We've had this before where you've rated yourself quite highly against other golf youtubers this feels like a while ago now i'm a different rick now i've backed myself i'm pretty good i'm you know i've been working hard in my last episode you said i've seen you play more golf with anybody i'm just like they're quiet. So make a lot of what you will i'm a bulldog when it comes to match play whoa would you be very different where would you now. So you've got peter finch yeah matt fryer andy castle like your mates you've then.

Got egm golfs all those guys good good boys yeah who are all good good good health um loads of the people loads of creators out there you've got like as much as you said than the brian bros yes you wouldn't class wesley because he's a tour player. But george who's not a tour player yet yeah he could definitely be in that ranking you've got uh guys like zach radford yeah you've got guys like even like sas that we've talked about earlier in this podcast you've got loads of guys from the uk like danny moore dan hendrickson me my golf crossfield um who else could play i'm guessing this is a scratch event look yeah if it's a screw yeah yeah it's like it's like pros. Or scratch got a scratch event okay. So i think um i think i'd win even the net champion i think i'd win um you know only by five. Or so nothing i'd probably go down go easy yeah yes 20. And tall um no i think genuinely now putting a score together in a competition format it it really like worries me now. But do not think because i get these questions. And they're quite exciting and if it could happen it would be really fun but and we've used this before and we've had clips we've talked about it and would you be such a body whatever and it gets a lot of people excited. But in reality nobody well we certainly don't and i don't enough the good good guys do the content isn't about them being amazing at golf it's about having fun on the golf course. So like isn't really something that is if you're all do if you're all separate creators. And you all have this goal of getting on the european tour or you know the pga tour or getting into the open whatever it might be then.

You would say right well one of them's gotta be better than the other ones yeah. But you're all kind of probably are quite different just because some of you are pro like you can temper off four. Or plus four like i think that would be the guys at the top of the leaderboard would be george bryant he's i'm not saying he's he's at the top he's one of the one of the favorites michael morris yeah um pete if he's playing well carter if he's playing well i'm not sure any anyone if they're playing well yeah that's the thing i played with matt i would think that matt was a better golfer than me yeah would you um i don't know i didn't play enough i probably would say yes as an overall what i've seen. But i played him a couple weeks ago i wasn't going to say much about this right. But playing a couple weeks ago at warrenton his home course as well you know what i mean like on his track. And i absolutely schooled him i absolutely took his pants down and gave him a good hiding oh that's what she is texting today.

He said about you playing golf he said um that he was playing golf with let me read the text shut up i know i don't know what he could say yeah he said yeah we played today.

Um i could do a bit of the health on my channel. So let him beat me which got him a good mood and he gave me loads of his secrets and tips to grow a youtube channel what a dope he believed it all um but yet like even on that day in a dead casual i you know i've got two trophies up there for match play champion you have if it was match play i would actually fancy my channel oh yeah yeah i would genuinely hear i think it could be done you need to call somebody out there. For a for a bit of beef don't you um who do i want to play i do think everyone keeps asking up playing the good good lads like gm golf. And that but we don't do that in an aggressive way because i feel the fans could take us down what do you mean what are me i love them there's too many of them they're too young supple fastball speeds fast club head speeds. And all that lots of swag too much swag um who would like who would like to compete against people keep asking about why they never played with pete last year and it was um supposed to be a match against never realized convenient maybe i'll play p yeah play pizza start things where i'm driving it call pete out now then.

If you want do a camera choose that camera there yeah it's on i pete drop match we'll check our schedules you get your people to speak to my people. And see what happens yeah [Music].