Shook his hand and i said uh that was really good today.

Tiger. And he looked at me and he winked and he went how about that huh and uh i was like he knows it was good hard one well easy. For me but might be hard if you tiger or jack i've got a question i was gonna wait i know what you're gonna ask me have you got tiger's phone number in your phone she'll call him now have you actually got him his is it cool spending time with it oh yeah um yeah some of my uh best like sort of moments on a golf course like obviously involving where i've played um like i played with him i got drawn with him when he returned to the masters in 2018 after a bit of time out he got to play thursday. And friday with him yeah which was um amazing. And that that year in particular was it that year. Or was it which was the year where he won at east lake was it 19. Or well he won he won the masters in 19. so it's 18 when he won it he's like and that year in particular i got drawn quite a lot with him um especially in like throughout august we played a lot because at the time uh you get to the fedex playoffs and it goes in the order of what the rankings are. And we were like next.

To each other. For a few weeks in a row so then.

I ended up playing with him a lot i played with him that first round in east lake when he um won the tournament and i you know played with him on the thursday and he played amazing and like um that was where you sort of get. For us that you know weren't around playing when he was in his pump you sort of get an idea of what tiger woods is all about. And um you know talking to him down fairways and stuff i played him three times in the ryder cup that year you know you're playing tiger and eradicate um and then.

The following year played with him uh well i know i know i played with him in japan because he won there as well you're a good luck champion basically yeah he just doesn't seem to have hired me. Yet for you know playing playing with him full time so you know what's mad though i think we're like pretty much exactly the same age i grew up obviously a door in time you look older than me. So i think if i could come back to that i've not only got one um um. But i looked at the day i saw on twitter and it was the world ranking from the year 2000 i had like tigers like actual tournament records yeah i've seen it i've seen it i think there's 20 wins on 19 wins like everything was top five i was nine turning ten in 2000.. So obviously our vague i remember it to some degree i'm almost annoyed that i wasn't a bit older and i could actually imagine somebody now winning like 90 well i think 90. didn't win 19.. But that that would be like i think um the one that the one that always gets me is i um you know you look at guys at the moment like dustin. Or rory who are you know the you know the best of our generation really at the moment. And major winners and everything and i know rory was in vegas a few weeks ago when he won his 20th event yeah on the pga tour. And there was a big thing made out about it. And i mean rory's young he's 32. And he's an amazing talent he's going to win a lot more. But you know 20 wins was like that was like a big thing. And um there's been a few documentaries on tiger recently and we watched them all um but there was one uh i can't remember which documentary it was in. But um he's holding up a trophy say whatever it is wgc buick uspga whatever it is. And it was win number 70. And he was 30. oh my god. And then.

Like that that to me when i was watching it i was like it kind of blows your mind when you think of like rory puts it in perspective there he's you know he's the best you know arguably um right now. And he's won 20 times and there's only him dj and not even a handful of others that have won 20 times that are currently playing target 170 at 30 which is like it was 10 that season by the knockout i don't know i got 24.. But that's like yeah he's up well you were close at least that's halfway there yeah um okay quick one then.

Is he the best player you've played with dracon tiger yeah yeah the um the round he played in japan in the first round uh was the best round of golf i've ever watched really bogeyed the first three holes. And then.

Shot i think he shot six under. But it was i think that you know he was leading after day one. And it was a really tough course. And he was three over three three. And um like i i tell the story loads because it you know people ask quite a lot is what is the best friend i've seen. Or he's he's the best player you've ever seen and yet shot after shot that was perfect. And um you know i was playing having one of those days where i'm kind of like playing distinctly average like i'm sort of grafting away to be around par. Or one over at the end of the day taps in for his 66 nine birdies in his last 15 and cruised to it and i shook his hand and i said uh that was really good today.

Tiger he looked at me. And he winked and he went how about that huh and uh i was like he knows it was good. And i thought he knows he's played well there this was that must be very very good. So that was cool that's really bad i've not heard that story far it's a really cool one. And the fact he bogeyed the first three as well oh and i mean like he hit a drive on the second hole of the day that i mean like an 18 handicapper would be shocked with it like this like duck hook off his second hole. And and uh finno was like he wasn't even watching i was like did you just say that. And then.

16 hours later he's played the best round of golf ever since oh my god ridiculous that's so good is it hard to concentrate on your own golf um no it's almost easier because um he's. So self-focused um that you kind of you not that you don't feel part of say his round of golf it's just that um you know if he wants to talk he'll talk but he's you know he's got that amazing focus that he's always had and you know it almost makes it easier for you to just play that's good.