Hi guys it's rick here uh just quick one before the podcast starts um just want to show our respects to the queen passing away last week uh our deepest condolences go to the family um you know she's been our head of state for 70 years everything i've known and probably everybody listening to this podcast has known so we thank her for her service she's been incredible and um from now on obviously long live the king king charles iii has moved into head of state uh without further ado let's get to the podcast hey guys welcome back to the rick shields golf show podcast episode 149 i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy um it's been a busy week it has it's been a crazy week it has um we've got loads and loads of things to talk about um obviously some golf got affected this weekend which will come on too um. But before we get on to that should we chat about the event that we i think very successfully pulled off last week we did it's nice to blow your own trumpet. But we absolutely nailed it yeah. So um last week we had range night which we alluded to on the last podcast and range that was a celebration of two things firstly you rick shields i've been on youtube. For not seven years not even a good strong eight years nine years i've shake your hand for but ten years right i'm getting old it was ten years ago your first video your first youtube video at trafford golf center the home of shielsey it is it's it's been a crazy crazy ride i know we alluded to it back in may when it was actually 10 years um traffic golf center have done an amazing job at celebrating it they've done this incred incredible window art as you as you're walking which is. So amazing people have been taking pictures tagging me in it and and we wanted to celebrate by throwing a party yes. And not only to celebrate 10 years but also to celebrate the fact i've become now officially a global ambassador for top tracer absolutely and that's one thing we've said this on the podcast many times. And the hardcore og listeners the clubhouse members know this you have thankfully lots of offers to work with brands with companies with businesses and we are outrageously selective. And one of the reasons well the main reason we have partnered with with top trace a new partner top tracer is because we love the technology every range session we have now there's some level of competition there's some level of serious practice you can obviously record all your stats you can challenge people you can go. For long drive which i'm known to do every now. And again um so it was a great celebration at the range night to kind of say yeah ten years i didn't get you a cake unfortunately. But you got a third handshake and it was also a case of let's invite a load of people give them free balls they get to meet you. And they can experience top tracer. For themselves you've got some challenges you'll come on to in a minute against people and you're right it was very successful it was we sold out tickets even though there were free tickets they sold out in five minutes flat they were in the black market. For about 14.99 um and it was about 175 tickets that we we allocated i think a few people snuck in um however. it was absolutely ram the atmosphere was was electrifying um. And it was it was there's a video coming out this week this thursday um young old new golfers um established golfers male females um all different kind of backgrounds just come into a fun evening where they could whack golf balls. And like say you know win some prizes get a little bit for selfie or you know whatever that may be i i certainly signed some strange items i think i saw you signing a few things as well i did including washington potter yeah remember that one yeah i got asked to sign a couple of guys shirts as they were wearing them yeah loads of golf balls gloves head covers golf bags um do you not sign the bra was that just me i think that might have just been you i think it was just me um i must admit he was pulling it off very nicely nice one rick you're on fire um. But yeah no it was it was a really good night like say thank you to trafford thank you to top tracer. And thank you for everybody who show support week in week out by watching the videos listening to the um podcast and just generally supporting across social media we will be doing more yes in different locations i've probably had 20 emails this week from driving ranges wanting me to host a top tracer at their venue you know i'll go on sorry i'm going to jump in then.

No it's just it's we're not sure where the next.

One's going to be we're not sure when it's going to be um we'll see how popular this first one is certainly from a video format it was fun on the nights definitely yeah got to meet loads of different people um. But just how we can make that into a product i.e a video. And hopefully this week this thursday we'll find out how i think this video will be really good it'll be great people to see how fun it was you might not video it every time you host one. But i think what was great about it was when i was explaining to my family. And stuff about when it was it was about to happen a couple of days earlier they're like well what actually is it it's like well it's basically in its simplest form people come in to hit golf balls which that sounds very basic. But it was i think that's the great thing about you being a load of golfers together some of which came as friends in groups some of people came on their own you got kind of put into a bay with like five. Or six other people again some of which you knew some of which were strangers. But everyone had that shared interest of golf everyone watches obviously your videos or listen to the podcast they're chatting about that and once you get even five strangers in a bay and you've got some challenges suddenly everyone just gets along and i always think golf is the one weird thing where if you put me in a car with a stranger now. And said you've got to get in the you've got to go in the car to edinburgh with a random person i'd be like oh my god what i'm going to talk about it's going to be awkward give me that same person say you're going to play 18 holes together absolutely fine yeah do you know what i mean. Or even in that car with someone who's into golf yeah i feel like the topic of golf certainly gets people talking. And like say there were people exchanging numbers talking about having rounds together. And they'd literally met that evening that night um which was great great to see um i definitely think more community events is is the future absolutely we saw it with like we when we've done them in the past back in 2019 we did a range night back in the day before then.

Covered hitting stuff obviously about two years where kind of socializing hasn't been the the done thing because of the viruses etc. But i think now after we've come out of that to open the full gates up to more events more meet ups um because i think that really kind of connects people together. And keeps people playing golf for longer as well when you meet different friends and different connections absolutely that's all i'll come play at your club will you come. And play it mine and suddenly you've got a nice little group of uh group of friends going on today's podcast is going to be a good one um it's good one of those ones as well though sometimes say what if you're listening don't worry about it. But it might be a little bit better to maybe go back and watch it on youtube as well there's gonna be a couple of things you've got to say yeah first thing is this table we've had it recoated. And it it looks absolutely classed doesn't it i'm not sure if people yeah they might not even be able to pick it up. But hopefully you can from where where we were sat the table in the studio here we've had uh we've had now. For over a year and many many podcasts many many to guess and i think it was probably when richard hammond came to the podcast. And he sat exactly where you are now. And he had to peel the microphone from the desk because it got weirdly sticky because of the paint kind of looked at me and i was like yeah i think we need to do this. And as well when he was talking he kept fiddling with a little bit of chip paper. But it looks really good now so if that's if that's not reason enough to switch from listening to the podcast to watching it then.

