Obviously it was the um dp world tour championship in dubai. And it was the race to do buy final um i actually watched quite a bit the weird like i i think that time kind of works maybe on the morning because i kind of get up watch with the guys really cheering on. For sam horsefield who obviously listeners will know he's been on the podcast we did a great video with him as well he was in the final group with rory yeah he kind of fell away a little bit it wasn't going which wasn't his day i was watching it quite closely. And he just kind of ended up in 74. and it just felt like nothing was going right he still picked up 110 000 euros though. And he broke 75 and he broke 75. so that this is what i was thinking though this is weird right it's a stupid thing to say. But obviously he has won twice in europeans already he's an established golfer really you know good player clearly when he was walking around the golf course there was obviously crowds i must think i wonder how many people there in dubai knew him off the back of the video about lots because nearly two million people sort of thinking like not suggesting that like he needs that kind of credibility obviously. But like there will be people you know that's that lad that did the video. Or actually it was about the walls anyway he fell away a little bit. But it's nice to see him competitive very much so it's weird how joked about this a few times but a lot of the people have been on the podcast on the videos have gone on to do good things mimo lee's had a great season i think him eighth in the race to do bye listen tiger again i'm gonna i'm gonna tigers i'm a good luck charm just come. And see me and i'm we'll definitely win more mage just together of course right we've got a question for you though now together together as a team as a team so rick takes one instagram picture of it you win a major we get some of the credit right colin murakawa yesterday shot 66 yes. And he played incredibly so he is this a tidy golfer i just think everything about him just looks tidy. But i've got a question for you go for it and this is a controversial one. So be prepared it's come from a question that we've had an email it has a bit of a dear rick really is he a worthy winner of the race to dubai uh well can i just want to put let me i think i know what you're going to bring up well yeah you might know. But let me just for listeners so he won yesterday so that's obviously unbelievable and he has gone on to win the race to dubai but we've had an email saying is marakawa really a european tour member. So hi guys great podcast possible discussion topic is colin mccowart really a european uh tournament he's played ten events six of which are co-sanctioned usa uh with the majors. And the wgc tournaments and he's actually only played three kind of genuine if you want to call it that european tour events this year so i had a little look this morning so i thought that doesn't seem kind of right but it is. So if you look on the european tour for this year at maracas season he has played i think it is 10 events that come under the european tour. So he started off the season in dubai at the end of january which is the amiga dubai desert classic. So it's genuine european tour event i think he's sponsored by amiga which is possibly why he was out there. And he came tied 68 so he didn't obviously play great yeah he then.

Went wgc which is really a pga tour event is co-sanctioned he then.

Played masters uspga us open obviously went on to win the open he also played the aberdeen scottish open. So the genuine european tournament the week before the opening came 71st tied 71st so again didn't do great. And he then.

Played wgc and then.

Finally he won yesterday so he's actually played three genuine european tour events one of which is a sponsor i think amigo's one of his sponsors the scottish open to be fair he's played in it. But it's the week before the open which a lot of the big names comes get a bit of links practice and there's one that the tour championship kind of final if you like so taking nothing away from here is an absolute amazing golfer world number two i believe now. And he's probably going to be world number one i think he looks like a great guy very humble. And has made it when he won the open but is it right he is now the european number one what do you think rick i must admit i've i am always shocked at the names that are leading the race to buy yeah at the end of the season because it is always the real real big names you know. And typically they've had good seasons but not particularly on the european tour like somebody who's played on the european tour for every single week is never going to win the race to buy no unless they do really well in the wgcs which like you mentioned the co-sanctions. So you get points for the world golf championship or they do really well in the major tournaments at all four major tournaments all four majors of co-sanctions. So they all they all count so unless you've done them if you've played every single european tour event and done really well but typically if you're doing really well a lot of the time you jump ship to pj tour if you can. Or if you've done amazing in the in the majors or you've done amazing the wgc's somebody like let me think of an of an example tell you what mineraly is he he came sixth. And he is i think pretty much played exclusively obviously european tour yes. So for him he's obviously won he won at the scottish open he's done nicely in major tournaments but he's never going to particularly win against the colin marikawa. For the race to buy just because the points as soon as you win an open or you win a major or you win a wgc then.

You throw in obviously a big win like you did yesterday you were just gonna get catapulted to the top um is it right i'm not sure he's the first american to win which surprises me you know i think patrick reed had a chance of winning it a couple of years ago. But he's the first american to win it which again really does surprise me because. So many americans play in the qualifying events and they only have to play in a few european tour events for it to actually properly count um yeah i don't want to say it's not right because it that's how the the that's how it's all planned out that's how that's how it's been designed to be it's to encourage more of these big names to come. And play i was a little bit disappointed that not all of the big names came. And played for example john ram john ram had a legitimate chance of winning the race to buy final and he decided not to play he didn't even fly over which surprises me um you'll even look on the list here colin maraca has played 10 events that count billy horsle 11 events john rahm nine but then.

Look at something like minwooley you're right memory lee's the highest placed player that's one that's playing 21 counting events uh nikolai um hogar has played in 22 rob mcintyre 19. they're just not gonna like richard bland he's had an unbelievable season richard brown's had an unbelievable season he's come 11th in the race to buy he's playing 23 events if they know over double what colin maracao has played in but then.

He's not winning open he's not won a big major tournament the only way you could make it fair is if only european tour events counted. And that's it no co-sanction nothing if. But then.

You're not going to bring in the big money you're not gonna you're not gonna bring in five million pound purse. Or whatever something i must admit again i've said this many times the podcast i'm not a big huge watcher of the tour golf i do depending out when things excite me. And this weekend definitely excite me so then.

When i saw this email this morning i want to dig into a bit deeper and like it doesn't bother me either way massively but it is strange that you can i said you can win the european tour kind of order of merit essentially with three actual european tour events i mean one of which he did he'd win the other two didn't do very well. And at all so it's interesting to hear if people are watching this on youtube comment down below what you think. Or if you want to email us podcast at rookshields.com and we'll see what people's thoughts are because it's a funny one in it the one thing that makes me think that people aren't that fussed i've never really heard any players complaining about it massively no not massively i've never heard let's say if a richard bland coming out this this week. And said this is unfair this is not right because he's only played in half the events i have. But i don't really hear that because i'm sure the way it's worked out richard bland has made a lot more money than he would have done if it was only exclusive european tour yes. So it but it swings around about so for me i'm not i'm not just not fussed about i'm not gonna play it have a big part in this but for me it's like no no i think it's fair i actually think it's fair yeah yeah i i like it's just how it's set up yeah i just think it's definitely it's fur in terms of how it's set up it's not like anyone's doing anything kind of dodgy it's just is it a true reflection on the european tours number one like is colin murray well this was the world number two. So he would well is he genuinely the european tour's top player of this last calendar year i think yeah because he's only played three times. So yeah it's weird one in it like you pulled to say minwoo lee is yeah.