How long between holding the last put on the last green in the playoff how long in time was it from that to the third [Laughter] [Music] this is a question i've always wanted to ask a torturer. And you have obviously had incredible uh recent success so you i reckon you'll give us a really good rep representation now what happens when you win so you've won a tournament explain to me what actually happens like who's the first person you message how busy is your phone when you pick it up fly after the like what actually happens i'd love to know that yeah it's uh it's a bunch of tedious stuff that you have to deal with. But obviously it's it's a lot better when you've just won and it makes it a lot easier to do. But uh i mean usually um if we take dubai. For example um i finish up on the 18th green um cameras first come in and and uh you have an interview right there and then.

Which you guys see i saw that because that's richard bland's coach wasn't it yeah. And you very nicely apologize for beating richard i was that was a tough spot. For him uh i fell for him but um yeah. So um but that's the first thing that happens and then.

You kind of go uh behind uh kind of where we sign the scorecards and stuff and there's a little room um sign a bunch of flags take a bunch of pictures um um how many how many flags how many flags do you sign straight away. For example i probably a couple hundred flags couple hundred this is straight away uh well okay maybe not straight away it's first all the pictures. And stuff with the guys from the tournament all the sponsors uh and then.

I gave a little um a little speech when i got the trophy um and uh yeah i just talked to some more people uh. And then.

We went and did all the signing stuff it was a lot of back. And forth and uh might have been slightly intoxicated so i don't remember every single step of the way but uh it was a lot of back report a lot of a lot of pictures how long between years how long between hole in the last put on the last green in the playoff how long in time was it from that to the first beer [Laughter] um i uh i think we started off with champagne um that's sunday. But um it probably took me a good three hours before i was back to my hotel. And i properly celebrated with some of my friends and and um and had a had a nice late dinner um so it was uh it was a yeah a long time in the golf course. But it was uh uh it was uh yeah easy easy stuff. So so you pick your phone up you've just won like who's who are you expecting on there i'm guessing are you do you see text messages. And what's that's from everybody like everybody you've ever met is there on yeah there's uh there's a lot of no on there that's. For sure um it's a little um i mean obviously my mistake. But you know when you get messed there are notifications on snapchat instagram messenger facebook. And obviously text messages it's it's a little tough because some sometimes all the people that i know or some people that i don't know well have obviously a way to reach me and that pops up pops up as a notification but you know if i want to talk to my mom and dad it's kind of hard for me to go through all those notifications to find uh that so it just like um it's just it's just a mess in there and it kind of takes me a while to to go through all the messages and stuff but i try to at least text my mom and dad as soon as possible when i get the chance and have a quiet moment so is it like the next.

Day when you sat there just going through him all like reading all these text messages off everybody. And replying to some of them etc yeah pretty much uh the next.

Day i flew direct from uh dubai to dallas uh. So i had a good 15 hours to run through some some messages so that was uh it worked out well. And how how hungover were you i wasn't too bad it wasn't too bad okay i don't want to stop getting used to the champagne. And winning i i've always kind of wanted to know that that side of it because i always think as soon as it happens like i said again you'd have to answer this question when does like the money go into your bank account like how quick is that. Or is that a long process uh i don't really know. But i i don't know if it's different from the dp world tour or the pga tour but i think it's usually maybe the wednesday after oh really that. So it's quite quite soon yeah it's pretty quick. So um yeah this is the kind of thing we were talking the last podcast victor about this drive to survive formula one series. And how it's showing you all the insights obviously this year it's going to be on the pj tour this is the exact kind of thing as like golf fans that we don't see. And it sounds to you it's obviously things just like administration things but like to the to the average fan is that you want to see what actually happens don't you like when the golf cameras kind of get turned off like i love i i know the the dp world tour have done it a little bit more recently where they'll mic you up right when you're doing all the presentations. And we get a glimpse of you speaking to like keith pelly of some of the marshals or some of the volunteers and i can't get enough of it i just think it's fascinating it's all the things you don't normally see. And and do you do you enjoy obviously you've just won that's what you're out there to do you're out there to win do you enjoy all the media side of it do you enjoy all the interviews i know obviously we're doing a kind of podcast interview now. So hopefully you don't say you don't not enjoy absolutely hate it but like do you enjoy even doing the speeches are you quite used to that now like is that is that natural to you uh it's definitely not natural. But it's it's something that i've done a lot better at um it just kind of it's and i think uh because i i'm an only child. And i grew up in norway and especially in the winter like you don't see a lot of people uh you go to i would go to class i would go and practice indoors for a couple hours and then.

I'm just home and i'm in the house for um you know six hours every evening and then.

Just get rid away and just chill and wait to get ready for school the next.

Morning so like you're very protected in a way so for me coming to oklahoma state and to college and you meet a bunch of donors you meet people that are well connected. And you have to actually be able to talk to people and and be able to represent yourself and in a certain way so that that kind of got me out of my comfort zone a little bit um and it's like that do get easier over time. But it's um interviews and kind of speeches and stuff that it's not something that uh that i'm longing for or something that i absolutely need in my life now interviews like these are are fine um i enjoy them more because you know we don't have uh obviously it's it's a longer form we can actually go into stuff on a more detailed uh in more detail. And we can frankly just talk about anything um. So i enjoy that a lot more than just kind of oh how how did you feel about your round today.

Or uh wow that was a nice eagle there you know talk about the chip in. Or or whatever you know it just becomes pretty standard um so i enjoy these forms a little bit more but um usually all the stuff is a bit teeth yes sorry another one then.

Obviously you won the u.s.