Do you prefer seeing a really really low score in a golf event. Or do you like to see the golf pros struggle [Music] yeah lots of things have happened this weekend yes rory mcilroy won again see cj cup in vegas um i didn't watch loads of it i saw a little clips of of youtube content. And snippets and it's nice to see him playing well again it was really interesting hearing his post-round interviews talking about after the the devastating blow of the ryder cup. And how he felt like he really didn't we really underperformed and he was kind of very emotional after the ryder cup he's kind of come back here this week. And really said he doesn't have to be somebody else he needs to be rory mcilroy what does he mean by that though i think you know what i honestly believe. And we saw glimpses of this through lockdown last year i believe he was trying to chase certain players let's say bryson. So bryson is bombing out there at the moment which we'll talk about in a moment rory has always been known. For being one of the longest hitters in the world and now he's maybe not now he's kind of slipping down that ranking a little bit and i think he's then.

Gone on this kind of journey to try. And be somebody that he he's not he's gone from more distance he's trying to get more power he might be trying to also search perfection in his golf swing you know he's moved coaches recently from his from his childhood coach um michael bannon michael bannon now going over to um pete cowan all right yeah that's gone to pete cowan um you know it's a massive like change again is he making is he making big change in his golf swing is he trying to change technique um you could look at his last couple of seasons. And say that it's it's below par for his ability he's not kind of set the world online he's he's without a major for many many years now so seven years it's been that's crazy in it for someone who's as good as rory mcilroy seven years seems a long time not to have won a major but it's interesting i think after seeing that performance at the weekend i know it was kind of a very low scoring golf course. And the total score was like 25 on the path. For the four rounds of golf which is phenomenal it'll be really interesting to see if he kind of builds on this momentum gets a really good offseason in starts the new year strong. And actually has a really really good 2022. i i want to see him play better again i think he's his ability is phenomenal. And i would definitely love to see him win majors um i mean where is he in the world ranking now he's having a look that's the thing though you think he's been bad he's still world number eight okay he came up from 14 to 8 off that win. But he's not been obviously roy mcelroy for last few years but he's still been up up and about there a lot of time hasn't it i think when someone is. So good at such a young age that you really just expect to be there forever i feel like he has been around forever well he has it's 2000 and was it 12 his first major i think it was was that the open at carnoustie there's not one that opened up no when he uh sorry the one he first played in is is that you saying the one he won i think his first yeah his first major was i'm trying i'm thinking of young you might have been it was the pga i don't know. So his u.s opens his first in 11 actually i thought it was 12. So 11. well i was getting confused with that i thought we were talking about when he kind of first hit the scene oh we won the silver medal uh um i'm sure that was cardoso have a look yeah 2007. would that have been when harrington won wouldn't it. And you remember he was like oh i either jail in the bergdorf. Or yeah it's oakley as well i think after that wasn't it he had this massive kind of barnet going on um. For 14 years he's been on the scene which is crazy well he's only 33 i think 32. So he probably gets a hard time because of of his stardom so quickly but um you know he he wouldn't like to have been 14th in the world i'm sure i don't know how much these players really think about world ranking. But you know it's nice that he's got back in the top ten and it'll be interesting to see how he kind of goes ahead because the names above him now john rahm yeah dustin johnson colin murakawa patrick cantley zander shoflet bryce nashambo justin thomas it's a weird one i think the obsessive world ranking yeah i think they will do like we obsessed about in the biggest youtube channel. Or whatever the biggest part i would obsess about well no i think they do 100. But equally they're that good it doesn't necessarily define them just because rory's world number eight if he's going to the masters in two weeks time let's just say obviously it's not. But if it was he's not going to feel i'm only eight in the world he's gonna think i'm the best in the world yeah. So it's one of those weird things where it probably means so much to them but yet they can't let it become like because also you have like most majors rory is one of the odds on isn't he yeah top three. Or four even kind of irrespective of his world ranking and so was tiger when tiger's come back before even when he's not been playing that well it's almost like when you've won a major before. And you can multiple times. And you show you can do it that stands. For so much doesn't it it really does. And then.

Over in the european tour again somebody who's maybe not been in the winning circle that often matt fitzpatrick or often recently matt fit patrick um the contrast of scoring because this was played at valderrama one of the hardest golf courses kind of in in europe uh the grand score there was six on the par. For 72 holes and i'm eight minro lee came second yeah three under three on the par. And he had a really strong charge coming home he didn't kind of he there was an eagle put on the 17th which i cannot believe didn't go in it looked like it was in all the way i don't think it would have obviously been enough to kind of win. Or put but it might just put a bit of pressure on matt fitzpatrick um but that golf course is one that i kind of want to play. But it kind of scares me because it's so difficult i've i think i've been there to watch an event when i was young. And like you said every time there's an event that i mean six under he's obviously an amazing golf score. But for four rounds like these guys can go. So deep can't they must be absolutely solid i'm just looking was there any horrendous scores john rahm yeah best player in the world first round shot 78 shot 74 missed the cut. So it's like that's how diff and and he's played that place loads and loads of loads times for actually played it just a week before and did pretty well um. But that's crazy would you rather watch the torpros like so obviously there's that contrast this week would you rather watch them of course they rip up and go super deep or one that challenges them and they kind of shoot more around level par what a great question um does it not matter because the best golfer's always gonna win. But from a spectacle i think i want i want to see lots of birdies from a spectacle. So i would probably have watched more if i had the two options you can watch this golf event. And the winning score's gonna be 25 under or watch this golf event and the winning scores me six under i'd probably go 25 under yeah because i like seeing players go seven eight nine making lots. And lots of birdies personally yeah. But then.

But then.

Equally if it was holes with a going driver chipping a wedge to three foot knocking in all the going driver smash 6i into 12 to 15 foot just like do you get what i mean it's different levels of golf isn't it. And going back to like valderrama you know. For me just personally i don't mind seeing golfers struggle at a lynx golf course when it's when it's really difficult and it's really challenging and the weather conditions are like ridiculous. And everybody is kind of struggling i sometimes think with a golf course like valderrama it's almost it's. So tripped up it's so difficult and and treelined and sloppy and fast it's like it feels a bit crazy golfing almost in a way i do think typically a lot of people do like seeing the golf at the topros have a bit of a tough time i would almost imagine most people watching this video would prefer to see them struggle leave a comment down below actually do you prefer seeing a really really low score in a golf event. Or do you like to see the golf pros struggle i'd be really interested i'd see both which is weird in it i like seeing the mixture i wouldn't want to see 2500 all the time. But i do quite like seeing a player shooting like 10 under yeah something quite like whoa that's like crazy yeah. But i understand why people would like to see him like see him struggle a little bit as well it's just because it makes it more relatable doesn't it if you see a golfer hitting like you don't see them hit good shots and get punished obviously because that's just not fair but when you see them on a hole where there's like not much room to miss or whatever and then.

They go in the third bunker then.

They have to chip out sideways and they put the side of green they don't go up and down make a bogey whatever it is quite nice in here it is you like yeah one thing.