe when they're saying oh you're gonna be the next.

Big thing bloody hell best put a bet on you to win the opening 10 years time you can't invite go oh yeah maybe maybe I am that good yeah yeah. And actually almost it unsettles you for me it didn't continue to push me or motivated me I almost kind of became a bit the thought like blase about it if you think about it the average handicap in the UK is 18. For it for a male so if you've got a junior who's 14 not nine so the average person they're like oh my God this kid which you are a kid is unbelievable I suppose what happened. For Tom obviously a part of me is exceptional talent. And hard work and dedication all the things that you have to have as a as a tall winner now is that he was in an environment where people had seen it before in Rory I suppose that probably gave him a real level of guidance where people could actually see that he genuinely was talented. And you know I'm sure forever there'll be comparisons to Rory and what he did at what age. And what really what age Etc well that it did him from God you've got benchmarks to try. And beat yeah like Tom McKibben there has got you know if he's gonna go. And play the junior uh Club Championship if Rory's won it five times he wants to win it six times because that's a gauge and if it if he doesn't win it five times oh no he's not quite as good. And it might motivate him to do better exactly it could however. also go the other way like suddenly if you're always being compared to somebody it's like oh maybe I'm not good enough maybe you start to doubt yourself a little bit. So you know I definitely don't feel for one second Thomas has obviously not been gifted at one tiny bit but it can definitely having raw macaroni Club can help. And motivate you but can also potentially kind of deflate you it was only when I went to college when I went to golf college at the age of 16. And started to hang around with much much better golfers than I was at 16 from different golf clubs I was like oh crap I'm nowhere near. For the Bob the member who's telling me I was this that. And the other was was had no clue because now I'm going up against 16 year olds that were wiping the floor with me. And and I think just any advice to Junior golfers listening make sure you're testing yourself. Or at least putting yourself in the opportunity to play with re the best possible player you can play at your age yeah. Or your age and engage yourself off them because otherwise Bob at the golf club is going to think you're amazing. But don't believe the hype yeah nothing else. And it's not a case of being kind of negative it's just about being realistic because engulfing those unique Sports where you can just keep going. And keep trying and keep you know practicing Etc and sometimes that hard work would really pay dividends but sometimes it's just it is just you know it is hard um as we see week in week out on the tour another winner we have to touch on this week was Rose Zhang the future of golf is bright without doing comparisons I'm feeling Tiger Woods Vibes. But honestly I feel really really kind of excited about you know week in week out at the moment it's a Hot Topic we're talking about live we talk about a lot of these players who have potentially reached their prime. Or obviously not excluding Brooks Caprica but have reached the prime and now coming out for those pay days when I can feel Mickelson's in his 50s he's done it been there got the T-shirt you now look at this week. And it really it humble it's made me excited. For golf again when you've got such incredible talent rozang I mean 20 years old yeah she wins her first tournament as a professional golfer that's not been done since 1951. I've been gone. For 72 years well for those I'm sure a lot of people listening and watching fully up to speed but for those kind of more casual who maybe have missed the golf recently or whatever I don't know too much about Rose she's obviously just turned professional age of 20 and just got a first win in the first event as Rick rightly says her career does stem back um quite a lot a good good way in the amateur world. So in 2020 she won the US Women's Amateur and in 2022 and 2023 she won the NCAA Division championships being the first woman to a woman to win it twice the individual title twice now we've had um Wesley Bryant George which brain did we have on we had George George I was getting a look with the Two Brians Wesley's the one that was played yeah we had George Brown who taught with the NCAA stuff. And again listeners in America I'm sure they'll understand it much more than than we do I don't really pull these vehicles. And I think it means you're basically the best yeah I think yeah. And then.

Recently as well she won um the Augusta National Women's Amateur which was the one that was held just before the actual uh Masters that Rick went to I did. And yeah didn't hear obviously absolutely insane at golf. And she also played in the uh British the women's British Open last year and came tied 20 28th he's playing the U.S open last year and came tied to 40th she's playing the every everyon Championship which is a major. For the ladies came tied 58th and then.

