I want to talk about a few videos that we've done this year maybe top three videos we filmed oh wow i should have done some research maybe worst videos i've got that already is that bad that i know the worst one straight away you know the worse i've got something on my phone i've got it i'm looking at it in the eye hold that thought i don't know what the worst one is i do i want to go top three i want to go worst one which obviously you sound pretty deserved you know what it is. And maybe a video we would have filmed differently if we had the opportunity again okay then.

Also i want to come on to podcast as well top three episodes of podcast best guest worst guest worst guest matt fryer easy um should we go top three youtube first why don't we do like three. But collectively rather than you doing three audio we'll build it i like that okay. So it's collaborative okay what have you got one that stands out straight away i've got one that i think you'll be surprised about i'm gonna get my phone. So i can check my youtube videos um one that i'm gonna put in there i'm not going to say one two. Or three but in the top three okay. And i hate to say in some regrets i wasn't there lee westwood caddy and philly westwood can i explain why i'd love you too that shocked me because i wasn't on the shoot because i couldn't go because you could only have one person to a job she took a cameraman. And i think i was was that the only reason i didn't go i remember. And obviously we well you've got a time with lee westwood which is incredible it's one of the best well now certainly after this year he's won the race to dubai he's one of the best guards on the planet one of the most famous golfers on the planet he's the kind of golfer that non-golfers have heard of certainly in the uk. But when you got asked to go and film with him well that's great but what do you do he's got he knows who you are i think you've met him before he's got some time free. But how to make a good video willie west was different you can't play golf i don't think you're allowed were you allowed to. Or not i think i was actually it was a weird one because it was the pro am the. So the original premise of the of the conversation with bmw was a spot in the pro app which i've done before. And it is cool. But it has been done before yeah. So one that wasn't going ahead they turned around said we'll still want you to get some content with with one of our ambassadors. Or whatever it may be and that was lee westwood. And you can actually play golf with him i didn't massively want to see it we weren't sure what to do to make a video that's different because that's i think when you get time with tall pros which is obviously again it's really appreciative i'm not doing that again. For christ's sake i appreciate it we really appreciate it we really appreciate it appreciative no this is ridiculous because i was going to talk about the delusional thing today.

Which i can say perfectly appreciative oh my god we appreciate it yeah. But how do you say if you i'm really appreciative of that that's it right yeah. So we appreciate time for christ's sake this is filmed as well um we appreciate time on the tour it has to be a good video yeah. So then.

You came up with the idea of this caddying thing and then.

They said well you can actually carry the bag because it covered it sounds like. For christ's sake but it came out because i think sometimes because i wasn't there as well. So i saw it in the edit like from fresh and it was really good video i think you got a lot out of lee first hall was a bit cold which is fine which he did a good job of it was entertaining it was another thing we focus on more internally with the video is the retention. So making sure that the video for the viewer is good from start to finish it's not. Yet boring there was no real massive goal to it. But yeah it was a great watch all the way through you did well on that one thanks that's up there. For me okay yeah you know what it was as well it was one of those ones again getting time with athletes getting time with these superstars because they are superstars like you do have to nail it. And sometimes it is tricky. But westwood was on form. And it was it was a great video um. So that's i i would agree i'm i'm putting that in top three as well the one now oh i don't know if it's this year it's not this year is it this year can i tell you my big one. And the reason why it's mine not only did i film it i edited it believe it. Or not i think this is the only video this year i edited completely from start to finish. And it wasn't so much that it was more it was my little baby it was my little project. And if i'm honest i think because i thought very fast on my feet it made us still stay productive through march. And april a lot talk to me and that was building the home simulator yeah. So when lockdown took place in march and obviously you couldn't get on the golf course you couldn't play obviously i still want to make videos we've got you know we've got staff we've got a business to run so luckily very quickly i thought on my feet and actually managed to get a simulator and get all the preparation into my garage stripped my garage it took me days it took me hours it's probably it sounds daft but it's the the most amount of work i've done this week on this year on any single video because literally every single night i was in the garage true stripping it out moving things like actually working do you like real you know when people come home from work. And go i've had a really hard day for work i never never ever feel like i say that ever you can't say but that one i must admit there's many times i got home i got home i was already at home got from the garage into the house that commutes the garage just bloody murder. And in the morning takes four seconds but luckily we don't have any bad weather um but yeah i was literally getting home in my house at 11 o'clock 12 o'clock one o'clock literally did a good job going to my wife. And going i'm actually bloody not good like i know what it feels like to do bloody hard work to some degree. And then.

Obviously i filmed the video i actually edited it because i really was invested in it. And uh it went down really well i think it was one of our first videos on trending this year oh i think it was yeah yeah um. So that obviously was a big thing as well because it was the time when everyone was after home simulators. And this any other so that was really really up there um i'll let you have that is there a i know the next.

