I've currently i've played two rounds with the motor caddy yeah i'm under par what happened in the second round when you played the metal caddy i beat you six. And five yeah you did even six. And five beat six and five i played rubbish but i felt refreshed i thought you guys joined the round of goal dear rick where people can write in a nice email. Or an ask an email whatever they fancy i would buy our really good friends at motorcaddy by the way how good did i play use my motorcade i think that's what it was it wasn't the lesson with dan which was all right it wasn't the belly rubbing it wasn't the fact you know the course it was the motor caddy i've currently i've played two rounds with the motor caddy yeah i'm under par what happened in the second round when you played the metal caddy i beat you six. And five yeah you did beat them six. And five six and five i played rubbish but i felt refreshed i feel energized around the goal guys just taking a hit there just so we can get the vote caddy i'd read it that's respect that to the co-host excuse me. So i said yeah that's classic. So everyone that writes in today.

Rick would knew it. For 10 weeks and each one at the end of the 10 weeks gets put into a hat the name will get drawn out one lucky winner is going to win a motor caddy. And then.

Second place is going to win a motorcade bag. So it's very much worth sending your mail in for the chance to get it read out and also win that trolley or bag if you want to do. So it's podcast rickshields.com this week's dan i've handpicked because i think i want your input. So it is dear rick. But it's dear dan which will have a better ring to it maybe going forward it could be deer down we'll actually get down in just. For this section each week anyway it says derek and guy brackets i'm bob and dan first off i want to say thank you to you both for your great content to say um after having an on off again relationship with golf since i was 15 brackets i've been turning 35 to a couple of weeks. So 20 years um quick maths i have recently started playing more consistently since coming across your facebook and youtube channels etc a few months ago and i am now in the process of working towards getting an official handicap and i want to start entering a few comps at my local course so we hear that a lot don't we nothing out there out toward there but my question is this i have a few hundred dollars to spend to improve my swing. And my game but between online training programs training aids lessons or going to go into pj pro. Or new clubs etc i'm at a loss of what could be the best course of action i feel like every aspect of my game could use improvement so what would your advice on getting the biggest benefit be out of all those above and that's from jeffrey i'm gonna just cancel a few out before passing over to you i wouldn't spend a couple hundred quid on training aids if you don't know what you're trying to fix personally um and possibly again it sounds like you're in a good spot where you don't particularly need to spend loads of money on clubs and a couple hundred quids maybe not gonna make a massive difference to your golf clubs okay that sounds you know either way i think going into lessons. Or a development plan is kind of more beneficial. But i kind of hand that over to you dan i do a bit of research in the area where you are. And try and find the coach who's got the best reputation and then.

Do a bit digging about on what they can do how do you find the coach that's got the best reputation first of all i sounds a bit of a cliche. But often where a lot of the good players go a lot of other good players tend to go um so there must be something that's happening at that place or somewhere where you've seen friends of yours going. And they've been improving a lot so it's one of those two things so it's either a recommendation you know and often you know your club pro not being a disservice to the guys oh you know our club bro they've got so many other things that they're doing that they are going to slightly water down what they're able to deliver from a golf lesson. And i think you want to make sure that the person who you are seeing is pretty good on being able to figure out what's going to suit you as an individual you know because i think that's massive i've seen that change a lot in the last sort of 12 months maybe 18 months. But it's all very much about here is it's you know it's just a case study of one that person one person in front of you what how do they move what do they do. And try and find a coach who can help you as an individual get the best you can. So best reputation and somebody who can work with you yep would you i mean i think i would look at social media as well as a kind of a way of not asking on social media i think a lot of people make that mistake of putting the golf swing on on facebook. And saying what are wrong. But asking like having doing a bit of research let's say there is three. Or four golf pros in the area check out the social media see what they're putting out there i mean we're going to come on this in a minute. But that was you were doing youtube before i was doing youtube. And actually seeing is there any content out there. Or even just tweets or facebooks or whatever do you feel like you'd have a bit of rapport with said coach. And who can actually develop you. And bring you on well that feels too easy done it so fast there's a reason why i've asked you this question because obviously you too both certainly down at the you know coaching a lot and pj coaches that was the answer you're going to give which expected. And and i agree with actually but the reason i've asked that is because i often see these comments online um were people almost it seems to be a thing of like go get lessons going at lessons which obviously makes sense. But i think it might be wrong in saying this there's a bit of um people think that just by having lessons you can improve now there has to be a lot more to it than that an analogy i'll use rightly. Or wrongly would be if you were overweight. And you wanted to get fitter we'll go and see a personal trainer but go and see the personal trainer once and then.

