All right guys welcome back to the rituals Golf Show podcast episode 159. I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy I feel like we've been very very busy boys yeah lots of scrolling on our phones your thumb is getting. So strong and ripped you got me ripped thumb it wouldn't people may not say first things when you think of Rick Shields go shredded. But Thorne right thorm is at lean as anything well I've been I'll be honest with you I've been a little under the weather this weekend ah not been feeling too well um. And I think it was because we had a mammoth week of filming last week yeah up in Scotland where I still somewhat feel cold thinking about it um we managed to get three that's right three break 75s in the bank uh one on the way up to Scotland not quite in Scotland. And then.

Two while we're in the wonderful home place of golf um we managed to film two more plus we did range night yes at St Andrews we did well. For those people that are keen on the break 75s. And thankfully many people listen and watching this are your most recent one. And small spoiler alert if you've not watched it you played the Mia oh yeah. For a little bit of a uh easing yourself back and it was like a really kind of hot bath. And just dip your toe in just to try and get ready and it scolded you it was supposed to be a nice little confidence booster I've been working hard on my game over the last few weeks hitting way more balls than I would do ever before ever ever ever um been having a few lessons with Dan Whitaker trying to get my gaming shape you've seen the Vlogs um. And I thought right you know what let's just let's let's go for a nice easy one if I if there was anywhere on Earth planet Earth I'd feel pretty confident breaking 75 it's around Mia where I've played hundreds of times um in every break 75 we've done that I've shot underpower. Or level par so I thought oh this could be a piece of cake how golf can be a cruel mistress what did you shoot like buddy 200 over 200 I thought it was 99 over uh no I shot nine over. But I actually lost um eight shots in three holes so I went started double double thanks for coming and then.

Made an eight on the 13th the quadruple but apart from that it wasn't too bad well yes. But like you said that was you kind of just dipping your toe back in getting used to it that feels like a distant memory now it does because the three brake 75s that are coming out next.

Few weeks. So Friday 4 P.M do not miss it make sure you like. And subscribed um there's some crackers can we can we talk about the golf clubs because I think we we can give it obviously we can't give away the scores. But I think we should tell people the golf courses. And their experiences because they were Elite golf courses. So the first one last Monday uh we went up and we were traveling up to Scotland. For the range night which was happening Tuesday evening last week on a Monday on the journey up we said well let's let's go. And play a break 75 somewhere the audience are loving it okay they've got to watch something. For through December I've obviously got to try and get my gaming shape I've got to get back on that horse okay well did I jump on a horse it bolted. And it was a wild one we went over to the West Coast of England to uh just outside Carlisle to silith on Solway what I would say before once the golf course it was a bit of a strange place I think it was you said near Carlisle it was like 40 minutes away from Carlisle completely tucked on the coast kind of like a Seaside Town not much going on. But it was it. And it was a Monday like what's eight o'clock it was obviously quite quiet. But it felt like we'd almost come back in time a little bit but I liked it it was a nice place. But the golf course was good this this was it ranked 18th best golf course in the UK have I just made that up that might have been made up I'll tell you what it is it's 18th in England uh. And it's in this like I said this really really sleepy little town of silith which if I'm honest hardly anything looked open I'm sure it's a beautiful town in the middle of summer. But the end of November you go in there and you think what the hell right what is going on here the golf course though was pretty spectacular played with Tom the assistant Pro there left it he featured a little bit in the video because he guide us around um I actually want to go back there I really want to go back there in the summer um. And just really enjoy the views because we got on a bit of a dark miserable day yeah. And I think the views he was saying you can see the Isle of Isle of Man you can see um the tip of Scotland where it kind of comes down um yeah I'd love to play it. So that was the first location was that just on that that's that's the pro. And the con with Lynx courses the massive Pro this time of year is you are going. And you get dry Fairways Immaculate greens you can still wear white golf shoes absolutely they won't get dirty however. the only downside is to feel that it's such a contrast between if it's a nice day it's just glorious if it's a bit gloomy windy it's an absolute slog we were kind of a bit more in the Gloom territory weren't we yeah it was uh wasn't the finest of days it was we got a little bit of rain um it was cold that put your game to a test from from what I went from a confidence boosting round of golf at Mia to being then.

Thrown into like I describe as a bolting horse at Cilla yeah Baltic of course thanks at silith um. So yeah that video is going to be coming out this Friday enjoy it at the time four o'clock Friday nice you know where to be you know what you do man talks about the ideal way of watching break 75 at 4pm on a Friday what would be the perfect that Vibe. For you if you're a fan of Rick Shields you're called Martin Jones right you get to finish off Friday at two o'clock right early life didn't work till five yeah kids are with the grandparents yeah Vibe me did you say I finished earlier you finished at two yeah. So Jonesy Jones as he's called by his mates yeah walking away from work. And everyone said see you Jones have a good weekend because he's like he's one of the lads yeah okay I mean they're all going Jonesy have a great weekend what are you Upton is like a little bit of this a little bit of that it keeps it mysterious okay intriguing the truth is he's got nothing on. But he doesn't want it to work hardly used to know that he jumped in his in his convertible convertible I didn't see that coming yeah little Mazda convertible. And he and he even regardless of the weather Friday he drops the hood okay every time the roof is off shades are on. And he puts a little bit of Elton John on Elton John yeah don't ask why. And Jones there he only lives 15 minutes away from work legally bombs at home okay legally has he had a couple of small Bridges with the law before um he might have had his fingerprints taken a few times yeah okay he sometimes gets dragged into things that he didn't want to be in you know what I mean on the way Bolton home he stops by the local news agents. And next.

Door to that is a chippy right. And he he knows he's got a little sneaky window here because his wife's got his tea I'm normally on the table at half five okay. But Jones is going to get home at 20 past two okay he can have a little chip bar yeah I mean easy chip bomb from the chippy next.

Door grab some of beers okay. Or beers um Jonesy reminds us I was gonna go with skull oh. For our American viewers uh listeners uh maybe not the finest tasting beer in the world four cans of pint-sized Stella I'll I'll see you at that and they're on bargain yeah okay. But buy four cans for the price of three he also buys a scratch card you never know you look number seven every time gets home 20 past two and he's chilling he's relaxing he's he's adequate shower he's done a few errands around the house just to keep her happy and he's already cracked open one of the stellars and he's itching for four o'clock now this is where it gets interesting okay at 20 past three just to get him really into the juices he watches last week's episode again wow he is Hardcore he goes. And watches break 75 in the last week just just to get into the right emotional standpoint also he's not subscribed he thinks he is. But he's not not on the TV no not on TV no he's on his iPad. But not on the TV not on the TV and he watches everything does he have an iPhone a big flappy cover obviously. So he watches last week's episode yeah loves it you know he's laughing to himself he's you know he's crying at some parts because it is an emotional roller coaster I feel like he prefers episode where I'm not in it Jonesy thinks he can do a better job than you he wants to be you. And Pete not you and me doesn't he he does he does oh God Jonesy anyway four o'clock comes around. Or five to four and he's thinking oh my this is it this is the big moment where is it gonna be this week where is it going to be I've not listened to the podcast is it going to be Pine Valley I don't listen to him I don't know where it's going to be is it going to be somewhere I know is it gonna be local I live in syllis yeah I actually pitches Jonesy living in silver yeah um I live in still Earth. And you'll never come here there's no way Rick Shields will come here four o'clock switches on the music the dramatic start the me hi guys welcome down to break something five today.