It's like watching paint dry but yeah. So i've got something here rick that i've told you about offer yes that i want to show you. So the other day i was at my mum's house. And i found something that intrigued me okay that excited me that brought back memories. And this is it. So we're going to see here is a weird folder it was a weird goosebumps do you ever remember goosebumps not at all. So goosebumps were a franchise of light very like light-hearted horror stories when i was in primary school they were all the rage. And ice's weird thing was to get goosebumps books all the time right. But never read them because i didn't really like you i didn't really like reading i liked having all the books and telling people i've got all the books this was a folder that has the books kind of logo on it however. the exciting part is inside this. So again we'll film some of this and we'll insert it in the video podcast this inside this folder is it's like it's like a an assignment it is. So this is called golf what a good name okay by guy charnet well written first published june 1999. So i was eight years old nearly nine okay okay. And this would have been when i was like year four. Or five at school yeah it was since very neat yeah it's good in parts it was a school project you could do anything you want i can vaguely remember it i chose golf right what was insane this has been kept almost in pristine condition since 1999 to 23 years old inside it there's some absolute gem. So there's an all but history of golf right little articles cut out stuff like that and old tom morrison there but there was a couple of things that really excited me about this not only the fact that i've got four house points. For doing it and the teachers have done very well but within it and we get this out for you to have a look at now yeah all right it's good it's quite good yeah there was um all different golfers. So all the best players in the world about all the equipment and stuff but in here i've actually got loads of cutouts from golf magazines again that have been sat there pristine so this one was a golf um sorry a callaway golf the biggest big bertha driver that was the driver of the day. But here genuinely seemed it was giant. But this but it's not is arguably the best bit. So this is like do you ever remember these they were like little golf before the internet was really a big thing there you go it's from county golf. And it's like a golf like what's the word i can't think like not magazine uh brochure brochure sales brochure sales brochure with all different products in there you've got apparel you've got clubs you've got clothing. But looking through it was absolutely insane. And how good condition it is unbelievable there's literally i've got like it's not got a date on it has it. But well it would have been again from that time but what the so the reason there's two reasons why i'm showing you this the first reason is if you look at how many golf brands back then.

Were massive. And now discontinued so i've got one here links well first off is county golf still going. So no. But if you look on the back of it it's direct sorry it's clubhouse which is not far from our office. But there's loads of golf brands in that that were at the time were super premium that now i just discontinued. Or almost like cheap brands which is bizarre there's like really classic nike like golf shirts because this is only a couple years after nike really got into it with the introduction of tiger yeah. So in here though i've got links golf which do make clubs now not quite what they used to be let's be honest we've also got olimar remember ole miss i do if you look through that you've got your rams there's. So many random brands the greg norman collection clothing yeah that was massive used to be massive that's absolutely huge norman now does a lot of other things um ralph lauren classic ralph around golf balls we've got these. So these were some of the golf balls at the time that the premium titleist tour balata okay max fly ht balata precept mc spin nike precision tour control. And this is the bizarre one slashinger at the time we're class slashing jet 420s select now obviously a lot of people now will think of slashing just being like a sports direct own brand cheap at the time they were absolutely classy feel like i'm flicking through like a piece of light it is it's stylo golf shoes i do remember stylo well look i'm on a page here that's talking about the new taylormade burner driver. But this isn't the burner driver that that we know of now i mean it doesn't actually say the head size. But the head size looks like a 5 wood um you know what's funny about those golf balls can i almost guess they all say longer straighter more consistent better feel like what a golf ball say now exactly all the same like this is this is a headline from a set of tailor-made lcg irons we're actually a lady set easier to hit easier to get in the air. And hard harder to miss greens oh my word harder to miscreate imagine testing that now on youtube what a great line that is harder to miss greens. So i'm going to try mr green here. So part of this little um school um thing that i did i did about the clothing. And this was a bit about trousers it said trousers can be plain. Or patterned but must be smart i feel like i definitely had some of these clubs like the house and dj wow somewhere a massive brand nine irons three to sand wedge guess the price three nine nine ninety five pounds so three for nine irons i mean great granted probably the best clubs in the world house. And dj 100s they don't sound great you get 45-day money-back guarantee and they were 95 pounds insane if you if you listen to this we will put some of this in the video somewhat watch it also i've got on here hippo yes hippo beast 98 wood okay because it came out in 98. um now only 59.99 the new super-sized head is manufactured from the most advanced 15-5 stainless steel i mean it's unbelievable in it by the way you get a free beast graphite head cover with that ah. But the real reason i brought this in so my contents of this um project was page one history of golf i won't bore people with that page six famous golfers page 29 equipment. And clothing but then.

