Um i've got a really good dear rick for you as well so why are you in this kind of very thoughtful i thought yes that's the word i was looking. For very thoughtful i'm going to hit you with this um. So it's from a 15 year old and it wasn't actually titled up as a dear rick as such but it is. But i'm gonna use his name his name is ben i think that's that's fine to say. So um you ready you should normally get into focus mode now sometimes the eyes closed which you will see on cameras my name is ben i'm 15 years old i've been playing golf from a very young age every summer i managed to bring my handicap down a couple of shots. And i'm now off seven which is pretty good. But i feel i am now getting to the point where my inner demons are getting the better of me okay my problem is i really struggle with golf mentally i very often struggle to find the motivation to carry on if i have a bad start i'll give up mentally. And feel it's a waste of times i'm not only playing my best golf now i do manage to conceal my anger better as i've matured. But it still gets to the point where i'm um really wound up enough to get even better mental game and if i could do that i'd be able to knock even a few more shots off my handicap um i've always admired the torpor admired how the tour pros can have a double bogey murder a few words himself. And then.

Continue like nothing's happening on the next.

Hole however. tyrell hadn't interested me you can see how an audience in the golf course. But he's still managing to shoot good scores have to get angry himself realistically i don't think i'm ever gonna get to the point where it golf doesn't annoy me. So what is it that tyrell does that allows him to get annoyed himself. And then.

Continue to play very well we're very grateful if you give me some advice thanks very much ben ben is surely portraying the same message that every 15 year old golfer has ever thought are you just when i was 15 i was a hothead i was a nightmare you know from from probably as soon as i turned teenager because i started golfing i was about 10. Or 11. as i got to about 13 to 16 and probably beyond i was way too hot-headed i was. But i wasn't a massive through-dog club i think everybody has not not proud of that. But for me it wasn't so much the anger it was the absolute devastation that my if i went out of bounds on the 14th holding out a good round goal it was quite literally like my world has ended. And that was just unbearable yeah i think i think one of the i'm gonna i'm gonna answer this in two parts give him some advice on what i did to help manage my expectations it's a really good book called ghost not a gamer perfect it is unbelievable because it basically tells you the how to manage your expectation levels because i think that's the biggest thing when you're 15. you know if you could decent golfer like ben sounds like he is you can hit good shots like you can hit great shots. But you're still at that stage where you're learning and you're developing and one of the things that again i think a lot of adolescent youngsters don't quite always appreciate is you grow. So much like i remember having really really bad issues about consistency but then.

I'd also be growing out of a pair of pants every three months and you know my feet were getting bigger all the time because you grow. So much in that time frame so how can you be consistent as a golfer. Yet when er all you're doing your body is changing all the time it's something that definitely needs to be managed. And you see it with you see it with a lot of um young golfers like if you mature really quickly and you get used to your body i mean maturity in yourself you get the strength. And the height and that you build that you want you can build on that there's a lot of people who struggle as they go through those building stages to stay consistent. So there's that to fight with so bobber teller have a look at that you can manage your expectation levels you know that you don't have to hold every single shot not even the best players in the world do that at all it's how you manage your emotions. And then.

Going back on to tyrrell obviously he is a different breed when it comes to emotions because he openly shares his emotions about how angry he is right because he really you know he's thrown clubs he snaps clubs he you know he's he's sacked caddies he's done you know he's really lost his head. But one thing if you ever watch him when he plays yes he'll lose his head immediately after the shot. And he'll be really angry with himself and he'll kick what you know he'll be fuming one of the things though if you ever get into his next.

Shot watch how he prepares for his next.

Shot it's like nothing's ever happened he never carries it over to the next.

Hard to do though really bloody hard like i mean you even see tiger in his prime like he would hit a bad shot. And get really angry with himself but then.

The next.

Shot was like nothing ever happened what do you think though that's almost bad to watch not to watch which almost look at because we think our fight is angry. But then.

We as mortals can't seem to turn it off like that says they do everyone's different you look at someone like ricky fowler well i've never seen him get angry ever ricky fowler. But also on the flip side i've never seen him massively jump with joy yeah. And a bit like um jason day like he doesn't particularly get angry but he never jumps for joy so i think it depends on your emotional character as well because. For me i'll i want if i hold a great port or if i hit a great shot i'm openly um outwards with my my pride and my pleasure also on the flip side when i hear bad shot i can't hide my emotions so it depends on your character a little bit and that's what ben's got to kind of figure out as a 15 year old and i'm sure he will do over the next.

Few years what his character is he might be the hot head who you know can blast off. And leave it behind and set up for his next.

Shot with a good pre-sh shot routine and deliver that amazing shot or he might look at trying to lean down this route of becoming more like ricky fowler which shows no emotion at all i think go. For the chilled route that's the one i would like to go for i also like the emotion i like holding the six foot fist ricky fowler like all the time apart from when he hits a great shot i want to see him get excited you know what i mean. So hopefully that answers your question that was good advice.