Uh that's the third time I've tried to say my name correctly so I'm glad I got it right this time lucky uh 152 the episode and this fantastic episode features a lot of really cool things but more importantly more importantly it's sponsored by the Dukes golf course in Saint Andrews okay I'm going to be honest with you now I'm on the um on the fence about the Dukes okay tell me why because I just don't know much about it. And I really hope it's a sell it to me there's a chance at 30 seconds time starts now less than 10 minute drive from the old course Hotel tick you stay at the old course Hotel you overview the Saint Andrews golf courses correct okay you jump in the car drive up the road 10 minutes you're at the Dukes beautiful driveway on the right hand side you've got the car park you've got actually a little little top tip if you've chance it right go down a little bit further towards the main car park. And there's seven or eight spots that no one parks in. And they're right next.

To the clubhouse okay. Or there's a there's a roundabout outside the front entrance you can drop your bags off Park up bags are there okay yeah as you walk up the stairs into this beautiful Clubhouse on the right hand side you've got this Pro Shop which is absolutely spectacular it is filled with some of the greatest golf garments in the world give you five things it sells tpegs yeah bottles of water yeah Mars Bars Jukes I'm guessing Dukes merchandise yeah. And probably ones with the logo Jukes on it done you walk out the back and into the restaurant and everything is just done to a class that is above many places. So that the chairs are beautiful leather um it's kind of it's historic. But it's modern you walk out the back and you're onto the Terrace and From the Terrace you can probably see about six. Or seven holes of the Jukes okay look a bit further take your eyes up a bit further draw your eyes away from the beautiful heathland Golf Course up on the Hills at St Andrews. And look over the Bay of Saint Andrews and from there you will see. For miles and miles and miles I actually don't even know what the next.

Country is from there maybe Norway yeah you could see um. And from there you can see the old course you can see everything from that vantage point you get back in the clubhouse you order a bacon butter you scuff that down you're gonna hit some balls to the driving range you're going to eat up. And you go and shoot 74. you break 75. life is good. And you have just accomplished a beautiful day at the Dukes golf course in St Andrews I think I'll pass hahaha no it is it's cloudy it's very very good too you are interested in membership corporate days uh just going out. For a really nice um another option of a golf course at St Andrews because often a lot of tourists go to Saint Andrews they'll play multiple different golf courses yeah put Dukes on The Bucket List it's one to play uh you will not be disappointed. And it's very different style to a lot of the linksy golf courses down near to the Sea it's much more heathland it's got trees it's got elevation it's got less wind potentially it's all about like well and good but if I want to find out more information about the Jukes what do I do you follow the link which is is the juice course dot code UK. And that will be put in the video description. And also the podcast description if you've heard your crust today.

Well done um today.

We've got a guest on later on today.

Yes. And the story of this guest is fascinating because his golf tour has just been closed down. So for context I've had the guests in already this morning but a little 40 minute chat it was very good very insightful um. But yeah this is um there's more to professional golf than just a Glitz the glamor the private jets this is very much the other side of it like the the hardship the struggle the fact that one minute you're playing on a tour that's been going. For 20 years and you get attacked one morning saying it's closed down yes. So this is. So Random we spoke a couple of weeks ago or whenever it was last week about the guy that played on some local PGA stuff in the prize funds weren't great. And we had quite a good debate about that we had a lot of emails about that a lot of comments on the YouTube video as well which is great completely coincidentally the next.

Day it was announced at the Euro Pro Tour was going to be closing at the end of this season. So the Euro Pro we do Qantas a bit more in depth in the in the rest of the podcast. But it's essentially the third tier of golf in you know England and Europe so you've got the DP World Tour they've got the challenge tour and then.

You've got europro and a lot of big name golfers household names are you guys listening. And watching will know started up on the euro Pro Tour it's finito it's gone it's finished from this year crazy crazy crazy crazy um. So we'll get guests on later on in this episode but before we get on to that we had two previous guests do incredibly well this weekend that is the thing that was noticed if you go on the podcast come on the podcast. Or if you feature one of your videos on the main Channel there's a good chance that you're gonna go on to do great things you might become a new European tour winner yes you might become a major winner yes you might become the next.

Putt-putt champion of the Year yes well they're really ripped like we have more importantly you might also become the champion of the pro long drive Association championship this weekend I think it was over in Vegas they had the long drive a professional long drive Association championship. And my friend your friend and the listener's friends Martin the monster borgmeyer August to me and you one the championship with a long drive of 426 yards that's insane what makes it even better the finalist was between him. And household name professional golfer major winner Bryson dechambeau what the hell is happening in the world it's hard. For me to have two of my close mates competing because you have to text them both didn't you well I did. And it was like whoever wins is a win-win. But yeah massive shout out to Martin we know from the videos we've done from the podcast from behind the scenes he is an absolute grafter he has worked. So hard at improving his physique his strength all this kind of stuff to become a long driver and not only that is now officially the world's longest driver what's the actual I think it is well drive Champion yeah the tournament is uh I think the shortness pld professional long drive right Association Championship. So it's quite a long-winded name but but yeah you're right it is the long drive championship of the world. And that I mean it's quite it's it's a niche sport that's kind of certainly gained a lot more coverage in the last number of years. And certainly since since Martin and Kyle Berkshire as well have been so prominence in the sport and then.

Bryson some such great things not only have Bryson brought it more to the mainstream he's compete into the literally the elite level obviously coming second so it's mad that in it since I said to you before. And that this is no respect to Bryson again we are good friends um. But I'm kind of for the sport of long drive I'm quite happy didn't win and the only reason to say that is it's nothing against Bryson whatsoever is that if he if if a natural a loser use a um to normal very Loosely. But if a normal golf professional tour pro won it would that then.

Kind of hind the long drive world the argument could be would actually get more eyeballs on it and more awareness however. if he won it would it take something off the long long drive guys 100 because I feel like long drive is almost like this this crazy almost circus that's that's separate from real gold it's great that Bryson's competed. And doing so well but it's really nice that Martin is an authentic long driver want it I can't comprehend still to that the pricing did come second it's insane I mean that is this can't be one of the greatest achievements how much if you want it that would actually become a movie he's the kind of guy I think Bryson that if he hadn't been a golfer he wanted to be uh whatever he wanted to be he would get to the top of his game in whatever field I think he got like drive. And that intelligence and that desire to do whatever he wants to do. And do it well he actually said I'm gonna pull it up now because I saw it on his on his Instagram last night he actually he put a post out yesterday. And there's a line in it which I think is Bryson yeah which I think really summarizes him up um okay he quoted you only have one go at the game of life. So why not live a life worth dying for and live a life nice oh I smelled it with a neither um but that isn't that like I feel like that really um uh kind of describes Bryson's attitude towards anything like he will give it everything everything he has put Blood Sweat tears. And he broke himself to become a long drive competitor never mind potential Champion but then.

