Welcome back to the podcast everybody reload it we'll keep in all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 179 I am your host Rick he is a guy I'm with co-host guy how are you pal I'm good next.

Week will be 118. And you have to start off with a uh darts shout 100 okay however. next.

Monday I'm you're gonna have to bring me in in maybe a wheelchair. Or a stretcher yes because Sunday next.

Week. Or this week now that we're in I am attempting and I'm going to use that word very strongly attempting to run the London Marathon that's after one more asterisk attempting to complete the random Americans correct. So you might not run it all right I will not run it all I have done next..

And no training I've been super super busy with all different things going on obviously going to America um. So it's going to be a very interesting challenge I'm running it. For the charity it's never you uh do check it out I'll put a link in the description of the podcast. And the video podcast as well if you can donate be really appreciated it's to support families the parents of children with cancer yes uh. So I'm actually running it with the founder of that charity uh carrier who unfortunately lost his son a couple of years ago from cancer so it'll be an emotional one I'm sure if there's ever a time that we have to um dig deep we'll remember Hugh his little boy and uh make sure that we keep going. So if you are at London Marathon this weekend if you see me please spur me on what should people shout cold words you know it's definitely the Earth it could be another Rick running there yeah. So go on Rick doesn't really resonate what does it have to be um oh I don't mind people might shout this. Or think long. And hard oh God yeah this is quite I was trying to think of a funny one to say you know what what's is it on delay that's quick in like Spanish I think. So that okay. So go underlay on the way Rick underlay underlay Rick have you got an outfit planned yeah I'm gonna do it in a massive teddy bear outfit yeah excuse system oh I do it in seven hours because yesterday I think I'm gonna have the the two men. And a horse running past me I love the guy who's doing it in a bloody 1950s snorkeling outfit you know deep dive outfit run past me um there'll be there'll be a couple of gymnasts that are doing it all on their hands heads handstands all the way it'll probably run past me yeah. But you know what you can look at all like dweebs running past Jet. And girl yeah. But have you play the ghost to National have you asked um yeah. So I'm looking forward to it I'm slightly nervous but because my expectation levels are. So low I'm also not too concerned it's kind of in a weird way on about well he's going around it the wrong way. But yet kind of the right way because if you'd have a somewhat trained you'd be like well I've done a bit of trainer put a few hours in I'm expecting this time or that time you're going with no expectations. So completing it's a good achievement really I'll let you know next.

Monday I will complete I will finish albeit running walking crawling ubering ubering taking the bus yep underground I will get from point A to point B. And finish that race good luck to you thank you again if you want to support it the link in the description it'd be really appreciated no it's a good cause. And jokes aside I think any time that you do put your name to a charity event you naturally raise a lot of money thanks to our wonderful listeners. And Watchers and your subscribers Etc so those people who putting their hands in their pockets and spending their hard-earned cash and putting it to such a great cause as well and today's podcast is quite chilled out Vibe because it's your first day back proper since you're gallivanting around the state speaking of the states I've actually become a big fan of country music of last weekend yeah yeah. So I'll tell you why actually this weirdly links back to one of your last charity escapades when you uh walked across uh and it's Australia Australia Scotland and me and Matt behind the camera and a couple of the lads we played golf at one evening and one of them play music which I'm not a massive not against I've never been someone that has music on on the golf course what's your thoughts on that I've just not done it enough but I think I would enjoy it it's quite good get a speaker my only thing is I just don't like disturbing other golfers well the lucky thing. For us was the course was empty it was about seven o'clock was it Mountain evening. Or something and uh this really cool quite cheap Scottish golf course and one of the lads had to speak with him and he put on country music and I liked it for two reasons firstly it was weirdly quite chilled. And secondly because I didn't know the songs it actually worked better as background music if that makes sense it was songs that you recognized at Home Alone 2 ever this weekend I was driving. And I was a bit sick of my smooth chill which is what I'm listening to. And I went for smooth country and I'm loving it yeah well. So there you know something you know about making something new so next.

Time you want to America trip and I'll come in I'll be in my big truck a couple of beers in hand listen some country not sure if you can I'll be I'll be uh shotgun you could be driving okay um yeah I I I I can see the appeal of country music it's not quite up my street. But I get that kind of bit of background music and a bit of what's the one you kept listening to Matt on that drive on the road again a lot of leads me on today's podcast it's quite a chilled out Vibe your first day back as we said. And we've kind of not really got loads and loads of structure what we have got is many many questions from our fantastic Facebook group I want to give me five reasons off the bat why I love our Facebook group people it's free there's lots of amazing people we're getting really close to 100 000 people in the group you get more connected to mean guy guy. And if you do a really good post guy approves your post. And it gets in there and you get loads of likes and comments you can blag your way of any situation can't you that's one of your skill sets thanks that was on the cuff. And just nailed up five reasons um one thing we're going to go into the questions now no we'll wait save that because I didn't watch a great deal of golf last night. But I think we should touch on it very quickly because I actually watch the most important three holes of the whole tournament as did I the playoff yes Matt Fitzpatrick versus Jordan Spieth at the Harbor Town tournament uh which is by the way that looks like a hell of a golf course yes it does I that would be definitely one I'd love to play out. And film at uh hint Harbor Town I think we did get invited. But we couldn't quite make it work we did it was well you were busy this weekend with other plans. But yeah maybe next.

Year maybe next.

Year um. But I must admit I I one thing I I do love the excitement of a playoff sometimes I love the excitement when players are trying to get in the playoff. Or if a player because two golfers can go into a playoff with with very different mindsets because one of them might have played their way into the playoff correct. And some another player might have actually had a nightmare and got into the playoff that way so that always fascinates me the dynamic well you could be leading the tournament from almost Thursday to Sunday you bogey 18 somebody bird is 18 you're currently level you're going into that thinking I've just bogey to lose they're thinking there's 30 to get into a playoff never thought I was going to be in look at the momentum swing it's crazy. So I watched the final three holes Matt Fitzpatrick again versus John Spieth arguably two of the greatest Putters on the planet correct um and it really did come down to a putting competition even though they were both hitting it unbelievable off the tee the path the Par Four they played the first playoff hole Jordan Spieth had an unbelievable look at a birdie to win the tournament he missed it on this they went back to 17th hole which is the par three under that much pressure they both put their golf ball inside 10 feet yeah. And then.

The put that's beef missed was just felt. For him it was just shy on speed yeah Matt actually hit a bad put there it didn't quite read he had a very similar point in regulation play. And then.

When they went down to the third and final playoff hole and that nine iron Matt hit into the last hole where he nearly hold it was fantastic I like watching Fitzpatrick I never must ever used to. But I actually do now I think a lot of strengths to his game his driving's ridiculous long the one thing that I always feel like the commentators Jinx him on they always say here he is Matt Fitzpatrick um you know one of the best Putters on the planet. Or the best putter on the planet I always feel like he misses when it when the commentators say that almost every single time but I suppose they're probably doing it for like 30 feet or something well that's it I need what was the stat even tour Pro's hole is it four out of every ten yeah do you think in statistically he's gonna miss it overhauling it if you're watching him. And then.