It was page 49 that really got me interested the future of golf there will be a man called rick shields because. So again i hate to do this i have to link it in to live. And this is going to make sense. So i've obviously been in more recent week kind of i i've kind of put my position as a bit more i'm not feeling liv and i don't want to say i'm against live some people sometimes think i am i'm not against live i'm just not massively feeling it. Yet okay yeah it could be the key word. And the reason that i am at the moment still pro kind of dp world tour and pro um pj tour is the fact that when golfers win it feels like to them it means more. And to me it means more yeah we're going to come on to bmw shortly. And obviously shane larry winning and you can see how much it meant to him. But i looked i watched that event and seeing whoever's going gonna win that event i thought someone's gonna win this today.

Obviously someone's gonna win the bmw pj championship the marquee event on the european tour why does that mean. So much to me why do i see that as being such a real um monumental win is it the fact the media tell me that. Or is it something else in it both i guess. But here's maybe one reason so this again this is from 1999. And the last um chapter in this book was my trip to the volvo pj championship at wentworth. So the 31st of may um which was a practice day uh in 1999 because it was in may it was a long time a couple years ago. And it obviously used to be volvo before it was pj i don't know if it was somebody else after volvo before bb sorry before bmw. But anyway so what my little thing here was about every year volvo host brackets the car make a pj competition at wentworth golf club in surrey it last four days should do normally the winner is the one who was the lowest score overall blah blah there was my ticket in there i went with my family. And my brother's friend i got lots of autographs my brother got a signed glove from sergio garcia which is quite fitting. For this it's crazy and there's a little like um program thing on tea time sheet which i'll look for in a bit i won't bore everyone with that at the end it says the winner was colin montgomery his score was 18 under power right. So from me being eight years old obviously i went to that event and i saw that event as being a massive deal and a real prestigious event so it's ingrained into then.

Isn't it and what was mad it was a massive event then.

Of course it was yeah. So you're then.

Going to hold these things on some level of a pedestal there's 23 years of knowing that event yeah that you've known exactly. And you probably even knew it before yeah maybe only a few years before that. But it's been around for a long time so then.

When when these live events come around and they've been kind of invented in the last six months and somebody wins them and we hear about the prize money and stuff like that it's quite hard to then.

Really give that event meaning however. and this is the flip side i hope people still listening to very pro-live if you are eight nine ten now. And you get taken to your first live event obviously i've been to one i went to the one at centurion and it was a great experience i'll be honest imagine being 10 years old now going back to school. And talking to your teacher about the live event you went to go and watch and seeing uh dustin johnson and phil nicholson etc if livy's still here in 20 years time which it may well be the funding they've got people then.

Youngsters in middle age maybe young middle-aged people will certainly be looking at live. And putting it on a pedestal as well so i guess i know i'm taking a very long way of explaining this point but my point is that the reason i don't feel this love. Yet for live is that it takes time. And i think that's something that i need to remember. And maybe more people need to think about that you're not going to look at a live winner already it's been oh my god they've won a live event. But when the bmw when the pj was very very first held whatever year that would be i'm gonna tell you in a minute would people have felt that then.

I don't know the pga championship dates back to 1955. now it's been a number of different venues in fact quite interestingly it used to get played on links golf courses like it's played at robertdale it's played at uh um sent george's hillside have even featured the pga championship. But really when it became kind of a more um kind of flagship event 1984 it started to play be played at wentworth but 19 so like what's that 38 years it's been played at one venue yeah that's it it was the volvo championship from the date of 88 all the way to 2004 then.

It became the bmw um before that though it's been a few other things sorry comments the other thing as well when you actually look at the list of players that have won the pga championship yeah okay i'm just going to reel off a few sevi ballisteros nick faldo bernard langer jose maria olasarbo caller montgomery as you mentioned ian woo's wuznum colin montgomery actually won it in in 98 yeah 99. And 2000 three years on the bounce you've got guys who you know paul casey luke donald rory mcelroy manacero chris wood and obviously as we get more current alex noren frank francesco molinari like these are big big names in the world of golf yeah you know not even just european golf in world golf. And i think like you say it brings that level of stature i've been lucky enough to go in the clubhouse. And i think you've been inc went with the house as well do you remember walking down the corridor yes. And you've got all of the each winner donates a golf club to wentworth and you walk down you've got all these golf clubs in glass cabinets and it says underneath it you know what club why was it momentous yeah why was it important in that event. And it's all of that history up until this morning i didn't know how much shane larry had won i still don't know and i didn't care and guess it's over a mill yeah 1.3 yeah. But i honestly didn't care and i watched it last night there's a couple of takes i want to go and definitely dive into this by the way this is amazing it's cool isn't it this is. So but just a quick one for coins to went with uh iso double straps yes they were massive massive this honestly this is. So how good condition is it unbelievable i don't want to like ruin it. So we'll we'll put some things though i remember and leading with we might put some images on the the story of the podcast instagram so go and check out rick shields golf show as well head covers on the back iron head covers on the back some things haven't changed um there's a couple of takes that i want to definitely dive into the wentworth and this weekend was obviously should have been scheduled four rounds with the passing of the queen on thursday friday's play respectfully didn't get played. So it ended up being 54 holes and interestingly live is obviously connected though obviously it was. For um terrible reason why it was only 54 holes. And and everybody understands that put that to one side just for a second though i actually enjoyed it being 54 holes i was going to say that let's say just. For example i know it was all awful situation like this guy said. But let's say that was an actual rain delay yeah. For that reason do i think any less of shane larry winning that event because it's 54 hole not a bit was the final day any less dramatic because it's 54. not a tiny bit. For me personally as a viewer i actually found it much more entertaining and i found myself being able to consume more of it even it's not a shotgun start it's a normal regulation play i consumed a lot more of it because it wasn't for four days solid i think you're right. And obviously um that's what liv's doing 54 holes and in some ways kind of in a pioneer with that but i actually think there's something to it because you've got the first day the first day you want to watch it see how the course is playing see how people get on that's done you then.