There was 20 yards difference Bryson in the finals Bryson in the final hits at 406 yeah that is ridiculous 406 yards like think of a hole now like a that's a very good powerful yeah isn't it yeah he's driving the green um. And then.

Uh Martin borgmeier hit it 426 yards to become the winner I wonder if this now obviously Bryson's long drive Journey didn't start because of the long drive it started driving improved golf which I think it has done it really um I wonder now if he'll take a bit of a back seat in a long drive world. And still working it for his own actual golf game because you think on a serious note he's proved through the world that he's Elite at this Sport. And he's obviously so so good to finish second against guys whose full-time job is long drive I wonder if he kind of thinks now if I keep going that there is a risk of injury. And as much as he obviously wants to win something like this is it worth putting his back out. Or hurting himself on that quest which then.

Affect his actual Golf and maybe his long-term career I wonder if there's a balance now of like right I've kind of semi-conquered that I can leave that do you think yeah because he's slimmed down a lot recently he's not as kind of a bulky as he was. And as well it's not as if now obviously he's playing on live tour it's not as if now his extra long length is making him win every single week like his his length isn't massively making the biggest difference to his professional golf game really is it really seems that that first year after we had a look we had him on the podcast his stroke average dropped by at least one. Or whatever it was. And he obviously um went on to oh did he win his major after that yeah um. So it did help him like he said recently it doesn't seem to be. But I suppose then.

You could argue if he wasn't as long as he was is now. And he was 30 yards shorter would he be doing worse than he is now. So it's hard hard to really measure but yeah I think it's a balance now of like he's proved he's very competitive at this. But maybe it's time just part the long drive and not risk that injury yes I mean because even things like remember the open the big talk around the open at Saint Andrews this year like someone like Bryson I remember we played obviously a couple of times this year it's like Bryce. And cord ripped this place up and he didn't I wonder as well or now more guys are on this journey obviously guys Rory is already stupid along. But like Matt Fitzpatrick has gained a lot of distance he's been slapped on a little bit we saw obviously in the US Open when it won but he's gone on that obvious because he didn't fill out like rice it wasn't much the talking point but you see his ball speed now comfortably over 180. he was normally quite a short guy yeah he was. So I suppose that now Bryson's LED that real kind of Conquest for distance because more guys maybe that was maybe not as much media attention they're all semi kind of captioning potentially. Or at least improving themselves a 100 there was something I actually really enjoyed. And quite sadistic of me this weekend I think it was Friday okay the weather here in the UK was absolutely horrendous like storms were coming in. And everything like horrendous um the Dunhill Championship was taking place yes okay. And if you don't know the Dunhill it's um over kanusti Saint Andrews Kings Barnes rate those courses one two and three out of your opinion right now oh God King's Barnes is my number one yeah Saint Andrews yeah. And on Friday so this this event it's kind of quite a fun event on the European tour DP World Tour where there'll be some big name professionals such as Rory Matt Fitzpatrick who just spoke about what's kind of reminding me of this story now um and then.

They will have a either celebrity playing partner. Or like Matt Fitzpatrick played with his mum it's cool and like sometimes they play with sponsors and Rory macquar played with his dad and things like this watching them on Friday trying to battle around those golf courses in the worst conditions possible was. So much fun yeah watching honestly it was amazing even the commentators were like struggling to commentate on it because they were getting blown around. And all sorts but still still on those conditions they could still play good golf I think it's good to see that we obviously played the old course. For the very first time and it was horrendous it was just it was the worst I've ever played it if it wasn't the old cost we wouldn't have played bundles that we wouldn't have played. But that is still part of the game of golf. And sometimes when you think back to like certainly Link's Golf. And Scottish golf although it really is very sunny up there a lot of the time that is how golf should be played as well I guess. So it's kind of nice sometimes to see these guys and I think you can learn because sorry a lot of amateur golfers some don't want to play in the rain. But equally a lot do because you know they've got a weekend. For you they've booked to play golf they don't want to let a bit of rain stop them so you can learn from watching these guys how they battle. And how they kind of persevere uh what resilience give me three tips of playing in the rain uh waterproof gloves 100 like it is an absolute essential yeah isn't all right the ones that like mac wax where they get better the wetter they are they're unbelievable. And you don't have to take them off at any point like they feel good enough because they're a different material to leather you can actually put in um like two gloves just the grippiness is brilliant extra towels in the bag yes like we got get more towels in your bag. And if honest just really good waterproofs yeah. So there are three things that you need. For actual tips playing wet in wet conditions is change your expectation levels. For that day I'm just I'm just flicking through the scores here honestly I I'm seeing one score break 70 on on Friday which was at all three courses though was the one course it's all a bit of a mixture Alex noren shot 69 around somewhere sorry I don't actually know where he played on that day. But um McElroy for example was playing at King's Barnes that day he shot 75. And that was tough he shot 75 at King's barns that day like well you've played that in the world. So I've got something throughout sorry I played that in the wind with that was horrendous oh actually Richard Manson sorry also shot 68 on that Friday. But honestly the score average is probably 76 that day yeah that's great. So so your expectation levels need to change definitely and then.

Just just off top tips like chipping and putting into greens can be very different like when you chip your ball will react differently on the green sometimes you'll hit a bit of a wet puddle. And the ball will stop sometimes it'll skip a little bit across the surface it depends on the height you play you shot from. But but more importantly just go out there and try and smile like you don't want to you don't want to be there but just go out and just try and smile can I give you a tip don't have a OT breakfast bar before doing a podcast because really in my throat that's not great um. So yeah I watched quite a bit of it uh Ryan Fox ended up becoming the winner weirdly a name I feel like it was. So dominant for so long never played in the Masters Ryan Fox this time because he won the Dunhill he'll be playing in the Masters next.