What was really I thought was really cool as well the putty hold in the first playoff hole which was like a six foot path before he just drained it there's two things I did notice which shocked me number one the USA fans chanting. So much for Jordan Spieth and and for John's beef winning um over Matt Fitzpatrick wow that's surprising I don't know maybe I've not encountered that much at a tournament myself I mean having a clear favorite yeah well I feel like if it was let's say the Open Championship. And those two players were in a playoff to win the open I would feel. And again you might crap I don't feel like the the audience the crowd would particularly favor Matt Fitzpatrick just because he's British maybe is it is it more that is it more of is that. But it's also more of what that player means and so for example Rory would get the crowd over Spieth wouldn't he yeah in in Europe is it because although obviously it Fitzpatrick now has won a US Open he's legitimate golfer is it that spief just people have known him. For longer he feels more like a household Naomi might feel more connected to him as opposed to that because he's American possibly just it really surprised me kind of the Jazz and chance towards the negativity of Matt Fitzpatrick like there was quite when he hit a shot there was kind of like booze. And it was even when he missed the put on 17. there's lots of cheering going on. And and like it just shocked me I only watched the highlights this morning on YouTube so I didn't actually see it watching it live like Matt Fitzpatrick Mr these birdie put on 17 which like again nine foot port to to make birdie and he missed and the crowd went crazy they were like chanting you uh. So you were saying. And Matt Fitzpatrick had a little two foot putt return put and you can actually see Jordan Spieth in the background saying to the crowd right writing down like chill out like it was just I've not experienced it in person at a golf event um where that's happened. And maybe just seen on TV whether the the volume was turned up especially in certain areas eventually it just seemed. And again I get it the event is in America there boy Jordan Spieth didn't play up against an English lad I get it. But I just don't think I've ever seen it as visibly now it's late in the day I'm sure quite a few beverages have been consumed um. But I feel like at the open even if that had happened is it the fact that the UK. Or the British are not as patriotic have we not got a cool chant it's not like it's not like we can go UK UK is it it started you know I don't know it just yeah it definitely definitely. And the other time I'd seen it I'm gonna come on something quite interesting here in a moment the only other time that it was highlighted to me it was when again Matt Fitzpatrick was um doing really well at the US Open when he won it last year. And a Netflix documentary yeah in that because again that was filtered a bit more live you could hear the cheering when when a non-american player missed yeah. So Matt Fitzpatrick Mr put you could hear loud cheering celebrating the factory Mr yeah I'm not a fan of that really it just seemed weird what was what was interesting though. So I was literally watching it last night um on my phone just watching the last few holes. And my wife says oh what's going on there was a golf tournament on golf tournament every weekend. But um she said. And she looked on my phone she went oh is that uh that's urgent don't tell me don't tell me Matt Fitzpatrick really I said how'd you know that she went from Netflix show from the full swing that I watched were you wow. And I was like wow. So there's the other fellow she went I have seen him she called him Justin Spieth but close enough that's what I mean close enough do you remember that full swing episode it did have Justin Thomas yeah. And Jordan's teeth as well got both Chase what was interesting though there I don't believe genuinely my wife would have. And she said oh he had that really cute family. And what about is his brother there. And his mum and dad I'm like wow so it's hard for us to engulf to kind of fathom the the facts of how much maybe influence that full swing documentary is hard. But definitely it educated certainly my wife who's a who's an active non-golf she actively pushes away from golf consuming it yeah because I'm. So invested in it in the fact that she knew someone on TV a bit of story a bit of background she even mentioned he's from Sheffield like it was quite I thought it was really interesting you know something that I'm gonna get off my chest now that I'm not proud about I'm not happy about um what I need to bring it to the table I feel like. And you know this I am one of Tiger Woods's biggest fans group I like entire chords still do idolize Tiger Woods. And obviously at the Masters he had to withdraw it was after I think it was after the Friday they made the call. And then.

He did he withdrawed on the Sunday. So did you play the Saturday yeah because the court wasn't quite finished he did nine holes on the Saturday right because he didn't play the actual third round today.

No he didn't he didn't play the final 27 holes. And my memory's terrible I forgot a week later but anyway obviously I was sad to see him withdraw. And I was sad see those that footage of him really really hobbling that kind of almost iconic footage already where you could hardly even walk I know you've said obviously from going. And now playing Augusta that he is. So much Hillier than it looks on camera and we hear a lot about how tiger is actually fit enough to hit the golf ball. But not fit enough to walk the golf courses so whilst I said when he withdrew I felt sad. Or in the grand scheme things I wasn't that bothered and it worries me because it's a double-edged sword I'm worried and happy I'm looking at the leaderboard from the event this weekend obviously there's no Tiger Woods because he wasn't playing you've got Fitzpatrick you've got speed you've got cantler you got shuffling the gala uh aim I went with them all. But Scotty shuffler and Sam Burns John Ram Fowler Fleetwood the list goes on there's so many strong names now who are competitive. And making each event competitive don't feel like a mission tiger as much as I thought I made him when I say missing that I'm always preempting is retirement now potentially when that day does come where it actually retires from competitive golf I will naturally feel good yeah no one is never going to come back because even now that little hope that actually maybe this time of a bit of time off it'll come back. And he actually will be able to win again. And he won't let them I think I think 2019 made that point very clear exactly yeah you can still go out. And win a masters never write him off but I do feel like I'm kind of as time goes maybe because it's. So it's quite a long journey if God forbid in 2005 he broke his leg and never had to play golf again that would have been such a shock because it's prolonged it's gone on and on and on and on I do films have get into it like we said last week all the week couple weeks ago before the Masters we hadn't even thought about the fact tag was playing are you with me on this at all do you do you think then.