Got the second day you could call moving day yeah exactly you could then.

If you obviously live don't have a cup. But you could then.

Have your cut then.

You've got the final day it feels quite simple like you've got one two three yeah i also really really love. And again i know wentworth i've been lucky enough to play wentworth i've seen events there dating back to 1955 but from 1984 at wentworth i know the holes i know they've been redesigned by ernie ells actually back in the day but i know the hulls there was something actually quite special watching the players let's say john ram when he got clubhouse lead what a round of golf i'm saying well absolutely ridiculous i'm sure there was some motivation to to um deconquer patrick reed off the top on the last day i think he was patrick reed wearing live golf gear i believe. So imagine if you'd have won the flagship world tour event getting his picture with the trophy with liv golfing somehow they were disqualified it would have brought the internet john rahm obviously wanted to knock him off. And he did um unbelievable round of golf ridiculous under that much pressure i don't i can't comprehend how these guys can do it i don't i can't comprehend the other thing i definitely noticed the crowds after watching again. But live recently the crowds at bmw were massive massive yeah like like i don't know what the the capacity numbers. But it was definitely seemed like a much more popular event i want to come on to an email in a minute about the crowds uh which i think will be an interesting talking point um. But overall i love the fact that john ryan had got in the clubhouse and then.

You had guys playing the last four or five holes knowing what they had to do i really like that i really like that a lot. And watching like shane larry like is he gonna mess it up watching rory macaroni trying to like like trying to come back. And try to make birdies and eagles and you've got john ram who had to sit there i think. For nearly three hours or two and a half hours waiting to find out if he's gonna be a player whether he's gonna win it something really good about that and it gripped me i was watching it. And i was gripped um. So again i don't know what it is i feel like i'm watching golf in a very different way at the moment i feel like i'm i'm trying to analyze my viewing experience of watching golf which i'm not i'm not personally enjoying i just want to watch golf. And enjoy it but i feel like i almost have to have an opinion i'm almost analyzing the product too much 100 and i am and it's also it's very hard to compare because you're always comparing apples to oranges for example wentworth is the flagship event on the pj tour. So when we talk and it's near london so when we talk about crowds which you totally correct there's going to be big crowds it's the biggest event it's got the best players if you then.

Compare that to let's just say they're made in denmark what are the crowds like there um. And did i watch much exactly. And that's the thing so it's very hard to compare live and you don't have to you know i think i'm kind of sometimes like i have to have a preference to to tell people. And have my view but you can obviously like both. And also you know you know we know full well that there's a it's a tough economic time for people out there liv is free to uh you know not everyone can afford sky. Or now tv or whatever which you know it gets expensive with all the things to pay for live every time it's on we'll be free to uh on youtube now a lot of people have smartphones or everyone can watch that. So that's another thing that's kind of semi-pro lifts there's lots to weigh up but it's two very different kind of schools it does feel like it's certainly on the social media world it's quite polarizing people are at a team dp world tour. Or everyone pj tour or team live but i think there's definitely it's definitely making it a better product. For everybody at the moment i was surprised i was monitoring it quite closely how the live guys would do this week sun did well some did very well um i was also trying to find out what the reaction was like. And for me from what i saw and again i wasn't present this week so you might have hear there might have been some booze that was it seemed like they got a good reception yeah like it seemed like they were actually welcomed the fans there were clapping. And cheering when even patrick reed who maybe isn't most people's favorite when he announced him on the first he got a lovely round of applause i think that's twofold i think typically very stereotypical of me. But i'm going to say it most people who go to watch a golf tournament are respectful i'll come on site in a minute. And um secondly i think it would be quite naive to think that just people have paid too much a pg european tour event dp world tour event they can't also be a lyft fan yeah you could have guys they've gone. For a day out three or four mates having a couple of beers who might love the dp world tour of course are entitled to do. But might also be massive live fans yeah they might have gone to centurion. And to wentworth exactly it's not a black it's not a you know a binary thing it's not one or the other right now i don't think i've ever wanted i just want all the tours to get on see i don't i love the beast no i i feel like it's breaking up the the game. And the viewing experience a little bit too much now in what sense because i feel like it's too hostile and it's a bit you know there's lots of finger pointing and and lots of people in the media that have different agendas like sergio garcia pulling out yeah okay retiring after the first round he shot 76. And he pulled out for reasons that i don't believe he's disclosed yet not that i've heard i don't know if he was injured. Or what the next.

Day or two days after he was he was over in america watching a college football game um you know seems to be enjoying himself actually there was weirdly scottish scheffler um. But like all the fingers got pointed oh he's pulled out and you know he he's got his live money and doesn't support the european tour and i just don't know i just i feel at the moment i don't like this kind of you know did i did i see any live players featuring the they weren't featuring the feature groups they didn't play in the pro-am at all they weren't invited to play in the pro-am i felt like the the coverage didn't show him at all social media was almost like those 12. Or 12 or 13 players didn't even feature in the event i just don't like it i just i just hope something gets rectified where i think i personally think everything can sit along. And work i think the pj tour dp world tour live can all fit into a place. And it can all work i think they can fit into a place definitely. But i don't think you can get along i think that's two separate things because ultimately the liv have come out of nowhere really. And essentially bought the best players to go over and i the reason i kind of like the semi-rivalries partly i think it makes. For good entertainment like watching that video of was it billy herschel. And ian polter kind of almost not fighting having words that's for me is entertainment. And also i do believe that you know when you've got a monopoly which essentially you kind of had you don't understand if you're getting the best value as a viewer when you've got two rivalling tours going head to head i think it'll make both tours better. And more enjoyable to watch and hopefully offer a better product so i think it's good. For people i'm not enjoying it at the moment if you enjoyed it at the weekend i enjoyed it but i'm not enjoying the the tension between it well i just don't like i just i just think it's unnecessary. And i don't know where it started or where it's going to get to you know i feel like it's just in a weird spot at the moment where it feels like everything's kind of being affected. And you know talking about ryder cup points going out this weekend. And or this week that's just gone and it just i don't know i just think i feel like it smashed it up too much i suppose the worst place it can get to in that sense then.

