I really do want to start playing more golf when we can um would you join a club again well mario very candid as you use it here oh yeah i do like it here. But the only thing with here is it's about 25 minutes away from my house which is easy commutable it's working it feels a bit well it does. But that's what it's like i don't know in a bad way because obviously it's just i mean. For me three or four times a week i don't know if i spend a weekend here because the courses but also it's not even like we work inside we work on the golf course don't we um i don't know maybe in the future the next.

Five years or so i might join possibly one of the really fresh links courses on the coast yeah because i'm not far from all that kind of stuff hillsides west flanks like if you were from hillside like 25 minutes yeah something like that you know weirdly though i know it's completely different kettle of fish. But i'm only about 20 minutes from the mia yeah. But it's just for how much those places cost and how much to play it's not worth it but if i got properly back into it i would debate it and would you would what are you doing it. For i like that handicap bit of that but i think less of that happy about because i've realized now that that's not the be all. And end all i just like playing golf yeah a couple years ago. And did it nine before nine yeah you got you were. So i played nine holes before nine o'clock and then.

Go to work and i really got into it i loved it it is getting lighter in the morning already as well it's like seven o'clock it's getting lighter the man on his bike here doing well he's off his bike doing laps around the tee. So enough do you think golf should be shut right now do i do well. So two schools of thought are two people if that's what it would be out on the golf course is it any different to two people walking on a walk yeah which is allowed possibly not oh yeah it's just more the fact that at the minute the message still is stay at home yeah almost essential travel isn't it. So is it essential to be playing goals possibly not. And then.

It's like this is super hypothetical. But if there's more cars on the road there's gonna be more accidents which then.

Leads to the nhs being busier i know all that's not really the case but it's hard to measure but it is it's i don't know i think. And then.

Would you other line that i know fishing's allowed at the minute yeah well why is that allowed in that golf then.

It's like well if golf's allowed why is tennis are like not allowed. For example and if tennis is not allowed. Or what i don't know so it's i do think it's hard isn't it put a blanket cover on outdoor individual sports you could make it work yeah because you can't even just put outdoor sports on because then.

Football will be loud. And i'm not sure 22 people running around the field touching each other is the best thing if it's an individual sport i mean we're in like a work bubble kind of anyway. So we work together so we can you know we can be a little bit more uh easy with it we don't have to be as quite as over the top that's the right word you know whatever. But it's like i i i think it should be open personally i just think you could limit it to two people to one person on your own. And play or something or have five minute intervals and play on your own or whatever it may be but you like like you're right it's the amount of people that are coming to the golf course is probably the biggest i think it's just. For me and again i'm not throwing against it i think it's the fact that the minute the message made me stay at home unless you can't work from home. So then.

It would blur the line so but actually yeah you can go. And play golf yeah. And that's what you say about fishing it's a bit of lagging on fish at the minute you wanna stay at home yeah. So i don't know but hopefully from what they're saying in the newspapers etc they want the schools to be back in march eighth of march is it. And after that they're gonna look at that golf so we'll see i must admit that a lot of people listening will be doing this as well like homeschooling is bloody hard like oh god i can imagine well i can't imagine really i've got three kids i mean my wife does an amazing job she used to be a school teacher. But she'd rather teach 30 strangers than three hour three at the moment but actually only two of them are in education the little boy's still too young. But they're not they're not enjoying it like it's all on teams it's all done you know electronically it's not it's not the best learning environment in the world um and it's a lot like there's like four or five hours a day and i know they'd be doing more in school but in school it's more interactive like this is four. Or five hours either worksheets or laptops or whatever it may be i think in the uk a lot of uh parents listening to the podcast will relate to our tough outspin at the moment homeschooling has been paying the ass i've been taking him in the garage a few times doing pe letting them do golf. So i'm not working out recently now i'm coming for you teacher now i'm not sure which one of my kids is going to take golf most get into it most ivy my eldest has been the the standout at the moment who's shown the most interest um it'll be interesting to see if my youngest daughter. Or my son kind of really picks up on it i think they'll all be involved. And i'm not one bit i'll have to watch that tiger documentary i'm certainly not going to ear woods them. And force them into it because but you know what's way too golf though like i kind of grew up with golf but equally i can understand how as a youngster if your parents play you could either fall in love with it naturally it always becomes second nature. Or hate it yeah because ultimately you walk around the field hitting a ball with a stick aren't you really yeah like that either excites you. Or it doesn't and i think obviously kids should all try to have the option to have a try it does give you a lot of valuable life lessons golf i would say i think it does make you be very honest. And stuff in manners and a lot of the time you can converse with adults a lot better. And you know better because yeah junior organizer the club pro the manager of the golf club the bar staff etcetera from an earlier day elder members that you played exactly all that kind of stuff. But equally even i've got older i have to have to get bored of 18 holes yeah like it's long isn't it hug. And when we're only walking today.

It's pretty long. But then.

Equal on the other side of the coin i challenge anybody to imagine if you've got tag woods with the 18th augusta with a six foot pull and if he holds his worn if he misses his gnar that's exciting isn't it you can't not get excited by that. But it's just it takes four days to get to that point so it's a hard one how are you finding the walk. So far.