When when tiger was. So unbelievably dominant his pull his power was almost equivalent to to 20 30 other players where now because you've not got like one Central person you are starting to see a much broader amount of golfers that are getting getting seen more in the spotlight possibly yeah I love two things in sport. And they're both quite contrasting I love it when you've either got one person who's unbelievably dominant like tiger was I just love watching great you know when it wherever it be Ronnie O'Sullivan. Or whatever it might be but there's also something really exciting when you've got a handful of players who are you almost can't pick who's the best option tennis you had fedra Nadal djokovic's three amazing athletes in football you've obviously had Messi Ronaldo both got great arguments in the goal in golf now you know we are sadly moving out of that Target era. And I'll never write him off because he might come back and win the open or something it won't put it past him or a Liverpool but we'll get this here and now we've got Ram cheflett McElroy a massive list of other players kind of underneath that who any week could win I think golf is in such a strong Place yeah I totally agree I feel guilty if not being more missing tiger you know what I mean yeah I don't know it's like uh yeah no I I kind of get that you feel that. For many many years that the book almost ends at him that if he if he goes we were almost worried he's actually golf tournament professional golf could even survive without tiger. So I can understand there's a there's a part of you. And part of me and probably part A lot of people listening and I understand that everybody listening is not a huge Tiger Woods fan I get that. But kind of when you think about his influence on the game. And what he's done you think well no one can ever match that. And they probably never will do. But the game of golf professional golf is in really strong hands right now um. And it probably I know there's a live event again coming up this week isn't there in Adelaide again probably goes back to this point and we the Masters was. So brilliant again but because you had all of these really well-known players well two things I want to come on to when I come to Rory in a moment as well and his performance but I actually and I'm not gonna say I can't leave them saying this but I actually was surprised maybe I should say how much I was rooting. For Live players at the Masters and as I've kind of made it quite clear if you listen to this podcast more than one or two episodes you'll know that we've had very underwhelming feelings on live and that's that's not these were underwhelming because I'm not necessarily against it per se I've just not been massively excited about the product. Yet maybe that'll change in time but the fact that a number of their players did well obviously brought kapka fell away Phil Mickelson did really well Cameron Smith was kind of decent proves he have got some great great golfers. And that almost to some degree made me actually look live a little bit different than cats yeah a lot of these guys aren't past it they are still super competitive maybe live is a better product than I'd give it credit. For maybe I should keep a closer eye on it do you think yeah. And going back to your point I think we've we've had a fairly neutral. And balanced balanced opinion um from from all different warts of tour life you know the PJ tour isn't a perfect product but it's got a lot of strength live golf isn't a perfect product but it's got some strengths um yes I think this year I think where it would get more interesting down the line do these guys because you talk about the you in Phil Mickelson I mean that was a real anomaly normally anomaly all right normally yeah in the fact that he performed. So incredibly well considering he was. So out of form you know now he's he's won there is it three times he's won at August three Green Jackets I think you know he's obviously knows how to play at the golf course. And I think if there's any any golf course that that these past champions have a you know a chance of winning again as tiger proved that it is going to be Augusta National um. But I don't know it feels like yes maybe this year they were still competitive will that happen this year will it happen the year after that when they start to have less chance of competing with the best players in the world because you know let's say Brooks Capcom obviously with the finish that he had it will guarantee him. For a number of Majors for a long time and obviously he's a past major winner Etc yeah what happens when these exemptions start to run out. And and you know these guys don't get into the Masters all the time um I can't think of an example off top of my head well. For example I think you get. So let's say Kevin now right now Kevin now pulled out yep from injury I can't understand will he be exempt next.

Year. So all of the mass for the Mages I can't imagine yeah also I did a bit of research in this demo I'll get some of this wrong inevitably. So people might feel free to comment but there's obviously several ways to get into the master so if you win obviously you're in for life if you win a major championship you're in for the next.

Five years if you're in the open today.

Are you in the next.

Five Masters if you're top 50 in the world the year end you're in if you're top 50 in the world the wheat fall Masters you're in certain things as well this is more PJ tour Focus. But if you come in the um FedEx circumcisions whatever you get into the FedEx playoffs you're in etc etc Championship Champions getting amateur Champion gets in um Mid amateur gets in um several U.S amateur Etc but for the professional game so for example Brooks kepka would have got five years his last major is 2019 I believe. So you'll get five years I believe you finished top 12 as well you get in the next.

Year so for example Patrick Reed would get in any way because obviously he's won the Masters but off forget he's got a green jacket just for a moment he would get in off his tied fourth finish working Neiman came to high 16th so I actually don't know until unless it's world ranking how he will get in next.

Year it's unlikely he's gonna be in the top 50. well that's the thing. So it depends on where he is in the world rankings now I'll have a quick look. But basically it will get hard of them to get in I did world ranking. And again this is the point of why live golf is trying to push. So heavily for world ranking points do you think they should get world ranking points now is 25 walking Neiman. So you might well I think I think because they've got such a high caliber of player yes it just it surely can't be a stronger world ranking points the legit not legitimacy that's the wrong word. But almost the quality of the ranking Point surely can't be as high as if you're playing in the PGA Tour event and this is well yeah I'd agree. But this is also why they're looking at how well some of the guys did in the Masters proves that there are at least a generous handful of guys. So I had a good website then.

Live players finishing the Masters um so it showed the best finishes um I've lost it I had a lot of the guys highlighted on my app as well because that just out of interest to see how they're getting on um oh yeah I've got it. So this is from Sports Illustrated obviously Brooks kappca came tied second with Mickelson Patrick reader's fourth walking Neiman was 16. Harold Havana 29. these are tied yeah Taylor Gooch 34 Smith 34 answer 39 meet up at 43 Dustin Johnson 48 Thomas Peters 48 Charles schwartzell was 50.. So I think one two three well like 10. Or 11 guys made the cut or four Mr cut and two with Drew so you've got there you've got four guys finished top 20. in the Masters there was 18 Live players right. And how many did you say maybe about 12 11. Or 12. yeah yeah. And then.

Two withdrew Louis Hazen Kevin now and then.

Watson Garcia Cameron Champ rice in the shampoo oh yeah it's interesting I think it's we've positioned this sometimes it can be quite bad. For golf there's too much going on the tours are divided. But ultimately it's it's kind of somewhat ish proved that there's some players on live who are worthy of winning major still. And it'll be very interesting if one of them does win a major this year. But for example let's say Harold Varna he's come Thai 29th or Wakim Neiman tied 16th he's not gonna be in the world top 50. can't imagine it was top 25 now oh yes if it was well in the open if he does well it goes back to the point how much it's elevated the majors it has like the Mages he's. So bloody important now well it will also I mean obviously players would play. For every shot they want to finish it up as high the leaderboard as possible win but even probably more so now these guys want every single world ranking point they can get they're going to want to finish as high as they possibly can slight side note then.

On this we had this discussion a couple weeks ago briefly hand the heart now will Rory ever win The Masters. And therefore. win the career Grand Slam yes I'm in the camp of now. And that's not for the want of wanting I just think. And I'm sure he's the same no I just think you look at it realistically there's no reason why he's arguably again the best player in the world top three no questions asked I just feel like we almost think. And even tiger said it he will win it. And obviously target has much more than I'll ever know about Golf and Rory he can't go around and say he won't win it well of course what you think to yourself you're not guaranteed just because you have how successful you've been. And how good you actually are I would say this last time we talked about on the podcast. But not only has he got to play amazing he's got to beat somebody else who will also play amazing. So he didn't even make the cut what did he end up did he shoot was it five over the two rounds. Or something yeah I mean it's. So far away after the performance of generals it's not even like he's got to just play okay around there he's got to beat the best players in the world playing the best. And I just think that week. For him surely it's level-headed as calm as he is as a golfer hence why he's got to where he's got in the game the amount of pressure every time on his shoulders I don't know I really don't think he's gonna I love him too I have a very quick look at. So he's um I'm working out here I want to find out how many times he's played in it all right I think I've got it here one two three four five six seven eight nine why is it normal 10 11 12 12 times he's played in it right I don't know it must be more than that his first one was 2009 he started everyone since 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 there wasn't one in 2000. And I know there was um his highest finish do you think second a second last year yep he's come top ten three times you know he's at a fourth place I know he's at the fourth place a tide Fifth. And a tide fifth so he's come top ten uh four times oh it's just more than that seven yeah 2014 he came tied eight then.

