Chris asks our budget clubs worth the savings talk to me interesting one budget clubs I think there's a couple of ways that you can look at this budget clubs can either be second-hand mm-hmm it might have been premium three. Or four years ago and now they've come into a budget lineup because they're a lot of cheaper or budget actual sets we obviously bought a budget set recently from Costco Callaway edge clubs which someone has warned that by the way let me just confirm that but the person who warned it didn't want to be announced because he wants to surprise his brother with the club's cool stuff so they have been shipped and because they're going on a golf holiday. So budget clubs as you saw in that video it depends on what you're getting because I have seen over the years terrible budget clubs I'm honest but I do honestly think as well now they've got better they've got the budget clubs have actually got better certainly if you're gonna go. For a brand that has got some credibility inside of golf like Callaway and we bought 70 pounds Slazenger set recently we might be looking at behind another set soon in that type of budget set does really well I think we're budget comes in is when it's when it's a number on that budget club particular. And that the shaft is often very very with he inside he is soft blue a lot a lot more blue the graphite yeah it's like they're just not very rigid. So that actually hinders your performance and when you hit a shot off it and it actually dents the metal and the club that's when it's no good. So I think you've just got to be realistic when you're looking at a budget set I do things like obviously things like golfbidder would have second hand clubs at this cell you know if you can pick up a driver. Or set of clubs at five six years old it's still gonna cost you a little bit of money maybe three to five hundred-pound as you've seen some of the challenges me and Pete do which by the way are coming back this year. And it is the finale the final ever golf. But a challenge will be coming around April time. But you can you can pick up a decent set. For that and actually if you play about with it you know if you can if you can be clever with budget sets it works. So what was the original question it was a lot say it's what they were savings. But it's a tough one because everything you've said that makes sense. But at the same time for Chris it's kind of it depends on who you asked if you're an absolute new golfer who is stumbled upon YouTube. Or watch the masses and thought you know what that golf looks alright actually I'm gonna go. And get a sec whoops then.

Go to a retail infinite recording get some to get on the golf course but if Chris is a it depends on how much you value exactly because if he's a 10 handicap let's just say plays in club comps. And wants to win and compete if he buys a set that's 100 quid versus a set that's 5 grand let's just say there's gonna be performance differences yes whatever that's worth it to him if he wants to say four thousand nine hundred pounds. And have a conservatory I'll extend the house and that's more worth it but if he wants with the best player of his mates and it means everything to him then.

That's good it's hot arby's a black attested yeah it was. So what was the price that one one hundred. And fifty pound versus forty well yeah about four hundred whatever. And it was like eleven yards difference. So yeah what depends you speed like if you honestly spoke to me eleven yards is a big deal I would potentially pay that extra money because I want I want my absolute because it's I'm a professional golfer I play golf. For well not play golf for a living but I want to make sure that I'm maximizing my potential if you're a weekend golf or not bothered and you're just gonna go on a golf holiday then.

Yeah. But is perfect. For that that's it's a good question good answer it's a topic that I think people always want to make sure. And understand this obviously that the spending the money in the right way correct and there comes a point in golf would you touch done actually with the John Robbins podcast he said about headphones were white you can pay a ten pound potter isn't gonna be any it's gonna be worse than a hundred pound putter the feel. For maybe durability etc the grip might not be on quite straight but then.

A 600 pound Scottie isn't really gonna be any better than a hundred pound putter but if you want it and that's your money buy it yeah.