I'm at silathon Solway. And Jonesy's can just shoots up in the air yeah his third one yeah he's tipping by now he's throwing he's like oh my God he's here he's in my hometown just a one small singular tear just just comes down just rolls down his cheek. And at that point he shuts all the curtains he puts on pause because he couldn't wait to find out where it was before he shuts the curve. And he unzips his trousers you know this is his time now turns the phone off. And he's just engrossed every shot he feels Every Breath of wind he can feel against his skin yeah he sometimes if it's windy he'll put a fan on by the side of his chair really get it to reenact if it's raining he like drizzles water on his head just to get into the right sensation if it's raining he puts his full waterproof outfit on yeah. And he sits there with a seven iron in his hand and a couple of Pro-V ones just living living that's the wrong wrong word living thoroughly through the bright 75 and then.

You get 60 seconds in he sees that I'm on it and goes this I'm not like this anymore whoa um yeah no he watches it regardless because he loves it. So much so that's Jones it Jones is thanks. For watching and listening um and uh yeah you know what's mad I wonder because thankfully we have a lot of people listening to this. And watching this I wonder if just down to like she Escape he's actually a guy called Martin jealously thinking what the hell is going on here he finished it too he's got a Mazda mx-59 plate. And then.

On route to Scotland um I headed up to Scotland you headed home yeah because you had something to do at that evening. And then.

On Tuesday morning woke up and played I might even say and this is bold one of my favorite courses ever I've got mixed feelings about that ever ever I've got very mixed feelings about this because it was me that put crail on your radar you'd heard of everything. But I suggested playing Crayola okay you said let's have a look at it you look at it yeah this looks good you booked it. And as you say and rightly so I couldn't make it so I couldn't play you brought in a better guess than me let's be honest Iona Stephen who everyone knows of Sky Sports who only two days before playing golf with you she was interviewing John RAM. And Roy McElroy in Dubai and she then.

Rocks up with you plays won't ruin it phenomenal golf phenomenal better golf than I can play. And let's be much better golf than you can play yeah she was phenomenal she's charismatic on camera she's probably a bit better looking than I am I think everything everything she brings got back out of me out well I think she out does both of us in every category yeah which that was you. But me um but yeah. So I didn't play unfortunately I joined you for the Batman and walk around and what a golf course that is um the scenery it's on the it's on the coast we might maybe put a few sneaky images on if you're listening to the podcast watch the video version of the podcast right put a little sneak peek on there uh sorry Matt. But um what a place honestly ridiculous there's two golf courses there and we were very very lucky in the winter they actually shot one of the golf courses down. And uh Roy the head pro the general manager heard Iona was going. So opened it up open the other Golf Course up and allowed us to go on film so I have no one out there. And it was honestly uh David Roy sorry not Roy David Roy um it was absolutely just a heaven on Earth yeah whatever the scenery me. And Iona played some very very very very good golf which you're going to see. And that'll be out not this Friday the Friday after um just epic absolutely epic and you obviously caught us up on the background you got to Glimpse some of it and again one of those ones I feel like playing it in a summer's evening next.

Year would just be quite literally perfect I think what's mad obviously a lot of people watching listing may have been fortunate enough to to go to Scotland. And play golf and many won't just because he obviously might live a long way away you might be in America whatever there's obviously so many almost household name golf courses in Scotland I eat the old course you can't do Stacy trunes Etc which obviously goes out saying they're all incredible venues. But some of these kind of lesser known golf courses are absolutely insane it's the seventh oldest golf course in the world. And to top that off so we did range night yes we'll talk about that very quickly I'll tell you what we'll chat about that after we talk about the last golf games that we played. So the the winter it rains that Tuesday Wednesday it was a horrible horrible day it was a true test of Link's golf like a proper classic uh Scottish day. And we decided we need to we needed to crack on one more break 75 we're up there be waste if we didn't and we managed to get onto the golf course it's the third oldest golf course in the world just only behind Saint Andrews and musselburgh Eli Golf Club it's not far from crail um of some somewhat similar kind of styling the golf course right up against the west coast of East Coast of Scotland 20 minutes away from Saint Andrews um on a calm flat quiet day could be very very getable that goal oh absolutely it's a past 70. there's no par five there's 16 par fours. And two par threes um but we did not get it on a calm day not even a little bit it was unbelievably unique had a really cool kind of quirkiness to it on in the little starters Hut which we show in the video there's actually a periscope which I'm sure they bought from like a naval um a boat. Or submarine and you can actually have a look over the hill on the first it's a blind t-shirt it just had. So much character and it was again an amazing amazing golf course what it was insane actually I'm on top 100 golf courses. And in Scotland it rates crail as number 61 and Elias 33 which I'm not fully sure as but what's also hard is the weather does effectively the the weather at crail was still not brilliant. But much much nicer Ely was an absolute slog. So it doesn't feel quite as as not even though you're enjoying yourself not quite as nice being out though it does kind of reflect how you see the golf course. And how it's playing it just goes to show by the way how many phenomenal golf clubs there are in Scotland yeah I mean that's ridiculous the fact that the trail is 61. I mean that's just not even I can't imagine the 60 golf course in Scotland's better I'm kind of putting it in my top five I would like it was that good. So yeah. And I've played a few you know I've played probably a lot of the the top 50 or 60. that might be a bit ambitious but anyway uh so that was a phenomenal you me played we battled it in the week we did our our expected scores compared to our real scores were very very different yes. So wait to see that that'll be out in two weeks on Friday and what time guy um three between three and five four pm 4pm Friday every Friday for the foreseeable future till the Christmas at least um so that was that was epic. And then.

In between that sandwich between that range night yes. So we did another range night at the Saint Andrews Golf Links Academy I think it's the official name which is the driving range next.

Door to the old course literally next.

Door to the 16th Fairway there's a lot of people come down we had some very good challenges people took money off you yes um it was nice it was exciting like correctly it didn't just like Duff me up. And that one guy from Glasgow did they there were some competitions that we ran. And some prizes that we gave away there were some Junior golfers that managed to get a little bit of a a giveaway as well which was cool the video will be out very very soon. But intentionally this week if not next.

