And i walked off and i'm jealous of him to a degree i'm like but yeah how good was it it was ridiculous. But i don't want to put the work in to get that good i don't think anyone do a lot of people do. So much work isn't it yes. So mingwoo lee i wanna start with him first um we had him on the podcast he is next.

Week's episode sorry two weeks episode uh reasonably it's not time sensitive we're gonna release it when guys are on holiday. So that's gonna be really exciting one he'd never done a podcast before or actually sat in person he's 22 years old but his maturity level is just ridiculous in it like he he's a grown up yeah isn't he yeah he's. So good so that's a really good podcast to look forward to his golf so before we done the podcast i hadn't played golf with him we'd kind of been a little bit communication on on dms on instagram and things like that and he's done really well he's won in australia on the european tour um he has been up there round about it's quite new to the tour still um but quite simply he is one of the best golfers i've ever seen unbelievable i've played with some really good golfers westwood fleetwood rose matt wallace luke donald beef uh harrington harrington uh nasa had to cocha yeah who who i would actually have previous before this said she was one of the most impressive golfers. But on a different scale mingwu lee was just phenomenal he had in 18 holes nine birdies. And it could have easily been 11. he had a three put he had a three put par in that he drove a green sixth three put par he had eagle opportunities on every par five and very very makeable equal opportunities he boxed a lot of fantastic birdie and his golf and i've we kind of both said this that i play with many good players. And when they hit a great shot i kind of think to myself i know i can't do that all the time. But i can do that like what you've just done i can do yeah that first take maybe ten tenth take. Or whatever it may be whether it's a driver shot an iron into the green a wedge shot a port a bunker shot whatever it may be the way he played golf i can't do 99.9 percent of the things he can do yeah. And that scares me when we've done videos recently with james robinson who's been on the european tour and played in the open he's obviously unreal at golf like imagine the best player at your club your club he's probably five shots better than that well that's hard to say but he's class isn't it he's so so so good but like you said when he hits shots it's it's it's what impresses me more like james robinson is not. So much the shot it's the consistency of hitting that shot like you said if you bomb the driver. And it's gone however. far meow and you i think could do that shot. But we might hit five or six more that horrendous or whatever he does it every time pretty much. But like minwoo lee the strike the sound the flight the distance like he was 30 40 past you wasn't he truthfully if not more couple of holes comfortably oh absolutely bombs it there's a couple of times when he hit driver first. And i thought bloody hell is it that really well. And i would step up then.

And crush it and deep down i'm thinking i've not i can't hit that any better like that's as good as i've just hit a golf shot it's straight down the fairway and i played really nicely at king's band which you would have yeah that'll be out now um i played really nicely. And um i'm walking down the fairway thinking well there's my ball where's his where is he he's 30 40 50 60 yards further than me every freaking time it's abs. And the strike with irons i was sitting with long irons it's just absolutely flushed. And then.

Like it hit a wedge that he's like not overly impressed with and it'd be like 15 foot to the side and it's like still a really good birdie chance he was always pin high on wedges he played this beautiful little flight with his wedges just. So nice nicely played um and the other thing that i really noticed i think you picked up on it as well there was next.

To no shape on his golf shot. So straight like and that really helped because it was there was a bit of a breeze there at king's barns. And so many times where he just hit it almost the wind just didn't affect his golf shot mad um he put it unbelievable his short game when he didn't hit the green was phenomenal uh he played this that amazing bunk shot on number 17. yeah just like what um the kid's a baller you know when we did videos recently with james robinson you said after filming i think you might have said in the podcast you almost can't comprehend how he's not on tour still do you now realize more i do. And this is an attention with james robinson level below. And and i think people need to see that to understand the separation between james robinson. And he knows it james knows this is why we're not we're not talking about a turn. And then.

A min wooly and and then.