In the Chevron Championship which he also played in 2020 she was only 18. as an amateur was tied 11th saying um I went on her Instagram before followed her she doesn't post much right. But when she posts she's holding a trophy I don't genuinely mean that she literally posts when she wins all of it just the page is full of her just holding a trophy holding the trophy I'm like oh my God why don't we do that with you. But you can only post when you break 75. Or one past year um yeah she's had huge accolades from the man himself Tiger Woods yeah he tweeted congratulating uh the the media has gone mad um I I we saw a little bit of this remember a couple of years ago in tennis with Emily radicanu Anna. And she won the US Open at the time in tennis and she was young. And she blew up and she's been unfortunate since that played with injury and a few mental health issues I also hope that Rose at such a young age as many of these young athletes need that kind of really solid support system around it that can kind of protect her. And make sure she doesn't you know she could be getting dragged from pill to post doing every advertising campaign and all sorts I just hope she focuses on a golf I I read today.

That she's now taken immediate membership. For the LPGA Tour which will be immediate effect um she's just uh the prospects that's huge it's exciting where do you know where she's in the world ranking right now yeah I don't have a quick look go on sorry we can say something else. But I'll let you find that world ranking um what should what you guess oh I honestly have no idea how it works. So I'm gonna go 50th if she's even got one it might not be as easy as this we'll uh we'll guess 50. six um no some islands come on two bit of another topic um. And this is one that I definitely would love people in the comments on the video version of the podcast to get involved with below um if you're listed in the car you want to get in touch please email us podcast Or join the Facebook group The rickshaws Golf Show podcast on Facebook and get your comments in there but basically I was thinking Rick okay okay um. So this weekend as well as all this fantastic amazing golf on the PJ tour the lpj tour and the DP World Tour there was also a big amateur event in our home county the Lancashire County Championship. So an amateur event okay okay. And it was played on Friday through to Sunday it was a 72 hole tournament. So big uh big tourney and it's a good standard of golf okay. And I was looking at. So the winner is a guy called James Nash from ormskirt golf club he had a 70 69 69 62. both Bolton all links two shot 18 under par. And one by three right so he's obviously an incredible golfer and there's some insane scores Luke Kelly came second with 15 under and etc etc but what what really caught me I was looking at these results by the way. And this is not a um calling anyone at all. Or digging anybody because just to put something clear the guys that are playing this tournament are insanely good at golf. And Incredibly better than I am at golf but with this new handicap system now which is the World handicap system I think we got it is in 2020 early 2020 we got it I've not played heavily any amateur golf apart from with you on camera using my handicap really. So I'm not really up to speed with it however. I've Heard lots of people complain about it yeah. And what I'm getting into in a long-winded way here some of the handicaps in this event were absolutely insane. And you look at the scores that those people were posting they're gonna not read any any names out they don't always align to the handicaps now granted anybody can have a bad day. And I think we are we hold our hands up to that yeah. And anybody can shoot a bad score we sell we celebrate those days. And you know this is not a dig at those people it's more the handicap system well it is the handicap system. But basically in this in this tournament there's the guy that won who's off plus five so third who's shooting ridiculous scores but there's like loads now plus fours plus fives it's a plus six I believe there's plus threes everywhere there's loads and loads and loads of scratches and you look at the scores and they don't align and basically what again the longing point is is this handicap system right. Or is it broken I just put a quest on our group the uh Facebook group are you a fan of the New World handicap system is it bad in the old system 78 have said yes I like it 22 said know the order is better. So it looks like a lot of people are in favor of it that surprised me it does surprise me um however. the handicaps do seem different what do you think. So the handicaps are typically now representing a lower number than what the old handicap system was uh from from the people that seem most vocal about it. And you get like get this in any Walk of Life the people who seem to be most vocal are the ones who don't like it um I as you know I don't play on Saturday morning as a club member an amateur golf event I know you don't um I mean we know that the podcast Matt's handicap is totally skewed I watched your handicap Now Matt gone down to nine from what 14. see that would never happen back in the day would it that's our own Society handicap though I don't know if we follow the World handicap system breaking the rules yeah just make it up as we go along basically anyone that gets a high score just gets chopped. So they'll never win again um yeah I'm not sure I I wish I'd knew more about it. But I don't feel like I I live in that world of of handicaps I've seen quite a lot of comments with people and he said it might be the ones that are commenting that are the most angry about it maybe. But there's quite a lot of people saying it's open to cheating because you can just put bad scores in. And stuff which I don't I don't know if that's right or wrong really the only thing I don't like about it but again maybe I'm not qualified to speak about this because I've not been playing at all when it's been in place if somebody said they were scratch golfer four years ago you kind of knew what level that was whereas now I feel like I don't really understand it's working yeah. And obviously it depends on how many cards you've done and obviously good scores go after certain amount of rounds Etc so I'm intrigued to hear people's thoughts and said please do. And that's a very heavily sway that people are liking it that's interesting to see. But I'm not sure but also to some degree are they like the majority people liking it because it now appears they've got a lower handicap potentially you know. And is it the 20 odd percent who don't like it are they predominantly maybe lower handicappers yeah you know you know one thing I've never got when people want the handicap to be high I've never got that like I understand people want to win competitions. So fair enough but surely you want to be as good at this game as possible I know well it's just about cheating we experienced that that charity event we played in that we talked about on the podcast with John Robbins and Rob Potter like people will do anything to to win a prize at a charity golf day which yeah I find baffling. And I'd imagine your name being on a board and you know that you've fudged it yeah you've got to walk in that Clubhouse every time. And look in it and be proud of your name on the board where really you know kind of fudge around they can't win this before and this is no dig at other sports does it come from other sports like again in football you'd happily to get penalty by falling over. And then.