Week um it just the thought and again I kind of need to pinch myself at some points in time where if someone said to me in in the whole of your YouTube Journey there'll be one time where you can actually book the whole of Saint Andrews driving range out yeah. And invite fans and fill it like five or six people per day and we sold tickets we did it with free tickets. But we we um as they sold sold out of tickets in three minutes flat for 130 guests to come down and hit balls and have challenges we could have we could have filled that five times over uh the atmosphere was phenomenal getting to meet people getting to see people from different walks of life from a lot of students were there as well a lot of good players from Saint Andrews golfers um. So yeah a real a real mixture of of uh golf fans as well. So that video will be out soon it was quite hectic. And quite mad as range nights often are they kind of take the toll a little bit on my voice certainly. And this probably explains all of this probably explains why I might have been a bit run down towards the end last week and absolutely freezing cold yeah ended up being quite ill over the weekend. But honestly the three or four days we had there in Scotland it's just I just think it is the best place on Earth I really do speaking of driving ranges do you believe in karma um yes. For the sake of the story so if you're watching this you might just notice Rick's phone slightly moved because it would have been a little cut then.

Wouldn't there yeah I think you did oh I did you did touch it because you have a slight area there's a call the camera went off I know it's back on. So you believe in karma I believe I 100 believe in karma yes thank you that's a good answer well you remember two weeks ago on this very podcast I mentioned how I'd taken a perv secondhand the golf shoes to driving range to give away three is a good deed. And it ended up being a very very awkward encounter correct quite a few people comment on that they thought it was quite funny. But it's just real real life however. the good news is the carbon the situation is uh I mentioned I was at Clark's Golf Center um that's why it's my second favorite range locally behind Trafford Golf Center close to my heart. And they enjoyed a little bit of exposure albeit kind of it was in a very jokey manner I got a free ball card uh oh. So I have now got a ball card at Trafford Golf Center and at Clarks Golf Center wow so I'm gonna be hitting balls willy nilly six nights a week maybe seven you have been really up in your practice so you best watch your back my friend because I'm coming soon to break 80. wow yeah. But I found that by what a strange coincidence that getting balls for free makes me hit more golf balls who would have guessed that but you know what's weird I've actually found that by playing less actual golf I think I've got better because by I now would go to the range a bit more whereas used to many moons ago played nine holes a bit more because I kind of enjoyed it more. But by hitting more balls it actually obviously it's Health my ball striking and I'm fine I'm thinking that's the golf course and hitting it better I think. For you as well because you'll start to notice like time becomes more precious obviously yeah it's like you just jump into Clarks. Or Trafford takes an hour out of your time where obviously around the goals it's a long time many people listening and watching this know was it it's it's a long long long long long time which um I def we've talked about it on the podcast before this is where there's got to be this kind of quicker version of golf yeah coming soon to a hopefully an empty space near you soon well last thing on the driving range topic we've had a good day Rick okay. So if you want your question answered by Rick Shields very influential man which will come on to shortly um emails podcast So you're ready for this one go for it hi Rick hi from um Anonymous I can read it better I thought this might be a good one um. For the podcast this week as I was at the range a pretty nice golf club here in Seattle. And I was done hitting golf balls walking to my car. But I know it's a gentleman walking to his car carrying a range bucket that was three quarters full of balls still okay I thought was it a lot as it was raining unlikely it was going to the short game area to chip. But didn't consider they would steal them as I watched him he put the bucket of balls in his car along with his clubs so I spoke up and said what are you doing stealing those golf balls his response guy his response I'm not stealing them which I thought okay maybe just changing his clubs. Or something and he's gonna head back to the range I don't know strange as I pack my stuff into the car I kept the die on what he was doing. And he packed all of his stuff stuff closed his boots and made his way to the driver's side door to leave by this time I'd pulled out of my car parking spot but I was still watching him like a hawk. So I reversed my car at to which point he came over to my passenger door the conversation went something like this person who's wrote In Me by removing range ball from the property you are stealing those balls wow him. And going back tomorrow to hit them. So it's not stealing I come here four times a week how often do you come here me this yeah this isn't actually why don't we do it why don't I we want why do I've been okay can I see you later let me let me send you as a WhatsApp then..

And then.

I'll act as the other person can I access the thief yes that makes sense yeah I'll tell you what I did see this weekend just on a completely different topic I actually saw somebody feeding a packet of crisps did you have a restaurant yeah didn't say anything maybe I should have done maybe you should have said maybe maybe this video maybe this is what's up now it should come through. So me is me okay okay one sec all right Me Okay Go Okay. So the conversation like this by removing range balls from the property you are going to steal those balls I'm coming back tomorrow I got an angel armor by the way I'm coming back tomorrow to hit them. So it's not stealing I'm gonna do. So I come up here four times a week how often do you come here is this like a child I am here every week I'm joking I'm here every week it doesn't matter they are the property of the club. And by removing them from the property you are stealing them even though you intend to come back this club has the right to call the police if they want it the cops um him ask me. But I am coming back tomorrow so it's not stealing have you seen the Asians come up here careful he's a bit yeah you should have have you seen the Asians come up here. And hit two buckets and leave half a dozen behind yeah he went there oh no this is damn hit he yes he went there as well to try. And defend his behavior even though I had no idea what this had to do with him stealing balls. So he was. And he was racist exactly. So in the end he gave in and returned the golf balls this was well dressed most likely retired person a hundred thousand dollar car. So not without means I called him an entitled bleep and then.

Drove off although I should have called him a racist as well which clearly was uh question is did I overreact. Or did I do the right thing I will admit it felt good to get the last word. And call him entitled before driving goth love the podcast the YouTube channel keep up the great work wow wow so firstly the guy does not sound like a nice bloke no place in this world to racism at all um. But he definitely does he say have a big expensive car I did private license plate I'm guessing I reckon license plate you have an American I reckon it would have been like sky blue okay like a like a Bentley sky blue that's a picture yeah okay um he's absolutely bang out of order on every single account first off being racist he's you know that he's brought that into it that's totally not needed um. And then.

The fact he's taking golf balls away from a driving range with this idea that he's going to come back tomorrow the thing you do you then.

Go in really a civilized human being would go back to the till. And say listen I've got a shoe I've got half a bucket here can I get a rain check. And I'll come back tomorrow and hit the other half right and I'm sure every range would go yeah not a problem sir like thanks. For doing that you know that's one way or he could have just said someone next.