A dustin johnson adjusting thomas a rory mcelroy tiger phil mickelson like that again is like a different level again it is it is literally ridiculous how good these guys are. And he's stood on the tee and he's hitting a driver and you you know like sometimes when i stand there i can't imagine how i'm gonna hit a good shot i'm looking this could go left could go right it could go straight it could do anything i don't have any idea when he's i can't see anything other than the middle of the fairway. Or worst case just leaking to the right by five yards it's unbelievable and the weirdest bit is he um i was used to play it was you a guy called owen. And possibly going to be. And minwoo and then.

Possibly me as well and then.

We found out i think just before going playing i couldn't play because he had a friend come in. And truthfully now i wasn't bothered i'd played at st andrews i'd had the best day of my life i thought you know what i always feel golfed out it was tough that friday as well the conditions were horrendous. So i thought i'm looking forward to walk around like i put more layers on i can wear a big chunky coat i had a packet of sort of mega quaves in my coat as well in the dream yeah. So we got there and there was this lad on the tee he was obviously his friend. And i don't know why i had this like feeling that he was like seven handicapper. So get it round he wasn't a world beater but he's about seven or eight and he was with a fan of minwoo they connected to instagram well it was almost mimwoo that said that after the podcast he went oh yeah just a friend of mine is gonna join me he's only an amateur yeah that was his line he's only an amateur exactly. So i thought this lad that was gonna be going to be nice enough lad i don't know why this thing had because he's quite active on instagram minwoo. So i kind of thought well he's from australia he's not going to know a lot he lives in scotland it might just be a connection. Or whatever so we got there we chatted his landing i said a quick like hello. And he was you know he wasn't a big lad he was he was a 20 years old like a normal 20 year old kid. And we got onto the tee and then.

The four of you said should have a match as well you know ever. So owen was off plus two he's an absolute baller minwoo's obviously a top row one on the european tour turn pro plus this guy we said what what you off. And i think he's gonna say seven eight nine plus five he was off plus five. And it turns out that he is scottish born 20 years old lived in australia. For last 10 years which is how he knows minwoo lee he's got an australian nationality now exactly. But you came over to scotland england for six months to try and play north america stuff and he's staying with a family friend he was an absolute baller josh greery's name is he's absolutely sick at golf. And again he played really well yeah i think he shot like 600. he was unreal yeah again minwoo lee played even better than that like it was just it was a class class day playing obviously me. And i kind of joked in the video and joked on the first day i was comfortable with the worst golfer in the group which very rarely does happen. For me i play with i play with good golfers yes. But in a group of four very rare am i the worst golfer in the group and i was comfortable you liked that though i think because it was no pressure it took all the pressure off me. And i was like i know even people might be listening yeah. But you're a golf pro rick i mean i'm not this level i'm not i'm not a horse handicap you've seen enough videos of mine now if you if you're listening. And watching the videos that i would probably see myself and we might do a fun video where i might work out my handicap soon i see myself as realistic now a two to three handicapper well let's put this way then.

Let's say you're two just. For our figures i would say lee now would be plus seven yep he's nine shots around probably gonna shoot better than you which i think he did. And you both played what you played well you shot level power really tidy score you played so solid i couldn't see any doing anything wrong a little putt you missed on 18 which is a shame. But you hold on to the good ones so it's just the way it goes isn't it but he's literally like nigel's better than you and you're like nine shots better than the 1011 handicapper yeah. So it just puts it into the pace it's just 18 shots better than he he was 18 shots better than 9 handicapper. And it actually is like it's unreal unreal. So you're right i play solid i did something i've never done before i had 15 pars on the bounce only to break that par streak with a birdie on 16. And then.

Part 17 and annoyingly made a three put bogey on the last hole to shoot level par but cap to this point if someone said to me to start the round you're going to shoot 72 i'd snatch the round off um. But i felt a bit like ah that was annoying. But as you mentioned that holds loads of really good ports from short range didn't particularly have my 8a game on the other thing i've certainly started to realize is when i hit greens now i see that as a success. And i need to maybe change my mindset a little bit closer yeah because that's the biggest difference now when i honestly look back. And i've watched the video i i thought i had birdie opportunities i didn't really like i did put 30 ports i was miles away. So like just doing two putts were great. But when you look at like meanwhile.