April I can't believe that why does that get him in just um I'm guessing order a Marriott. Or whatever it may be because I think he's second now in the race to the bar all right okay um also he wasn't even really a pick. For uh presents couple is recent yeah I feel like Ryan Fox is a pretty I don't know I feel like he's he's done incredibly well like he's won quite a bit I know he lost in the playoff this year um oh God I can't think it was against now. But I know he's done he's been in a couple of playoffs this year um also there was a couple of golfers copying me this week okay copycats what were they fighting chips sorry shooting 77s uh no they were they were copying me. But not quite doing it right elaborate 18th hole ah old course we're talking big bounces they tried to take the Ricky Shields line a bit awkward so Alex did it did it work. For him Alex noren did it it was one shot behind the lead. Or two shots behind the lead at the time he pushed it it was a bit of a dodgy swing he pushed it way right onto the road shouting four yeah been there done who's not done that yeah I mean he's not he's not shouted. For down the uh the uh road on the old car so the road course 18th ricochets are bounces across the green to about 34. And didn't hold it for Eagle pathetic amateur and then.

Mark Noble yeah West Ham Last Hand player he also did it he's went into the um Road. And bounced back kind of on the farewell you know what's mad you're one at the old course was obviously one in a million. But yeah in theory if you do hit it to the right on 18 because of the way it should always bounce back that's what I mean you've got like a wall. And the waves is like picketed yeah it should always come. But having said that it's it's easy to say this now you should never miss right on that hole never there's. So much room left I'm actually worried the next.

Time I play that golf course I'm worried now because of what you've done I feel like it's so ingrained in my brain I can't imagine a different way of doing it yeah it's um it's it's the widest hole 180 is the widest hole in the world. But yet one of the scariest certainly coming up 18. so good yeah. So there's a couple of guys on there copying um but bar watching a bit of the the Dunhill a bit of sadisticness I watched the last few holes of of LPGA with Charlie Hall one English girl and that was a PR that was actually a really good last few Halls he shot 64 to end up winning um I think Charlie who is one of those stars that I feel like I've known. For like for so long certainly in the UK like she kind of shot to stardom as this young Superstar and I'm sure probably to her own match never quite fulfilled her full potential uh it's good seeing her win on on lpj tour I might catapult her career um but not a path not there wasn't loads of professional golf was there this week no um you're well. So your football team but at least still man united got beat 6-3 so you what are you doing now with football I feel like you're kind of off it now is it gone was that a bit last year can I be honest. For you yeah okay. So I went up city now I went off it big time yeah okay I really I I was done yeah with football okay started this year done with it this year started. And obviously the first two games didn't go to plan you were definitely off it then.

Eric 10 Haag. And all this Jazz and game sacked I was saying two games in games that's the glazes you kept saying get him out. And we went on a little run yeah be Arsenal beat a few other teams okay you guys were doing terrible yeah we still are doing terrible any Beatles. And you beat you and we beat you so we've had a bit of a break quite a long break International break and obviously you know the passing of the queen delayed football as well I came back generally Sunday morning with a buzz of excitement about myself like thinking the happy day does that mean I'm a big red I'm now waking up red boxes on red t-shirt on you know scarf middle of the day United. And uh genuinely buzzing and then.

Five minutes into the match I'll just turned pretty much turned off done with it now no I did actually watch it. But it was hard to watch how good is Holland unbelievable it's just a natural finisher is he not like you almost can't compare what are you doing right now you can't compare him to any other sports 14 goals in eight games. For the Premier League took him eight games to get three hat tricks is that right isn't it. So yeah anyway um before we're trying to tend to do that's all we can do. For football so don't worry even if you're not into soccer football um that's all we can redeliver because we don't know much more than that do we really I did see though trying to let you know about football I did see one thing that upset me yesterday. So um the match had finished okay I was driving home where I'd been. And um I stopped off at little Tesco okay Sunday afternoon the only place that's open really it's a little Tesco get a few bits. And Bobs and why Claire went in to get some bits and Bobs so I was sat in the car with the kids. And a guy walked past me with this man city shirt on okay you get out. And start on him horrible horrible man all right what's past I'm sure his lovely man but he won't pass for the Man City shirt on he went in grabbed whatever he needed probably champagne probably picking up champagne for his celebration every win so it's champagne cigars as he walked back out I was like there he is again. And he walked past the car and on his backyard and this this is decent 50 odd year old man of Harlan number nine on his back I was like nah works I could deal with the shirt I don't think he should have Harlan anyway um some good news. For everyone listening and watching uh review season is fast approaching us. And you know where to go to watch your reviews of golf equipment the best reviews in the world but yeah we are definitely going to be reviewing it while Rickson review. And everything um we might we might do it a little bit different this year where. For example let's say Titleist TSR and TSR the tsr2 and tsr3 instead of kind of doing the full shebang review right I'm just going out. And play it with a break play with him in a break 75. that's it I think when you the normal way of review reviewing golf course which you've done. For a long time now and it's really good is obviously hitting balls. And GC quad looking at numbers take down to the golf course some kind of real life experience but at the end of the day you know these are going to be fast off the face like they were last year the year before like pinga like Callaway Etc. So like you said maybe actually going to the golf course with them you sometimes don't want to learn more don't you when you know it's like um a whole week can't miss left we've got a bit of leeway right you want to kind of hit one straight with a slight block if necessary to avoid the rubbish. Or whatever it gives that more you know more about it than just whacking balls in the range so yeah you need to know like when you've got your own driver. And you're out in the golf course and you and you stun that team and need a good one here yeah you need to be able to stand with the drive that you go. And I feel like I can do that with this drive I think as well you all sort of know what your misses correct which sometimes when when years hitting balls on a range on GC quad you can almost disregard the misses because it's easy to because you're just focus on the good ones. But every driver now hits good good shots it's how does that work when you hit that hilly ones it's still out there is it still you know go forward that's probably now the only big dividing factor between these drivers yeah isn't it really. But I think the big thing that gets over well hopefully we don't overlook it too much. But it's how a club makes you feel yeah. And it sounds silly obviously we're both using the Ping g425 Max and looking down it's not the prettiest I'm not the fan of the turbulence it doesn't sound good it doesn't sound very good either but it's so the footprint is. So big that for me that gives me confidence and I need accomplishment driver these days I was always a massive Titleist fan certainly well I am still with drivers I used to love them 983k all these drivers years ago now when I put them down even the TS to the almost not just two per shaped. For me no I just even if that driver performs great maybe that would build my confidence over time. But in the short term I couldn't play golf with it I just wouldn't I wouldn't feel confident at all so that's a big thing that you know we need to think about as well with the reviews. And we will do going forward it's like actually be on the golf course is. So beneficial I I also feel like shiny headed drivers just put me off I always feel like I'm looking at my reflection for a while yeah I feel like when you've got a shiny driver sometimes behind the ball like there's just there's a lot going on because it reflects everything that it's seeing yeah. Or a map driver like the Ping or something or there's obviously other brands that do matte drivers there's nothing. But just Club head you don't see anything externally quick note Friday break 75 West West lancs Golf Club what a course um good edit on that we've seen some oh yeah that was where I had my only ever official hole in one. Or did you get another one this week maybe I didn't that's pretty close. But yeah that's where the the uh the home I know we spoke about that a couple weeks ago like my nightmare I feel like it is my nightmare Nemesis golf course I feel like I'm racking up quite a few of those Nemesis golf courses now. But that's one of them um we've also another break 75 in the can uh Wilms low. But I don't want to talk about that one at all so let's just not mention that because it's just not actually just yeah yeah what's that all right it's just me I listed talking into my ear how is it gone oh that that SD card's corrupt yeah I'm not corrupt oh no no okay it's cool. So this is going to be a week on Friday. So um hold your horses you ain't going out to get a nice bottle of red get a TV on YouTube on I'm deleting YouTube that day. And relax because you're gonna see Guy chat do what it does best if you know what I'm talking about um right without further Ado let's get our guest on um as we mentioned at the start of the podcast um this Tour player well it's called Reese Nevin um local lad he is currently playing on Euro Pro Tour 24 years old he was currently playing on Europa tour because next.

