Because it doesn't matter does it if he shoots 107. Or eight over really at the end of the day yeah. And also it doesn't matter no one else cares that's the great thing about you think everybody cares nobody cares what you shoot that you know what anonymous i don't think you need to be anonymous. But i'm going to keep anonymous because that's what we do. So it says dear rick and guy but i'm going to take the guy i put dear rick. And sophie um i'm a bit of a tale of whoa but i'm hoping you can help me. And probably a load of other people as well with this so i started playing golf when i was younger. And spent loads of times junior happily playing around my local golf club however. the classic late teens getting into university lifestyle meant that i spent 10 years away from the sport i came back a short while ago roughly the time that you roughly around the time when rick played with pete in vegas okay. So only 2019 yeah summer 2019 yeah. And what was the result of that match i lost. But you lost on purpose because you wouldn't set the bungee jumping right that's what you said you said that before even when you said that you said i'm gonna let pete beat me give him a bit of an ego boost. And i'll get to the bungee jump win win and pete boy beat you and that's what friends are. For exactly your content was a massive driver behind me catching the golf bug again my first handicap back was a mighty 36 however. with loads of hard work i managed to get down to 18 in which i consider a quite short period of time about a year that's good half to hand the cat. And getting back into golf has had a massive positive effect on me i've lost four and a half stone of weight in this time and golf was the reason. For this i found that when i was at 36 handicapping this. And i was heavy um i was asking my body to do things that i wasn't capable of doing. So so i worked super hard i'm really proud of i've lost so much both in weight and handicap and i've got one stone left to go before i get to my recommended bmi so first of all well done to mr anonymous because that's really good really good um but it takes a bit of a tail for the worse turn for the worst so going back after the first lockdown i played the best golf of my life i played nine holes with my coach um on the bag i could give it a lesson. And i scored four over par and didn't lose a single ball definitely a player in me somewhere however. since then.

It's got bad really bad i've gone from shooting mid 80s to shooting 107s like i did on sunday. And i'm really not enjoying my time on the golf course i have developed a two-way miss with my irons and i hit them thinner thin as well and my driver and the woods have developed a massive snap hook i usually play a fader a slice it shames me to admit in the last fortnight i've walked off the golf course in the sixth hole i wasn't enjoying myself and after i'm 107 on sunday i found myself checking the price of membership and debating it is it even worth it do you have any advice about how i can enjoy myself while playing. So badly i'm really worried that i've fallen out of love with a sport that i once loved and i really don't want this happen for a second time please help rick hard hitting christ on my tour first off congratulations on a couple of things getting down to 18 handicapper in such short times really impressive and also losing so much weight incredibly incredible it'll definitely help you play better golf and good luck with losing the stone to get to your target bmi i think there's a couple of things in there. For me it's managing expectations a little bit there it sounds like he's got really good in his own head really quickly so from july 2019 to we've taught now to get to 18 handicap to go out with his golf coach and shoot four over par for nine holes he probably thinks he's on top of the world sometimes however. you can go into your next.

