Because we you came away literally and you were kind of half joking. But almost scratching your head going how is he not actually still on the tour. And it was. So this is going up tuesday. So last night well that's actually tonight for us yeah a video with james robinson the golf pro james robinson yes the one we had on the podcast yeah we did the video where he played nine holes at the marriott worthy park with a package set that cost 70 pounds that was a half set had driver hybrid six iron eight iron pitching wedge putter my predictions when you're listening to this podcast that video has probably already got a million views it was number one trending on youtube. For three days consistently um it's got potential to be a monster video well the the logic behind this video was james robinson as i said was on the podcast i'm guessing most people heard that podcast he's a really good guest he's got an amazing story he's now a really good golf coach played in the open played on the european tour he looks like a golf pro as well doesn't he he's i was a borderline annoyed at him when he came i've got a little bit of a manchester united yeah i can see that on on him on his golf game on his ability give me five things like what james robinson in no particular order go um golf swing he's pure i like the fact he doesn't think his game is good enough yeah it's absolutely ridiculous i really respect that he's tall yeah dark good looking yeah not that should massively influence things. But he is it's fact i don't know if we're going to get five here um he's a nice family man yeah very much said about his son being like his best mate yeah big fan of that. And then.

Lastly he [Music] yeah he's got great he's dressed really well yeah um he's got a fast car he's got a lovely car. And he's just he's just a nice guy yeah he's one of my favorite people. And the reason behind this video was was that some people think that when you go out. And buy really expensive golf clubs they're going to make you really good at golf right other people kind of go oh it doesn't matter what clubs you have you know tigers could play with it. Or whatever yeah he'd still shoot under power. So we thought well i can see both sides of the argument i can understand why people after there's amazing marketing that your tailor made. And your callaways pump out about speed foam and jailbreak etcetera how as a golfer you want to get better clubs because things can make you play better. But then.

You also can understand how if you've got a friend who's gone out. And done that and still shanks out of bounds or sliced onto the fairways you think well the clubs don't make a difference. So we thought well if we give an ex tour pro for the purpose of the title of video we'll call him a tour pro still because we want clicks um let's see how he gets on now the funny thing was here that i think might even get a little bit overlooked from that's in the title is not only was a package set that wasn't the best quality it was a half second yeah. So he literally said a driver in a hybrid a couple of irons. And a wedge that no sand wedge no lob wedge. And actually that pitching wedge i bet was about 44 degrees in loft it was really strong yeah. And i don't want to give it away because some people might not have watched it if you've watched it you know what he shot but he was incredible he just he made it look easy he did. And he reminded he doesn't play loads of golf right now i mean this is literally he was talking about this is a practice round. For open qualifying for him in june and it wouldn't surprise me if it is yeah i mean he hardly plays any golf he's a busy golf coach now um. And he just rocked up hit a few shots in the net and just went out there and just played incredible golf so did that i mean we played well let's just say that because i want to ruin it people haven't seen it you played well were you surprised um what's that surprise let me have a think about this now i didn't think you'd shoot the score that he did. So yeah. So surprised about that and i felt like he just had ridiculous control over his golf shots still like there wasn't a pat like let's say i'll tell you what i'm surprised about because at all when you're a tour pro and you're practicing every single day you expect every single area of your game to be like perfect it's like long game exceptional i am playing incredible short game just to be absolutely fine-tuned but because he's not playing loads of golf i fully expected one of those areas in his game not to be as good yeah. But i didn't see any weakness but do you think that's because well he didn't show which weakness to prefer. But do you think that because he's better than you it's hot like if somebody who's a 15 played with you they would probably see no weakness they'd be like you hit it. So well do that because he's. So good because we you came away literally and you were kind of half joking. But almost scratching your head going how is he not actually still on the toilet yeah. And it it makes me i can understand. Or sorry i can't understand how difficult it must be for him to still play as good as he does. Yet he knows he can't make it on tour yeah like he's almost still. So good like if suddenly all of a sudden you're a tough pro and you get the yips and you can't put or you can't chip or whatever and you just go okay that's it that's me done tour golf i cannot do because i've there's a there's a part of me that i cannot get it in the hole in a less amount of shots. For him if he could go out today.