Year it's going to be closed down. So let's find out what Rhys thinks of it uh turnprow plus six that isn't bad is it we're also going to shoot a video this afternoon which in this podcast will tell you what that is unbelievable great great concept great idea guys thank you very much cheers. And um it might make Rhys much better off well what I've not told you is the Irish went to Reese this morning. And I said look I'll get you a few quid here. But I want 10 so it's um gonna be a good day for me I'm verice um so without further Ado let's get Reese on the podcast make sure you are liking commenting rating the podcast don't forget emails at podcast rickshiels.co.uk check out the Facebook page Rick Shields Golf Show podcast I think I've covered everything ideally email podcast every shield.com. So we do get them not DOT code UK because they won't come to us either way either way just just whatever send the pigeon yeah that'll actually get to us we shall see you next.

Week. And enjoy this really good chat with Rhys and his future in professional golf well Reese thank you for coming on the podcast great to be here thanks for having me another tour pro yes. But with a with a very different type of story yeah which I'm really interested to delve into today.

Tell me a little give the audience a bit the background when was it you turn pro. So our term Pro last year after spending uh five years in America at the University of Tennessee nice best five years of my life was it good well we have a lot of American listeners yeah. And is that regarded as a really big kind of college out there big school um yeah it's in the SEC which is a really strong conference um golf-wise it's on the way up there are kind of the top 10 in the country at the moment um. But football I mean there's the stadium holds on over a hundred thousand people absolutely mad you know what I still don't feel like I know enough about like college sports even when it was the SCC you said then.

Yeah I don't know what that is even it's like uh there's probably over 500 universities in America. And they all get split into little conferences and so SEC is a good one uh like power five Big Ten. But yeah a lot of people don't know about in in the UK. And I get a lot of people asking me if they should go and I'm like go or or visit if you go on a visit and you see what it's like it'll you'll make your mind up pretty quickly so you're out there for five years yeah it should have been four years. But um because of covert I got to spend an extra year out there and did you did you know all about like the college set up before you went. Or did you learn once you're out there I learned once I was out there I was in the England boys Squad at the time. And I got the chance to play in the junior players at TPC Sawgrass and um a lot of the coaches were there the University coaches. And then.

Um a couple of them you know like like my game and I got the chance to visit the universities and learn more about it and uh I was sold straight away am I right in saying though they have to be very careful don't they oh there's. So many rules there's so many rules about it they can't like give you a backhand they can't so many they can only approach you like a certain amount of times um yeah it's me it's crazy. And did you have any like outlandish kind of offers like was there a you know reason you can come to Tennessee lovely Place lovely place to live. And also there's a house with your name on it ready for you to move into like it's not a bit of that going on it's not hard to say yeah. For golfers not so much for the football players that are playing in front of 100 000 people. And bringing in all the money maybe I think those guys get famous don't they the ones with like the NFL players. Or the NFL but American footballers they used to be like well known on campus and stuff yeah it's funny you'll be in in class. And you'll be sat next.

To the quarterback and then.

On the weekends he's playing in front of you're watching him playing in front of 102 000 people and he's on the news you know but and in class it's he's just a normal student no way I can't get over that is that not just outrageous pressure. For these lads yeah they get a lot of support um. But It prepares you well for Pro Sports and I think it's it's a really good way of doing it. And so you see that obviously in the in the football American football for us what's that like in the golf space I'm guessing you're not getting a hundred thousand people watching every tournament do you even get spectators at your tournaments um other bigger ones you might get a couple of Spectators. But and one good thing is some um some of the tournaments are covered by Golf Channel. And um that's Golf Channel are doing that more. And more um more and more often and that prepares you really well for pro golf but in terms of Spectators and attention from the news and stuff golfers yeah. So you're not getting stopped in the Halls by screaming families I didn't get what I wasn't giving out many autographs or anything you're not getting cheerleaders on the first team you're not a jokey if you're a golfer did you have a transition while you're out there in trying different sports. Or or once you're over there and obviously golf is your thing yeah do you just stick to that obviously yeah golf was the main focus. But um it's good to watch The Other Sports basketball and ice hockey um two sports that I didn't really watch at all before going to America they're really good sports um basketball foot American football they're I mean really hard if you're referring to basketball well I haven't thrown a basketball in my time they make it look. So easy from the three-point line it's a long way actually when you look at it it is a long way it's like. And their accuracy is just yeah do you see the the NFL players throwing a football 50 60 yards that's impressive because if you ever try. And like throw in a golf ball like it's hard yeah like you think I could probably get that 100 yards. And you throw it it goes like thirsty you go that's actually really hard well I'm impressed with so far you've not come back with an American twang no I think when I saw I'd come back over at summer. And Christmas and I would have an American twang for maybe a day but being around my friends and family it'd go straight away would they take the mick out yeah yeah you couldn't get away with it. And a few words as well would uh they stuck with me like maybe saying sure or uh trash yeah sidewalk no I want some candy yeah not quite on that level. So when you went out you were 19 when you went out to America playing off what handicap at that point um well my handicap didn't change when I was over there I didn't get an American handicap. So I probably went there plus four four plus five and then.

I turned per hour plus six so so 18 you're off plus four you are in the England squad you're doing pretty well have you have you won some tournaments at that point in time um I didn't win any national tournaments I did well. And that's uh maybe like top tens and then.

