Did you see mickelson's statement this week is there another one. Or the original oh yeah one that he did oh yeah it was it was last tuesday released it yes. Or maybe wednesday yeah seeing the sponsors that have dropped it yeah basically callaway have paused his partnership kpmg have dropped him. And the beer company who sponsored him it's a funny one to stick with mickelson there's been um i suppose rightly showed some degree a lot of outrage with how he's behaved there's been other people kind of questioning well why is it that bad like he's obviously not handled himself very well. But why is it worthy of getting dropped from every kind of sponsor. And i can see both sides i think to come out. And basically say that he was in talks with the saudis who he thinks are very dodgy to try. And just leverage the pj tour feels a bit bad on both sides really he he was kind of playing both paths yeah um which is which is a very risky game. But then.

I suppose i suppose the only reason why then.

I'm thinking the brands have if they just thought i don't know why they he gave him the option he gave the option to pause or end the contract that's callaway all of them all of them all right in that statement he mentioned if any of my partners wanted if i saw this statement then.

Which one it's quite a long one so i won't read it all out but look at that let me just try and find the little bit that he said um because he meant like say mention this idea that if if any brand i've got it here in front let me just give me one second. And that's another thing though i think this day. And age now which you understand with social media and stuff that brands have to be very careful with what their ambassadors their athletes kind of say and do. So they are often owned on the very cautious side. So this direct quote he's talking about the partnerships yeah the last thing i would ever want to do is compromise them partners. Or their business in any way and i have given all of them the option to pause or end the relationship as i understand it might be necessary given the current circumstances end quote so it's interesting because like some of these are really long time partners of him yeah it feels do you think it's more that he's coming out quite badly which is why they want anything to do with him rather than what he's actually said if that makes sense because well i don't think what he said although it's not great he's never said anything that's that like i don't think the brands would not be associated with him. For that is it marge that he's in the really bad light. And they don't wanna you know what i mean i think he's just put himself in a very precarious position exactly. And i think because of of ongoing because he's not the only player he's not the only player that's been talking about a breakaway league yeah like he's not all the only player that's come out. And said change needs to happen he's not the only player that's come out. And said about the pj tour may not always be the most fair. But he's he's been the most vocal but he's also the only ones come out and said he had no essentially no intention doing it just done it to yeah that's the difference i think if somebody came out. And they won't do. But said i absolutely want to play that tour. For x y and z so okay. So like they've got a lot of hate for it but fair enough that's why but he's come out and said oh i've got no intention doing that i've just done it to try. And make the pj tour give us more money for nfts and whatever i find bizarre i don't feel like i'd fully believe him in that statement the only thing is again i'm not one second on mickelson's side i'm a kind of middle of the road i don't dislike him i don't like him i just kind of whatever. But it does it is quite bad the internet culture where like when you're down everybody just jumps on you isn't it like it must be in that i mean he's done it himself. So far enough like he's a big boy i'm sure he can handle himself. And he'll probably come out the other side of it and people might forget in five ten years time i'm sure they will i can't imagine his whole career will be tarnished by this i'd like to think it won't um you know tiger came back from things i'm not saying i was bad. Or as good but you know things that in his life weren't great but it does feel a bit bad when everyone. But i wonder what the fans are gonna react like when he plays in his next.

Tournament i mean first off at the pga talking about him i don't think they've made a decision on that just. Yet yeah can they ban him. Yet i thought i don't know i think the only thing that's in the clause is there's something in the clause. And again i don't i don't think it's wrong. So i better be careful what i say something along the lines of something that claws where if you've had um extended conversations about a breakaway tour or something there's something around that i want to get it completely wrong but what i don't know if the fans next.

Time he plays in the tour event how they're going to react because as you mentioned there with tiger he obviously did a lot of naughty stuff off. And away from golf this is golfing this is directly influencing golf i i just don't i mean he's a fans favorite yeah a lot of time he's a fan's favorite spends time signing autographs like people seem to love him he seems to be great on social media. But yeah he's going to come back. And it's going to be very hostile i think i think i would say is two things firstly people do forget over time they don't know those other famous sports people are singers. Or whatever you've done terrible things or bad things and after time you get forget and also the other thing i would say is that you can't always take social media as gospel because a lot of the time people on twitter are the ones who like to shout the loudest on twitter yeah of course a lot of people have no interest in you know going on twitter um. And might not have that much opinion on it and also as well again it's a massive story in the golf world you know the people listen to this podcast they'll go on to online you'll have average golfers going to the open. And won't know this has even happened they will it seems mad that there'll be. So many people that have no idea about the saudi golf league yeah there'd be literally hundreds. And thousands of them that was true. So i do think if he does it well it might come out of it in the end okay in the short term it's gonna be quite hard to ride out i guess um if you want to come on the podcast phil yeah. And explain yourself yeah open invitation yeah feel free i'll sponsor you every little rickshaw's logo on his heart would yeah would you sponsor him right now yeah wow hands down what if we lost loads of subscribers hope this is recorded this whole podcast.