Getting the penalty scoring winning goals celebrating and winning the trophy it's done isn't it obviously it's harder with VAR Etc but in golf that's not how it's played but yeah is it that mentality. For the sports that Creeps in sometimes when it all costs mentality possibly I mean I don't like it obviously when I was watching the FA Cup final this weekend which is obviously a sour point. For me after after I was losing. But I was like do anything to win like literally if you got if you've got break up break the legs break the legs. Or in golf they'll sell that same mentality no he can't we can't yeah can't go slide then.

On the Green it's like I think even even like the handball I mean going into football here the handball. And grealish was was very very very very harsh that you shouldn't have been a handball by the rule of the game it was a handball. But I think sometimes just common sense needs to come in a little bit as well not only in football. But in golf as well so just a quick run on on Rose uh because at the moment she's on the system she still classes an amateur she's the number one amateur in the world she's the 482nd best professional that camera it will be updated. And she'll shoot up that list I've got a really funny Derek for you girlfriend short and sweet and just maybe giggle uh I won't read the guy's name out it says I love the podcast and everything you're doing so everything that you do everything you do this person loves everything everything that you do yep it's nice I'm 17 years old. And I was playing with some schoolmates. And one of them who don't know that well had a bad hole and through the ball brackets Pro V1 for the brackets in there into a bush but it didn't go fully in and I could see exactly where it was. So I asked if I could go and get it and he said feel free. And he's been brackets while whilst being disheartened and I went and got it so Rick I want you to use all your wisdom and wealth of expertise to tell this listener this viewer if they're in the wrong well first off thank you so much for loving everything that that we do um he absolutely was not in the wrong I think in in golf's sense that's that's a way of really rattling your opponent if he was playing against him I love every bit of it it's a real just like oh that's a Pro V one why are you spitting your dummy out I'm gonna go. And get that it's a nice segue because he called that uh email am I being a golf Cheapskate and I wanted to then.

Segue into the fact that we have just recently reviewed some wedges from Amazon that were 180. Or pounds was it pounds pounds three wedges yeah we tried them we tried them we've reviewed them they were fairly impressive yeah they weren't they weren't far off at all um that you know I feel what's really interesting with this kind of new director consumer Market you know we've seen it with Kirkland Signature wedges they they did absolutely brilliant Lazarus wedges which are the ones that are reviewed. And we bought from Amazon um come in loads of different finishes not loads of different Loft options and bounce options more the finishes you could tailor honestly around the green some of the best feeling wages I've ever hit it's crazy just as it got longer and I do blame the shaft. So much I saw a few comments saying why don't you just change the shafts well that kind of defeats the object of it being yeah it's annoying you know suddenly if we start putting 40 quick shafts in each Club then.

Exactly no it starts to change the price significantly um. But overall very very impressed that the black finish unfortunately did scratch up in the bunker where the chrome finish might not have done as much. But obviously black option is the ones we want to buy. And also it is an option on the website um I think more importantly there was a little awful lot of comments about my chipping hmm I've just got one more thing on Last by the way though oh yeah sorry sorry no go on. So it's maybe not something for the podcast but it's not a bad thing so I'll read it out with them so basically the story of these wedges literally years we went on Amazon had a look at the golf equipment saw these wedges look quite a good price they look like they've got good well they had got great reviews you bought them we reviewed them don't forget a lot of people have been asking for them exactly so that was the Simplicity of the video we literally bought them with Rick's business card got them get straight in we're gonna stay with our own cash. But I'm in a business card it's business expense um however. we've sent an email off Lazarus okay. And it's nice I'm gonna read the person's name but um it's like I'm the uh owner oh owner okay. And on a personally thank Rick doing the review okay we have had many people comment our socials. But you won about you and wanting a review from Rick she's probably I guess fair enough we would like to be able to use some other footage and the review on our website and then.