I'd go abroad to play for England and just off those results that's what got me into the squad nice um so but no National wins at that point ever like knocking on door of like Walker cups. Or things like that yeah that was always my goal I came up just short in. So when I got back from America uh my biggest win was the Walton Heath trophy oh yeah um which was good to win a lot of good good names on that Trophy. And that and that what put you almost into the World Cup team or did you need to do more to get into that team I needed to I needed to do more. But it was at a time where I wanted to turn pro. And especially after getting that win I was like I've got the big amateur win that I wanted to get before I was gonna turn pro. And after doing that I was excited yeah. So plus six you're officially turned Pro term Pro yeah last year was that yeah. So not really really recent August last year probably close to a year ago so explain to the to the listeners and viewers right now because Pro Golf has many many different levels as I'm sure you've you've already probably already know and I think even me I've been in the golf industry. For 20 odd years even I feel like I'm only really just understanding how many different layers there are yeah you turn pro. And watch your first pathway what can you like you're not suddenly going entering PJ tour events. Or DP World Tour events where's your entry level so that at that time of year I there are certain tournaments you you can actually pay to enter um. So I wanted to play in some of those to experience what it's like playing for money and the type of competition I'm going up against. So that was more of like Jamaica tour events yeah yeah that's in Spain is it oh yeah that's over here I was in the UK yeah uh. So Jamaica tour you have 2020 Pro Tour yeah um a couple of other ones where you can like you can pay to enter. And they run an order of Merit system alongside that if you play in so many events um and then.

I turn pro just before europro Q School which is I would say the third tier. So you have DP World Challenge tour and then.

You're a pro yeah which is like the third tier. But you do have to go through Q School to get a card. For that and you did pretty good at Q School uh yeah I came tied first okay you won queue skill basically I wanted to win it. But I came time first so what what what sort of scores and first off how many rounds is Q school just to get in Euro Pro uh you have the first stage. And a second stage both three rounds and again I think. For our us listeners just to really clarify and even our Global listeners Euro Pro Tour is not European tour it's obviously very very very different like even though it sounds like the same words because I think a lot of Americans maybe call the the Europeans. Or the Euro Europa at all yeah where it's not you're a pro challenge tour DP World Tour which used to be European that's hard to say what's a typical first place prize amount on the Euro Pro Euro Pro Tour every tournament this year is twelve. And a half thousand twelve and um and then.

Tour champ switches in a couple weeks they double money right so to win winning you earn twelve and a half thousand yes. So that's not the price fund as such no the price fund is I think between 40. And 50. everyone who makes the cut gets paid and how are these how are these com how are these tournaments at this level stumping up that much money um it's it's expensive to play you you play 300 pounds to enter um. And then.

They run a Pro-Am alongside it which I'm guessing generate some money and then.

The courses I think put up a fee to play as well uh to host the tournament oh. So the course pay to host an event from yeah from what I've heard that's interesting. And you've been on this tour now for one full year 2022 2022 one one full year I've got one tournament left to play and um yeah first. And last and that is it then..

So the breaking news that came out last week which was a real real kind of curveball the Euro Pro Tour which we are talking about right now the tour that you are currently on your tour is ending at the end of this year it will not continue into 2023. that's right they've been going. For 20 years and there was announcement on Wednesday. And that was the first time the pros found out as well. So we got an email in the morning and a few minutes later it was posted online. And that's the first we heard of it but after 20 years it's the um it's ending why um from what I've heard it's Financial um it because Sky Sports um broadcast the event as well which I'm guessing is very expensive. And they they can't do it anymore that's it yeah end off done yeah what are you gonna do what are you. And all the other players now in Europe Proto are going today.

Yeah it's a tricky one um. And it it's sad for I think you know pros. And pro golf in England as well because you'll have a lot of more people going over to different countries to play um. And you want your best English Pros playing in England surely um there's a few other tours that might I know have you heard a clutch Pro Tour yeah yeah. So like Jamaica 2020 tour clutch Pro they might benefit in the short term potentially yeah I've played in a few uh clutch Pro tours. And they're really well-run events and they play at some really good venues um and from what I've seen on social media they seem very enthusiastic about taking up the slack and maybe changing their tour to accommodate more players a little bit like obviously in the football league you can get promoted obviously if you do well in the challenge tour you get an over to DP World Tour card was that not the same if you did well a Euro Pro you'd get a challenge tour card yeah. So top five in the order of Merit moved up to challenge tour and some of the players that have got top five are you saw Richard Mansell this weekend in the Dunhill links he came from Euro Pro Tour. And it's here all happened as well there was somebody else there's some really big names I suppose that then.

Something like yourself who's just turned Pro. And you you know you get onto the Euro Proto and you're doing quite well that gives you a Clear Vision I know there's also Q school as well for the European tour but that gives you a Clear Vision if we're very well missed all I can never promote it essentially to challenge. And I can get promoted again to the DP world how will that now work with his other tours like the clutch tour. For example will they give a clear pathway up into challenge tours you think. Or yeah clutch Pro have a good relationship with challenge tour they already offer um spots if you win their event um you might get a challenge Source. But I'm not sure how it works with an actual challenge tour card um but yeah there's been a lot of good players that I've got the card through um europro. And you might not see like Journeys Like Richard Mansell who's nearly won the Dunhill and yeah well he was he was leading was he leading by three going into the final round at the Dunhill who the Europe Pro Tour is it is it a European tour it was just a PDA was it match room as well Barry Hearn that's right yeah. So so who whose actual decision yeah does it does it fall to this this tour closing down I'm sure there's a board. But is there a is there a an actual tour. For example because it says here it is on the website it says you know UK's number one golf tour an official satellite of the European tour yeah. So it it is like a feeder because there's Alps tour as well that feeds players into challenge tour. And there's might be a couple of other ones but they must be associated in some way with the DP world but when you say the PJ is that the pj-like professional golfers association yeah the full the full title is PJ Euro Pro Tour. So the PGA is in what I'm a member of the PGA being a PGA golf professional that is that is what's running this I think. So well you know match room that Eddie Hearn so they obviously have box and other sports I knew I knew all this already but looking on their website now they are the guys that that basically have europro um. And you look at some of the tour alumni Tommy Fleetwood Yeah Eddie Pepperell Tyrrell Louise Hayes. And Aaron Rai list goes on Robert Rockley slatter three it's a lot of these Brandon gray some big names that you said have come from this I'm guessing again we're supposed to do a bit more look into this. But like you said. For them it's just not financially viable um and that's what they're kind of shutting up sharp but how many tour Pros now are on this tour europro um they must have nearly 200 members I think each tournament house has 156 players um they do do a Monday qualifying to say three. Or four getting from that so you you must have a hundred and 34 members of the tour um teen up each week and sorry to sound super raw right now yeah when you got the news last Wednesday like what was your initial feelings um it was disappointing to get it. So late and not have any notice um and obviously now there's a lot of Uncertain uncertainty about what next.