And shoot 65 with his comfortably with his own clubs potentially yet that's not enough he couldn't do it in the big stage he couldn't do it when he needed to potentially. But like i said to you when we left though he was absolutely amazing. But although it was on camera. And he literally every shot was completely genuine like it literally was what you see on the video was exactly what happened he knew that potentially millions people could watch it. But there was nobody there there was no pressure really was there if you shot four. Or five of what didn't make a difference but imagine playing on the european tour for your mortgage for your car for your food it's totally different isn't it big time and even if he's only two shots off the person that's leading two shots each day if he's two shots behind like each day it's drops eight shots through a tournament off the lit of the winner i think it's a i think it's a big correlation. And we've seen this from a couple of speakings of james and even dan last week you saw i'm not gonna get into loads of golf news i didn't i didn't watch loads of it but stuart zinc won not last weekend the weekend before right he's a much older golfer and he had his son in his bag and he shot the the best 36 hole record in any tournament he's ever there's ever been can't remember the score now like 18 under or something daft like there's a lot to talk about he's under no pressure like he's made his millions he's comfortable. And do you see is there a cut point where these tour pros just once they've made enough. And they're comfortable they just go into cruise control no like a dj is he not just in cruise control. Or a mickelson not just in cruise control because they've made the money and it's like there's no pressure now. But what i'm saying about cruise control they've still got put the effort and the hard work in but they're not playing for the mortgage anymore they're not playing for like yeah. But sorry close to the mic yeah. But imagine like let's just change the scenario let's put youtube now you're the number one golf youtuber you've hit over a million subscribers etc everybody else that makes golf youtube videos kind of looks up to where you are. But you still want to produce the best videos that get the most views you've always got something to to aim at you so i do. But in i'm not i don't feel as under pressure and we can do nicer things like we built the studio like it's almost like we can we can push the envelope a little bit more now we can be a little bit more brave. Or um confident in what we do because we know what works like if this was if this was a start-up youtube channel. And we had to fork out this much money to pay for the studio and stuff like that yeah. But you wouldn't do that if it started would you if it was a startup youtube channel you wouldn't have probably the funds to to invest you'd just be going off like it'd be more fun if anything that's what i'm saying is a startup tour pro you can't just go in you can't just cruise around like every single bit that you spend every month everywhere you eat everywhere you stay the way you travel to to locations all of that has an influence on your health outcome i suppose it's different pressure then.

Like i said if you're a european torpor battling. For your card your pressure is literally i said paying your mortgage paying your bills etc surviving whereas yeah dj rory don't have that pressure. But for them they've got other aspirations they've got being the leading money winner no question they've got winning the most majors beating tiger beating jack nicholas's record whatever it might be that must be a different type of pressure. But but they're almost like outcome pressures they're almost like gold pressures as opposed they're they're achievable pressures as opposed to down on the other side it's like you're fighting for your dinner like they're they're really like negative pressures yeah. But another thing as well i think that's how we would see this. But a lot of these guys wouldn't get to level her out if they got so bogged down do you get what i mean because if you i've got a negative mindset on the golf course i think you have to a certain degree if you run the european tour thinking i need to play well today.

I need to play welter i need to play well today.

The chance i wouldn't play well you wouldn't be on you'd lose your card i mean you wouldn't have got to being on tour because we saw at q school how much pressure actually is. But you can't let it affect you else you won't play well will ya. So i suppose they can just the good ones. Or the ones even considering it on the european tour have to be able to manage that pressure do you know what i mean yeah it'd be really interesting though if you went to tour school. And if if you planted you didn't almost do it publicly. And you said to 10 players you hand-picked 10 players. And said you've been chosen okay the next.

Five years oh i'm gonna i'm gonna give you five million to get through the next.

Five years. For right let's say would you pick 10 players do you think you'd see those 10 players ranked higher in the leaderboard because there's there's like less pressure. For the future but what if they stopped practicing there's no pressure. Or maybe five grand five million is too much. But but that's the point the pressure is what again if you use it positively is what caused you to go. And practice and grind because you know you have to go into an hour on the putting green after a tour because you need to get better you're putting if there's no pressure you're not gonna bother true. So why are you like because you've got no pressure on the podcast you rock up here late you just do what you want whereas a young brick shield. But i'm i'm chilled with it as well like i'm comfortable and that way gives you a better performance well that's what i'm saying where if if i was like uptight. And like super early this morning i'm like oh my god is everything all right the camera's definitely working you know is this you wouldn't be the same no i do think like again if it was me certainly if it was me i would be much much more comfortable playing it as a competitive level where i thought you know i can just i can go out. And try and shoot the lights out here because it doesn't really matter if i don't shoot the lights out because i can just do it again next.

Week. Or i can do it again the week after. Or you know i've stayed in this lovely hotel i've traveled by a private jet but think of the ego as well as rory he he rory obviously doesn't really matter he misses the cut because he's getting his millionaire well his ego's not going to want to miss the court yeah. So it's just different in it like it's different the pressure that rory has and i don't know it's different a quick one i don't.