Our advertising can obviously direct traffic back to Ritual socials this would be a decent amount of visibility. For Rick would you be happy for us to do. So so yeah exactly. So it was a very nice email very polite. And very thankful that they asked us but the answer that I gave back was a very polite no. And the reason this isn't a dig at the brand whatsoever because many many brands have asked this before and many have done it without our consent but the whole point and hopefully for people watching and listening it's super obvious by now these videos are impartial unbiased. And that's why Joker said we bought the wedges we'd literally bought the web absolutely no sponsored no third play the wedges areas like Rick. So the shaft was a bit Naf the Finish comes off you know one thing we didn't test maybe we could do next.

Time is actually the laughs. And lies how true they were they felt pretty good they felt like they were the right kind of lost. But you know there might be some errors here and there but all manufacturers have tolerances that aren't always perfect anyway digress we don't want that brand to then.

Be using Rick Shields the marketing materials when he's not an ambassador but it looks like you then.

Are. And that's then.

Starts to people start to question and go all right is that why Rick said these wedges were good because that's getting paid by them well I went up. And bought them off the back of Rick's review but he's getting paid and that's not the case no make it very very very very very very very very very clear. And I know if you are a hardcore listener to the podcast if you're in the clubhouse you don't need to hear me say this again. But reviews of equipment is not sponsored not paid we have two very clear ways of working with brands they'll either send us products with information attached to the product. And then.

That is it we review it. And that is the end of the communication line uh they don't we don't give them a right to uh preview the video approve the video nothing they send us the equipment at their own expense sometimes well often with the brand it's their own expensive they're going to send the equipment with all of the CR the item all of the specs. And the information that we need to have armed to make sure we we are giving the most factual information from the brand. And then.

After that we test and then.

The other method is if we see something online that we're interested in we'll go out. And buy it and it's often those Brands when when they didn't actually know a review was coming they're the ones that afterwards they're like oh can we do this can we do that um. But that is not gonna happen never gonna happen. And again as we move into the review review Channel which believe me I know we keep saying it very very soon um that will still be the same yeah a quick one before we come on to your wedge play because we're on the top topic of wedges another little interesting thing I forgot to talk about when we talked about Tom McKibben. And a bit of a broader topic as well we've touched on these things it's very similar before but last night as I'm sure lots of people who work in the golf industry did I got an email TaylorMade golf. And it was the kind of PR newsletter. And kind of boasting and bragging that Tom McKibben had won which is fair enough he's a tailor-made athlete of course they should shout from the rooftops about their athlete winning his first event. And it was great news Etc. And within that they talk about his round whatever and they go on top of what clubs uses which again they want to publicize it's a little little in like little uh clips for example it says Tom put a new TP band and putter in the bag this week equipped with a KBS graphite shaft to help this pace control using his stealth to Furby Woods he led the green at the field in Greens hit under regulation with an average of two per round um Tom's all-round game was on point all week uh where he had the least amount of bogeys right. So what they're doing and naturally is this the showcasing how the products have been tools to assist him to win right okay what drivers are using well. So let's ask the other point he's actually in the old stealth fair enough but what's interesting is on the timer Kevin Watson the bags section below that they've got stealth plus driver okay stealth two furway Woods both of them uh p764 iron. And they've got the ions he's got the pots of the ball and he's got one wedge a tailor-made mg3 46 degree the reason doesn't show which other wedges it's because they're folky he's using vokey wedges rather than TaylorMade but what I'm getting into and maybe I'm over analyze a little bit potentially I am but they're trying to claim how the tools have helped him but yeah they're obviously not ever going to talk about the fact he's not using their wedges because you know the brand that things are better like it's weird isn't it you can't have your cake. And eat it I know but they can't if they actually start typing on their tailor-made computer the word Vogue it actually gets deleted deleted error comes up and you know what I think it might be a code if you highlight where the actual Voki wedgie should be it might they might have just changed the font to White. So you can't actually this is the problem that Tim would have had with a few golfers recently where they are switching out of the TaylorMade wedges. And putting volkis in the bag yeah I feel that wedges are have been quite a bit recently yeah it is it is. And then.