Is the fact that it comes out where live players are genuinely banned from pj tour. And dp world tour and potentially some of the majors in the ryder cup and then.

They have their own thing and then.

Obviously dp world and pediatric have their own thing and it just becomes two separate things even in that sense obviously you know that you think the bickering would die down then.

Because they both go their own ways i still believe then.

You've got two products that the viewers can enjoy the only downside is there could be events on the same week. And you've got to make the decision of which to watch to watch the pga tour order watch live yeah i'd understand that if it was real golf. And mini golf because they're two different almost events but these are they're still golf events yeah still yeah not i'm not the biggest fan of it at the moment i feel like it's gone a bit too what would you want to if you could like have a magic wand what would be your thing then.

Magic wand would not to have live players committed potentially. But i think they had to commit because them leaving pga tour was a massive risk. For them so they needed that upfront commitment but if there was if there was no massive risk. For them to leave and they could be still be a pga tour member and eight times a year ten times a year you have one of these special events it almost replaces let's say the wgc which i've not got a load of connection for um you know it suddenly becomes a different format it's a team event you know it's individual because like there's a lot of things that i like in live and i think it will get better. But i just feel like it could have all just kind of sat and worked together i don't believe they initially set off this kind of needed to be rivalry because weren't the talks eight i mean when we spoke sat down with andy gardner years ago who who had this idea of the premier golf league it was going to be like uh he was trying to connect with the pga tour on the european tour. And things at the time and i feel like it's they've kind of put the shutter down and obviously liver has taken a similar concept and just gone right we're just gonna have to run with it yeah it's interesting i think it's who knows i think next.

Year 2023. And certainly 2024 will have a much more um stable ships potentially get your email then..

So i won't say who it is anonymous. But it starts with chavs at wentworth wow okay um right anonymous just. For anyone in america can we describe what chav is i don't know what an american term. For a chavez let me just like there is a thing. For that um obviously uk listeners will know what a chav is it's typically someone that is you think of a young male typically um what is the american version of a chav i feel like i might offend someone by saying this. So really no maybe just google it maybe someone that's a bit loud. And maybe not someone who you'd expect to see a golf event potentially but yeah okay. But then.

I suppose you can detect there's no definition of a chat that fits. For everyone so you could just like sometimes i'll work clothing before that looks a bit chavy because it's a pair of trainers they might but it doesn't mean you're a bad person. So it's quite i've intrigued this emails going i just got back from wentworth. And just wanted to share my thoughts on the experience especially my views on this tournament possible attracting a happy gilmore style crowd right okay i say possibly it did in some capacity i first want to point out that i'm not against golf attracting new types of fans it's definitely moved on from slacks. And the old-fashioned boring stereotype sports which isn't however. after spending 10 hours at wentworth yesterday surrounded by the most perfect golf setting the site i think it's a bit stereotyping here the site of a north face t-shirt a man bag. And the scent of blueberry vape wafting through the air whilst phones are pinging certainly dampen the atmosphere i get the vape bit to elaborate things the 14th behind the greens is a big bar a large group of males were chanting songs as if they were a football match. And when billy horschel was walking up the green bubbles were blown at him well it's this is a west ham west ham supports apparently we have to ask yourself one why are grown men walking around with children entertainment toys two this is not what we proper golf fans i hate that straight away um want to see have a beer. But let's face it it's not football this is golf which traditionally respects. And at the etiquette in my opinion set this sports above others um i am a 34 31 year old four handicapper sounds like me who admittedly does wear his tightless golf hat backwards rebel with his foot jaws at golfing events therefore. um. And although i may look a bit like a he's use a swear word here um i believe i'm totally qualified in voicing my opinion that your average golf fan does not want these type of people at these events wow that's a lot to unpack. And a lot to digest i think um my view is what it's worth just a quick one i think this person wants me to agree with him yeah i've got absolutely questions not what it's not what we proper golf fans want to see yeah everybody has their own opinion obviously of course they do. And that's right if you're watching this video and you want to comment below feel free to voice your opinion we do read most. And we reply to a lot of them and i know rick likes to love the good ones as well as do i um. But i think i would say if you went to um this is quite stereotypical. But a football stadium there can be sometimes in small thankfully in very small numbers violence. And swearing and people drinking again in in very small numbers and unfortunately the way the media portrays things and was human the way we die we look at those as being much more often than they actually are yeah. So you know you hear about the football casuals who go for fights and stuff i don't think i've ever seen that myself personally. But you do hear about it. But again it's very small numbers i think thankfully whenever i've been to a golf tournament i've never once seen a fight that's never happened. But i've never seen a fight you do see people having a drink. But i've never seen really that many people absolutely bladdered and causing a scene um but having said that it's very hard to stereotype people because they've got a north face t-shirt on. And a man back and a vape i'm not a huge fan of when someone's vaping all in your face and it's dead it stinks but that's one thing but you can't have it both ways you can't want to have an event that's good and that's lively but then.