Again you know we felt like was blowing smoke up his ass a bit. But he was nine under. And there was still a lot of really good birdie opportunities opportunity missed which is mind-blowing i look at my score. And go that's probably as good as i could have scored bad last put maybe on the last green that's as good as i could have scored because i'm not unless i hold a 60-footer across the green that wasn't likely to happen yeah. And i think that's the thing now like proximity to the whole being just not only being a good tee shot down the fairway. And putting yourself in a great position but from 150 yards in like these guys are breaking the flags it's unreal there's two things that like kind of took away from it the first one is i'm going to keep an eye on this season on the european tour i think you said they said well you did you're looking. For actually looking at the score he's out he's out in about two hours and i can't wait to see how he does i'm going to keep an eye on him because it's a win-win he's going to go on. And be class and win again on tour in which case we've spent time with him it's been great to see or well it's not a win-win if the the worst case if he doesn't do that well in the next.

Season. Or this season or ever it will open my eyes to the level that those guys are as well the other thing i've talked about we can have a future um we'll reserve him a spot to be a um guest on our channel at any time yes that's what he that's his fallback plan if he doesn't make it get in that video get on our video the other thing i'm going to take away from. And this sounds a bit counter-intuitive but really i am this is truthful here he was that good at golf didn't make me feel bad it made me feel good because it made me realize how on earth can i get annoyed if i don't shoot a good score. Or don't play out well because i'm not actually that good to start with do you get what i mean yeah. So it's like if i go out and shoot a good score let's say i shoot three four or five over par which she should be pretty happy with that's great i should be happy with that but if i shoot 15 over so what i'm not playing for a living i'm not a good good golfer like that is good golf life i felt. So far a movement they actually feel bad do you know what i mean what do you mean it put me yeah i do get that i want everything that he has. But i don't want to put the work in so i can't i can't be a good golfer yes i'm not i'm i shouldn't i don't deserve to be a good golfer because i look at him. And i walked off and up and i'm jealous of him to a degree i'm like but yeah how good was it it was ridiculous. But i don't want to put the work in to get that good i don't think anyone do a lot of people do because it's obviously. So much work isn't it so that for me is almost like uh yeah you might want it. But that's like looking at buddy um some guy who's pretty ripped on on instagram and going i want that body. But i'm not willing to work out well five guys mcdonald's exactly how big back on the way home so we came home on monday was it monday evening yeah can we just talk through our mcdonald's order quickly because it was absolutely outrageous. So ridiculous i had two triple cheeseburgers with a large fries first off we so we had a four hour four hour drive home it was late in the afternoon we done said andrews break 75 which again coming out soon this weekend this friday um left sent andrews jumped in the car packed everything up we're tired we're hungry we're shooting down the motorway we only really want to make one stop we get to the first services it was just a petrol station horrendous like absolute disaster um. So we had to and we were. So looking forward to food at that point what was your number one thing you wanted mackies started to get a little if if if i didn't get a market i'd almost resided myself to having a kfc yeah. So we're driving down a little bit further we jump on another motorway on route back home and uh we've probably we've probably been driving for maybe two hours by this point absolutely starving so luckily we pulled into another kind of a semi services with a petrol station and needed petrol as well which would look it and uh we found them at dogs golden arches screaming our names it was beautiful. So you had two double trees cheeseburgers triple cheese cheeseburgers a large fries yeah. And then.

You add your burgers i had this kind of like chicken spicy mayo thing which was really nice yeah as a meal large meal a big mac on the side then.

We decided to order 20 nuggets yes we didn't quite polish those off. But we did a good job a couple of drinks we were debating. But flurries but we didn't bother should have done really um went to the services bought a packet i bought a packet of chocolate raisins and also some squashes you went pretty big but i don't blame you i needed it to keep me awake that in a monster and i was rocking i couldn't sleep that night i don't have a lot of mcdonald's. But in certain situations like that it just hits the spot i was. So hungry and so many calories so quickly yeah.