The following year four then.

Seven then.

Five then.

Five. So he's at seven yeah he was on to be honest he was actually on a pretty good Trend there wasn't it in 2014 all the way to like kind of 2020. And then.

He missed the cut in 2021 then.

He came back oh okay I think he's gonna win it next.

Year look in locking at what he's done right he seems to have good year bad jig. Or Good Year not so great good year that's great so in 2018 he had tied fifth Goodyear yep 2019 tied 22 21st for him yeah brilliant 2020 good year yeah it's had fifth 2021 bad year 2022 Very Good Year 2023 bad year 2024 Rory McIlroy wins the Masters like to see it that's it well it just words out yeah well yeah done you've never been wrong before. So let me know if it's time now I don't know I think it's a tale as old as time. And until he actually does win that people will have Arguments. For and arguments against I just think that it's if you ask me he's gonna win another major again I'd say I wholeheartedly think he will win another major because he's got four chances every year we're talking about one individual major here aren't we each year gotta be an amazing field pressure that would be on his shoulders I don't know. But I'd love to see I'd love to see somebody and become a career Grand Slam Champion the one thing again it's like drop after now playing August National you do have to be an incredible putter like you really do it's the one thing you have to be obviously great off the takes it's long. And tight but your potting just has to be phenomenal and it's no huge secret that's not his strength in his game is it can be very off it can be streaky it can. So I suppose that goes to these kind of finishes if it's on its own if it's off it's off so that's what they always say so that there's your little uh so I'm sure what uh Lou um he's probably rolling his eyes now and going bloody hell like I've got all these stats around what he's gonna do. And we're just going if he's on his own if he's off he's off simple as that I'm looking at Wikipedia. And trying to work out some patterns that he's gone badge Good Year Bad Year good year next.

Year Rory macro wins the Masters by three wow will you be there hopefully yes we'll find out. And so we've had as I said at the start we've had a a number of of great questions from the Facebook group we are also always open to emails. So if you want to email Rick do it it's podcast rickshiels.com you like reading them don't you yep yep you get past the best ones I read I read everyone no we do we're annoyingly I think because we read the email address out all the time we get. So many spam emails I don't mean enough people that obviously watch actual pure spam. And I also start to wonder um in fact I won't say that because that might give people ideas of what I was going to say. But yeah we get a lot of spam. So it's uh but we always try and read the actual emails as well so if you want to email us get some in for next.

Week and we'll sit down don't you think I know what you're about to say there. But yeah yeah okay. So Stuart McDonald again on Facebook has said did Rick buy the two ball blade Potter from golfbidder LOL. So just briefly before you answer that we would like to thank everybody for their support in the recent golf of the video it has banged yes I won't give away the result just in case nobody has watched it nobody has people have watched it down 800 000 now I think if in case somebody hasn't watched it I won't give away the result. But it is an absolute epic match yeah it was fun being out on the golf course with Pete again we did the golf bitter challenge 500 pound we went to golf better bought golf clubs are 500 pounds secondhand golf clubs definitely check out golf. But a wonderful site and you can sell your old golf clubs if you want to get rid of some they're hanging around the garage. Or whatever and you can get some upgrade them. For some new secondhand golf clubs and even brand new golf clubs to sell as well every time I've done the challenge pretty much walks away buying either the full set of clubs that I actually had that that time like legitimately buying it or buying parts of the set this time yes I walked away with two in fact I walked I walked away with two Putters. And three drivers well just what you need just what I need so yes I picked up I bought the two boy two ball blade that I've used in the video because I've put it quite well um I've used that whether I'll ever use it again who knows probably not I'm still not quite decided whether I've retired my golf clubs. Yet I don't think you should from this is from the trip to Augusta I think Footwear potentially if you saw the ball I've got the ball I've got the score card I've got myself that's enough personally because what about a wedge like you've won an event from the open yeah right shooting 82. I could deal with the new 60 degrees just a quick note my brother was impressed 382. thanks he said that was a good score on Augusta thanks. So it was off the Reds though. But never mind um it was a good score. So yeah am I I might retire the shoes okay I might not retire don't retire your driver honestly you're not allowed I actually think the driver would want to retire itself because it's never been used [Laughter] [Music] um yeah. So two more Potter I got I got this real so it just come in stock at golf better when we were hanging around the HQ this really cool blade golden Scotty Cameron it's interesting I'll say that it's interesting I like it not really. But I don't blame you for buying it it's got lots of Scotty cameras now so it's it's the head cover caught my eye yeah the head cover was a really cool head cover. And it's a gold gold Putter and the thing that also I've mentioned this on the podcast before I picked Putters from their grip controversial I'll pick a Potter because I like the grip more than I like the head it's easy not to this putter had a claw grip a grip that is designed. For the claw putting grip [Applause] yeah you need a medical exemption just to use it um. But yeah. So it's never going to sit like a day. But I bought that then.

While I was in the HQ there's a couple of drivers in the last 10 years that have gone walkabouts look at me um one of the most famous drivers ever made by Taylor made the original TaylorMade M2 yeah. For whatever reason I don't own one of them anymore I do now is that what Rose has used at the minute yeah it's one of the best tailor-made drives I've ever made I bought an M2 because I can't seem to find mine I'll probably give it to a pal. Or one of these where's this new one [Music] then.

I bought the the first ever adjustable tailor-made driver which was called the the R7 quad on it yeah R7 quad. And then.

There's one oh I bought the other thing I bought so again I've not got one of these but this was almost before my time of making videos. And doing YouTube reviews the original TaylorMade Burner yeah like the original orange one no that sorry that's two original [Laughter] is alive that was the original original no like the the black. And red one oh okay yeah like the 2000 the re 2007. Or something yeah yeah. So I've got those three drivers too do you think there's anything in the world it's only in our world. So where we live that can take you back to a time as much as a golf club because I had beg to I don't think there is I love old golf clubs oh it's the shot golf it was today.

