I mean the only may be examples is when like was it fury that shot like a 58 like if you asked him after that round is there any shots that he left out there. But they might have been might yeah hole in one is the perfect outcome you can't beat a hole in one can you no however. the perfect round of golf doesn't really exist do you think well how would how would you have the perfect round of golf rick um can you have the perfect round of golf on paper if an alien land on earth now. And said tell me what the perfect round of golf you can ever have technically it's 18 shots yeah like that's a perfect round of golf 18 shots because even if you shot 18 under par which would be 54 yeah playing a normal pass 72 golf course why did you not eagle the past par fives yeah well they tell you just going off matt. So if they're watching the podcast go off the screen um yeah. So for me obviously it's close to 18 on the powers you can get i don't think anyone's ever done 18 on the power up there. And nobody's ever going to shoot 18 shots in a round of golf never. But that is the perfect round of golf true i do think that i know somebody. And i actually know this person who has had as close to the pepperonis golf as they could have and that's the key here i think we know. For example that you've just said then.

The perfect round of golf will never happen because no one's ever gonna shoot 18 shots. But we all have our own level of ability don't we and we all kind of know towards how we also get there at golf but we all know our kind of real don't usually limit what the word like potential is do you know what i mean yeah. So well do i know who went to school with last week i think one on the 30th of october yeah just over a week ago. For his handicap which is a very good handicap. And i'll come on to has had essentially the perfect round of golf so let me yeah a bit of bit of good news. For the podcast so guys called alex illege right okay. And i went it was my year at school. And at school he was a decent golfer. But was actually i was way better than him in schools a couple of other lads who were really good golfers he messaged in no i i put it on facebook i've met him over the weekend about something that's since. And then.

My brother mentioned it he'd seen it on the club website wherever he hadn't seen it he's put it on facebook but just missed i just missed it so i've since found it and that's on his own face we're not on the group or anything so he's a scratch goal for alex he's kind of played golf consistently since we left school and it's his hobby obviously he plays all the times really good player very solid one club champs this year when i rejoined the golf club a couple years ago he was doing really well always he's like a proper scratch goal. For always around scratch so he played in um i think it was a four ball better ball. So remind me football battle ball when there's literally four of you and you do the best score out of your all fours when there's two of you how's it going i know it's called four ball better ball is it's it's basically pairs right yeah. So but you've got to play in a four ball yeah. So it's me and you best score out of our two against two other people yeah we're not against. But with two other people yeah it's probably the only other thought would be best two from four yeah would be when it's four of you. And the best two scores count but i think in this instance it was the two of them yeah four ball batter balling just pairs i also feel jacket's quite noisy can hear that oh it feels noisy jacket anyway. So it was full ball battle ball. But he kept his own score as a proper comp um on a weekend par 72 okay he's going out on shot 62. wow. And he's gone out in 30 so six under par and he's coming in 32 which is four under par without a single bogey. And obviously that's 10 birdies that's incredible i like that effect is handy well. So it doesn't have a problem it doesn't because it's better ball but i think apparently on the when it clubs out an email of like all the scores you've got like a spec i think his team match came fourth. Or something crazy right but he got like a special mention so i asked him someone said i'll give us some um insight into this. So i text him earlier on i said had you been playing well recently he said yeah he'd been playing okay he had some decent scores kind of around power couple under he had 24 putts in the day yeah he had 16 greening regulations didn't hit loads of fairways he missed a three footer on the 10th. For a birdie and he didn't go up and down on the path five to birdie so there's two shots it feels like he left out there he said i said did you get nervous surely he got nervous he didn't really get nervous at all uncle until coming down 18 when he had to hit a second shot a really bad lie to his second shot over a bunker. And they had to hold like a three-footer i think it was um. For par on 18 and i said oh you know what did you play in partners do did they get excited apparently they just kept him really chilled kind of kept kept him talking kept him in the zone. And as i said it doesn't come with his handicap he's a bit devastated about. But i was thinking that much. For scratch golfer yeah 10 under par must be as close as you can get to perfect i think by his own admission there though even he's not saying it's perfect that's true because even he's saying there's two shots there that he left out the the three footer. And the time he didn't open down on the par five which is crazy because you think he could be 12 under yeah. But i think that the only thing that could you've got to all myself diagnose it. And go i think after any round of golf obviously most golfers if not every golfer can look back at their round of golf. And go ah i left a few out there even if they've played great they've left a few out there you could even talk to probably even tour players when they've gone round and shot like i mean the only maybe examples is when like was it furious that shot like a 58 like if you asked him after that round is there any shots that he left out there. But they might have been like yeah like i i kind of vaguely remember him missing a short putt. Or doing something on that round of 58 you think oh my god that wasn't perfect. But the amount of times they hold monster putts or chipped in or did do perfection um i'm not sure if it could ever be achieved because i just feel like out of all those shots even if you only had 58 shots in a round of golf which is ridiculous. Or 62 in this in this alex's example i still think you'd look back. And go oh there was something there that i could have i could have done you know is that what makes golf sword it didn't know when you played badly you could obviously play back could say when you played badminton. But the thing is though we literally have a key in badminton actually like i'm terrible well i'm not very good. But i think would be quite a similar ability that'll be fun maybe uh if this video gets 10 000 likes. But that's it you play badly you could obviously do better you play well could be better you play close to perfect. And you'll still be thinking but what's mad is though he said that then.

In that message that like there's a couple of shots that didn't go in that could have done. But i bet you he'll like give you 34 100 it's mad isn't it and you'd be more inclined to tell you the ones that you missed out on as opposed to saying to you oh but by the way guy i chipped in three times and one shot it was heading out of bounds. But it hit the outer bounds marker and bounced back in like we forget those lucky opportunities don't we we only remember the bad shots or the unlucky moments in a round of golf 100 um but that's a great round well done awesome round no it's he's obviously a very good golfer i think this year coming up this next.

Season he could go with the new handicap system as well he's. So consistent he gets a few low ones he's going to be low well just a quick walk.