Why would i kind of rejoin last year there was thing obviously we're very fortunate we can go play lovely golf courses. So when you go to your home golf course you don't expect that all those features and stuff out there it's just never going to happen. But you notice some things that you think need to change one of the small things that sounds ridiculous. For the actual flag sticks and the flags were just rubbish they've been there. For absolutely years they were dead flimsy like the actual flags were quite ripped. And just torn it's like that's just a small thing that's rubbish don't know how much flags and flag sticks cost it can't be that much i bet it's surprisingly expensive two grand for the whole lot maybe yeah yeah yeah i need a couple of spurs yeah you probably need 20 22 flags well actually we have more than that because we have a color system. So we have i think it's is it red yellow. And blue so if it flags at the front it's red middle is yellow. And black's blue but you'd only have six of each that's oh yeah that's true that's how it that's how it works. So what typically would happen with that and you'll you might notice it now let's say one day the the pin is at the front on the first yeah middle on the second back on the third what happens then.

They just move the flag to the next.

Hole i get it. And they'll put they'll put the second on the front yeah i go over to get what i mean i'm with yeah yeah. So okay whichever way it can't cost you only 20 flag sticks yes. Or so yeah minimum 18 hours on friday i played. And when we got to the first like hitting into the first green we had to stop because peter the guy that has been at the golf clubs owner for years he was actually putting new flags in i was like oh my god that's a new flag an actual flag stick. And a flag got down to the green and it was a new flag wow. And it was like thick it was heavy it was steel had girth to it i'm sorry i had to go to that stupid route um. And the actual flag was a new flag much better quality like this logo on it. And i was like oh my god even the cups were new as well i was in heaven it's ridiculously important such a small change. But i just felt so much more almost proud of the golf course and again it's ridiculous you remember me back in the day when i was obsessed about flags. And people used to send them to me it does make a massive difference that's a thing like good quality flag that kind of sits nicely a bit of embroidery i'm not opposed to a number on a flag oh i like that yeah i'm not opposed to that um really nice cups yeah i think cups are. So important i'm also a huge fan of painting the inside white i mean it takes seconds. But it looks so good how easy is that i think it's done originally. For tv camera so when you're watching the golf see the hole easier when the putting obviously but when golf courses do that it just adds a little bit of it's. So easy it listen if you are if you have any control over your golf club i.e you're a green keeper. Or you're on the council or you're one of the head pros whatever let's give let's give some top tips and we've got a lot of so we have so you know so start starting off great flags yeah sticks great flags of the golf club be proud of it really nice corpse like clean fresh cups get them every year they can't be expensive. And then.

White paint to go around the inside of that you just take packs if needed i mean that's. So easy it's so easy well we asked in our facebook group so again just a quick plug for the facebook group if you're not a member of the facebook group what are you doing like don't say i've not got facebook that's an excuse make a burner account call it rick shields with a different spelling. And if you try that facebook you can join us twitter clubhouse as well um. But the rick shields golf show podcast group on facebook is a group you can join. And within that we've asked what so i put feature on the podcast is what i'll put to start with because that would get people interested. And i explained that i played golf and how those little things made such a big difference so i said tell me the tiny things that can make. Or break a golf course so we don't want good greens good teas that's obvious that goes that same we all kind of desire those but also they're quite they are also quite hard to do well that's it you know. And if you you've got um finance restrictions so little things we've gone with um i love this one from james barton ball cleaners knit every t-box they help yeah i'm gonna raise him one up i'm a big fan of a ball washer if your golf club has ball washers there is no excuse why they shouldn't be soapy yeah i'm a massive advocate of a soapy ball washer if i'm saying this on the podcast. But i am all that would take is every morning a green keeper just to go with a little bottle of water bit in a tiny little bit of fairy liquid done. So easy big thing for me that a towel hanging off the ball cleaner i do like that. But as long as again the towel's maintained well cause we've also got our own yeah just just that little bit of can't be a lot yeah um chris short traders said sand in the bunkers now again sand can be expensive i think it's really going up in the current climate bizarrely i've heard people saying how deer sand actually is. But again if you've got bunkers keep them all keep them consistent they've not got much sand in have them all have all of them terrible this is a good one uh from joel shipton tee boxes that are level it may sound surprising. But some team boxes on golf courses near me aren't level yeah i'll be honest with you i've played some really really really nice golf courses. And the t-boxes their art level i feel like so that's a a fundamental thing that can definitely be done through the winter where teas can be leveled yeah um a nice one from logan middle mass rakes in the bunkers now organic can probably get fairly pricey. But every bunker should have a raking and sometimes it'll be like maybe two or three green side bunkers it might be one rake for all three yeah not fine don't give people i mean people should go out the way to rake them anyway. But don't give golfers excuse not to rake them yeah because if you think oh there's the rate right over there yeah bother exactly. But if there's a rate right next.

