Uh you know i came from that era where ball striking you're hitting with a blade and a bellator ball if you could rifle a three iron and a two one and a one iron onto a green you there was only a dozen of us could do that. And you know so you were you knew you had if you played great on a day you knew you'd already been 90 of the field of course you know not completely different with the technology now there's. So much more equal um so um so obviously my my greatest shot i've hit my life was the three i know here mu field at the last hole 92 because that was you know basically folded when you open wow. So my heart was going inside. And uh but i still nailed it so that was that's pretty incredible yeah. So if you you mentioned before you've still got all these clubs still got that one you still got that when i was clearing out the office. And going through. And i think i found the driver that i won the the tailor made with the old bubble shaft i won um the row i looked at this i could recognize the scratches on it i thought yeah that's me i've hit that i'm thinking well if i've hit that i'll keep it. So i'm gonna i'm just gonna have them all in montana so people can actually go. And hit them and that's quite nice to say oh yeah that was the wedge that i you know won the sansa with. Or something sure is that what you're gonna do yeah why not i mean i think it'd be fun i think i'd love it in a museum like a museum i think it'd be fun if people can pick you up. And say yeah go. And give it a go i mean they're not gonna not gonna harm it scar you back you mentioned a minute ago your your marks what are your marks on clubs well you can tell by the sole plate where you've been whacking it you know because that was your direction that you've swung it. And then.

And then.

Obviously sweet spots on was very impressive got a rusty little sweet spot about the size of your pinky nail. So that was i look at that i think oh that was all right i could i could button it in the day which was good i like when you pick up these old clubs now. And you put them down do they instantly transport you back to well yeah they're brutal you look at the i mean we joke the one eye looks like a fish knife yeah i mean there's nothing there's no meat. And every modern thing now is this bigger than this one yeah isn't it yeah just put it behind it. But it's off it wants to help you that was other things just like they're staring you going good luck mate yeah yeah what do you think's been the biggest change in equipment in that last 25 years do you think it's ball. Or is it more that the metal has been there's a couple of things a couple of things one that you can go. And get tested and get a professional set of clubs i mean absolutely yeah it's like 25 years ago that wasn't even when i started it was a sack of spanners it really was they were terrible when you find the head that you liked. And they tried to shaft and didn't have the choice of shafts or anything like that you know and you had a driver again the persimmon days they shafted it for you put a new shaft in and then.

And you go that's not quite right they go well not sure if i want to do it again i might crack the head. And you go well i'll work with i know this driver when i'm a bit nervous does this goes to the right well you played with it. And you you kind of you adapted to the clubs now the clubs are built. For you of course and that's that's i mean 15 year old kid it's got absolutely the best equipment. So that's huge um then.

The whole debate so for me what's happened is the it's um you know the driver face the shaft is phenomenal now. And it's your launch monitor so you know you marry all of that together so you understand spin the launch technicians you again you don't have to know diddly about a golf club you hit balls the technicians have watched thousands of people and he can go try this shaft. And give him half an hour and you're nailing it better than you've ever hit it do it every day i can go tomorrow. And i'll hit it better again it's crazy how much of an advantage do you think in the 90s having a lot of really like a modern-day launch monitor would have been. For you it'd been huge because you wouldn't he wouldn't stand there in the 1000 balls every day you could hit 100. really you think it was almost it's almost that well yeah because we we got our answers out the dirt you know. And now you you hit one ball you say i'm trying to hit a high draw and you go whack and the numbers say that is a high draw. And you look up there and that's a high draw um and you go oh i was feeling that. And that means it was correct which works same thing you go well i'm trying to hit a high draw. And you try it and then.

Eight of numbers are wrong you go ah it's telling me i would i thought i was into out. And i'm actually not quite enough so you you can fine tune if you've got a bit of feel that's why i loved it because you say if i can if i'm good enough to make a swing that's one degree into out how much do i get yeah. So what does two degrees into out feel like you think what's three degrees. So if you've got that touch you can then.

Go wow to get four degrees into out it's got to feel this exaggeration. But but the numbers is telling me this is correct. So that's why it's so cool um tells you things you're not sure of your angle of attack you go well that felt good and it then.

Might say well that was a bit too much on the down mate you know you were three degrees down you're trying to get it one degree you know. And all that you think okay. So that means i've got to can i do it um. So you can see you hit 100 balls. And every single one is giving you factual information as opposed to hitting balls all morning you know. And then.

Go not sure if i got it yeah with a bit of guesswork almost a huge huge difference is that i never even considered it as as much as that really what about like your yardages. And stuff as well same thing these guys all stand there and they hit balls and the you ask them so how far do you hit your four eye. And they go they go 187 point three i've done that before they go oh yeah it's obviously a lot further than that now forward four iron they'll be saying yeah i can hit it 223.. And you go well no i mean my day was my foreign win let me think um it might be 190 to 200. i i couldn't you know i wouldn't didn't quite have it to 194. it was within a window exactly where they've got it to the exact point exactly. And they come up with this that's their stock and you think okay wow. And then.

So things like and especially field shots so we did it old school which is probably more fun i mean i you know used to actually i used to get. So i created a system with the great fanny sinison and so i used to send her out there on the range like 80 yards and she so if i landed 180 trying to remember i think she put her arm out like that mini level. So if it was one yard short it was one wow two yards short three. Or one yard past because i couldn't quite see yeah. So i'm looking and you know so we had this little sister poor girl out on the range going like this from the ymca two hours. Or something and now because they all go you know 60 68 trying for 72 up 73 you know so it's so much easier my goodness and do you think it's good though. For modern players as much as you're saying it's easier it's easier to get these numbers well it's taken it definitely has elevated the standard of so many players i mean the the depth of standard is pretty amazing um again because of the equipment you know that's you know my example is in my day let's say there was ten. Or a dozen really good ball strikers you know good drivers you know really good ball strikers and they were the best players in the world now it's a dozen bad ball strikers everybody's a good ball thanks to equipment. And everything so you know and of course the driver is crazy now we've gone from you know greg was long sevi was long. So we could you know that was 280. carrots carry on total total total total now it's three would goes to 80. on the fly yeah well you know what it was i remember walking the range clubs you know. For television and asking 295 300 if i leave really lean on it i get 305. okay now. So then.

Dustin johnson may be one of the first to suddenly consistently hit it 320. yeah. And then.

Rory could do it. And then.

Of course then.

We got this new club the three fifth forty fifty through the air but then.

They see and there's all these sneaky guys i mean jockey neiman um is you know i know nothing of him needs a real good pizza. But it's just and he's out there 365 yards crazy hot runners yeah. And there's so many guys who get it out there 350 and up well three fifties well you stand on a hole at 400 and think oh they're hitting it front edge yeah i'm going what i'm looking at strategy over there yeah now we just whip it to the ground it's a completely different ballgame.