All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast everybody episode 189 it's the day after the US Open yeah it's just taken place we're back here in the studio after some wild crazy Adventures such as it just it feels just nice to it feels like I'm back home oh I just thought you meant the fact you just got stuck in the rain outside oh no that's nothing crazy. But yeah just been. For lunch and I ran back and I'm soaking so hence no hat. So uh yeah uh US Open it's happened it's been 2023. I went to bed last night probably about two o'clock nice. So I think I got up to maybe the eighth. Or ninth hole maybe a tiny bit later fully expecting to wake up this morning truth be told with Rory McIlroy being our US Open Champion did you actually though maybe I dreamed it no. But did you actually go to bed thinking Rory will see even I think at the point me turning it off he was two shops behind um. But winham was going through a bit of a blip around kind of eight. And nine um and I thought yeah he's not going to keep this going I'm pretty happy I'm pretty content going to sleep tonight. And the headline I will wake up to see is where macro wins you're wrong great I was I was very wrong the first thing I'm going to touch on though is the timing. For us in England was horrendous I know if if no major tournament is ever played in California again I'd be happy yeah I literally was. So up for yesterday it was arguably one of the most excited I've been. For a major Sunday for a while because of the fact that you had Rory up there you had Scottish Chef there Tommy had posted a 63 an amazing last day and more importantly Ricky bloody Fowler your friend yeah. But it's not my house on the trip so he's not a friend of mine Ricky Fowler is friend of the chat he's a friend you know what I would I did a tweet about this I would love nothing more than Ricky Fowler to win a major championship he is one of the golfers that feels like he deserves one he can't end his career without a major championship. And I do believe one will come I just hope that's not his only chance. But he uh he'll he'll have more yeah he will yesterday. And then.

Coincidentally I don't think it's ever really happened it was Father's Day in UK yesterday. And USA on the same day I think it's always the same we just have different Mother's Day is that true yeah well I thought Father's Day were different anyway um when I don't know why it's like that when I was getting into with that yesterday sorry that's what I was getting to yesterday had a lovely day with my family kids everything we have some friends around it was lovely. And I must admit in the back of my mind I was really excited about the golf starting because like I say it just heed it up to be a very very not maybe not exciting's the wrong description because it's not like it's not the Masters like the Masters you know what's going to happen you know there's these signature holes that you know drama is going to take place around La Country Club it had a lot of criticism a lot of Praise as well to be fair um it felt like it was more tense in the fact that I'd been watching it. And I was. For those couple of hours I was watching late on I was almost like on tender hooks I was like watching it. But not actually enjoying it that much July I was I was just kind of on edge all the time because I felt like you know with with every you know Ricky got off to a poor start uh Wingham was doing really well um Rory was kind of doing a typical roaring on a Sunday burning not playing badly. But he burnt so many edges with the Potter it was ridiculous um. But yeah it just felt more tense than anything. But first off don't please don't ever mix this up huge congratulations to Clark yeah I mean what a win he absolutely bossed it one of his goals this week was to remain cocky he looks. So bloody confident on that final day yeah. So as we said the time into this event I thought. For us in England was horrendous because I watched all about just gone midnight. And I was. So tired I couldn't commit to watch until four or five in the morning so I went to bed and I was hoping that I would let you expecting maybe Rory to have one I was hoping I would wake up. And it would be either Ricky has won his first major championship but Rory has finally after nine years one of the championship or uh maybe even Scotty's got his second because Scotty has been up there so much it's insane and when I woke up this morning so this is Monday recording this Tuesday you're listening. And so that Wyndham Clark had won my first reaction was a bit gutted right that was my first reaction. And only because although he won the other week I didn't really know much about him and he had watched some of his golf this week obviously and he was he was hitting it. So well but I always say this I feel like when somebody wins a major I want to be someone that I feel like deserves a major and not when I say deserves not in as much of who well whoever wins the major deserves to play the best four rounds of golf no questions asked. But somebody like a Ricky that I've known off for however. many years that I feel like you know really is almost earned it. So at first I was a bit like oh okay I'm gonna watch the highlights obviously what I've not seen from being asleep. And then.