To him drop these balls mate I'm leaving now yeah I've got 100 Grand car I'm not sure if you quit I'll come back tomorrow. And buy some more golf balls yeah you probably didn't need to say that to the person he's giving balls to. But he could say I've got 100 Grand I've got a Rolex I've got 25 year old wife but here's some balls um yeah I think he's absolutely bang out of odd I think our listener who has emailed in um I'll be honest I thought at first he was being a bit pathetic if I'm first honest I don't think it's something I would do again. So if someone pinch you back at Christmas weekend and I said I was a wimp I said nothing okay what flavor were they uh they were um Teddy Bear ones all right wow they're. For a kid I know and it wasn't a kid's deal it was the adult stealing it anyway different topic um. So I don't think I would have said anything I'm glad he did um you never you just never know what those confrontations might lead into I mean you never sake of rain there's a few scary people out there. And suddenly you know ends up being fighting all worse but I'm glad you stuck to your mom orals and that guy that horrible guy was bang out of order he shouldn't have been stealing golf balls he shouldn't have been being racist. And I'm sure the next.

Time he plays golf he's going to shank five shots three put five times. And um hit a ball straight down the middle of Fairway and lose it yep so um good advice and um if you want your email read out next.

Week please email us podcast um I've kind of had enough of the clickbait titles now so don't click bait it because I'm I'm beyond feeding them so people say stupid stuff I'll give an example Rickers from the clickbait yeah let me find one uh read it read it in fact don't before come on to that actually with an email James uh. And he said um hi guys I'm watching your podcast as I often do. And decided that having hats on look silly you're inside in a podcast if it's a map of sponsorship then.

Prior to display the hats on the table which is always clutter free the gulper Tire looks sharp. But please hats off while inside watch this is your time to respond to that uh you know what to some degree I agree with him really yeah why because it's why does I don't it's not good etiquette really wear hats inside. And you shouldn't wear a hats at a table so I'm breaking all my own morals and rules doesn't offend me at all I do very much take the half in a clubhouse because I never quite know the rules in the clubhouse um. But I would never um there's two things probably what the listener won't know or understand they totally get it is that when I come to work in the morning I often not do my hair because we might go out filming after. And I wear a hat and then.

If I if I put a hat on in the morning and then.

If I took my half now my hat's horrendous terrible hat hand I've got bad hair anyway so then.

Therefore. I'd have to then.

Style it and then.

I'll probably have to put a hat back on in the future so I just do it. For her Logistics so I apologize if it offends anybody I'd morally deep down I understand it uh but for the situation that we are. And how do you know we're out how do you know we're inside yeah you can't see the roof it's actually got no roof here on the podcast studio. So we're actually outside so there um an example of the click bait we get is a email titled Rick cursed Jordan Spieth not gonna read it I know that I know what happened. And what happened I cursed it on the 18th to the Masters is that what happened yeah all right okay I'm guessing that's it okay I reckon he's watching a highlight of the 2018 Masters yeah. And I went there I'm a good friend and we were stood behind that's exactly that yeah we were stood behind the 18th t as Jordan Spieth was going on this year you got ridiculous charge like ridiculous charge it was me Randy from Friday's gone from my pal Neal we're all set we're all stood there behind the 18th uh John Smith who's going on this outrageous charge chasing down Patrick Reed. And everyone obviously wanted speed to win over Patrick Reed and out of nowhere speed hits this duck Hawk it hits the tree I mean the ATT is super narrow anyway hits the T drops down he probably ends up making double. Or something this picture I've got here when we put in the podcast as well if you're watching this um it's got Jordan Spieth in it and then.

At the side of the frame you can see you as well. And you pull in a face right I can only explain that imagine Rick Shields right he's 16 years old living at home Sunday morning not a few shamed his night before illegally. And it's 11 A.M you're in bed still yeah your mum knocks on your door Richard get up Richard get up why you've told your nan you're going to help her clean the garage okay this is the face you would pull I really is isn't it it's like get on my room what are you on about that depends on because that was a video. And it depends on when the snapshot's taken sometimes I seem to pull a lot of multiple faces I didn't know I was on TV at the time multiple different faces in a very short period of time well I look quite angry. And disappointed within seconds I've got another face so yeah they've caught me uh they've caught me at my Angry teenage getting out of bed mode putting the podcast before we come on to probably the main topic of today's podcast one thing getting to run by you. And get your thoughts on so a bit of my own dear Rick from from me um don't please don't is it normal to have I'm joking um the other day yeah it's too long um sorry is that your toe yeah anyway the question was Cameron Smith won the Australian PGA yes I think it was his third in a row. And I was watching a bit of the highlights yesterday. And seeing that it won etc etc and Liv paid him I think it's 100 million dollars to play on the lift tour right. And obviously he is now still playing in some of the European well DP World Tour events um I'm guessing certainly with being his home big tournament on the DP World Tour. And he's the defending Champion he wanted to go and play in that and as it stands he's currently allowed to I'm sure obviously DP World Tour don't want that to continue for much longer with Live players but should I think about this is there a winner. And a loser out of this or are they both winners now let me what I mean is live golf have paid him a hundred million dollars to be on their tour to represent their tour to give them a stronger field do they really want him go. And playing on the DP World Tour and elevating their tournament by having like the world number two golf I've the world's best golfer played in it when they're painting to be on their tour and equally you know do the do the DP world sorry they winners. Or losers in a sense that they have got the second best golfer in the world at their tournament that should be great but equally when there's other tournaments on he'll just go back off to live and play in the bigger prize from the events as and when he chooses so is there a winner. And is there a loser. Or they both winners they both losers there is a winner cam Smith yeah exactly cam Smith is a winner in all of this as much as it's quite always it's come out quite open recently about the fact that he has had many sleepless nights um I don't think it seemed like he took the decision very easily he only open. And a few weeks later we announced he then.

Signed for live it appeared like he'd kind of taken in stride and that's the character he seems to portray um he's come out recently and said he's really struggled with it like the decision making. And the ramifications after and how much it would people would think of him differently um. But obviously it doesn't seem to be affecting his golf he seems to be playing incredible golf still um it was very very interesting I didn't watch loads of golf this weekend. But the stuff I saw on social media it seemed like majority and it's I don't have a exact number on this the majority of fans were loving the fact cam Smith were playing in it. And I don't I think the Australian fans there were really behind him playing with it like I felt like he got a lot of Home support from what I was seeing online from social media I would see that a lot of people were like brilliant to see cam Smith you know getting out there. And playing and winning everything else there was obvious when he won there was a bit of a tidal wave of yeah. But he's a live player he's this this and this um so from from his own standpoint he's in a he's in this kind of weird position but I think overall he's probably somewhat happy with his decision I would think um with regards to tours I don't think Liv have ever come out to say about them being exclusive no they've always wanted to be this kind of other option um you know they they've never stopped their players playing in PGA. Or DP World Tour any any other tours um apart from the fact that when the live tournament is on they're gonna expect their players there yeah well that'll be contractual yeah of course. But then.