Looking at golf clubs. And there's a 980f Titleist Fairway Wood 15 degree which I used to own a little piece we was tempted to even though we were just put in the Loft well like if I went to a shop. And they had an iPhone 5s for example I had that phone and used it and scrolled many a mile on that phone but I don't want it I don't want to buy one and keep it because it just it was just a phone. And like it was almost what was on the screen was important not the actual physical phone yeah golf clubs though I absolutely adore old golf clubs I meant this is a lovely memory between you. And me this guy I remember a time did we hold hands I don't I think we I think we cried we went I can't remember the location. But we went to a golf show was it the Scottish golf show we have been many many years ago. And they had all this latest and greatest equipment everyone was hitting shots. And it had the New Ping driver telling me Titleist and there's a little shop on site at the Scottish golf show I can't quite remember the name of the shop and again you can go in there. And you could buy all of these brand new drivers etc etc but just hidden around the corners remember it now I do there was floor to ceiling rack. And quite wide rack of old golf clubs I'm not gonna make a joke I was gonna make then..

But carry on an old pair of rocks big massive rack well forget that if I was in there now. And it was full full oh it's of gems it was phenomenal a mean guy literally was there we could have been anywhere in that Golf Show seen all this new stuff. And we sat there stood there for probably close to an hour pulling Potters out going God you remember this oh my God like look at this now. And we're passing it to each other and you pull another one out and it really probably why I love a couple well while I've gone to golf bitter you know you don't you don't really find the really old stuff there anymore no they kind of keep it to a certain date range that's still quite current. But well also it's more as time goes on so what's now eight years old doesn't feel we've seen it yeah do you get what I mean it doesn't take us back to our youth exactly as much um I love going there it's why one of the main reasons why I absolutely love stack golf yeah. And why I loved doing that video with them yeah because again you're going into these shops. And it's just like every Club you pick up has a story so those people who don't know stat golf is a YouTube channel in America husband. And wife John Ashley who go to secondhand shops and buy secondhand golf clubs and really a great video collaborating with them and we went around to all these secondhand golf clubs and charity shops and you and you it's certainly in America it seems so like they've got so many golf clubs and you've I've pulled them out the rack and going wow look at this look at the story um. And then.

Also why I love these little kind of hidden gems do you remember I'm trying to think of golf shops that we've been to well the other the obvious one is um second hand. But yeah you get it often in the golf shop you get a little hidden section in the corner you get maybe a tour back full. And it's like an old reorder the Pro 4 shaft it but I think the big thing. For me that and this sounds a silly thing to say now but this is what I love when I was a junior I saw 13 14 up to probably 16. mum. And dad were very I was very fortunate they paged me to be a gut member of the golf club. And you know I had access to equipment and stuff you know it was very fortunate. But he could I wouldn't get stuff at the drop of a hat if I wanted a golf club I'd probably get it but it'd be on my birthday it would be at Christmas or I'd save up as well or whatever it would look like and I remember wanting a two ball blade for ages and at the time it was 140 in anchored. And it was it must have been a time where it was near not my birthday. Or Christmas probably more like in the summertime or whatever I didn't get on for a long time right they still didn't deserve to get given a Putter and when it did eventually get one I can't remember how I got it. But I did get one eventually owning it felt. So special and and now obviously very fortunate that obviously get clubs do work I can buy golf clubs a lot easier as most adults you know maybe a bit easier to could when you're a junior with no money obviously Nothing Compares if I get a golf club now it's nice. And it's great and it's shiny it comes nowhere near that as a child of course and I think that's now when I see a two ball blade putter which is ironically is what you use in the golfer challenge it's not that I want that Potter because the technology is better it's old it's you know it's then.

It's moved on albeit not a great deal. But it's moved on it's that you want to you almost want to replicate that feeling and take you back to that time there was um the other the other time I remembered I seem to kind of vividly remember these moments in time whether it was at the Golf Show whether it's going down to golf better whether it's going towards alone in second hand the other really amazing place I'm not sure if we actually spoke about it on the podcast when we're not into London in the New Year we went to was it Urban gold yes. And that and I didn't talk about it and they had that kind of like room in the Box insane that was full I mean the owner there his name is just me actually um. And in this back room it was kind of quite a fiddler with golf clubs he would he would reshaft them. And change the Loft and do all these alterations. And in the back he had this James he had this rack of prison [Music] golf clubs dating back to 40 years 30 years 20 years and this Rack in every Club it was just like oh my God you remember this do you remember that well that's what it is because if I saw a golf club that was 10 years before I started playing golf. So if it launched in 1986 I think it was quite cool. And I'd appreciate looking at it and feeling it and seeing what it was like. But I've got no Affinity to it if you show me a club from 2007 to 2004 whatever it might be when I was really loving golf it's special do you think golf clubs should have log books [Laughter] one careful owner I imagine the stories some of these golf clubs could tell yeah like imagine when you buy a new golf club you get a little log book. And you start things off and you put your name and who you are. And what handicap you're off and maybe where you play golf and then.

If you go to a special golf course you write that Golf Course down in this little logbook and you just keep all this little tab of everything you know where it stays the log book he gets rolled up and kept inside the shaft and the grip goes on top and then.

After it's been 50 years old you could take it off I mean it could all be done QR code. And all that that's not special but like imagine now you buy a golf club because they could be let's say there was 10 of those two ball blades on a shelf every single one of those Putters has a different story yeah been owned by different people it's been on it's played different golf courses like it might have been passed down from from a dad to a son to an uncle. And then.

Sold and then.

Like I love it but you never know now dear like you don't know where the where of that grip has come reminds me like Toy Story when the toys come alive come alive at night and they tell the story of what they've been who they've been to I agree I think um as you can tell we are both very uh much in love with secondhand golf clubs certainly from the era 1997 to 2007. well I'd say it's not the technology no it's just the I just think they made them better back then.

I remember the Jew well it was just I think as well back at the time there was not really as much access to the internet as well. So when Brands came up with these huge claims we'd kind of believe them a lot more and even to the point where now we're so lucky but if you if you um hear about new telemed driver you Google it you can watch. And see it within minutes back then.

It was like I remember. And a friend would be like oh I was in the Pro Shop on Saturday. And the TaylorMade rep became the new driver he's now till April ever and I was like I wasn't like what it could take a picture of camera phone there's nothing it was I had to wait till you then.

Sort of today's golf raw golf month. Or whatever months later and it was it was just exciting. And you'd even see things in the Pro Shot the man coming from America and somehow made its way to England whereas now so many more the releases are just not like the same across Europe. And America definitely hand admittedly but yeah we could talk about golf clubs I feel like personally I'm very pleased. And happy that I grew up and played golf in the area that we play golf but do you think I I agree. But do you think if you started golf today.

