Yeah the best players in the world are hitting the golf ball too far yeah golf courses can't keep up with it they need to buy more land everything else right that's at the best level in the world average golfers aren't hitting it that much further than what they ever used to do [Music] the usga has come out with a new rule okay forget about it i have. But i'm going to turn up not. So so currently the legal limit of a driver shaft oh i've not heard this then.

I thought this was going to be something else i thought it's going to be that you can't call um bryce. And brooks or something that's ridiculous that one in here well if it's true i don't know it is that that one's true. So apparently the pga tour now are saying if you're on site. And you shout brooksie i don't know how i don't know how they're going to police this you're going to get thrown out from what i've heard ridiculous i mean it'd be nice if bryson just showered four why don't we start with that if he shouted four as many times as people shouted brooksy at him yeah then.

It'd be all right um. And he's not the only player i know i'll get stick on that but he's probably one of the most high profile ones that don't shout for um the legal limit of a driver length at the moment is 48 inches yes the usga are looking to cap that at 46 inches right to limit driver distance okay okay um i'm not it's not going down well from a lot of tour pros. And outs haven't missed this completely recently all right okay recently phil nicholson did a really really interesting um tweet a couple of days ago. And he was talking about the how they've taken the information. And and and misinterpreted how they can get to the answer. So the big issue in golf at the moment certainly on the pga tour or the world of golf certainly long drives is that the ball's going too far yeah the best players in the world are hitting the golf ball too far yeah golf courses can't keep up with it they need to buy more land everything else right that's at the best level in the world average golfers aren't hitting it that much further than what they ever used to do yeah okay. So mickelson had a really good point about a few things that the usga have changed that haven't really affected the best players in the world they've actually more affected the amateur golfer for example banning the broom handle putter anchoring it affected a few pga tour players but it probably affected hundreds if not thousands of the average golfer but having said that how many average golfers you see with the did you ever see the brew mandel i don't know i can't remember now. But there would have been there would have been enough belly posters broom handles people who really struggled with putting another one they were talking about was when they banned the square grooves. And what yeah that's a good one. So the stat that phil mickelson used was something like if you look at how many p how many greens a pga tour hits it's like 16 out of 18 greens okay something stupid you go down the pipeline to an 18 handicap. Or so they're hitting like three greens around or something stupid right yeah. So they're not hitting the greens with a seven iron or any iron so what does it matter about square grooves. Or not like it's not so when they they get punished higher handicappers is when they miss a green. And they're left with a wedge they aren't getting as much spin as they could have done with a square grooved wedge it's not so much to benefit or hinder the pga professional so he had a really good he had a really good point he said something along the lines of they should look at the golf ball. And not rolling it back because that's the kind of wrong terminology but limit perimeter weighting of a golf ball okay. So it's not stable no. So so basically go back to liquid core golf balls because what he was saying that when. And it's a really good twit twitter video go on his twitter profile he explains it better than probably i am right now when you hit a golf shot with a driver that's got a liquid center the outside of the golf ball spins fast in the middle and over time that starts to even out and when it evens out that's when the ball drops out the air a little bit more right and he said it's the way that would actually benefit um oh that was another thing he said also if a golf ball is curving more off a line with these liquid golf balls it'll curve more offline where again. And and at that speed at that level tall pros would miss more fairways so if they're hitting it harder they've got a lightness of hit missing more fairways it then.

Said the amateur golfer would probably not notice any difference because they're not activating that liquid core. So anyway it's a good it's a good video i thought it'd be quite interesting the only thing i don't get with like all this long drive stuff and i'm sure i understand how if they want to build new golf courses and that they want to make them long there's so much land and all that stuff but at the end of the day isn't the person that wins getting the ball in the hole the least amount of shots yeah. So if all the golfers submitted 400 yards let's just say that's ridiculous but you still get the ball in the hole so is it they're not gonna come down two right take it. For granted you'll see 400 yards it comes down to the best chip and the best putter anyway well it was really a really interesting head-to-head the other day with patrick campbell. And bryson like they played the golf course so differently certainly in the six playoff holes i saw patrick countless still came on top because even though bryson's so much longer patrick currently managed to make more birdies by hitting his iron shots closer to the hole than bryson did with his wedges it is a weird one because the end of the day the equipment brands make. So much money sponsor golfers they need to keep making equipment they can't just if you think about it if they just said right that's it we're going to say will never happen obviously. But from now on that's it there's no more innovation in golf technology that's just what you've got. And that'll be it forever then.

All the golf brands probably go out of business after a while cause we wouldn't replace the clubs you've once you've bought set of vines you have them for life they wouldn't then.

Be paying the tour pros less money in the tour game and the pro game so they've got to keep making stuff so how i don't get unless you have it so it's one rule for tour pros and one rule for amateurs that's the one thing i really don't want to happen because that's what i love about kov well i can't play footy with like old trafford with you know ronaldo whatever or something you know like the scenario's not the same like in golfing so you can still play andrews regardless of tiger can you different clubs to you. Or not i know but i don't know you're still playing it like the best players in the world so i don't know if that bothered me that much of the tour because often we know that the irons that tiger has or rory house aren't the ones you buy in the shop they're pro even the the shaft of toy shoe shafts were the best of the best like. But if you wanted them you could have them if you had the capacity to get them or could you not just have it then.

Silly but you can have topro have their own clubs tour issue editions that are legal. For them we can use them if we want. But we know that disadvantage because you can also buy like not non-conform. But non-form of pro so let's just say tell them they bring up two drivers there's the tor issue and there's the one that we have the normal version they can't use the normal exactly they can you can use the top exactly. And when you hit them for the launch monitor you might see the tall ones 10 yards less so if you're that asked about having it you can go buy it. But the normal one and it doesn't mean that we it doesn't mean that we then.

Don't have rules in by the usj. And rna it's just the tighter tolerances i think you've just cracked it yeah there you go usga you just charge it more. For the touristy or charge but less if it's not i don't know but i don't yeah it's weird. But then.

There's so much more around it like is that is it gonna make much difference if if the driver is not as long then.

They're gonna lose potential a bit of clubhead speed. But are they just gonna keep working out. And getting stronger and finding new technology new ways of being new even like clothing and footwear and it sounds like there's clothing but that can make a difference obviously if you someone's someone said to you now go hit a golf ball as hard as you can. But you've got to wear a suit you couldn't swing and normal like dress shoes you can't swing as fast if you're in like looser stuff you know it does affect more than anybody on the planet. But tall paul you'd have to go to a 46 inch driver i'm at that so if you don't know paul sturgeon we've done some videos in the past he's the tallest golfer in the world at seven foot seven and a half inches if he's not grown since that um he currently uses a 48 inch drive at a legal limit he could easily use a 52 inch driver if it was legal. But you're choosing not to you'd rather use a 48 but now if this rule comes in they have to use a 46. anyway.