They open on those other weeks for those players to go out and play elsewhere that's fine I think you're right I think when the DP World Tour looks at it. And goes well we've had one of the biggest names I think the only way we've been able to find out if that's been worth it is have the TV viewers gone up is there more viewers tuning in because the cam Smith's playing. And winning I have to think. So I've not got the stats to handle did they sell more tickets on site because bigger names were playing again you'd have to think. So and the last one did more higher profile players be play in the event because cam Smith played in it you know did he actually bring the field up entirely he didn't just add to the field did he almost like the top of the Pyramid of the field. And then.

You know and obviously Adam Scott friend of the channel played I mean we leave friend of the channel played um. Or obviously Australian guys like was there also another wave of players that may not have played in that event gone I'm gonna play because Camp Smith's playing in this. And therefore. it's going to get higher world ranking points. And everything else you know it's a strange one because in one sense I can imagine Greg Norman sitting there ruin his hands together thinking that that just shows the dominance of living a sense that my player from live has walked onto the DP World Tour. And just won you think that just shows how good our field are. But equally the light you said there's a lot. For DP world to be enjoying like Cameron Smith playing whether they'll be lower ranked players who potentially could argue like not missed out on a spot because he's the defending Champion he deserve to be there but equally if he's joined live should it be told no he can't be in the DP World Tour events anymore. And then.

That space identity would free up for somebody that might qualify or whatever I don't know but I just I just thought this weekend I was thinking about it that I feel like the kind of live. And the DP World in this isolation situation it's about everywhere are both winners I I think there's going to be a conversation to be had earlier in the year I think before the Masters it was interesting recently with Rory McIlroy coming out we didn't speak about on the podcast because I think we had a guest on um where we came out. And basically said Greg Norman needs to leave he needs to exit stage left uh whether that's because that stops conversations happening. Or whether that he feels like he's the biggest kind of um word um defender in all of this or the main antagonizer but I do think there needs to be in a room whether it's whether it's the the guys behind um live whether it's Greg Norman um Jay Monahan. And Keith Pelley need to get in a room and sort this out because it's not it's not working as it is just. Yet it's confused as a viewer in a way yeah like Cameron Smith goes on winter I thought he was on live yeah it's all it's all a little bit messy I think it needs to get resolved before the Masters in April where the obviously the biggest tournaments start to begin as the Masters come out. And said anything. Yet about whether Live players can play. Or not I don't think any of them have officially I don't think any of the majors have have they I feel like the open might have said I think they've said no. But they've said that they will not stop Live players. But they also reserve the right to how they how it's ran essentially I think. So I don't know if they round up where they say and they could in the future but question for you slightly off topic but also very much on topic you've got 10 pounds in your pocket okay I actually have I think get it out I've actually got a parking fine too I want the 10 pounds on the table just. For make it more real I don't know why I just literally a 10 pounds just the kind of guy you are right you got 10 pound the table actually there it's real let me check it's fresh yep not one of those ones I got off Jones off Jones is mate he can't tell me it's honestly they look oh exactly the same big buzz ask our mod anyway right. So you've got a 10 on the table yep I say to you tomorrow Rory in Cameron Smith are playing a match play two best players on the planet right now who are you putting that 10 pound on you I'll be coming I think I should take it either way I'll become Smith you'd be Rory okay okay in the between no I'm cam Smith all right sorry I think in that situation if it's just a heads up challenge we saw at the open kind of I just think Cameron's a bit grittier do you know what I mean I just I think as a as a full year if you say who's going to have a better full year I genuinely believe Rory will do I think he's going to win more. But in that match in that head on head match I just think cam Cam's got that that grit like he seems like you're saying the open the final round of the open he seems to just be able to hold it when he needs it where Rory just didn't did it did you see the story that came out actually Rory um came out. And said that he caught cover just a few days before the open. And he gave it to Tiger what I'm sorry whether it's real or not apparently he was feeling really under well at weather a couple of weeks before a week. So before the open Wrangle tiger saying listen man I'm feeling bad and bad he's played golf with him that same day uh over in Ireland had a covert test who's positive tiger rang him up that night yeah I've got it too I know why you're not feeling very well right listen to this tiger had covered right look Rory outside Rory mcilroad covered right yeah although this was in July matter he then.

Gave it to Tiger Woods oh yeah Tiger Woods gave it to Henny Henny Henny then.

Had it. For a while right okay I'll make things off baby let's just say she did yeah she didn't get to Iona yeah Iona gave it to John Rahm he didn't pass it back to Iona you played golfer Iona now you've got taggled as covid brilliant you've got Tiger's disco of it how's that feel brilliant gun imagine yeah okay wow. But you're gonna be fine that's that's just caveat okay. So um that was the starter. And the main course of the podcast now it's now it's time for the desserts okay um the exciting part probably what we've maybe even titled this podcast there's a little old golf publication over here in in the UK um US list does not might not be aware of it. But it's it's very well known it's Britain's number one Golf Magazine today's golfer so I'll just show you that's a camera okay. And they've done a very interesting article this month on both print and digital of the 100 most influential people in golf and underneath it says who's had the biggest impact on our game this year on the front cover there's six influential people okay. So I'll start at the top you've got t-dub you've got Tiger Woods they're big man the big man you've got Rory McIlroy you've got Lydia cow you've got Niall Horan of One Direction and now a major player in the world of golf and management and and certainly to be fair to making golf a lot cooler to younger people certainly to a younger female demographic I think you've done massive things if they've then.

Got paid sporanic who is the most followed yeah Instagram I think she just followed golf account in general across all the platforms she's huge not a YouTuber yeah Instagram collectively Instagram actively. And then.

You've got a guy on the front cover riled up to the max Lyle hat Lyle sweater yeah I'm on okay she's on the front cover that is a sixth ball that is a six ball I've Got a Theory as well come on okay all three all six of us meet okay at the old course yeah. And we go let's have a match okay we need three pairs okay. So naturally Rory and now I want to go together Irish of course they are mutual friends you're gonna play together Lydia. And Paige are going to want to play together okay just go with me okay that that leaves tiger just there on his own. And me just there on my own and we kind of look over each other and we kind of give each other the little kind of side anger oh guess we're I guess we'll have to be together then.

We'll with tiger yeah yeah. So yeah me tiger versus Rory Nile versus Lydia page let's make it happen old course in Reverse I like it how would you think out of your three balls it was you because the front cover we'll put this picture on again the podcast the front cover on the left side is Rick Paige. And Rory the right side is Lydia tiger. And nail which three would get win against Switch three if it was you Paige. And Rory versus that's not about it because I'm thinking Rory would beat tiger at the moment you have to say yeah I think obviously Lydia Ko no offense would would beat Paige. So that's smooth versus Nile but then.

He deserves a couple of shots or does he need the shots I don't know hide them I don't know I know I've been playing bad recently I think we'd just PIP IT I think it'd come down to me on the last both matches are halved. And it comes down to me on the last combined score make it better then.