Round. And drive to the golf course with the rocky music playing and you get out your car and you think you're buzzing you think i'm going to do it again. But golf has a way of kicking you in the teeth done it sometimes you don't complete golf and i think you said that he's got one stone left to get his bmi that's the that's a good thing about fitness you've got a set goal it doesn't like with golf there is no set goal. But you don't complete it so actually 18 shots can you. For a round of golf that's completing it basically yeah you can't. So he's got he's almost winning in the weight loss and he might be comparing it to the golf and it it's just not comparable is it i think there's a couple of things there is obviously he's got a coach i think weather has made some dramatic changes recently with his um golf swing that might have changed his two-way miss. And shots that you might have experienced before i'd definitely lean on an open up to his coach i've always found that really useful when a student comes to me and goes i'm really bloody struggling like send this to the coach yeah i think i had it on a piece of string. And i've kind of lost it now and i need i need some assistance and sometimes as a coach you can go okay well let's let's take a couple of steps back let's think about that let's think about what we've done really well in the last two years. And how we've got you're off 18 and how well you're doing and sometimes you need that little bit of an ego boost you need that little bit of you're doing great like don't worry about it golf is difficult let's go out again let's go. And maybe do a nine-hole little round again. And i can help you explain why that two-way miss might be happening. Or why you know you're hitting this snap hook when normally hit a fade it's kind of that advice do you think. And this is something i noticed sort of played at jcb last week with you. And i obviously shot i don't think i genuinely now i was thinking this morning i kept my score until about whole 16 i stopped i don't think i broke a hundred i think you did are you being harsh on yourself when i greeted you this morning you were this guy i went. And you were telling me about it that was why i mean we've. So we've had at the minute my inbox got 788 emails of d-rix and i'm trying to get through them all there's that many good ones do you write this one that's why it's in the looks i want another trolley. And i want to win it all costs um but it resonated with me so much because i'm the same if i can play well i absolutely love golf if i play badly. Or don't play well it really affects me do you think more golfers. And it sounds stupid should play golf without scoring just go and enjoy it or do you think we have to score to make it golf i'll take this one because i've spent my living where the score mattered. And recently i've changed my mind on this golf you can just play. And have fun with i didn't even realize that my social aspect was when i played nine holes with my mates i moved the ball out the rough if i didn't fancy the lie i took it out the bunker if i didn't want it never kept the score we had a chat we had a drink after i think that's totally acceptable. For golf and i'm teaching a few women at the moment that i'm saying to them if you're only going to play golf once a month why don't you just tee it up why don't you you know why play 18 holes just let's make it as easy as possible. For you and lots of women say this all the time i'm not bothered watch you i just want to go out there and have a nice time in the chat i do think men. And golf clubs encourage competition which i'm all for because i do like that side. But i do think this should be an encouragement to just go. And play golf and that's it you know like when you go for a kick about at football or you go for five a side you can do that. And it's not it's not the be-all and end-all but if you want to go and play 11 aside in sunday league and all that lot on a saturday and make it mean something. And there's a league then.

You can do that i think with people with golf the beginners think i can't move that ball that's cheating i need to play as it lies i need to count my score like you don't no gimmies why why make it. So hard we can differentiate the two. And i think he needs to get back to that just going out. And playing golf the winners did i enjoy it yeah. Or did i get my steps in to lose my weight like take the wins in that regard rather than what's written down on the scorecard. And i should have said that to myself on tour because i wouldn't be sat here now i think you would have been done. For cheating though so if i started not bothering but that's really good i think if if i'm sure it will. But if the sky sports doesn't work out and if the youtube doesn't work out and coaching i think you could be a therapist that was really therapeutic that i feel like i've got a new love. For golf now sophie yeah well that's what i'm i'm i'm actually here. For trying to get people to love the game and stay in love with the game be interesting to see if he's had a lesson since that nine holes with his coach or did he think do you know what i can do this now because that's what happens a lot coaches only ever see you when you're at your lowest yeah how about just keeping going every now. And again so you don't fall back into that so that would be we are too hard on ourselves i think we almost need like a category that is just literally casual golf like you've got golf which is your score. And your scorecard if you want to or competitive golf and then.

I'm just going to go. And play nine hours casual today.

Like if i get a text off a mate saying you want to just play nine holes casual i'm like yeah yeah absolutely that's exactly what i'm here. For like i just want to go out and have a quick knock and when you say casual it doesn't matter if if something happens or i hit one off the team go i'll eat another one or whatever it may be like you do enjoy it a lot more really yeah. So this guy needs to just enjoy his golf more and just but it is challenging it is well i understand he's got to commit to himself to enjoy it as in like rick said there doesn't matter what happens i'm just gonna this is gonna be enjoyment i'm gonna speak to whoever i'm with i'm gonna learn something about them i'm going to have a chat with them i'm going to get my steps in. And all that i love the steps in by the way yeah. And trying not where that white ball goes shouldn't define you shouldn't define if you've had a good or a bad day certainly not if you're not playing for your mortgage like you were when you were on tour because it doesn't matter does it if he shoots 107. Or eight over really at the end of the day yeah. And also it doesn't matter no one else cares that's the great thing about you think everybody cares nobody cares what you shoot that you know what i it's funny i'm trying to do like a lot more running at the moment i'm using strava. And i put my runs on and i sometimes think if i do a good time. Or a bad time people are gonna care. And i know that no one gives a toss with iron a 5k. And they couldn't care less but yet you feel like they do. And it's the same with golf you shoot stable for 27 points i have a nightmare today.

Nobody cares do they let's be honest that was good thanks sophie. For your expertise i think you really carried that you do every week i suppose i was new to it next.

Time i'll have to ring up. So we need some help they're not normally this deep normally we have accents and we have all sorts of skills why we'll mix nothing you see next.

Week could be somebody wants no advice on use nine head covers. And we can just we need a name. For this guy because he's anonymous um mr fun nice.