I don't want to say it's a bad life but it's it's very good it's very good difference yeah it's different yeah i think it's it's the real side i don't think exactly there's a lot more that goes into tour life than i think people could appreciate that's what we obviously like you've won on european tour you're super successful. But like like james who we've had on before who who was a european tour player obviously missing cuts. And stuff and you know didn't do as well as you would like to it's not as glamorous of life as you think if you say to somebody oh yeah i'm oh you're here that guy over there is a european tour pro you're thinking that's the dream. But in reality unless you are doing really well it must be. So so tough yeah it's um yeah there's a lot to it behind the scenes. But like i said um i think it's i think it's anything you know if you want to be a a lawyer you've got to go through eight years of study you know it's it's tough. And that can be lonely exactly exactly. So that's commitment where you can't go out with your friends at the weekend yeah. So you're right anything that you're trying to pursue anything that you're trying to be ambitious for but it comes with obstacles and barriers i can't fathom though like we came up yesterday it's only like only a four and a half hour drive whatever so when the grand scheme thing's not very far but imagine if you'd have like flown here for the open from australia whatever it might be and you have a practice round swinging it quite good you get on the golf course shoot like 80 82 or something how that must be exactly yeah it's a lot of mental strength um you work. So hard for this specific week and then.

You miss the cut and it's a terrible feeling you know i missed five cuts in a row from later last year to you know abu dhabi dubai saudi i missed all five carts in a row and you you know it's it's kind of good that that happens because you need to have a kick in the teeth sometimes and then.

You work hard but um yeah i mean it's not you kind of it's you've got to get over it. But you've got to learn you've got to learn everything every every step of the way you've got to learn what you did right. And what you did wrong. And you got to improve and played pretty good last couple weeks so the last couple of tournaments and hopefully i'm on trending trending path but yeah it's it's very it's a i mean i don't want to say it's a bad life. But it's it's very good it's very good yeah it's different yeah i think it's it's the real side i don't think people get to yeah exactly this is why i love doing the podcast. And things and getting people like yourself on because yes it looks glamorous. And you'd never for one minute ever believe you could ever complain about being in saint andrews for a week yeah yeah it is literally a dream. For yeah. For most people around the world it's a dream but but it comes with it's not always perfect because when you come here you come with family for once a lifetime trip but you're not on your own or going grafting. Or you've got a swing fault you're going to work on that that's the reality isn't it that's the difference. And you've got a plane like say testing conditions what you're not used to and all those things like that's where it becomes much more of a if you've got to a mental strength it's it's a lifestyle isn't it that's that you know i'm sure and again the glamorous side the the private jets the mansions all the money in the world that'll also and again it'd be hard for people to to appreciate would also come with different challenges like you know it's um it's hard to stay motivated when you've got things like that much money and things like you know look at your rory's and your djs and things like that and you think it's hard like they've got to go out every single week. And put the grind in even when they don't always have to yeah exactly yeah where's what's the what's the goals give me give me a list if you've got if you've got yearly goals lifetime goals career goals yeah you know lifetime i probably want to be hall of fame. So obviously a lot of a lot of uh wins as well under the belt and you know i think a lot of people would want to say that um if they're very you know dedicated to the game um. But you know i would love to be top 50 well we can start with let's say top 100 by the end of the year what's your current ranking right now i'm about 2 20. i got to 130 after vic open. But you know slowly got out because you know covert and european tour stopped for a little bit but um and a few miscuts but um yeah i would like to be you know top 100 top 50 end of the year um my device is pretty low as a start like as a professional when you start you know start uh the professional life you get a divisor. And you know by the time goes you get your divisor so it's i think it's like the tournament wins. And then.