To us no excuse yeah i've got this one my favorite from callum davey. And it's the most simple thing ever and i relate to it you ready for this one yeah bins emptied regularly regularly well i can't say regular right there reg oh my god i can't say regular often often no. But why can't i say that this is happening like delusional again regularly oh my god what is it i feel like okay i feel like i need to see the word regularly oh my god often often regularly oh my god regularly regularly that's right i don't know i've gone my head's gone um. And then.

Another one but bins a lot of golfers don't have bins on the tee i know this again it's such a small thing but a little bin you finish your monster energy ultra red yeah you've done with it yeah put it in the bin easy banana skin in the bin easy are you are you looking now we just yeah i've got enough you were ready i've got some go on let's hear a couple that you've got there to be honest i've not i've kind of got some of my own a little bit i'm going to say i throw my own in when tea markers don't line up with the whole yes that's frustrating. So green keepers cut the tea and they'll stick the green they'll stick the teas down but if not thoughts themselves where the actual whole point yes. And they just kind of point them in a bit of a random direction and it can really throw you off scent really can't it yeah 100 another one that is unbelievably easy. And really rounds me up when i when i when it doesn't happen you know on a on a um hole you'd have either a post for how the whole information wouldn't yeah. Or like one of the like the little gravestones right the kind of ceramic have them clean yes they should they shouldn't be covered in bird poo they shouldn't be covered in dust. Or grass cuttings it's so unbelievably simple i added work experience actually at the marriott where we do a lot of filming now when i was a kid. And one of my jobs was to go around with the soapy bucket. And literally clean all the tea markers all the 150 plates in the middle of the fairway like i loved it and it looks so much this is a nice one from seth at brookfield it's a bit more of a pricey one. But again makes a big difference a working urge yet to clean your shoes after a round i love that fan yeah another one again i've not seen this on one of the comments. But when the green keepers cut the fairway have it where the grass gets picked up yes i don't know again i don't know how expensive that is. Or whether you need some special machinery but it's it looks awful when the fairway's been cut and you think oh that's perfect. But there's loads of grass cuttings everywhere it drives me insane because you're like well it's gone against the reason of cutting the fairway really yeah a lot of people are saying about things like bins. And ball washers like so many people it obviously is something that it's one of those weird small things what's matt texting me saying broken matt behind the camera is saying a broken tee booking expertise okay yeah okay i can go with that i like that i like that because then.

You can use it. For an iron as well if you get a nine of t girl a couple of broken tees that'll pinch one you know what what i think's a really good one and and again i don't think it'd be expensive. And you get it at really nice golf courses a little station when you start on the first hole just like a little plinth and you open it up and there's a few t-pegs yeah a few pencils dead cheap pitchforks yeah you know ball marker just. So you can open it when you get to the first tee grab a few teeth. And it's it's no money in that like it's. So cheap to do that feels like that would get a little bit pricey throughout the year imagine everybody's taking i'm not sure. But it either it's nice really simple plastic or those those really really cheap pitchforks which are like tempe. Or something a green thing like again you're not giving anybody an excuse to not repair pitch marks or do things like that.