I don't know I don't think you would I think you'd still you're all gonna look back at your own era possibly it's like my dad always thinks George best was the best footballer ever. Or Pele or whatever worst people now want to go and say it's Ronaldo it's messy are you just talking just pre-podcast that you went. And saw it went to the Trafford Center and saw that sevi book yes. And you you were gonna like kind of buy it because again we missed the seven years completely obviously David Cannon did that wonderful book of Savvy um. But it feels like we missed that era yeah you're probably right you do you feel like the area you live in is probably the best thing well. And also what you miss with somebody like sevi is you hear about his his wins that goes without saying. And you can look at that on stats. And go unbelievably impressive clearly he's a legend but so much about Savvy which is is charisma. And how he played on the golf course not just some level of footage on that but unless you were in that moment you can't really understand it can you no unless you were there maybe at a live event. And you saw it you saw an interaction with him or you saw how he treated the fans or there's someone in a strange way like tiger you could look at Tiger's record books and girl dominance or even more so when you watched him and how he was. So on the golf course he's the look in his eyes and the fear and his competitors you almost can't tell that unless you were watching it at the time oh this is a proper water yeah it is right anyway a couple more questions. So Alex Jones she's gonna have a chipping comp I'd love to chicken calm winner winner has to buy sorry loser buys the winner bottle of coke some chips cheesy chips cheesy chips then.

We played pool yeah. For as long as we can possibly play pool before we get picked up by our mums well the issue is you're on the right lines there my mum is going to come at three o'clock I want to push her back to four o'clock I've got no credit on my phone to let her know I'm gonna be late oh I'm gonna go in the golf club. And ask to borrow the Pro Shop phone correct and also I might say I'm gonna get a box of titles professional 90s off my account please Paul that guy got seven quid they're a tenor I'll fill the fridge up for three quick done done deal how many twos have I got yeah we got any twos. And they've not been paid yet I've got a two on Saturday they'll come in next.

Wednesday yeah it's really funny I think I think unless you literally grew up in England in our area you wouldn't have a clue what the hell we're talking about I still I still remember the days when metal spikes transition to uh plastic spikes that was a big thing you still hear some golfers comes to golf some metal spikes. And you're not allowed to play on the metal spikes it's going to get there are you not allowed to no they stopped was that not because of [ __ ] mouth disease it was because they were too aggressive what was it actually called mad cow disease it was a mad cow disease that was what that wasn't why I couldn't wear metal spikes I remember I went to the Isle of Man I think I might have told the story when my mum years ago I think I was about 12. Or 13. and golf courses at the time where golf course and mad cow disease how mad is it that you have to walk through like yeah like a a trot yeah how mad is it that we had a disease called mad cow disease yeah. And like they were really on about you cleaning because we were foreigners because we'd come from the mainland over to Isle of Man I I love Iron sorry it was I love Aaron uh they were really like honors to make sure our shoes were clean yeah well there you go were you metal Spike. Or plastic well when I first started Mel and then.

I remember when you could switch them to Black Widows yeah black widow's really good scorpions as well the extra spike in the middle we can we could go on all day um. So Alex Jones and I want your honest answer here mad cow disease sorry [Music] mad cow disease just affected cows and cattle but it's called mad cow disease I like it when you get like what's the word I'm looking for like bemused by something is that even the word. But what would be funny in 20 years we're going yeah covet covered 19. I mean that actually feels like a distant memory touchwood. So Alex Jones is sad. And I want your honest answer here would rig rather have a played a Guster as he did. Or played the Marriott with Tiger Woods could I film tiger or is it the same cannot film it either neither is getting filmed is tiger in good form on the day ability wise. Or humor does he want to be there yeah what's he does like he's enjoying himself he was insane she wants to be there I think let me put my perception on it you playing Augusta is insanely cool. And it's one of those things that 99.99999 percent of the golf world will never do never do well if you said someone that you have played who knows who you are. And what you do they'd be like impress maybe not that surprise because oh well I could never play. But you reached I'm not that surprised but to say you've played with Tiger Woods for 18 holes that's like just me and him in a car in the golfer you and him in a carton he's having a few beers he is he's having Bud Light okay I can live with that he's wearing trainers not golf shoes does he does he burn it up she used to be under his back a bit. But he's fine you shoot x78 does he follow me on Instagram afterwards well here's the thing it doesn't do because he's his actual Instagram is run by his media team. But he does admit through watches the odd video hold on yeah sometimes me. And Charlie sit down on a weekday night and we watch if you break 75s if the toss-up was Tiger watches your Channel. Or go know that tiger watches your Channel or go and play Augusta National know that I watched the channel yeah I don't even have to play with him just no he just knows it when I genuinely when I walk I had those pictures taken he was walking outside of tent he looked he looked at me. And then.

Properly looked at me again people think sounds that weirdo he's probably thinking why is that 37 year old man holding I love you tiger siren that's only what it was Tiger Tiger tea um okay. So Mark Bailey we've kind of answered his question in a way he says we surprised a number of live golfers performing well at the Masters I was yeah after the first round again I'd highlighted quite a lot of the uh live guys just because keep an eye on it a lot of the Live players um weren't particularly doing well first round. And they definitely turned it round Moore made the cut than um first predicted this next.

Question I'm going to answer it Rick. And if you feel you need to interject please do it's from Graham Murray. And I guess I know he's talking about the match against Rick the gulper to match which I actually put it in but it's clearly so what did I say against it against Rick oh yeah you against you mentally. And then.

You're against physically um he said um yeah don't [ __ ] this chip I won't Rick Rick please don't fight [ __ ] I've got your cover mate Rick don't fatty Rick that's it. For frick that's how it normally goes in your brain isn't it you're not far off um so Graham has said was it a commercial decision to have the full match on your channel rather than splitting it across both Nancy Graham. So again he's meaning that sometimes back in the day golf with a challenge would be split nine hole on Rick's Channel and nine hole on Pete's channel the reason this year we've done it all on Rich would be cars I told him I wouldn't do it unless it was all on my channel correct next.

Question um it was because we felt well it's a nice piece of content to split. But what felt the easier more understandable and almost digestible split was that the Club selection is on Heat's Channel which goes live on a Monday on the Friday the full 18 holes go on Rick's Channel like a movie. And that was. For two reasons first like because we all we would debate in splitting the video into two even on Rick's Channel YouTube's not the best at navigating you from one video to the next.

Really it's not in Netflix the next.

One starts playing it's easy it's a bit wyssy-washy it's dedicated would you leave it a few days in which case people might get annoyed um we just felt it was easier that it was one video on Pete's one on Rick's we've got we've got stats to prove that splitting that type of content up can jeopardize the second part yeah. And we've got even stronger evidence to say that moving the second part onto another Channel really jeopardizes the success of the video so we just we wanted it really clean one long video people are watching YouTube. So much more on the TVs now longer form content we didn't want to make it short we wanted to give you the full shebang an hour 50 minutes and we wanted it to be in one place where you could find it and if you stopped and went out for a couple of days came back to it YouTube would remember what you're up to and you can start watching again correct um baz Walker another question we kind of were almost in before. But we weren't quite is said why don't you rate Titleist drivers neither have you have one in the bag you always talk about TaylorMade Callaway ping. And cobra I would probably go as far as saying I would even say Titleist would rank their drivers in their family of clubs that they make as their lower priority yeah I would I would inside this is a golf ball firm correct tightly started making golf balls they then.