Also expect everybody that goes in to be like you and one a word that take this cap on and footage i would you know i could say well i look someone's wearing golf using wearing golf shoes at a golf event mate yeah on the course yourself you might say it gives better grip i don't know. But yeah that's a very strange yeah what do you think i don't to be honest i don't agree with his email. And and for a number of reasons i i do think that fans regardless of of how they dress um a welcome to golf events. For stars i think you should be able to wear what you want to a golf event. And most people do yeah most people wear golf gear because they want to. And that's fine but i think you should be able to wear what you want with regards to things like drinking it's definitely become a lot more popular now at golf events. And sporting events in general like i've been invited to the cricket loads of times i don't care one bit about cricket but i get sold on yeah. But it's gonna be a mad like boozy event huge film finger yeah. And i've actually never been but i'm like i could go to that yeah are these guys potentially maybe not golf fans are they being invited by other people. And going oh come to the gulf. And they're going i don't really want to come to golf oh it's gonna be a good day we'll have loads of booze. And and maybe just maybe they'll go that's that's quite good yeah i actually enjoyed that i'm gonna go again next.

Year i'm gonna go again next.

Year i'm gonna start playing i'm gonna start playing i'm gonna start you know supporting i really like that billy horschel guy because when we chanted at him he smiled. And he waved and he threw a golf ball at me or whatever like um the chanting as long as it's done respectfully i'm okay with yeah just as long as it's done respectfully um regards to blowing bubbles is that a west ham thing yeah right. So i don't i don't have a problem with that one bit at all um what was the other bit yeah i think just dress how you want yeah chant as long as it's respectful as long as you're not doing it in people's shots maybe phones pinging maybe this should be a little bit more of a presence on phones on silent you see now when you look behind any goal. For hitting there's there's 10 15 20 phones being lifted up recording um so yeah maybe on silence i can live with that um as long as it's not upsetting the players as long as it's not interfering with play. Or upsetting the players or like say someone getting so lairy that they're being a nuisance like i remember do you remember at the open back at carnoustie in 1998 oh dale 2018 was it tiger who was hitting his tee shots. And there's a big grandstand hospitality on the left-hand side and someone someone's shouting the back of his backswing i don't remember that and any that person got escorted out so as long as the the security staff the people who are running the event are doing their best to to manage it i don't see it i agree i think have a drink. But don't be a drunk idiot yeah i think that's. But that's the case in any walker life i don't want to walk into a nice bath with my wife and be a drunk idiot lots more like when you get them i don't want anyone to be a drunk idiot yeah like you said phone on silent perfect don't i don't as i've said i'm on podcast before i'm not a huge fan of the throwing beer sawgrass not soulgrass stadium course ever. But that that's my view of the people again the other thing with scottsdale and i know we had a big talking point of that turn up in fantasy dress if you want yeah cheer have a good time. But like i said there's got to be some level of a boundary well that's it. And it's like the cheering i wouldn't have an issue with people cheering as long as there's kind of a ruling golf isn't it unwritten really don't sing or talk on someone's shot and i think that's fair enough. So if you've got a player who's stood over the golf ball and rocked hit the shot it's ideally stay as quiet as you possibly can once they've hit it i'm not a huge fan of getting the hall. But if you want to do that. And you feel that you have to do that then.

Do it if that pleases you. But yeah i think i'm not keen on on that the way he's addressed that email i think he's got some points i agree with. But it sounds like he's quite um judgmental of what people were yeah seems like he's had a kind of a bad ex yeah bad experience. But because people don't quite suit his flipping that's two good experiences then.

Um friday we have got an absolute banger of break 75 coming out yes we're not gonna give too many spoilers because it's that good if it's bad you will get a refund. So i've not played golf up until that point for three weeks solid yep and it could have gone one or two ways so find out which way it goes whether it's horrendous or whether it's actually phenomenal and there were some shots from both of us that you do not want to miss it was really fun round of golf the edits coming together now i think it's going to show a lot of that it's been one of those ones that hopefully people smile at while they watch it. So that's a big big video um coming on friday hopefully well it should be let's let's say it is. So with the break 75 as well just a quick reminder that yeah we are going to continue through this week through the year we're not going to stop them. But they're probably just not me every single week so uh see it's a nice friday treat if we get if we get one out we'll try and do every week. But it's just sometimes impossible yeah we had somebody kind of tell us off in the facebook group today.

If you saw this he was obviously a big fan of the videos which is great. And um he was saying that there was no brick 75 on friday which there wasn't it was the once get edited. For this friday and he was like well you do a podcast once a week. And you filmed once that's three and a half days of doing nothing he has a point to be fair yeah. But obviously i actually love how this comment yeah it's like obviously the videos take a lot of editing to get them out. But i've got some speaking of facebook groups some great questions from the facebook group rick you're walking down the street you see a guy he says love the videos really love the podcast you say thank you he goes i'm just not sure if to join the facebook group or not what would you say to him uh well first of all what i've heard about but where do i find it search the rickshaw's golf show podcast in facebook. And presented with a group it's invite only is it no it's not quite you press invite. Or you press accept or whatever join and then.