Year is going to look like. But hopefully it turns out to be a good thing and the tours do step up. And give the pros um you know a good opportunity it might it might turn into a good thing but yeah at the moment a lot of uncertainty. And uh yeah it's sad I think it's sad. For pro golf I mean um the top level of the game is experiencing some troubles with like live. And uh PJ and DP World Tour and now the third tier a big part of the third tier of the UK Pro Golf Scene is gone. So sad do you think as well it's quite a tough one because obviously. For viewers at home now like you're saying then.

There's there's the PJ tour to potentially consume there's live there's the DP World towards lots of golf there's obviously all stuff on YouTube as well LPGA LPGA yeah you know LED there's lots of of content to consume. And then.

You've also got then.

The challenge tour and then.

You got into the third to the Euro Pro it's a bit different with football the T assistant because you don't support your team no matter what league they're in. Or you should do anyway that's the idea. So if your team gets demoted to League two you're still going to watch them all. Or be interesting the results Etc but and obviously this is no disrespect whatsoever I have never watched a Euro Pro event yeah even when it is on TV because. For me it's just a another golf tournament I'm not invested in so I mean. For you guys playing obviously that's your bread and butter but do you think maybe these these kind of smaller tours if you want to attract more eyeballs which therefore. gonna get more Investments. And help you guys as well should they try and switch up the formats maybe make them more maybe a bit more like liver being a bit more shorter form or shotgun style could they do something to make the product more exciting in. For people to watch maybe do you think yeah I mean that's a good a good idea um I think it's funny you mentioned the um you bought in the football. And different you know fan supporting I think it was um imagine if the taste three of English football just said you know that's literally what it's like yeah it'd be absolutely uproar yeah. But the thing is like you say you fans are. So deeply rooted in the connection of those teams in league three that's why they built raw because the fans would just go crazy because their Town their Village their city that they live in their football team has just been you know gone yeah there'd be protests. And Gary Neville will be on the TV well like. For you guys you know it's horrible I'm sure your friends and family are absolutely devastated. For you as you are yeah. But that doesn't go much further than that it's a little close Circle yeah. And I think all the pros are in the same position. And all the pros on tour because we are all in the same position we all quite will get along really well. And you know we were sending messages that Wednesday morning kind of didn't expect that um. But yeah very close Circle in golf. And you don't have the kind of um massive following especially on the third tier I think what must be difficult as well is obviously people that play on the tour are in different parts of the career different ages obviously you're they say you're 24. But 24. so you're young right at the start of your journey and obviously again no respect to Euro probe your aspiration. And guessing are much higher than that to get onto DP world. And maybe PJ tour and have an amazing career which hopefully I'm sure you will do. But there's gonna be some guys who might be mid-30s early 40s who maybe have a sharper business that play europro occasionally and how much they know they can't really get on the on the DP world at their age maybe now I bet those guys feel in a different way as well yeah there's a lot of uh everyone has their own situation like the people with kids on that tour yeah um you know they are ever a few guys might have sponsors that they've committed to. For a couple years and now who knows what will happen with that. So um yeah. And at this level you're a pro do is it everybody's almost full-time job. Or or if people got all the jobs to support um I'd say for probably six months of the year most people are full-time golf like after my season finishes then.

I might have to you know find a job. For a bit of income and while the season isn't as busy uh but most of the people are playing full time. And most the people might be funding it themselves or funding it through a sponsor um it's very expensive it's very very very different to the Glam lifestyle that people's perception of like private jets you know huge mansions Ferraris it's a lot of driving a lot of hotel rooms and you can play good golf. And still lose a lot of money that week it's quite crazy in it yeah I've got a weird question. For you okay cool do you think there's too many professional golfers um trying to compete do you think it's enough room. For everybody that's a good question because if you've got the money to some degree like could I play a Euro Pro event otherwise to qualify if I stomped up my money yeah you would have to you don't have a card. So you would have to qualify right so that's why I'd get filtered out but I'm trying to work out like anyone anybody can turn pro yeah any any golfer in the world can turn professional there's no actual limits on it like I remember a story years ago uh sir Bobby Charlton who's played. For United Legend and uh he got hole in one at the time you can only earn 200 pound. Or whatever as an amateur golfer yeah because then.

You lose your stone yeah. And you want to carve for this hole in one play in a charity golf day and he really wanted this car it's a return professional so we could win this car and he had to then.

Play two years as a professional before then.

Get his amateur status back once I say there's no unlike football it's your coach it's the manager the the scouts tell you're not good enough to play this sport yeah. And you get dropped and you have to then.

Go and get a job in golf it's very very difficult because you can as long as you get back in. And support and you convince the right people and you get you get in the event you can play forever as a professional I suppose what's different is the definition of a professional without looking up is basically making your living out of doing something whether it be photography. Or a sport so a professional footballer by definition you earn your salary by playing football people but I said I could turn pro tomorrow I could enter comps. And never win a penny exactly and still be a professional golfer yeah I think there might be too many professional golfers. But the best ones are always going to rise to the top 100 yeah 100. But that that's where like how many because we're the chat last week about um there was a guy song on Twitter called Peter Scott which by the way I just want to um he played in a local PJ event. And he was not particularly uh happy that of the prize money uh it came top 20. And blah blah blah one thing he messaged me afterwards and said actually can I get the fact straight the prize fund was Seven Grand the night it was 11 Grand it should have been it got changed the night before to a seven grand prize. And that's why he wasn't particularly too happy about it well was that because of like enough people yeah it was like a local PJ event two days at Bolton Bolton old Links Golf Club um. But what's interesting that was one part of the question when you now frequent Sky Sports News okay yeah. And it's fairly likely now within an hour two hours golf is now going to come up in Sky Sports News more than ever before okay because of live yeah that's right you're sat there. And you've just had the devastating news that your pro might not be able to make it because of money yeah what what's your thoughts before about live. And make maybe even now are you in a different position a week later. Or what's your thoughts in general um there's a little bit of frustration there because there's so much money flying around at the top and none of that has e you know filter down filter down a bit like what the government are trying to do at the moment they're trying to filter down all this nice filtering down doesn't work does it um. But yeah it's frustration definitely because especially when they're saying about growing the game. And they want the best best up and coming Pros on their tours but they haven't been able to keep this um tour going that's feed feeds these tours um yeah do you think you're a pro has shut down because of live do you think there's been a direct influence there at all I don't I don't think it's because of live um because think about it if DP World Tour I've had to raise their price. For them yeah to compete yeah that Python's being taken from somewhere does it all get dragged up from lower a challenge tour making less money therefore. you're a pro making less money therefore. they've got to shut down something yeah I will say it's a good point because a lot of players at my level are more interested in going over to Asia to play in their Q school now to get on to live probably in the long term yeah um. So there was talk about it before the announcement was even made a lot of players going over to Asia to play. And then.