Wanted to dive into the world of making Hardware. But look at a lot of their Hardware their most successful Hardware they Outsource it Scotty Cameron's makes their Putters Bob vokey makes their wedges they make their irons which are very good they make the drivers which to some degree aren't phenomenal they used to be very very forward thinking they used to be very Cutting Edge. And performance wise incredible over the last few iterations they're not underperformed but they're just not super amazingly special I I also think. And we spoke about this quite a bit they're consistently trying to um create these real pear-shaped drivers which actually sat behind the golf ball don't particularly Infuse a great deal of confidence I know you've mentioned that before guy however. there's no bad blood against heartless drivers we I am going to review them. And I know we've talked about this a number of times and this might be another question down the line we are outrageously close now. For the start of the review channel that go once that in two seconds then.

Like it's getting really close and we might even launch it with the tankless drivers correct no yeah yeah you're right I think uh when we were going back when we were growing up I had many titless drivers. And one of the last ones would have been a 910 D3 which launched I think the back end of 2009 into 2010 great drivers they lost the way a bit I think 99 919 it was a bit weak. And then.

It's actually a really good not that we normally promote kind of all the well not normally but Brands content uh but to be fair I don't I think I said that's zero don't if you sell it on I was at 917 the last one to do a 919.917 sorry yeah 917 wasn't brilliant it definitely lacked on ball speed then.

They had the TS then.

The TSI now the TSR no come on is that wrong again tsrtsi the TS TSI TSI yeah that's it right the first time then..

And they've got yeah. So what I was saying was on YouTube titles have got a little mini documentary about the attack this kind of speed project of how they hold their hands up. And admitted that 917 wasn't the fastest driver in the world and then.

They created the TS and blah blah and it's quite inspiring actually and it shows that they've kind of addressed something that wasn't brilliant and tried to make it better which is. For play kudos to them but you said it then.

They are very per shaped even the more forgiving head shape which is the normal D2 um. For me I'm not a huge fan I will look at this gear. So the only ones we've not reviewed is the TSR which we like you said is that definitely the right order I'm getting confused there was TS. And TSI and TSI right yeah we did TS review TS big difference between uh 917. And TS then.

We did TSI. And then.

We we've not yet done TSR um but yeah launching the new channel is coming soon let's just on that then.

Let me get to the next.

Question Stuart Mitchell has said update on the new review Studio must be finished now locked in face it's miles off it's gonna be months maybe even years yeah never measurable um no we I know we've we've over promised on this. And slightly under delivered at the moment in time as we're making this date let's just give a little bit more background we might not normally do. And I won't say too much here but we announced a channel early because me and you get excited [Music] it was a fairly soft launch talk on the podcast. And maybe sometimes you say a bit too much in the podcast and what I mean by that is not things we don't want people to know. But maybe a bit too early before it's at a place where we should really announce it but we are committed to the review channel it's launching as you said soon we've not got a date just. Yet we've got a rough date in our heads which again I won't commit to yet we've also employed somebody who again I'm not going to say too much on this. But we will be starting in a few weeks somebody that's gonna be really good. For the bit for the channel and help it grow there's a lot that goes into these things isn't that people don't see which is fat. And they don't need to see you don't want them to see it necessarily but it's not as simple as pressing go and launch a new channel that's going to be good. And we don't work with again without blowing our own trumpets we don't want to commit to anything or put Rick's names anything that's not as good as we think it can be yeah it's slightly changed over the years of YouTube one from a point of view that 11 years ago when I first started YouTube channel it was as simple as that yeah put my name on YouTube you hit uploading well you make a video you hit upload off you go. And and certainly a decade ago it was very much accepted in the trend to be able to release test content. But you didn't know how it was going to do it wasn't it wasn't always brilliant obviously we've built a brand now we've built a business where the main Channel videos. And we by the way we've had so many incredible comments about the filming and the editing of the recent videos again when I was in Augusta a lot of people. And as I was mozam around at the Masters would bump into me. And that would be a real compliment of how well the videos are starting to to do. So kudos to the team here they're absolutely smashing at the moment um and the um so so we have a very high standard we want to try and meet and hit and this new review channel is to review content weekly like release multiple videos a week. And for us to be as streamlined as possible we've had to build a bespoke studio to allow us to do that that's not easy that's not quick that's not cheap. But it's all things that we we are we're building first. And we build we're putting these fantastic cameras in there so the quality of the videos are brilliant to give you guys listening watching the love the content. And hopefully you're going to love the new channel give you guys the best quality video that we can film we can edit we can release. And we are aiming ambitious at the moment we're aiming to release three brand new reviews every single week yeah yeah. And I think um it'll be great because we know that people want to watch more reviews. And we know there's a lot of product we haven't reviewed yet so it's exciting I would be confident enough saying the very first video will drop in the month of May yeah I'd agree I'd be pretty confident with that yeah nice um Kevin Hart got two more questions left. And we'll we'll wrap it up Kevin Hargis said does Rick think that he plays better when he has a caddy. And if so who would he pick as a caddy from his golfing friends um it's a good question I I would I would love a way of having a caddy that you could almost select as you're playing and what I mean by that a lot of the time I'll tell you what I'll tell you where I'd love a caddy okay I'd love a caddy pre-shot. And I'd love them to vanish before I hit the shot okay like a genie yeah just stroke your head cover out comes Darius yeah [Music] I've had I've had a few really good caddies recently like um oh oh Doug rather August National was brilliant Sawgrass the Cadillac Sawgrass mat it's gonna annoy me he was brilliant I really do enjoy having caddies like I've definitely think I played better golf even with that video a couple of years ago with Steve Brotherhood yeah again brilliant because I love the advice before I hit a shot I love the confidence in there telling you how far away it is what club you should hit that bit of dialogue before you hit a shot the one thing I don't like having a caddy. For is when then.

You don't hit a good shot Phil I feel a bit responsible a bit guilty. And a bit like the judging me going yeah right I told you to take a good I told you to do this this is why I love all the pre bit. And I could not clip things up on the next.

Stroke the head cover again and he vanishes blindfolding because I'm then.

I'm armed with all the information but I don't feel guilty of it about shots tell you what then.

I suggest why don't we use a Garmin at 82 Rangefinder done there's nothing you need there you go um yeah because even I've had my my only ever hole in one when I had a caddy Matt fryer was caddying. For me wow and my only ever holding one at West lancs um you know I played pretty solid round Saw Grass by British all around August uh it's not always been the case um because an absolute nightmare at Bay Hill went out of caddy but that's where again like I felt like I just wanted him not to be there because I was I was struggling. And when you're struggling with a caddy it feels a bit light oh yeah it's an extra person you always feel responsible. For you feel guilty because golf is such a solo sport where sometimes when you've got a caddy it feels like a team sport imagine imagine being um. So you think that's bad which I understand imagine me like I know a DP World Tour player. And you kind of you doing okay. So you're making a decent lifestyle a lot of expenses your caddy is obviously making an okay lifestyle. But not brilliant hopefully if you go on to do great things deal take them with you. And you'll both flourish and you know he gets the event and you kind of like how's it going on oh yeah good boss got a broken uh Broken Wheel on my car it's gonna cost 600 Quid I could do without. And I am my wife's getting my redundance tough time and then.