Never go to the gym again it's going to make no difference whatsoever. So you've got to carry on either see that trainer every time you go to the gym or at least working out a couple times a week and change what you eat just by as good as you two are at coaching i'm looking more down here. But just because someone no because he's obviously coaching still. But just by going to you once may possibly obviously improve your golf massively because you might change something fundamentally that just goes boom. And it works but it's going to be a lot of graft a lot of grind which you obviously with your clients lucky because they do that. But what else does somebody have to do they don't just go. And see a coach wants to do what do they have to actually improve i think that well i wish probably with the right starting word i wish there were people out there who when they saw the person who comes in. For a lesson is almost manages where that person's expectation level off the bat you know. And like you said going to the gym that's almost a bit of an analogy i sometimes use as the same year if you decide you want to start on a weight loss program just because you've eaten well. For one day expecting to be a different different weight tomorrow no you've it's then.

It's the decisions that you make today.

What you put in your body how you do how often you go to the gym what you're going to do it's going to turn you into the person you want to be in three months. So the golf journey might take you two months might take three months might take you six it all depends on how quick and pliable you are as a student to keep getting better. But it's more about you know what are you happy to put those efforts in to get where you say you want to get to as your goal. So you've got a goal here here's you tell me what you want to achieve i can tell you how long it's going to take you to get there tell you what's going to require to get there if you're not happy to do that we'll need to reassess your goal. And then.

Change the landscape relative to you and is it common i think i think it is. But is it common. For certainly higher handicaps who've got habits ingrained over years to actually get worse for a little bit before they then.

Do get better if you change your grip from a very kind of strong grip to what feels like a really weak grip surely you're not going to play great golf the first time you play i always found this cliche when i was coaching even students coming in. And they'd always have this impression i know i'm going to get worse before i get better. But i actually really disagreed with it i do does that not happen very often then.

People it depends on what you're changing. So as a golf coach me i'm sure i can talk. For dan like you know it's like it's like a puzzle and at the moment you can see how you're going to create the picture. But you're not going to just dive in straight into the most crucial part of that puzzle say hence the player's grip yeah because that player's grip he might have had. For 20 years playing as this guy has it's like you that's a very sensitive things to change so we're going to move we're going to change some i might tell the coat the student that right here's three. Or four things i feel like you need to work on grip being one of them this but the moment we're not going to work on grip because your grip's really strong. And it's actually helping you currently right now we need to change something else before we change the grip so i think it's just been very very sensitive certainly around grip issues because when you do change your grip it feels awful. For a player they often do hit it worse much much worse after. But when you change your grip you have to you have to marry those kind of um almost two wrongs making a right often at the time you um like you call it match-ups don't you yeah like you have these match-ups in the golf swing. And if you change one match up and don't change the other it can be disastrous yeah you got to change two things you've got to change two things. So it's understanding what those two changes are really make sense. So yeah i i would totally disagree with that um that comment that you get worse before you get better i don't believe in that i i i completely agree with you there mate. And well i've got it from the other side as well in that you know if you go back 10 years ago there was like a golf grip pretty much that you taught this is the way you should do it you go back to all the books they all had a way to grip it. And it was all really really similar whereas actually now if you i i do it takes about 10 minutes to start the lesson where i just run through a load of tests. And it's really really quick while i'm in a coffee just run through it all and i could pretty much well i can tell when i've done those tests what the grip is that's going to be right. For them based off what their shoulder rotation is going to be while their arm flexion is going to move. And you can tell straight away what the grip is going to be like. And if the grip is really strong. And that's how they're pretty supposed to move well i know that there's going to be certain swing characteristics that have got to fit with that now then.