I assumed that since this announcement has been made you're gonna see so many more people go to Asia to play but it's where the money is um they're pumping the they're pumping money into these developmental tours as well. So well I'm guessing to do that to get world ranking points as well on live. So Asian tournaments feeding uh let's say you you had a meeting with 100 guys from Euro Pro okay. And and live sat down and said right we're going to offer you all x amount of money to come up on the tour do you think almost every one of them would say yes I think after if someone's been on the tour. For four or five years and they've seen what it's like competing at that level and losing money probably most weeks I think most people would say it would be hard to turn down does it surprise you when some of these young rats are joining live like the young golfers who were probably similar age to you start almost start in their career on DP World Tour a PJ tour. And they're going to live. So early in their career does that shock you I think it does especially if they keep up the um the ban on the players um some of those players could have got PJ tour starts. Or DP World Tour starts and they haven't taken them and they've chosen chosen to go on the live route um and they might not be able to go back on that decision so that surprises me yeah see it certainly seems like they're not gonna budge on like back in from what from everything that you've seen at the moment yeah. So right now what's your plan of attack like what are you gonna do now next.

Year right like not even just next.

Year what what do you reckon you're watching the next.

Five years look like as a dream scenario dream scenario um I'd quite like to do it the traditional way challenge tour DP World Tour um. So how did you get on challenge tour now do you have to qualify. For it yes you would have to qualify. For it um or get lucky with invites but so many people are trying to get those invites that they're really hard to come by. And um I think like you said clutch Pro next.

Year that's unless something else comes up uh that's probably what I'll be playing most of my golf on next.

Year um. And then.

Hopefully have a good year work my way up and find myself on DP World Tour you can go to Q school. For DP World Tour can't you at any stage as long as you're obviously paying you yes um I was actually in Denmark I got back from Denmark on Saturday. And I did um Q school I didn't get through. So I won't be playing DP World Tour next.

Year yeah oh we could have been having a very different conversation yeah I know I wish we were having a conversation we said before about we've got football. And these comparisons that you can't really make but that's the thing I oh obviously I can get I could be a professional golfer anyway. But there's no way I can play. For Liverpool is there there's no work late. For Chelsea it's just not going to happen you might be able to play a few night at the moment that's true um. But there's this magic about the fact imagine if I went you know what I'm gonna take a year off work and practice every day I'm gonna go for you know as long as I pay money I can get to Europeans. Or qualifying and it's like was it six. Or eight rounds to get through or whatever it might be those three stages in the final stage is six rounds there's a lot of stages actually mental isn't it to try. And qualify it's a proper test was that romantic like that that romantic about romance about it that like you could that's the thing it's like you know obviously I would never ever be anywhere remotely close. But it's that thing that you called to the lottery a little bit so that's why I guess it is that kind of romantic thing where your dream is always within kind of just within your hands like it's not like I say it's not like you can go. For six trials and suddenly you get into Liverpool Football time you just can't do it it's like uh sorry um when the tall championships because it's double money on on the Euro Pro Tour if you win that you are more than likely to get on challenge tour. So there is a chance if I win that. And do have that like dream week that you're on about that I will be playing challenge Tour golf next.

Year. So um well yeah. And it's challenge tour a level where you can make a good living off it obviously again the goal would always be DP world. But I guess because again the prize fund increases on challenge tour it does increase. But so does your cost because it's all over the place. And so does your competition. And competition is much harder yeah if you've got world ranking right now I don't have a world ranking right now yeah they're all what's lacking your game to get to the next.

Levels is there anything I'm guessing there is what is it how are you going to address it yeah. And and is there areas of your game that you think you almost like miles off from. Or is it not no not miles off I think it's very fine margins at the on the pro level um. But what's the strength in your game uh this year it's been my short game but historically long game has been my strength and this year that's not been there as much um I think being on the playing protocol. For one year I've learned a lot and I think going forward um I've learned stuff this year that I'll will really help me go forward um like the schedule at pro golf I've done six weeks in a row a couple of times. And amateur golf I never did that you'd have one. Or two tournaments a month maybe so it's more spread out so say if you played bad in a tournament you'd have a couple of weeks to work on things but you might play Bad in Pro Golf and you've got another tournament next.