Also a few Potters yeah a few guys going to Scotty Cameron Potter's. But it just goes to Shield doesn't it and I think again most people watching. And listening would think this anyway. But you shouldn't just buy what the tour Pros are playing because they will swap things. And they'll always want to use what's best for them and you know is it's key to try stuff yourself than just looking at what they've done. And gonna lose one I'll get a stealth definitely ain't gonna work yes what was very very very interesting. So last Monday thank you so much for all the amazing comments people seem to have absolutely loved that video it's a bit of a slow burner on the channel but now it's it's knocking on the door of half a million people have tuned in to an hour and four minute video of me having a clipping lesson with Dan Greaves who we had on the podcast a couple of weeks ago comments have been incredible lots of really really nice comments about people listening and actually implementing the tips from Dan in their own game and seeing great results I would say definitely gave me a an idea and a plan and things to think of I'll hold my hands up hold them I'm holding them up nice. And high I've not practiced it as much as I should have done shock shock so there's bits of uh short game videos which you've seen the Lazarus wedges being one of them oh Rick's not doing the chipping technique I just need time to actually bet it in and practice it because it is. So very very very different to what I've ever done in the past so there's definitely a glimpse of it kicking in but I'm not 100 doing it just yet I think we've got a bit of an apology to make as well because you just did it then..

And I think you've always done it. And I've been doing it as well so it's not just you it's on me as well we keep calling dang Greaves just don't grieve it's just Dan grieve so I felt like he was. So intelligent it might have been two of them the Dan Greaves is yeah you keep doing it as well um I saw somebody commented somewhere. So it's not Greaves it's like when people call Rick Shields and you don't like it that's true sorry Dan grieve it doesn't sound say it now don't grieve it sounds good you're dying to say the S though then.


Grieve okay Dan if you're listening sorry Dan grief [Laughter] um yeah. So it's it's getting there um we've got a big big week ahead the filming yes we are going to the beautiful Scotland yes the east coast of Scotland. For a full week of filming where the short game will be needed the putter will be out I imagine. And the courses we're playing when well when so the Woburn video went out after our scramble video yeah went out after the chipping lesson. And there was some really good chips in there there was actually some I watched that video back this weekend there's somebody good shots. For it in there like my my putting was incredible your iron game was incredible yes thank you our driving game was mixed yeah I felt like there was there was no real kind of um strong player off the tee. But we dovetailed quite nice yes um I felt like the short game shots were kind of a mixture of you. And me which is normally more biased towards you correct um. And and like I say we hold a decent amount of ports that round we did. And one thing we've not touched on yet um Let me give a little bit of a an insight into it I think you'll know why when we say what I'm gonna say this Friday's break 75 is filmed already editing oh yeah edit the machine oh yeah. And Rick and myself play a lovely Golf Course called ashridge Golf Club um Let me give something away go on I won't give too much just straight down the camera there if you ever go and play Ash fridge certainly in the near future there may be a new plaque put in in the middle of the Fairway on the first hole that's all I'm saying yeah that's what I'm saying. So I'm saying it's a tune in Friday um it's it's one of honestly one of the most beautiful golf course I've ever played in my life the greens were some of the funkiest fastest greens I've ever played on yeah. And I'm pretty sure the Greenkeeper woke up either on the wrong side of the bed or he had a plan for us not to put it well yeah there was a couple of shots that I hit one out of a bunk. Or hits bunker shot onto the green you know it's hard to do justice when you can't picture it. But it's the green and then.

It started to roll and Roll and Roll and basically went off the green and went down behind you yeah. And that was something that you see like on the PJ tour occasionally. Or whatever it might be and I've never really played a golf course or that's happened to me and all my days it was it was tough it was almost like if you've seen these these um these days where it's like green Keepers Revenge that's what it was like it felt like green Keepers revenge on the green the pin positions were funky. So stay tuned for that on Friday I think you're gonna really really enjoy it um. And then.

Like I say busy week in Scotland coming up and then.