One hundred percent you ready. For it when you play the john robbins yeah that's a good video that i think when i see a video has been a success obviously when we do the illegal clubs which some people love some people don't like which is fine. Or illegal balls whatever they're really good and it's nice we sometimes find them before the people but something's come out of the old is that just your headphones yeah it's really good. But it's like you don't feel like it's in a way your video it's the product isn't it which is still good. But it's like well anybody could have found that product but with the john robbins one it was our idea. So it was you playing about a self-proclaimed bad golfer he had a full set clubs you said a seven iron well if you remember we actually came up with the idea before we come up with a bad golfer yes. So we had our idea in our mind i wanted to play golf with an amateur golfer and obviously i know loads of amateur golfers but we wanted someone who was going to be really good on camera with that little bit of charisma. And you remember we watched one of john robbins first videos with him and alex horn and we watched it in the office and we and we laughed so many times and even just that entrance when they came on hi i'm john robinson hi i'm alex horne oh yeah whatever it is yeah. And it was like. And guy you reached out to a message messaged johnny up for the idea it was terrible weather it was it was february time. And it was honestly horrendous a lot of the times that day we wouldn't have filmed he actually if you remember he persuaded us to film in a way because he came to the office it was to have we did a podcast first then.

We came here. And had lunch and we were kind of twirling our thumbs with me. And he was like right should we go. And film now for christ's sake it was really bad it was horrible. But luckily actually we got out and the first couple of holes were pretty grim. But after that it actually really brightened up it was a mammoth film our team was it harry that edited it. And you you had real director's control over it you managed to chop it down into a into a still 28 minutes long but it was a good video it could have been an hour. And a half that video easily and like say it has smashed it nearly two million views and and again you could easily rate it on views you could rate these top three on views that luckily does have a lot of views as well. But doesn't mean that was because it was the top video. But yeah that was really good. So um and we've got enough of the good stuff i've got oh we've got one more three three collectively what did you say we're gone um i've forgotten already lee westwood oh yeah home sim i've got more come on then.

You know which one i also really liked yeah quan weirdly we actually released it the very day after um home simulator will the talk had improved my golf score yeah that was a good one with steve brotherhood. And that's been a very popular podcast as well with steve brotherhood that's one of the favorite people's favorites i just felt like that was just a really good video a great idea really well filmed it it was a beautiful day um i'm looking i'm looking at the list now i've got more i like the left-handed video yeah the one million special bit different bit out there um what else we've got two minutes anyway too many to mention i feel like people want to hear about what you don't like this is where the clickbait this is rick shields hates his golf videos is the title is going to be what's the worst video of the year i know what it is in my opinion worst video of the year yeah i feel like you're. So adamant on this horrendous video oh wow um that's not horrendous i'm just taking the mate it's the worst yeah later in the year it was covered force us to do it to some degree okay. So have a look around where are we looking have a look around that vicinity um there's one that you're in steve brotherhood was in that arena it's around that vibe it's obviously not that video it's in that ballpark um it's nothing it's not like an embarrassing video which has not performed well it was like the thumbnails rubbish at the youtube golf though 100 there's that one it was the rickshaws q a youtube golf day um. And it was a q a around the course. And it was sorry my microphone wasn't very good headphones come out again one sec it wasn't the best video covert did force us into that video we knew that we needed to film content before lockdown took place proper lockdown. And uh we we were really busy. And that was literally the last one on the pile. And we're like let's just film it anyway and it was it was crank stricken it was crap we thought it might have been the last video we had to release. For the rest of for the rest of the year potentially because like i said we didn't know what was going to happen is there a video i'd agree with that one i think that's that's pretty pretty bad can i call it trite that's right the other one [Laughter] which video would you film again if we had the chance oh wow um i've got two that i'd film again if i had the chance. And it's more my presentation of the videos as opposed to maybe the idea or the concept so it's your fault rather than my fault i'd say so yeah standard. But i think i actually think both videos were my idea anyway oh i think they were both my idea i don't know um. And i'd love to film them again because the videos i probably would never watch again recently now one very very early in the year super early one in covet lockdown i don't know i think i think it'll probably make sense when i do it go on 100 year old golf ball you do it again yeah i probably would. And there's a couple of reasons the 100 year golf ball if you remember in the video about a million views i know i'm not complaining for the views it's probably just not a video i would watch again there's a couple of reasons i think in the video i probably said 100 year golf ball yeah he did a million times yeah. And i also said these golf balls cost me 100 pounds. Or whatever they cost me a million times i repeated myself a lot in that video it wasn't the best day in the world i just felt like i wanted maybe to test it a little bit more maybe get it on gc quad maybe compare it to other golf balls i felt like we we just didn't for a golf ball it's 100 years old we didn't give it justice how many years old was that again [Laughter] on that theme there's also another video that i hate the presenting of oh i hate. And it's it's similar is it you obviously it's you similar theme go on of that the four thousand pound golf club um yeah weak poor that was a crap again it's had half a million views. But i must have said in the video the driver cost four thousand pounds probably four thousand times. And gold driver a million times it was just crap. And i can do a lot better than that. So they're the two if i could film them again i probably would do i probably wouldn't film the four thousand pound driver potentially. But it still brought half a million views in so i can't complain all right didn't it.