Within how far is our reasonable gimme put. And he's put three foot on closer question mark rhys has already asked the question it might be a different breeze um how how close is a reasonable gimme put the old rule of thumb is inside you put a grip you know that's that's like 18 inches roughly goes in like you put your whole oh right yeah. And then.

You put a head yeah in the holes that's going to be what about well a pot of 34 inches about 18 inches again isn't it take seven inches off roughly oh sorry yeah i'm with you. So you're inside so it's just up to the steel so yeah about 30 20 28 inches yeah 20 27 yeah it's a two foot just over two foot two. And a half foot yeah i'd never really do gimmies not playing them. Or you don't give them i'd give them if i was playing with you. And you wanted you would just talk about it if you wanted it but i never i don't get the point in it i really i know again people might whinge at this but for me if it's that close knock it in why would you not knock it in maybe in kobe to the whole flag thing kind of but in normal situations what is if it's literally. So close because again last week there's conversation about holding ones and what's real or what's not and i'm not that bothered but if i'm playing with you and i put it close in three and it's a tap in for a par four and i don't tap in you give me i've not really made a four of i've hit three strokes but what are we playing here just casual golf. Or match play well if it's match playing you give me a pull i'd be mad not to take it because i could in theory missed it anything can happen. So i would take if you give me a match but if we're playing a casual game of golf here anywhere i i never ever and it actually annoys me if i chip it and it or put it closer and knocks it back it does medication not made i don't know how i think i know it's a bit weird if i'm writing a scorecard especially even just. For practice round and you pass me one back asking it really like not so i have a go but in my head i'd be well annoyed do you think gimme should is it exist at all not what's the point if it's a tapping why not tap it in why actually do they exist is it to speed up play. Or is it is it just a kind of friendly. And match play possibly i feel like match play is. So fast anyway typically well yeah i just don't get it at all well i do get it. But i don't like playing it that's right and also imagine right now imagine we're playing a match now and you're in the bunker and you stiff it even to six inches you're going to get the put. But part of it the nice thing is knocking it in to make the up. And down not just having it roll back to you why do i not know the answer to why gimmies exist probably you know nothing about golf really it's all a big lie wow i need to research that. And next.

Week i'm going to talk about why gaming's exist being just interested to hear people's thoughts not maybe in the facebook group of kimmies. And do you play gimmies. Or not because again nothing against them i just personally wouldn't i don't get the point yeah. For me it's just regardless of social play because that's the rules almost throughout the play it's more match play why do gamers exist in match play um i don't know a lot i think a lot of things could we have a whole week. And a half a hole we can just both pick up from anywhere in a match play can't you yeah yeah you would miss the hole if you wanted to as far as i know call it half um another question there's a good one from kane he said just order a set a titleist 718.