I just you know what it is sometimes the golf pro i feel cheeky having a golf lesson yeah why i just feel like i should know how to bully a golf ball yeah. But you prove you don't [Music] yeah awesome support by then.

The d-ring this episode as well was fantastic. But we felt like we would be doing a disservice to our wonderful listeners if we didn't tell the story of jcb golf country club so you might remembered last podcast we left the podcast like a couple of eager excited school boys who were going on on a on a school trip with the best mates to somewhere where you where you've really wanted to go. For ages yeah you like a theme park i couldn't sleep the night before i was excited i had butterflies in my stomach i was dancing around i was i was a man on a mission super excited to play jcb we mentioned in the last uh podcast this is kind of weird not weird this corporate exclusive members club yes. But we've got access to it it's only three years old we played it off the back back tees and i cannot stress this enough it was 7 400 yards i actually think it was longer i paced it out i actually think it was longer i actually think it might have been near to 8 000 it was 9 000 yeah to put into perspective i'd done almost no walking till i got to the golf course. And after walking the round of golf with obviously help from our fantastic motor caddies which made the journey much easier i'd actually done over 20 000 steps walking around the golf that really just i'd run a 5k that morning as well beforehand so imagine your pain and double it wow but everyone's seen the video by now or most people have video went out on friday so let's talk about the golf because i feel like it would be unfair to just start this podcast and go we've got sophie on let's go we need to dive into it we had to bet that if i could get within three of it you had to ring somebody to say just remember we said if i can get within three shots of you you had to ring up somebody. And give them some crap okay i didn't get i don't know well i don't know if i got within three because i stopped counting i don't think i did i actually wanted to stop counting. So i ended up shooting 85 yeah my worst break 75. So far 10 at third i was going to say 10 over par 10 over 75 by 13 over pasco it was honestly the hardest golf course i have ever played because of the length of it the first hole was there was a bunker in the middle of the fairway 280. And i said i'm gonna aim at that probably if it's dead straight it might go in it. But i'm not gonna dead straight first t-shirt i'll probably pull it left push it right or whatever absolutely launched one straight into the bunker and that was the start of my day i was in four bunkers after two holes. And i hadn't played bad on the first two when i went bogie vogee and i was on four bunkers i um i started well it's a golf course that obviously neither me. And guy had ever played or seen pictures i had no i had no real knowledge of the golf course whatsoever by some of the the beauty shots you see on the golf course like the 17th the par 3 down the hill i had no idea what the first hole was going to be like. Or anything after that really so every new every hole was a brand new experience there was no youtube i think we've we've made the first ever youtube video there. So you just don't get an insight to the golf course at all the first three holes i kind of steady the ship i could have been under par quite comfortably i started really strong on one hit an amazing tee shot in prime position luckily made power power par nearly birded the second and then.

From that point my second shot into the fourth when i flew it over the back of the green the wheels came off at that point i'm trying to think of an analogy to explain what this was like it was i said to you we were walking because it was. So long the first tee was miles behind where the normal ones were i think wasn't it. Or was it it was a mile walk back sorry every step back he did the whole looks longer. And it's getting longer and longer and longer longer and i felt like um i was queueing up. For a roller coaster at theme park i was a little bit scared a little bit excited didn't really have time to back out. And then.