Because I see Rory and I've got to make birdie up the last at the old course I pipe it down the left hand side a little wedge into about three foot lock it in and then.

See my ass and miss it anyway so we we actually heard before this came out to print that you're going to be in this top 100. I want hands on heart now what number would you have settled. For out of the 100 most influential people in golf 2022 what number would you have taken just eating his beard cut hair in my mouth when Rick's hungry eating his beard it's really weird yeah okay honestly yeah I was incredibly honored to be in the list like you think about you think. For a minute about the most all the golfers the most influential golfers to even make it into the top 100 hours blessed with to put into perspective Scottish Scheffler yeah who's had an incredible year is 98th in the list wow okay. So for me I was thinking being in the list is great. And it's it's very well worked out from what I'm understanding yeah it's not just a popularity contest is it no they've done something. So they've done like a section of how we did it. And basically they've done like equipment design you can get 10 marks course architecture 10 marks instruction 10 marks inspiration 15 marks. And they've got things about the game so the final Financial influences with 25 marks uh the voice is worth 15 marks. And innovation's worth 15 marks so I'm guessing obvious you wouldn't have any points for course architecture or for equipment design I don't know maybe equipment design well potentially that influence over here um you've had you'll look at Market construction you've already got marks for inspiration um you would have got marks for voice and so innovation's a tough one because you've innovated content so we can use that. So you've got marks it's actually been quite good to figure out how many points each person got yeah it would be good. So then.

Once had a guy I was actually at Center parks on holiday. And Guy rang me and said there's a there's a list being put together 100 most influential golfers they want you in it they want to do an interview with you you're up. For it and I'm like yeah as long as I'm in the top 50. no I'm joking. And guy gave me an idea you said originally 30th yeah which I actually couldn't believe I was like Wow 30th in the list. And I thought they're probably saying that just to get me doing an interview and when the actual magazine comes out I'll be like 84th okay I never thought I'd be top 50. the magazine came out. And it all went out in print and there's some massive massive name can I give some before I give your number away give some have you giving it away. Or not I don't think. So no okay. So like you said 98 Scottish shuffler okay we've got um number 87 Bob volky from wedges number 89 is John Ram number 88 Scotty Cameron I'm ready sick Donald Trump okay. So there's someone's in the 80s I'm gonna move into a bit a little bit lower down now a bit more getting closer to where you are um okay number 64 Dustin Johnson we heard that he plays quite good at golf just in quite a bigger sound oh yeah you would have been with medal last week correct yeah I know him yeah 58 Matthew Fitzpatrick the uh current champion of the US Open um let's find some of the good ones. So getting close and as you can tell I've not read Rick's number out 41 Bryson deschambeau okay okay not get interested 34 Paige spironic wow she's got a really most followed Instagram account in the world of golf he's got a nice spread in there as well there's a lot of different articles like bit like you did with the um interview bit 31 page spread by the way yeah oh nice wow you're on fire recently uh 31 Gary Player okay. So now we're starting to to Really Work Work our way into the big hitters okay we're going sub 13 we're going sub break 30. 29 Bob Parsons your friend pxg founder you've met him you've had dinner with him um very influential 27 is Keith Pelley he's the chief exec. And the CEO of the DP World Tour so he's at a very influential yeah surely we can't be higher than that no uh well yeah yeah you actually are you are young Rick number 24 in the top 100 influential people in golf 20 22. And there you are holding a flag looking good uh you've got one two three pages worth of of content there um. And one of the things I like one of the little uh call outs is a quote that you gave the interviewer this is to today's golfer you'll have an email somewhere from a young Ricky Shields asking if I could feature in today's golfer I don't know if I ever even got a response I didn't we'll look at him now today's golf three pages now yeah um yeah how do you feel thoughts feelings are genuinely right now. And I post it on social media I was very very excited um to be the 24th most influential person in golf. And it's not something I set out to be I don't wake up but every day and go I want to be influential um but but the fact I've been ranked into such a high Prestige of 100 of the most influential people first off I'm over the moon with to be 24th and to be you know in a list of so many incredible incredible people from uh golf equipment designs to tour players to governing bodies keep um governing body CEOs to many fellow YouTubers so Pete's in there good Goods in there me and my golf's in there Danny Moore's in there Chris Ryan's in there Matt crossfield's in there so that's really cool as well that so many uh fantastic YouTubers are in that list as well it shows that the strength of the platform um. And I'll be honest when I look at the 23 names above me I can't I cannot argue with it at all well at the top so we go for the top ten yeah number 10 is Rory McIlroy needs no introduction he's probably the only one I'd probably I'd maybe rank slightly higher yeah. And what he's done for the European tour DP World Tour this year I think 10 is a little bit. For how much of a voice he's had in the game yeah. But go on carry on well and just also on that in terms of influence I know sometimes you don't have seen it as influence and shifting products but if Rory suddenly swap to go and use Callaway next.

Year that would have a big influence in Callaway sales I imagine he's one of the few golfers that can sell product number nine is Sean McManus who is a sports media Giant. And he's now the chairman of CBS sports in America so yeah you can imagine that's gonna have a massive influence number eight is Mike McCauley who's the president of golf at NBC. So effectively the head of the Golf Channel number seven is Andrew Giorgio who is the uh Warner Bros Discovery Sports Europe. And president managing director so he's again in the meeting so those three those three there nine eight and seven effectively Distributors aren't this at like golf of golf actual content and then.

Number six is Chip Brewer who is the president. And CEO of Topgolf and the Callaway Brands so certainly he is helping get new golf since the game at top goal massively. And obviously established golfers using the Callaway products that kind of makes sense number five is Jay Monahan who is the uh commissioner of the PGA Tour. So again yeah it can't really pretty straightforward one crumble with that um number four is I think Mike one I think you pronounce it he's the CEO of the USGA um. And former commissioner of the LPGA Tour so I'm guessing he's doing a lot to obviously grow the women's game and he's caught the CEO of the USGA governing body makes sense and everything number three now this is the big one is Greg Norman. So obviously we're looking at him as being the live golf commissioner but let's not forget he's in a lot in the game but whatever your thoughts of Greg Norman are now some obviously positive some not. So positive he did a lot in the game of golf before. But anyway but he right now 2022 deserves to be there I must admit imagine rewinding time about 12 months and saying there's gonna be a list and Greg Norman's gonna be three you'd be like yeah what uh. But obviously what he's done the kind of face of of live golf um and obviously you can't you can't argue with the the presence they've had in the last 12 months yeah number two is Martin Slumbers who is the chief executive of the RNA. And Secretary of the royal ancient Golf Club of St Andrews but but what I was thinking then.

