Right something has happened here which i don't think i've never seen tiger woods do this before no tigers is social media is normally somewhat corporate yes. And you'd almost imagine that he doesn't even have access to it i feel like normally tiger woods is not on social media whatsoever until until last night. So i want to get this time right exactly so this is the second of march 2022 at 5 22 pm uk time he shared. And i honestly right now believe tiger woods got into his account screenshotted phil mickelson's tweet from a few weeks earlier and quote tweeted it with a hand up emoji whoops another handle promote you and the story is all about this pip the player initiative program this has been a bad few weeks from phil nicholson hasn't it um we can all say that. But i think it was just starting to feel like it was becoming a little bit of old news slightly. And then.

This has come on which is a cherry on top where tiger woods has absolutely destroyed him. So a little bit of backstory i there was always animosity between tiger. And phil yeah there always has been from from when tiger hit the scene filmmakers if you actually take tiger out of the equation. For the period of time that that phil nicholson played the game phil mickelson would have been the greatest ever bar maybe jack nicklaus yeah like if you look how many times he's come second. Or he's he's been knocking at the door but the person above him is tiger woods. And because of that there's always been a little bit of kind of there has to be a rivalry rival which is probably been very good. For them both and spurred them both on you know i know tiger doesn't need much more motivation but if he's thinking i've got 50 balls left can't bother he's thinking about filling up these balls i'm going to hit them now i'm probably saying. For phil exactly so and then.

We saw it i felt like they become slightly more friendly over the last few years older bit wiser back end of the the careers they even had that match which was like the first match where they played a million dollars over in vegas. And which filmic was actually won in a play-off wasn't great that much. But it was quite interesting um phil's known. For his banter he's known for his uncoursed camaraderie and his you know ribbing of other players which is a skill well i don't i'm not good at that at all i don't know if you are. But i i'm terrible if we're out playing a match i'm not you know giving it all that it's just not in my thoughts no you're another gentleman i am your mother scholar. So if you don't know this this pip so it's something that the pj tour has brought in in the last 12 months to basically incentivize players who are bringing eyeballs to the pga tour i get it. And i don't get it i understand the concept that you've said the players that they're most active on social media. And stuff get the money but i don't understand on what basis it's measured on it's measured on yeah is is it likes is it favorites is it retweets is it what's the actual metric well the pj tour said they were never going to share the information it seems a bit on who would win it is even like if it's done on google searches when ty gord's obviously had his accidents people are searching his name that's driving. So much more traffic to golf into the pj tour by the way everyone watching i'm not being rude on my phone i'm actually trying to look for some information uh my mom always thinks i'm being rude it does look terribly rude um. So why oh where is it now. So basically i tell you who's really good at this let me just let me bring this up one sec one time was it um well tiger's tweet yesterday by the way it's 16 hours old now it's at 66 000 likes 10 000 um retweets. And over a thousand comments back and that's just on twitter he's basically just one pip for next.

Year well what's mad though with all you look at the engagement on that but then.

All those retweets and quotes which got loads of engagement the replies got like in terms of actual eyeballs on that yesterday you're looking at millions aren't you millions and millions so um oh i can't find what i'm looking for so there was a breakdown of what it's actually measured on oh right okay i thought they were never going to release it though no they have all right. So that's what i'm saying they said they were never maybe put a screenshot. So it's measured over a few things obviously google searches yeah social media some another term which i didn't know which i i guess just means um like media coverage right which is hard to measure well even social media what does that mean like followers. Or engagements or well i think they worked out something like even jordan spieth was like top 10 he'd only done 25 tweets all year yeah. So i don't really know it must be engagement it must be reach so anyway going back to the story phil mickelson a number of weeks ago now announced that he'd won pip. And it's an eight million eight million dollar prize for winning being the most popular player right second place got six million and it kind of dropped down to like three and a half million dollars all the way down so i think top ten got paid i think the lowest player got like two. And a half million which is pretty pretty nice. So because pga tour weren't going to announce it phil mickelson did. But then.

Obviously that wasn't correct phil nicholson did not win pip tigers won it a few weeks later. And then.

Obviously it looks like his egg on filming cousin's face because he's come out and said he's wondering his face is swagged anyway at the minute it's. So much jack let's get a picture on that i have filmmakers face with egg on it because that's what it looks like right now however. that egg face has just got six million dollars richer so who's whose egg is on who's the only thing i mean obviously we're in the world of social media. And clicks and likes and engagements and stuff but you wonder with this is it to get a bit silly like i think um you know people coming on the scene now it's weird isn't it because like when you're an up-and-coming aspirational tour pro where you can just get on the pga tour you get your talk out whatever your focus should be normally is playing golf practicing getting better it's not necessarily creating content now i know they get teams on board. But will they get to a point where it's. So important to get this pit fund that they all just take on social media agencies that just do stuff. For them that's not actually authentic whereas then.

You could have someone doesn't do as much. But does it themselves it's really good. But doesn't get as many like likes you see what i mean someone like a max homer yeah this is really isn't in the top 10.. And this is really organic authentic engaging. And it's different yeah like there's lots of players whose social media is really really insightful like even max homer does a podcast. And i'll listen to it with shane bacon and it's like so interesting because you're hearing things you would never normally hear bryce de chambeaux does his own social media bryce bryson's youtube videos are something that massively again i was kind of on the fence with bryce. And didn't like him and dislike him from watching them i'm now a big fan of him obviously he's come on here a lot of other people have converted to become fans of him like that and he did well in the pip thing. But that kind of content is. So much more insightful and valuable just getting a few likes and a random tweet being stupid isn't it you know what i mean here's a really interesting topic there was three players in the top ten that earned more from the pip than they did on course earnings last year bubba watson who was 10th place he won 2 million on course 3 million pip phil mickelson 2.8 million on course 6 million is that right 2.8 million tiger woods yeah zero on course earnings last year eight million people well that's also because isn't that if if god forbid hasn't played again all this year he probably will win it again without playing a single event i'm sure he will play this year fingers crossed. But it's a strange one isn't it i like the idea of it i love to see golfers being online more and showing the kind of true selves and giving us some kind of nuggets from behind the scenes but it might get a little bit click bait nonsense you know what though i can get my coat um you know what though. And i saw a tweet this morning i can't remember where it was from that said would it not just be actually better if all that money was pumped back into development of golf of course it would. But that's like what would and but did the players not have some level of responsibility. For that they all have foundations to probably say i'm ticking that box already because i've got my foundation but yeah you're right i just think without adding that up that's probably 25 million of paper whatever why would you draw the line though like what's the winner of the open get now well over a million quid could actually get 400 grand. And give 600 charity like it's i know you mean it's it's like footballers this money that athletes are earning now is insane [Music].