It you get it divides from the tournaments you've played so i haven't played enough tournaments to you know get it like kicked out so yeah i've got you know small amounts. So i got the minimum right now i think um. And pretty much the points that i play good in they count and the ones that i played okay. And i still win but um yeah the you pretty much pretty much like if it's a brooks capcom you know in two years their win kind of kicks out because they're um your devise is pretty high. So i'm not really sure on it that much but i know it's it's a complex science the world ranking isn't it so you need to play a lot of tournaments this year is that this implant is that oh well no i'm saying if i play let's say i go out on a win uh next.

Week yeah i would jump up in the rankings heavily. But if someone like brook scapegoat won and they wouldn't get kicked up that much let's say we were the same rankings. And he's played plenty of tournaments he wouldn't he wouldn't get kicked up that much because he's played a lot of tournaments but because i've only been pro for two and a half years i've you know it counts as more yeah. So what is the schedule pretty busy this year uh yeah. So i mean i'm gonna be in europe. For probably another two and a half months three months because i don't want to go home and quarantine yeah when you go home too yeah. And when you come back no no. So we get an example like special exemption when we come out and play yeah uh these tournaments. So but we you know last week uh that was the first week on had to get tested before i fly had to get tested as soon as i landed um. And then.

Had to get tested on day five and then.

Had to get tested on day eight and then.

I just got another test to go to denmark in a couple days so uh yeah it's pretty brutal with the covert test. But um yeah pretty much a new new way of life yeah yeah it is. And when when you're um when you're playing all these tournaments at the moment are these all pretty much brand new tournaments like have you done denmark before no i've never done denmark because i got cancelled i think last year. Or i just didn't play but um so a lot of these new events coming up now yeah i've. So i've played like scottish open and i've played um i didn't play irish open i don't think it was on last year um played porsche european open in germany. So half of them are okay. And half of them are because you know when covert wasn't there i would you know stay here. For a month go home and then.

Come back as much as i can when i can. So you know take this necessary time off when i need to but um you know play as many who gives you guidance when you go to a brand new tournament like let's say let's say denmark yeah you've never been there right you get off the flight. And you land explain how you get to places it happens how do you how do you get to places where do you stay who recommends restaurants who recommends how you travel who tells you where the driving range is how does that all work. So obviously you don't really know but we're in a bubble now so as soon as we get to the normally we fly in uh you they might you know you get you know i have a manager he takes care of me but there's guys on the european tour side play a relationship side that help out and you know you have to get this you have to get that so um pretty much you fly in you get your courtesy car or your service to the hotel um this is covered. So and then.

You're gonna get your test pretty much as soon as you get there yeah wait in your hotel room. For about four or five hours and then.

You can do whatever you want. But you can't leave the hotel or the golf course okay. So pretty much you're in you're kind of stuck in the gym or the range yeah yeah. So pretty much just what you you have to do. For your work life you can't really you know go out and you can't go to a restaurant yeah like if we were in dubai at the beginning of the year. And you know we're right on the right and the marina yeah literally there. And we couldn't you know we could just look outside we can't go out and walk and you know hotel golf course hotel golf course that's it yeah. So is that in a weird way does that almost help you when you are going to these venues that you don't know about because you've not got a choice yeah like you you've got i'm guessing then.

Is there there's player um dining i guess. So your food's all sorted for you there's there's as soon as you get to the golf course is the hotel like right next.

To the golf course usually we travel. So next.

Week it's a bit different it's like half and half an hour away i don't think they can get hotels nearby. But well that is the nearest hotel. So um there's a few hotels that the players stay and then.