Is obviously with that job title is clear they've got massive influence. But probably things you don't even think of. And I'm kind of making this up as I go along I can't confirm this is the case. But when things like in in the rules of golf changed about how you can put with the flag in there'll also be a rules committee clearly at the RNA in the usj. But they will have to get signed off by I guess a board. And a CEO Etc so people like him are making decisions on a weekly monthly daily basis that affect how people literally play the game yeah I think he's got. And all the equipment yeah they govern the equipment the rules of golf participation levels when money gets spent in the incredible golf obviously the open. And everything else so I I for 100 agree that Martin Slumbers should be that high up and number one this is quite a shock actually Tiger Woods um I don't really try. And present me an argument if you can no literally I can't he's the only person even now that still moves the dial if he plays in the tournament people watch if he we saw him play his final hole at the 150th open at Saint Andrews nobody draws that type of crowd in I mean you had grown men crying their eyes out watching him walk down the 18th hole walking over the Wilkin bridge I mean it was just things like iconic if he suddenly tomorrow um put his name to something it would sell out if he brought his own brand of golf ball out it would sell out if he designed his own golf course which obviously done it goes. So high up in the popularity and I think as well we're getting to the point now where there's actually some little sound bites from a lot of different golfers I won't read the actual sound bites out. But let me just read who the golfers are. So you've got Patrick Cantley Roy McElroy DJ Justin Thomas genre Scotty sheffler and Charles Howell so that's uh seven golfers at least well pretty much all of those in fact yeah have grown up watching Tiger Playing it's quite a strange place now where Tigers kind of hears. And his competitors as such the vast majority have actually grown up idolizing him if you're under the age of 32 33 whatever it might be you've grown up respecting him and wanted to be him so his voice now is even more Amplified over his peers because back when he was 21 22. And he was trying to dominate as good as he was there's still going to be some guys out there who didn't look necessarily down him. But well I've done this for 30 years you know you're good great but I know what I'm doing all these guys playing now are looking to him thinking well tiger says do that I'm doing that he obviously very much. So pledges Alliance to the PJ tour and if he had a jump ship to live which those rooms was after a billion dollars if he had done that that would have changed the landscape of golf incredibly. So it just shows his influence isn't just on the consumer it's actually on the elite golfers who are playing on the tours I I would I reckon as well because they asked me in that magazine who is the most um oh that was another me my golf got in there as well sorry I think if they'd have asked me the most hundred if they would have asked they'd sorry I'm trying to get my words mixed up here I'm trying to get my wife mixed up yeah I'm getting my words mixed up they asked me in that interview who is the most influential Golf. And I clearly without even taking a breath at Tiger Woods I genuinely believe if you asked the one that other 99 people in that list I do genuinely believe that all 99 people would have said Tiger Woods is number one. And I can't re really imagine a year how far I'd have to be in advance where that's not the case no because he how much golf has he played this year hardly any. Yet he's still Head and Shoulders above everybody else I just think um you know it will be really interesting to see how long that Legacy lasts. And what he does with his is his career moving forward I mean sounds promising that he's gonna be playing a little bit towards the back end of the year he's got his tiger he's got his Tiger Woods tournament in uh Bahamas very very soon. And start December he's then.

Playing in the PNC tournament with with his son Charlie uh obviously all eyes will be towards the Augusta in a masters in April you know is he gonna is he gonna be stronger than ever next.

Year is he gonna just have Cameo appearances he only gonna play five times like we don't know. But also what's he gonna do what is he actually gonna do after all of this like when does he hang it all up he obviously didn't retire at the 150 no open at St Andrews which a lot of people thought I don't think he's gonna retire anywhere else about apart from Saint Andrews which have been now the 155th um open at St Andrews in the year 2027. he's still gonna be playing golf in that time. For him he has to be um how much how successful who knows but I don't think there's any arguing that he is the most. And will continue to be the most influential golfer ever that's played the world the goal of golf ever. And um being very humble I don't think he actually bought this magazine did you no this is my gift to you thank you I thought they were actually gonna send me one you might do. But that's just you've definitely got one that's right um yes right in my page in the back yeah let's do that. But lastly before we wrap this up we have got some questions from Facebook if you are not on the Facebook group um use one word some people who aren't joined. Yet um big buzz the Joneses mate yeah big bounce doesn't like Golf. And he's like why'd you follow those guys on you what are you following that guy I think more of a negative word if you. So if you're listening to this now and you're not longer yeah bozo yeah. So join well yeah um okay. So the questions are what a few one from Alex Wilson. And this is kind of a generic one we see a lot. But I'm actually intrigued now it's winter he has said what's the best practice drill. For the garden now I'm gonna put in one caveat on that you can't say hitting shots into a net because not everyone obviously got space for a net so what could you do to practice your golf in the garden with limited resources to help you improve this winter um I would practice that's really hard in it because even just even just swinging does if you've got room to swing I guess I'll tell you where there is is there was a story one time. And I think I might have shared on the podcast once before there was this prisoner that went to jail. For three years and and all he did was he had like a a pretend gotten not even a golf club baby just held a golf club a Pretend We're on an imaginary one. And just kind of did these slow motion practice swings trying to get his swing into these kind of positions day in day out. And he came out and ended up being much better than what he was when he went into jail um something along those lines if you've got like a big patio window that you can actually see your reflection if you can see. Or how you can work on your Technique. Or whether it's your posture or whether it's things like ball position or alignment all those things help I don't know how committed you'd have to be to do that I think that's a big ask I think I'd do it once. And go yeah um the other the other simple one is like trying to set up something it doesn't have to be hard hits. But even if it's like a bit of a a foam area go with me on this like a bit of a mattress and you put three lines in it and you just practice like little chip shots like hitting it below the bottom line through the middle window and through the high window just to try and change the trajectory of your wedge shot so you can just something just keeps your eye in. But I must admit I do think it's very very difficult it is not. And this isn't really answer his question but one thing I would say I've seen help with in previous years is if you can just get through in the winter obviously depending if you live near a dragon range. But you get those like now dark Cold November night December January just once a week at the range into 30 40 50 balls can actually make a big difference even go with a friend. And a share a bookings whack a few and have a bit of a catch up just keeping your swing a little bit looser and fresh does come new season help I think anyway you want to get you almost want to get into a habit with it as well don't you yeah because then.

If you know Thursday night at eight you're gonna always go to the driving range because that's what you put even like those silly things you have a little chipping company like Stingers to a crossbar. Or something it definitely does help. And from Steven Trousdale it's Rick too hard on himself I'm thinking he's meaning sometimes John breaks in your fires it doesn't always go your way or because sometimes people say that but does that help you do you think sometimes you go get a bit annoyed does that fuel you does that food thing on practice more I know something if you don't play well you then.