We get you yeah we do a background check on you um. And and if you pass all 17 tests you're actually getting so things like do you wear a tightness cap backwards you're out it's a number do you want north face. But maybe get in green you're in here so there you go if you're not a member of the group that's why i should join it but we've had some great questions um a mixture of different vibes and as always people want to hear your thoughts on it first one is. And also get your name right out as well so that's quite quite good barnaby cook i said rick barnaby cook what is the sexiest thing about golf first off what a great name yep is barnaby cook. And i think the sexiest thing about golf now is to say you're a golfer wow okay because i think back in the day that would have been um kind of responded with very different take as it is now i think back in the day i remember i meant genuinely i remember meeting my wife 15 years ago now. And she said well what does he do. For a living chatting up in a bad you know what i mean. And i said i'm a golfer. And she's like oh what now i literally will say it to people. Or and like when i was on the holiday i mean a bit lift talk. And you're chatting to um i play golf and they go what you're you go for oh my god like and it's such a different it's not that's like i missed out there when you said to your wife when you first met i'm a golfer oh really you you're good then.

You're on on the telly no oh right oh yeah i actually told her i sold mars bars in a prison might be that that was the. But yeah you're right golf definitely getting cooler um i think the section about golf is when you hit which i did in the video coming up soon you have to watch it a wedge shot off the fairway. And you take that perfect divot that's like squirt the right length and you catch the ball flush and it lands takes a hop and just spins that is very nice um simon day has said does hitting off range match mats damage your clubs no i wouldn't say. So either get that weird green stuff okay that's quite hard to screw off sometimes. And just be careful you don't have a map that's like got a few stones on it and stuff that can sometimes scratch the face. But no if you've got a nice mat it shouldn't it shouldn't do any damage at all question. For you and i'm going to try. And ask you a question within this and you're trying to prove me wrong so michael um gibbard has said how do i get more consistent i work away. For two weeks and have a week off where i can play two days. And i get no practice at work now my question. For you rick is this i got some evidence potentially to back this up do we ever actually get more consistent at golf. And the reason i ask you that it might get better and our ability to score lower mimuli at wentworth shot 76 62 70 that's crazy enough is good enough right now to shoot a 10-under par around wentworth the day before he shot four over it's mental that's a 14-shot swing of one of the you know top 100 golfs in the world how do we get more consistent is it actually a thing it's a great point i think you your worst shots just get better yeah like everyone's workshops probably just get a little bit better as you improve. But consistency is one of the hardest things in the world to do it really is like you'll you can see a driving range like even if you have 10 balls lined up. And everything's the same yep everything yeah nothing changes whatsoever to hit those 10 shots even close to looking like each other it's very very difficult because the complexity of moving a golf club around your body at high speeds to hit a ball which is stationary by the way obviously. But to hit that with any level of consistency is. So outrageously difficult and i mean there obviously are some golfers everyone have one at the club that guy who's off five who always seems to shoot around six over. Or whatever like something like that but actually this is a strange point consistency. For golf is often the dream i'd love to be consistent right. But actually would we want to be because stupid analogy i'm taking this well too far let's say every time you played golf every time you played golf you got a power right so you shoot 72 depending on obviously the par every time you play golf that sounds good on paper but let's soak in that would get boring yeah it would you everybody loves like again without giving too much away i made a part on the first hole at break 75 second hull where i shanked it from nowhere i'm sorry it was the first one a good t-shirt then.

Shanked one from just a ridiculous shank almost out of bounds found it chipped it to eight foot rolling this big power put the feeling from that was like brilliant. But you wouldn't get that necessarily if you always fairway green if someone said you can make power in every single hole okay. But every whole every part can be different like that i mean somehow you're gonna make par on every hole. But it doesn't mean you're gonna hit fairway green two putts. But yeah. But what would you tell again forget about videos and stuff now what would you what would you tell your friend what would you more like to ring your friend about when you got in the car after golf the fact that you went around with 18 parts or if you went nine bogeys and nine birdies yeah you would. So i think although we all aim. For consistency and i definitely would love to be more consistent actually i think that's just golf that some days you go out. And nothing goes right and that's frustrating other days whatever it just clicks and that's what keeps it fun if it was always level you probably wouldn't really that bothered no. But anyway yeah you need those ups. And downs so i've got another good one ready yep max thomas has said our golf club has changed the colors of all the teas to prompt people into using the correct tees. For their game and taking the stigma out of their ladies tea in addition to this do you think more clubs should create more teas forward. And back to get more people involved yeah quite simply yeah i do i think people will still always call them ladies t's at the front. But i don't think they have to be they can be called fronties middle tees back tees tournament tees whatever. And then.

I remember in america this was years. And years and years ago i played at trump national in l.a yeah unbelievable golf course. And i got to to pro shop and the guy said you know what teas would you like to play off today.

I said i'm um i know actually sorry they didn't ask me what teams want to play off they said i said what tea should i play off. And they said well what's your handicap. And how far do you carry the ball with your driver. And i told them and they suggested well with that that qualifies you to play off the black tease yeah if you choose to if you want to play the black tease your handicap. And the fact you can hit it x amount distance with your driver you can play you don't have to yeah that qualifies you yeah if i would have gone. And said my handicaps 20. And i can carry the golf ball 180 yards they might go well. For you to get the best benefit out this golf course we recommend you play the green teams yeah it doesn't matter what the green teams are where they are. But that's there's definitely something about the carry because you're right we've been to golf course off the bat tees were unless you're hitting it 220 you can't carry a pond yeah the only thing i'd say now with handicap is that because of the world handicap system you can have a handicap per t. So if you're off 20 but you're fancy going off the black tees. For a change your handicap might become 30. so actually in theory you could still do it. But yeah you're right you want to you want to play with the tea that gives you the most fun less chance of losing golf balls whatever. But i think it's something that's right i think you know. And also i think about it if you're paying to be a member of a golf course that's obviously great. And you know it's fun and you get different types of conditions and different wins but ultimately you play the same golf course possibly three times a week it obviously is. So much more fun if you go today.