This is the breaking news if you remember last year did a little little walk you did a little stroll some would say hmm from Prestwick which was the home of the first ever Open Championship correct. And I put on my golf bag and for six days I walked across Scotland 150 miles all the way to the home of golf Saint Andrews he did that was last June yes. And I found it excruciatingly hard yeah also outrageously rewarding. And we managed to raise up nearly 130 and I say we I'm talking to you the listeners and the viewers you helped raise 130 000 pounds for prostate cancer UK it's the same 130 000 pounds well this year I'm going one step further this is an official tool step official announcement. So this year I wanted to level up from last year's challenge so it's not 150 miles anymore okay it's not 200 miles keep talking it's actually a little bit over 300 miles from Saint Andrews the home of golf the home of last year's Open Championship yes to this year's open venue Royal Liverpool I'm going to travel from Saint Andrews to Royal Liverpool across four days on a bike. And not just any bike it's a two-seater bike which is being custom made. And designed for this challenge it's going to be four days 500 kilometers traveled four golf courses four guests. And I'm gonna bring every single one of you along for the ride yes very exciting. And when I say every single one of you you more importantly yeah very much along. For the ride yeah. So I'm doing one of the legs I believe is it Lanka. Or Carlisle to Lancaster you're doing day three I'm doing day three hopefully the easiest of the four legs so got four guests lined up for four days four different golf courses stay tuned to my social media because it's gonna be option opportunity a long route to come and meet us we're gonna meet at three different Golf Course along the Route as well so we might even play a bit of gold in yet yeah you know which one I'm going to. But what's the one Lancaster it's actually Lancaster Golf yeah it's gonna be good isn't it yeah this was really good oh nice. So starting at St Andrews nice on this on Saturday morning um not playing the whole Golf Course maybe just even just play a few little tiny shots really just just to kind of say that's done at Saint Andrews tiny shots [Music] um because that's obviously where last year's open was. And then.

Jump in this two-seater designed by not a tandem but a side by side two-seater bike with the golf club strapped on the front got a full support team and we're going to head south. And the first day I think is 110 kilometers. Or a little bit over 110 kilometers that is the day at the end of day one day two new guest we're starting from the end of day one cycling all the way to Carlisle Golf Club where Carlisle Golf Club will do a meet-up find out more information of that coming soon day three you join me yes you get in the hot seat in the bike now luckily the seats look very comfortable don't they it's in a picture. So hopefully not too many aches and pains day three all the way to Lancaster Golf Club play a couple of holes at Lancaster Golf Club do meet ups if you've fan of the podcast. And you want to come and meet me and Guy Lancaster Golf Club on Monday evening stay tuned for more information yeah uh I want to make sure everyone knows about times Etc. And where to meet and in the last like one more guest from Lancaster all the way to Royal Liverpool exciting doing it again to support prostate cancer UK we've put a link if you want to be one of the first donation it would be really really appreciated just just to kick off the fundraising put a link in the description of this podcast um but yeah cycle 500 in support of prostate cancer UK I mean prostate cancer is still. So um such a horrible disease as any cancer is. So obviously prostate cancer a charity that I love you know raising awareness for money um you know prostate cancer exists in every Golf Club in the UK wow how mad is that affects one in eight men crack in the UK um that could be your dad your brother your partner your best mate um. And prostate cancer claims the lives of 12 000 men every year flipping so whatever we can do to raise as much money. And awareness is very very much appreciated. So looking forward to I'm kind of nervous again in typical Rick Shields fashion I've done zero training London how hard can it be yeah you've got a gas helping pedal that's what I mean it's only 500 kilometers yeah nothing glad I'm doing one day yeah. So we'll see so stay tuned for loads more information we'll probably post the main video uh later on this week when I've actually got the bike so I can show you all. And uh tell you a bit more information of where we can actually meet very very exciting. And very good calls so well done to you thank you I want to each year I want to connect the open venues wow so next.

Year it'll be royal Liverpool to Royal Troon oh wow back up the road on the west on the east coast of Scotland if you bike around Liverpool West Coast yeah. And then.

It's Royal Troon to Port Russia I think. So swim it's not been announced the year after yet I'm really hoping they don't go from Port rush to Raw Saint George's wow that would be yes. So yeah I'm really excited about it um again if we can raise loads of money. For prostate cancer it'd be amazing but as as much as you can donate be a great if you are listening. And you want to jump over to the uh website it's forward slash cycle 500. very good good podcast really good I can guarantee by the way the will will be now said this. But at least one comments and I look like a um yeah with this outfit on. So it's like a kind of a blue jacket thing and a cat but it's good though thank you what's happening with next.

Week's podcast so on people next.

Week's podcast might be a couple days delayed because of your escapades or do we take it with us. And see if we try and do one on the bike wow that would be let's try it um maybe we could do it on the bike just as an audio one that's just like uh yeah the extra special one if you want ASMR yeah cycle guy cycle guys thanks. For listening stay tuned lots more to come be sure to subscribe to all the channels and have a great week everyone and loads more videos coming soon peace.