It absolutely chewed me up and spat me out and kicked me across the curb yes i honestly don't think i broke 95. it was it was let's summarize to the people listed to what made it. So hard so obviously guys mentioned there the length it was a brand new golf course neither of the players we're going to get lots of excuses out here yes the other one is because of the length there was. So many times like every single par 5 was comfortably over 600 yards yeah i think the longest one was about 650 yards. So i strive in my game at trying to make burgers on par 5. so i feel like par 5's really most time par fours that sounds quite cocky but that's kind of how i see him a little bit it's an opportunity i um was three over. For the par fives nice because you just can't get there in two you can't make bird it's so hard the path threes were long the seven teams which obviously haven't seen down the hill to an island green was 255 yards playing what did you playing 225 yeah it's playing about 220 yeah from pin was at front that was the only the only blessing now the other thing that we didn't really stress on the video. But i feel like we should have done um jcb the owners did not want me breaking 75. absolutely not they made that very clear they wanted me to play off the back tees they took a lot of the pins away. And very difficult to attack pin positions um granted the rough wasn't really up but when you're hitting like six and seven irons into greens and that sounds like pga tour players do that all the time. But they're used to it as soon as you miss a green my short game is of an 18 handicapper i just couldn't get up. And down i just made it and i must admit fast true greens and it sounds ridiculous scare me fast perfect true greens are hard to put on because i just feel like it's all down to me yes there's no excuse there's no little bubbles off of an old spike mark. Or there's no like because also as well when the green is slower you can hit the ball just harder. And aim at the hole really take a bit of the break out of it not with these greens really as soon as you hit it hard it goes four foot five foot past it was like a snooker table that made it challenging it did. So it was just all all encompassing challenging. So you've got your excuses out now yes feel better i do do you what where do you think after obviously playing with this time where do you think what what let me down this time um oh good question i think it is just a combination of it it's honestly of everything the length i know we keep going with the length of it. And i saw somebody um put on facebook i think they're trying to be like think of it logically it doesn't quite work he said something like oh it's only 25 yards a whole longer than the courses you know we play at was like 25 yards a whole clubs yeah it's massive um the le the the greens that you should already undulating very fast um. And what about my performance there was a few i don't know it's hard to say really because i feel like you've played like that before. And shot 79 at places no it was i just didn't feel like i had any fighting me you did towards the end lose your fight massively i think you know what else as well actually sorry you were two in order of the golf course i think part of you certainly at the start. And probably towards the end as well you're thinking more about how good it looks and something actually trying to get a score that's happened to me a few times like you know when i've played really fantastic golf courses i'm i'm sometimes so overwhelmed by everything yeah that i forget oh i'm actually here to try. And put a score together she had a practice round really got it all it drank it all in and then.

Done it yes. But hindsight is a wonderful thing yep. So it wasn't a great experience sorry that's the wrong word it was a wonderful experience we got looked after like royalty the place is spectacular. And i feel somewhat guilty saying that because i know a lot of people aren't going to ever get a chance to play it because it is this kind of exclusive golf club. But if you do ever get a chance. Or you know a member or you know how to get on please do go. And play it but don't play off the blacks that would be my recommendation i would expect to be tour events there in the future yes i would expect that to be a british masters there. Or something like that it could definitely host one i think that's what they've kind of angled it on a little bit as well um. So yeah it was uh it was an experience one that i wish i'd played better at. But that's golf i came away from it um loving the facility and thinking golf when it's done right facilities like that are awesome. And it also came away with thinking i'm done with golf for a while now destroyed me i've got to play again this week yeah. And we're not making any easier are we saying where it is when does this go out yeah because it's today.

So today.

I'm playing celtic manor. So home of the 2010 ryder cup where europe took victory um i'm trying to think he was the kind of standout star there probably like donald trump oh yeah it was a grey mcdowell i think was the kind of standout stand-out star. For that ryder cup um i think both molinari brothers played in it as well um. And now rick shields is going to break 75. yes another comfortably over 7000 yard golf course um i feel maybe i'm saying this in hindsight i feel i'm not as really as excited about playing it because i was actually there. For the ryder cup for a couple of days and i really enjoyed being at the ryder cup there and i've actually been at this celtic matter quite a few times is it celtic. Or celtic yeah i've been there quite a few times. So it's not like going to be a new experience um. But i feel like this time around i know the golf course enough to think i can kind of plot my way a little bit yeah. But you also have a three hour drive there correct probably a quick warm up straight out correct now i don't know who i'm playing with yet even though we're recording this pre-weekend so we'll see see who gaston turns up who knows um but i think it's gonna be another good episode i am also gonna have. Or would have had by now cheeky golf lesson which hopefully i need what's cheeky about it i just you know what it is sometimes the golf pro i feel cheeky having a golf lesson yeah why i just feel like i should know how to bully at a golf ball yeah. But you prove you don't you know what episode number four in episode number five so 70 at may 73 at presbyter i was like yeah this is trending in the right direction i felt quite in control. But i must admit in hindsight when i look back at those rounds i've not been hitting it that that great so hopefully by the lesson uh i want to work on short game i need to work on 100 yards i think i'm just. So not confident from that range it's untrue if i can improve on that improve on my tee shots haven't been great my putting's okay improve everything by the sounds of it pretty much no it's just i think you got punished more there. And i can't in a way now struggling to put a finger what it was it's just bogeys bogeys gloves on it double bogeys bogeys no birdies i made no birders even there's no burgers unless you saw a little order. For delivery who come through we're ordering a delivery soon after this two-hour podcast podcast marathon and rick's getting hungry.