You know real life problems and mortgage rates going up all this stuff. And then.

You go out we've got the the lead after two rounds Caddy's thinking I'm getting 10 of this Life's good and you go and shoot 80 to 82. that's what I mean my responsibility to make 10 grand they get a 500 quid. Or something now that is pressure it's stressful being a caddy it must be nice. But when you're at the elite elite level where you've got a great relationship you're not gonna get fired for a couple bad rounds because you've got you know we've built up a friendship and personal professional friendship as well whatever but to actually be a caddy a a lower level it must be tough I remember um Steve Williams was the highest paid sports person in New Zealand. For a long time because he was Tiger Woods his caddy um yeah. So when it's good it's good but I must admit I must it must be very very challenging when it's not going your way. Or the players brutal as well four rounds kind of massive battle that's just the tournament rounds well exactly yeah you've got the program you've got the practice round you've got all start walking the course in the morning as well in the due even the job of your standing there in a driving range while your players shelling balls. And you and you've just stood there kind of I think there should be a national caddy day I bet there is one I'm gonna see when it is National caddy day I reckon it is National it might be International Canada I'm going to go with that. So what do you expect happens on National Academy Day the rules are reversed I'll be good International caddy day what do you reckon I feel it's not going to be one. But you could start it feel free to use your platform to do. So at the moment there is no International caddy day there you go after you learn a marathon that's your next.

Task no today.


17th of April it's going to be the 18th. And 18th of April 18th of April is New National caddy day International International Canada day I'm gonna put in my phone yearly reminder what what do you do as a mark of respect. For the caddies um take your golf back to work yeah you tip them more you tip all Caddy's more yeah you clean your own bloody golf clubs okay. And you thank them you thank them for their service for cadine duties worldwide very good uh last question you are a caddy someone congratulations. For international Candy Day congrats by someone in person does email yeah okay because we want to hear your story. Or yeah okay that's that last thing if you are a Cadet. And you've got a fantastic story like a really funny one you can stay Anonymous this is him if there's an amazing caddy story email them to podcast rickshaws.com. And let's let's hit you can stay Anonymous. But let's hear the funny stories from the world of cattle I love that um last question is from Adam Bridgeman is a putter fitting less important than the rest of the bag. And a two-hour fit in using Sam Potter lab a few years back and ordered the recommended putter but I just didn't like the way it looked and couldn't get any sort of distance control but honest with my eye better and put it so much better is the flat stick something much more personal like a field Club I think it is yeah I always think a Potter almost chooses you right I love this idea yeah I remember you used to go into like a golf shop. And there'd be a rack of Putters and you'd have a little putting green and I used to just mess about and you put your pick a putter up and if it if you hold it it went through to the next.

Round if you missed you put it back on your shelf okay. And you do that all the way around you get down to the last two. And then.

Whichever one wins that that's the putter that the sun treating that actually it shows you because that means you must have hold every single putt with that Putter and then.

Yes the golf cart doesn't work it's always the way. But keep it yeah nothing to golf. But if you don't I think um my brother I fit in at Torx golf with Lee Sullivan a couple of years ago a few years ago now actually it was really good. And it was really insightful. And it was um you ended up buying a putter that was recommended to him. And it was weird because the actual fit in obviously I never fitted. For Potters but fit for the clubs was first class he couldn't fault the fitting did it massively improve his game not really however. does he now know what the best tool. For his game yes. So is that on him more potentially it's not massively expenses game I don't know I think it's a win I think any golfer really a lot of golfers to say go into fittings maybe expecting too much. And do expect that a golf club can suddenly change your game I've only got one memory of your brother putting. And it was phenomenal Eagle at the old course ninth hole Yeah. So that's that's the only memory well that's how we put this outside Sullivan that's how he puts all the time that's how that's the only memory lasting memory I've got a few Brothers putting I don't remember anything that other putting that you ever did he held that eagle put very good that's a good part that's a good episode that's one more um I'll let you reiterate this because you're you're very good at this. But we would love um if you've enjoyed this podcast which if you listen to this point I guess you must have done to some degree would you agree or are you enforced you've been capped you've been captured I do do that occasionally. And you've been forced to listen to this and you got to this point in the podcast yeah I got banned from Morrisons. For that and your your ears are bleeding yeah you've gouged your eyes out yeah even though you literally only listen to it you know what I've started doing now putting podcasts on in one earpod. And then.

Falling asleep and waking up at around like two in the morning with a podcast on imagine someone's put on an episode of ritual golf show this part on episode 176 there are a few behind they fall asleep do you wake up it's 178. And you're talking about mad cow disease but if you're a bit like what's going on they would have already fallen asleep before I'd even read the episode number out is that Bloody boring anyway the longest Long Point that was if you've enjoyed it you're listening on Apple. And you want to rate the podcast feel free to do. So please do do. So this week amazingly with the podcast was number five in the sports chart. For the whole of sport in the UK so that just shows how good you guys are in the clubhouse. And the ones that are on the way into the clubhouse are on that Journey that I actually think it's a waiting list at the moment to get in the clubhouse how long 26.2 miles I don't actually know. But just it's there there's a queue yeah it's a queue 26 points yeah yeah yeah well apparently I should Holly. And Phil but actual nice modern reference [Music] all right guys it's all going a bit South thanks. So much for listening watching um again uh thanks for your support with London Marathon running this weekend I'm gonna do my best. And I'm Gonna Leave You with Kerry who um founded the it's never you uh charity I'll leave you with some lasting words from him and if you can donate be really appreciated wish me luck. And uh we'll see you next.

Monday good luck thanks pal My Name is Kerry in 2021 my six-year-old son Hugh sadly passed away from a rare form of cancer with an abundance of Courage strength resilience. And humidity Hugh fought the cancer for 11 months shortly after Hughes passing my wife and I decided to use the immense grief and pain from losing our son and help those still in need and created the charity it's never you the UK's first charity exclusively supporting the parents of children with cancer we set out to be Innovative and offer something different something that we felt was not supported during our experience with Hugh we created the first social media platform exclusively. For parents called The Children's Cancer platform we have created a platform where parents can access advice. For mental health physical well-being and Financial Resources all which they need along the Journey of their child's treatment we bring Paris together to share their experiences and to support one another during their darkest times from diagnosis through treatment and remission whilst also supporting parents who are sadly say goodbye to their child by raising money. For its never used you will be helping. And supporting parents who never thought it would be them thank you [Music].