At that point if they've got something in there that is a complete mismatch because they want to take it back just as an example keeping the club head looking at the ball. For longer and outside the hands whereas actually if they've got it really strong it's going to work inside a little bit more well that's such a bad fit that then.

If i say right let the club work inside a bit more oh well i actually did it better when i did that yeah. But it's not like an instagram swing that you will have watched. Or it's not don't look like adam scott but it's great for you and then.

At that point what's the next.

Bit that fits with that well at the top of the backswing let's say that they don't make a perfect hip turn they move off it a little bit well okay we need to get you loading a bit more into that right side bang all of a sudden they could quite quickly turn from it in a cut to a draw because it fits in with their grip based off the fact that you're matching things together i often think probably wrongly that a lot of elite golf coaches which obviously you are would look down on goal. For youtube videos because they're so kind of one size fits all and stuff like that but obviously you as rick louis earlier on have been making golf youtube videos longer than ricky even has so obviously you do them. Or have done them and whatever so what's your thoughts on them then.

As well i think they're really good i i i'm gonna be doing more again this year um. For one reason another i didn't do as many last year um. But i i think that they're really good. But i think that from the student standpoint unless they know what their fault is they could they could be trying. So many things that are not applicable to them. And they might get super lucky and just stumble on something but it's it's not the youtube's community's fault that the information's put together in that way it's just that you know it's just how it is you know it'd be only the same as looking at the golf magazine wouldn't it yeah you know that month's tip will you go. And try it i i always summarize it as the coaching online certainly that i try and deliver on facebook on youtube it's almost like more like paracetamol or iburu event they're like little quick fixes they're gonna get get you through it and give you a bit of advice and hopefully help you play better but it's not like massive keyhole surgery which is where you need to go to go. And see a proper you know in-person golf professional to get those major changes um and i think that's the problem the slight problem now with youtube is there's. So much medicine available and there's no pharmacy at the start of it to go okay this is what you need this is what you need because all the information is there. And i've watched loads of coaching videos and they're all amazing but like i say as a golfer coming into it and it's like oh my god it's like a sweet shop just give me all those bloody drugs and i'll take it all but actually like i say you end up overdosing a little bit quite deep you die there is a place. For both though because obviously again you two will know there's an advocate there's nothing better than a one-on-one golf lesson with a proper golf coach. But so many people might live somewhere in america or if there's no golf coaches around. Or they can't afford lessons or whatever it might be about confidence to go and see somebody for whatever reason that might be big time so there's definitely a place for both it just interested me that i probably wrongly feel like elite golf coaches often would look down do you feel that rick. And i've experienced it i've experienced so much but i've experienced i've had there used to be an old facebook group that i was part of. And it was like a golf pros only facebook group right. And i was in there as well. So it's one of those groups where you often have to you get accepted by the admin or whatever this is donkey's years ago on facebook. And i remember some of my videos showing up on there and like or other youtubers videos showing up on there and suddenly underneath you get all these kind of proper golf professionals elite professionals just ripping everything into it look i can't believe you're saying that to all these people it's like i know but again what you've got to understand it it's very generic information it's not wrong information it's just generic and that's what they were kind of getting at. And that's not going to suit every golfer i get that you know the best golf coach videos that we well you do. But we think about is the ones where it's like five things that good golfers do whatever because obviously fixing a slice. Or as good as they are there can be different reasons why you slice it we you obviously know that much better than i do. But so many kind of newer golfers little simple things that watch it if you've got your putts near your opponent's port or whatever and they hit first get a little look at the line towards that sounds like second nature but to a new golfer they might not even think to do that where they could learn. So much valuable information about watching how that putt breaks and the pace etcetera little things like that for me what i think add real value to people like practice drills. Or little tips that's kind of like say it's not it's not keyhole surgery online coaching it can be quite kind of tailored. Or sorry it's more generic shall i say um that's interesting i hope that answered his question but i also would say you know the guys who are out there calling it it's it's pretty simple. For a minute you know if it's not that good you get a camera and you go and make it yeah you get that as well to be honest i left that group soon after. And never heard of them speaking.