Um but usually it's on the golf course so yeah you know because of covered reasons. And getting a cab back and forth or whatever it's just easier if the course was on like belfry the course we stayed at the valley that's the easy. And so it was easy you know just in a way does that not make it more like an actual bubble works like you're literally staying there. And the course is there. And you don't see anything else yeah i mean i'm not the touristy type of guy. So i'm not going out every day. And but you know there's you know you when you go out to dinner every night you see you see a lot of things and you know if it's a special place you go and check it out but usually it's usually you're there to do one thing. And practice and do all that. But also yeah it's tough because you're not really getting away from work you know you want to obviously like i don't say it's work you know it's you know it's my life. And i love you i think it has to be seen as a job. And it worked because you've got to structure it like that and if you didn't need time away as well don't you it's a business and you do have to see it. And i think again. For people listening who don't live in golf they would struggle to comprehend that but sometimes after you've played a tournament let's say you've had a great round or a bad round wherever it may be sometimes you do want to switch off. And go away and go for ice cream and you go to watch the cinema and things like that where obviously you can't at the moment so again when you get there is is your manager on site. Or is he on the phone my manager's in america. So he you know we contact through the phone and um he knows most of the things you know he gets it done before i get there you know he gets everything sorted just so i don't you know have to wake him up in the morning and freak him out but so if you have a problem is he the first person you ring uh yeah he's he usually knows most things you know um he's a pretty good pretty good at what he does. And you know it's his job so yeah you know he does he does he does a very good job of it he knows all these yeah he knows who if you if you think about setting up all this setting up all that you know by yourself it gets pretty you know you need to have less thoughts exactly exactly you need to not think about anything exactly. And their job is to make sure you think about nothing your job is to go practice hit balls play plays better then.

After the after the round yeah do this. And it's like okay yeah. So it's yeah it's. And then.

You caddy do you have a full-time caddy no. So at the moment i'm kind of toss and turning at the moment um had some you know i had a caddy for a year and a half he was awesome um. And then.

You know just bubble life and it was a bit tough with you know he lived in america. So it was a bit everything's everything's right now is a bit tough i don't have a european tour caddy. So um or europe european caddy so it's not it's not easy to just you know travel in and out from america and all that so um yeah it's right now i'm kind of just i'm getting a local next.

Week just because uh no one can i mean the person that i had before couldn't you know fill in. So yeah uh it's yeah right now it's a bit tough. But so when you get a local caddy are they just literally local to the golf club. Or are they are they actually professionals. So he's well i'm not sure i don't know i don't know the guy that i'm seeing next.

Week so you know there's a lot of trust and all that's gonna say yeah it is a little a little strange i've never really had a local caddy like someone that i've i'm obviously professionally if someone if you get a professional caddy new. For the new week or new like he's a new person like he knows the way to do everything you know he's had it before. And he'll get the gist of you know what i like and what i don't i don't want him to tell me this i don't want him to tell me that you know or i can just tell him you know i usually just tell him what you like. So yeah um. But next.

Week it's probably going to be you know mostly my you know i do the yardage book i do all that. And he's just carrying the bag yeah pretty much pretty much i mean cleaning your clubs carrying the bag it's kind of a last-minute thing. So i mean it's yeah it's just like i said it's tough if you've you know got a caddy from america. And it's of course and there's you know troubles along the way and all that so um yeah a bit of bit of tour life there. So you you just lay out the land and go right i like it this is my favorite club to hit off the tee this is much shot shape. Or not even nothing uh it's oh well to him to him oh i don't know i probably have to do most things myself you know i would rather i've played enough to know what i like. And yeah obviously you want a second thought. But i mean he's he's not a professional candidate. So he wouldn't know more than what i would of course you know so um you're going to know you're getting better obviously yeah we'll see we'll see next.

Week if it goes good. Or not hopefully his english is good. And things like you've got yeah i mean we've texted back. And forth i mean i think it's okay um. But like i said it's pretty much just carrying. But then.

After denmark where you're off to next.

Uh germany i'll be someone new again yeah he he carried from me at belfry. So he's um he actually carried on the pga tour for a little bit and he yeah he knows the rope a little bit oh great. So you getting the guy that you've already had on before yeah he just had he just had stuff to do. So um it was just kind of like a last minute thing. And it is what it is. So um yeah i mean it's a bit tough. But it's fine you know i know how to play golf so hopefully i'll play okay.