Week and you need to find your game but that can be good. And bad though it is if you're playing well you can use it as a very good momentum um. But if you're playing about it you know you need to snap out of it pretty quick and it's hard to do that in tournament golf. And Under Pressure do you feel suddenly now you turn pro that every every shot matters more like have you is that mindset because obviously this is what's fun in your future like is that you know this whole idea of putting. For your mortgage is much easier than putting. For the Wednesday medal like uh I think if you you've obviously if you turn in Pro you've taken golf seriously before that. And you need to build good habits before you turn pro and almost have that mentality as an amateur golfer like every shot matters because it could be the difference between you getting an England pick or some or walk a cop like we run about um so I've always kind of thought that way like you know wasting shots and things like that that's you're not gonna be a good Pro anyway that's a good tip don't waste shots that's what we always do is he not supposed to make bogeys. And doubles no not from middle of their way 50 yards out though it does it though does it true obviously when you've been an elite amateur stand like you have obviously at college. And for England like that must be pressure obviously you can handle that pressure which is proven. But truthfully does it feel different playing. For money or do you have to be that mindset where it doesn't affect you otherwise because I mean if I had a put. For a grand I'd be shaking like a leaf and I'd miss it but for you guys you must have to be able to compose yourself I imagine just to get to level your app but but deep down does it feel different um it might be in the back of your mind. But you've got to put it to the back of your mind and stick to your routine and you know don't change anything it's just like any other shot because you could miss a three foot around the first hole the tournament and you could miss a three-footer in the last dollar tournament they both meant the same they both count the same very true um oh yeah it's in the back of your mind a little bit yeah. But you like say like a three if you missed a three foot for bird it doesn't feel as bad as missing a three foot of a bogey yeah they always feel worse they're worth the same yeah exactly weird scenario okay okay you versus Rory McIlroy okay over four rounds yeah okay you pick the course old course let's say under the cost okay he's played pretty well yeah what do you reckon the score difference would be um what is the average in 68. we shot 66 66 over the weekend his average. For the year is about 68 is that yeah I think he was the first player since tiger in whatever year to have a stroke average under 69. this is a tough question to answer in it yeah. So I've averaged 70 this year uh on probably less um challenging challenging courses um so I'd say probably eight shots for over four rounds so two shots around somewhere yeah I'm just going off averages there I might play well he might have a shocker. But that's what's crazy about golf like you could go out tomorrow with 18 because we've done videos of tour Pros before Elite tour pros and sometimes they go out let me lay and actually shoot the lights out you're like oh my God how's this guy at the world number one and equally you got the tour Bros again established big names and they might shoot one or two hundred not really look they're impressive so you could go out tomorrow and beat Rory and we see that sometimes we go 66 76. it's it's just like consistency isn't it over time yeah it's funny in the pro-ams the pro-ams that you're a pro are very different vibe to the tournament days obviously. And um you see some of the scores someone might shoot 75 and then.

The first round they shoot 63 of the tournament it's like well it actually feels the way to do it all the way around I thought you were going to sell to me then.

The pro amp because of their chilled. And relaxed they go out and shoot 64 and then.

The tournament they're going to shoot 78. usually tournament scores are better than programs is that right wow I actually honestly thought yeah it might be this way around because there's no pressure in the program it feels like a bit of a hitting giggle yeah you might go at a few pins that you wouldn't usually. But I'd say overall the scores in the tournament are probably better quite nicely to the video idea we've got today.

Hold that thought. For a second while you've just said that the video idea today.

Right. So so Reese's going to join us on a video which will be coming out in the next.

Couple of weeks we're gonna go what's a complete coincidence because I'd already arranged the golf course before knowing you recording on the podcast go into Sandy Way which is your home golf course yeah home course I'll I'll left out of details well I've got the the course record there as well right this might work very much into your favor got a challenge. For you okay you are going to be playing today.

Yeah okay. And for every birdie you make you'll get a cash prize okay Bogies don't matter you know doubles don't matter you are playing a hundred percent Attack Mode okay at the moment it stands if you want to play off the members tees yeah. So the yellow T's let's call it I'll give you a hundred pound of Birdie okay if you want to play off the white. Or the next.

Furthest back to these 150 yeah a birdie if you want to have the furthest back tease I don't know if there is another bacteria plates yeah 100 200 pounds of Birdie well that's going to be the same. For the whole round once you pick your team you can choose that when we get to the golf course keep everyone watching this video with suspense how does that sound yeah I'm up. For it I want to see I want to see a lot of birdies okay Attack Mode everywhere are you going Attack Mode as well I'm not playing I'm just gonna I'm gonna be sat there trying to put you off I'm gonna take an air hog it's my money I'm giving you every bird is I'm like no no I'm gonna fully support in you I'll be I'll be backing you all the way um right now on video how many birdies directly you can make on a nice chilled out uh Monday in October if I don't make five. Or six I'll be disappointed um well what a sporty yeah we'll let you choose yeah we'll wait. For the streets does that sound good sounds great yeah absolutely I literally can't lose it like what's your plan. For next.

Year the Euro Pro well I'm not bothered I'm just gonna play a rickshaw keep milking him yeah new toy Rider Rick I've got a new one we can do I think it'd be a bird how good with the idea be you're saying different formats it'd be very entertaining it would actually say that wouldn't it well the plan originally was you wouldn't break 75 weren't we yeah. But we thought this is a one-off let's get something really different in the can. So I'm very very we know a good video when we're excited to see it like I'm dead excited I can't wait to know how many birdies you make like I'm right I'm thinking to myself how many is possible there's no if we said if you go out of bounds I hit a badger like just next.

House like literally it's just drive everywhere full send absolutely full sound um that's a really fun video coming soon. So hopefully that might kick start your clutch Tour Journey potentially for next.

Year get in the habit of making loads of birdies yeah boss Rolex on it rick Shields every week he wants to try. And play me for this birdie challenge um sorry we're gonna ask a question I was. But I've forgotten now um I can't remember what it was I can't remember um Okay. So at the moment you your pro is not happening You're Gonna Go clutch tour hopefully going to see you on DP World Tour whatever that may look like in the future um I mean treating excited to see how it all pans out um I'm sure it's quite nervous time. For you and your fellow Pros in that in that space because it's like uncertainty is never is never good. But hopefully it turns into something good yeah um. And kind of see where it goes on from there really yeah that's the plan um just keep the game good. And hopefully when an opportunity comes around and take it and I say there was a quick question actually I want to actually very quickly because again I think Pete listeners viewers perception of tour pro is is Rory tiger whoever it may be at your level do you get sponsors um the hearts come by uh I think it's a little bit about all about who you know. And um but I'd say maybe 50 50 of probably people My Level have a sponsor and when is that just a a businessman who will stump up your entry fees yeah more like that. So you might wear their business on your sleeve or something yeah that that's more that's the people who you're going to get money from um like I've always worked with uh Titleist. And Under Armor but that isn't monetary that's just um you know free free gear and equipment I mean that must be nice. For you though in the sense that I'm sure is there some guys going to your pro like struggling. For for Pro V ones for example yeah. But only there's players that probably don't get clubs and it's nice but I don't have to worry about that like you get clubs you get clothes as well do you yeah that's good yeah. And then.

You just have you just have an invested at backshift for your tournaments Etc this year I have um done quite a lot of it myself and my family and then.

My management company ignis have been there in case I needed anything right um but yeah it like having a a sponsor. Or a couple sponsors each year I would definitely take some pressure off it's just finding the right the right make enough birdies today.

Yeah RS logo no pressure I think that'll work quite nicely well it's been fascinating interesting it feels like there's it's a world of golf that I reckon a lot of the viewers. And listeners won't know about yeah uh like I say it's kind of third level of golf. But hopefully you'll continue into second and the Premier League at some point in your life um keep it up keep practicing hard I'm sure you will uh. And let's go make some birdies around Sunday yeah thanks. For having me it's been great.