Device to put an offering where where are we putting it premium yeah front of hat all front. But the out front of heart that'd be a lot of money let's say chest or arm between five and ten grand nice i'm glad i didn't ask and then.

What happens after there's like a circus once after that like what the hell happened well we went in the clubhouse england were playing football. And i remember just thinking like we've got a lot of organization to do here i need somewhere to stay who's going to caddy. For me is it about three weeks before the actual open it's not a long time is it is it two. Or three weeks it's definitely close because i always think that how do you get accommodation. And stuff it was maybe two weeks. And i remember going into the clubhouse one of my good friends mark who's like very very organized mr organization he was like looking. For places to stay straight away right there then.

When you're in the clubhouse he's just one final qualifying but it was. So expensive to stay how much did you win. For final qualifying um i'm asking seven hundred okay not as much as my dad i can't believe that um. So that was a nice little bonus winning that money as well. And i won i think 400 pound at the first stage. So it was a nice little yeah yeah cash injection um. But possibly didn't bear in significance to how much it was going to cost you the week of the open well coming out the woodwork like old sponsors colin one of my very good friends that's still a very good friend now said right i'm gonna buy the accommodation we're gonna get a big house we're all gonna stay in uh. So my mum my dad myself my wife um a couple of sponsors and my caddy all stayed in the same house but you're paying premium price now aren't you colin was i feel like it was about six seven thousand pounds because you're two weeks away from the open yeah everything is booked yep in the in the town of kanushti it's not big every single thing was booked even i was working. For the open that week and guy came up we had to even i had to stay like and the rna had booked this hotel like two years in advance or three even we were staying like 15 minutes up the road 20 minutes up the road like it wasn't close no he couldn't get anything close um i mean i didn't get a bmw x5 to drive up yep got a bmw x5. And who gave you that um a member of sna he was the manager of bmw williams liverpool at the time. So i said to him said go on paul you can surely you can get me a car that i can listen you lent on him. For a bit of yeah i just said what what do you reckon he can do. And he said oh i'll have a chat with him. And before you know it i had a brand new x5 and what do they get out of it a nice little press piece i just did a chair yeah a bit of press they did a bit i've actually got the picture on my phone. So i found it before yeah nice bit of press there's a nice bmw actually did you actually drive it up. Or did someone drive. For you yeah um that's nice no i didn't have a driver that would have been nice. But i know i drove it up but i love driving so i thought that was nice though i have a brand new x5 up to scotland like a boy. And a giant in a toilet in a toy shop loving it so sponsors coming out the wood works what's this because i i know wilson sponsored it was that well i was using wilson irons anyway um basically it would have been 2017 kind of the year came to an end i started using wilson ions um. And wilson came out they they helped me out um helped you out with kit or money as well or kit and money all right great yep gave me a nice tall bag and did you swap any clubs i swapped putter between final stage. And that's controversial come on james you've learned about this you said before you weren't going to swap clubs was up to wilson putter. Or no i went from odyssey to scotty cameron oh was that. For like a paid thing was actually you wanted to swap butter just got a nice putter. And if you're going to play in the open you probably want to scotty was it it's probably got a uh oh nice oh that's why you did it yeah limited edition on how did that come about yeah it wasn't done on the tour van no it was it was delivered oh nice. But uh i feel like we're jumping from fiddler to post here but i still got some new questions so then.

I obviously you were also sponsored up your clothing was sponsored yep. So you had patches like a formula one driver i did look like an f1 driver raw sport which is colin who paid. For the house um and then.

I had gpw which is a company that a recruitment company in saint helens that's sponsored we'll let you have a little free idea go on carry on wilson um uh mps um which is a printing company in standish one another one of my friends lee doba um. And then.

I had cardinal meantime um which is one of colin's friends i have actually met him. But he was like yeah i want a piece of the action let's whack another logo on. And oh my god before you know it i had uh logos all over don't blame me and again just you don't have to say this but was was there a price per patch. Or were you just taking everything you could um everything i could because at the end of the day i thought this might just be a one week thing. So say for example yeah obviously i was in communication if i would have said to you where rickshaws logo this week yeah how much would it cost me. Or device to put an offering where where where are we putting it premium yeah front of heart oh front. But the out front of heart that'd be a lot of money let's say chest or arm between five and ten grand nice i'm glad i didn't ask so a couple of couple of hundred kitkat wouldn't have cut off that's the beauty of the open over probably every other major well loves the us open as well but the fact that you could have gone on and played another four days of the best golf you've ever played and actually won the claret joke i know it's hard to believe and it's obviously a massive fast but that could have happened and your five grand rickshaws logo could have been on the front of golf magazines for for the rest of time well you look at even like paul laurie when he won in 99 he had so many logos on him and again because he was he was no disrespect he would have been from the from the pack he wouldn't have been expected to have walked. So he would have sold out as much as he could um right so we need to.