It's going off the forward t's i'm gonna bomb drive off the forward t's. And just try and shoot some mad score equal the next.

Day aimed at going off the back t today.

I think you'd have a better game because you'd be hitting shots in from different places that would ultimately work your game in more different areas you'd probably become a better rounded player yeah no 100 i think testing your skills off different t's um oh who i was listening to a podcast. And they said they did that it was a video by bryce de chambeau oh wow. And he he went back he wasn't it wasn't it was a new video he put on his channel. And he talked about how he basically grew up with this golf coach who taught him everything it was it was fascinating video definitely i highly recommend it i remember him saying at that point there was a point in time when he got really frustrated he didn't know how to score low like he couldn't go around. And shoot five six under so his coach recommended him to play off the forward t's this is bryson when he was younger. And he learned how to make lots of birdies he shot like 58s and 59s off the four with t's um and then.

And then.

He developed those skills and just worked on his distance you know what that makes sense because so much of golf we know is mental. And this weird thing about being under par and i had it myself if i go pop our birdie also my own departs like oh my god i'm under par and then.

Obviously blow up if you went off a much more easy tea and you get used to being one and a part two and a pound that stigma starts to not be as much of a thing then.

When you are on the real tees in the competition you're gonna be more likely to prepared. For it that's clever um last one i've got from facebook then.

From alan howard hi i'm thinking of spending 300 pound on second-hand irons i've never been fitted before should i pay for a fitting to get my spec or just take a chance so we've got 300 record he might go to our friends at golfbidder or whatever he's saying should i go to my local uh driving range wherever pay maybe 50 quid for a fitting then.

Tell me you need half an inch longer one the grip right and then.

Use that information to go and buy some or just buy some anyway if you can do it that way great if you can go to a fitting. And just pay for a fitting and they give him almost a prescription of what what he needs yeah i would highly recommend that because he might not be able to have 50 quid to spend on extra clubs. But if he's got the right spec it's gonna be better that the clubs he buys yeah i mean. So i if you can not a lot of places do it because i think if you went with a 300 pound budget. And went to a golf shop for a fitting suddenly the ones that suited him the best it might be the 600 pound golf clubs yeah. And some of these in a bit of a predicament so if you can find a place that can literally prescribe you with your measurements. And you need extra inch longer you need upright you need thicker grips brilliant yeah thank you very much mr fitter there's your money i'm going to take that information. And buy online i don't see a problem with that at all yeah i think as well what i don't know from from allen's comment there is how um like new he is into the game. So i mean fitting has it's uh it's worthwhile i guess at all levels. But if you're and this is very stereotypical again. But if you're five foot ten average height or obviously that's our average build and it's your first ever set of golf clubs standard might well be worth it however. if you were six foot five with dead short arms. And massive huge hands and stuff like that and equally again alan could be a scratch golfer just because he won't spend 300 pounds he might love his golf but not my own spending on his clubs it's hard to know all those different things but yeah ultimately the dream would be go to a fitter get fitted um. And then.

Buy them ones that suit you yeah 100 i'm just flicking through some of the questions as well um would rick this is james holder would rick. Or would you and rick rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers uh i'd rather have things yeah because people don't see my feet very often yeah unless you're killing it. And then.

You can like pick the phone yeah quite good you could be writing. And you could be typing and you could be doing all sorts yeah i think i'd actually quite like that um to actually think on the other side there's no benefit of having toes. For fingers what's the benefit yeah people see them you can't really use them as much anyway um just a quick one then.

Before we wrap it up. And again this is one that if you have listened to this thank you. So much for listening we would love you to rate us on apple ideally five stars if you think we're worthwhile of that i would say probably worth four. And a half but round up to five do you agree with that ninety percent um. And if you're watching the podcast thanks for watching if you've listened and there's some bits about this this uh amazing project and the new clean table it's definitely worth watching i'll maybe watch it i'll skip through have a little skit um quick one as well i want to give a little shout out to our good friends from america who have now reached one million youtube subscribers only the second golf channel in history to do it well yeah a million is a huge accolade. And i remember when you hit a million we were obviously all. So ecstatic you get the gold plaque i think i'm still hungry from that to be honest with you i think that's that's the only the only downside with a million is it's such a good number to hit. But i think unless you get type 10 it still feels like do you get what i mean it's like a million's just. So good millions so good it's great so well done guys you definitely deserve it you've your videos are amazing. And uh obviously we've done loads of collaborations if you've some couple more videos left to come out the google collaborations um in fact quickly that's the big one on wednesday you and garrett you and gm golf go head to head around the last nine holes at jcb versus garrett clark can redeem himself i think at the moment i have won one match drawn one match lost three matches. And i'm playing against garrett clark who is no easy task he's a good golfer to come on wednesday. So tomorrow this week there's gonna be probably three videos wednesday thursday friday strap yourself in it's gonna be it's gonna be a good one there's a mixture of content um and i think you're gonna really enjoy it guys thanks. For listening thanks for watching and we shall see you next.