Want to go the range. Or have a lesson that's fueled yeah yeah I I don't know I think it's very difficult to almost separate me playing the golfer playing video which is 99 of my golf. And actually was playing as a recreational player at a weekend I think I'd be very very different um I think my expectation levels of myself are much higher than what I can sometimes deliver. And that frustrates me because I know there's a good golfer in there and has been a good golfer in there I mean that doesn't come out to play I get frustrated it's strange though isn't it like if you'd not done a run. For a month or two and you went to a 5K and you've got a minute slower than you used to be you don't get annoyed at yourself I don't mean you wish me in general your reaction is at least it went today.

And I know that I'm not gonna be as quick because I've been out of shape or not as fit with golf you only had two months off you don't pray yourself for going back play. And you think oh that shot 85 today.

I should be shooting 81. Or breaking eight or whatever I find you know for all the golf balls I've ever hit I've been playing golf for 25 years of my life I feel like um even if I've not played or practiced I should still be at a level and and that kind of frustrates me a little bit but maybe maybe I'm hard on myself but also I kind of I probably you probably see much more of my emotion on video because it's everything's captured well and also a bit more behind the scenes we this series of break 75 versus last series we you know we've actually made sure the cameras rolling a lot more yeah. So whereas in the old series didn't watch snappier edit do you might fit a bad shot. And then.

The shot's finished up we then.

Turn the camera off you might Mumble to yourself or look a bit paid off the camera wouldn't say that with purpose to now keep the camera rolling sometimes a bit awkward but it shows that it better yeah it shows that that's more relatable. So you probably see more of it this year than you would do last year it was probably still prevalent. But you didn't see it I've always been quite a I would say an emotional golfer when it's good I'm like happiest person in the world I'm floating around when it's bad I definitely I definitely show my emotions on my sleeve yeah where you'll see some golfers a bit like a Dustin Johnson. Or a cam Smith um who just look the same all the time and I think unfortunately. For you and I'm in the same boat as you want to say this that's how you get to really good level isn't it by not getting too excited you make a verdict. But not getting too annoyed you make a double yeah it's very hard to do that though when you're. So passionate about the game but that's how those real it's like if you're a elite football and you've got a penalty to win a World Cup final obviously heart rate's going to be elevated. But you've got to be cool and calm I'd be helpless in that situation I also think that a few people maybe don't quite grasp the fact where I'm making a video you know it's actually it needs to be because loads of people say don't talk Rick. And just play golf we're making like it sounds like the video the product at the end of it outweighs the golf yeah you know. And I think some people may get that a little bit confused if I you're right if I just was going out with this mindset of playing better golf well no I wouldn't be videoing every single shot because that's not real reality is it. For most people uh but obviously we're making videos making YouTube videos Darren Fitzsimmons are sad should you be allowed a mulligan. For your first tee shot of every round look out of bounds spoils a day before you've even started I feel like it's quite um common in America for like these breakfast balls um I've never quite understood it we've never done it here in the UK um I I don't think it's a thing in America is it just litched on the first two yeah I would imagine right we're playing. And you nail your drive on the First Tee and I hit one that'll bounce so I go I'll have a breakfast ball and then.

Reload you then.

Get your ball in the fur when shank it out of town and it's like I can't do breakfast ball now lunchable yeah that does it. But I like dessert balls yeah I don't I don't I've never quite I grasp it whether it's just the Casual Sunday knock with your pals um. But yeah it's not it's not real guys I wouldn't like that because I think I've played golf at such a young age to now I wouldn't even if they made a par with the breakfast ball it wouldn't feel real. So with the other guy or four but deep down I know it's not a four because I hit another one of the seats uh Matt's bats are said uh. And Neil's off camera this is one. For Neil as well if Rick starts doing merch will it be his own brand birdie source do you like that copyright that that email never came in early it's called Matt bats I do like that thanks Matt we're stealing the idea yeah um yeah merch hopefully coming soon we've said it. For many many years but who knows what the future holds I mean the 24th most influential person in golf isn't making merch is something wrong oh. So yeah stay tuned. For Birdie's sales match coming soon um and then.

Scott Benzie has said it should be hard to do. But it'll be good would you ever do a live break 75 um I don't think he'd be as hard as we think I think that's doable with all the cameras. And stuff in what way well like obviously the different angles we have now sorry you mean an actual line he's on YouTube live oh sorry I thought you meant this in people come. And watch it oh live uh well to be fair you might do. But I I took that as it's live on YouTube ah I do both ways could you do it live on YouTube. And could you do it live people could come. And watch you could definitely do it live come. And watch that wouldn't be too hard to do at all whether I'd want to do it is a different question um. And then.

I would say a streaming it live I think I feel like you need commentators with it because otherwise there'll be a lot of dead space yeah. And if not it's a lot of talking it's like four hours of non-stop you're on do you know what I mean. So I think that'd be quite hard yeah last question from guy Janik if um golf month golf today's golfer we're gonna expand the list of influential people how many thousands of it need to be before I didn't reckon drinking five thousand next.

Year today's go through the top 5 000 potential people of golf would I make the call at 5 000. I think you'd be I think you'd have a chance okay yeah yeah that's fair enough I think people wanted you in this list the comments are like when I put it on it was like oh it's great. But where's guy that's great but where's guys it's 4897. I'll just maybe maybe we've not seen your name yet maybe in the small print somewhere no you know what it is I got asked to be in it. But it's just not my cup of tea I just don't want to be in those kind of lists can't be I don't like the word influencer what mad is last Friday um we also did a photo shoot. For uh golf monthly yeah all the market print media's coming back all these bully magazines that didn't reply to my emails yeah they're all now that's about golf monthly have been very very good to me um thanks. For listening everybody that was that was actually you know what surprisingly good episode why are you actually surprised um this was all planned it was all structured oh you just didn't realize it okay um we might be doing a Friday special podcast which will still be coming out next.

Week um. But I've got a little trip away next.

Week which I'm excited about. And we'll might talk about a little bit Yeah on Friday I'll discuss all the details the juicy Goss. And it's a glory details guys thanks for listening hopefully in enjoyed make sure you are subscribed to the podcast Channel a lot of you think you are. But you're not let's try and get to 200 000 by the end of the year one quick one for next.

Week if you can be bothered if you want to go out. And buy one of these days golfers that'd be quite cool maybe take a picture of the today's golf magazine in the most random Place possible and if you do a good one we'll share it in the video. So whether that be um those really high toilets in The Shard potentially love it quite good yeah um Bridge would be really good um name three more places can we diving skydiving with it I'd be really good uh snorkeling yeah submarine yeah. And I think a lot of vehicles. And in the middle of the Sahara Desert wow if it's abroad I'd be very impressed because they don't sell abroad do they I don't know. So you could take a holiday yeah there you go yeah maybe on a plane. So yeah pick one up send a picture we might share it we might completely forget. For next.

Week thanks for watching listening make sure you subscribed and we'll see you next.

Week for the next.

Episode bye Jonesy have a good Friday Jones.