It all changed when I watched his press conference yeah it was he was. So down to earth and I started to realize this morning I think on the way into work why is it that I want people to win who I feel like deserved. And what it is it's something like Ricky Fowler. For example has been around so much you've seen that many interviews of him if you've seen him on your videos whatever it might be you start to feel a bit like you get to know them a bit more from a personality point of view was when it's a golfer that's a bit newer on the scene you don't know as much about them. And from watching that interview with Wyndham Clark and then.

Hearing story about his mum and he's had mum died in 2013 and he said this was. For her and he moved colleges he had a bit of a tough time at college with obviously he's his mum died when I was at College doesn't have a coach no I'm just not bizarre doesn't have a golf coach. So that was insane um. And I was looking the stats I started this year 160th in the world. And now he's number 13. is he gone to 13 now after that win yesterday. So I actually in hindsight I am very very happy that he won and I think he is another huge name we can be keeping our out. For every major in some regards not maybe as dominated it's kind of got Scottish Shuffle Vibes yeah like Scotty kind of came out of nowhere I know he won in the build up to winning the Masters. So it felt Justified Windham has built has won in the build up to this winning the US Open but does this now kind of just snowball him into this next.

Track Stratosphere he looks like he has no I mean obviously to win a major championship you can't have a weakness in your game. But he looks like he has no weakness very similar then.

Now you've mentioned that about him not having a golf coach quite similar style of play to Bob Watson like really slings the ball like moves the ball I think it was the sixth hole apart no it wasn't the part three six it was the might be the fifth the whole before that the par three down the hill he curved six iron 50 feet in curvature to get it to this back pin with a massive power fade like he does have Vibes of kind of Bubba bubba-esque mentality um he's putting without this world. So bizarre that the final two players in the final pairing had exactly I think it's quite an unusual one as well the obviously kind of Versa quite chunky quite big well the story on it. And again I'm only reading I only took this from the broadcast commentary is apparently winged him a few weeks earlier it actually trialled Ricky's putter wow. And actually liked it so much he ordered the exact same one oh my God I bet Ricky Fowler's gonna regretting that a bit now but I must admit Ricky doesn't strike me to someone who would hold any grudges and the way he controlled himself afterwards you know the way he um you know wished wished him well kind of stirred a smile on his face I'm sure he was there signing signatures um I mean absolutely you know he is such a credit to the sport Ricky Fowler I think someone that we we don't we don't put on a pedestal enough really. For someone who Pioneers our sport um and and for me in many regards the fact he's had such a Tory time over the last few years with his golf game and now he's coming back and actually getting up on that leaderboard it feels like it's happening way more often yep like week and week out is up there now I can't wait to see what he does in the open I can't wait to see how he continues his form into next.

Year um it's a bit of a shame we've only got one more major of the year left well that that's the thing I think I don't know why I feel like this whether it is because of the live divide. And the PJ tour that we've had before and the different tours kind of battling each other or whatever but I feel like this year the Mages have felt almost like they've meant more yeah. And obviously the Mages the Pinnacle of the sports they always mean the most. But I don't know what it is I think I love the space in between them the fact every month you've got a new one's well. For four months you've got a new one to kind of focus and look forward to the fact that I always think the US PJ is the weakest one this year it was a really good event obviously now at the open left at Royal Liverpool the golf course we know pretty well. And a golf course that I think depending on the elements could be a real battle. Or somebody could just be smashing it around they're hitting it so far if it gets baked I'm guessing it will be the way that we've had the sun over here recently. But you look at the field now you look at like the leaderboard and I'm gonna go on something else but not kind of changing topics too much but speaking of the open I saw a post the other day on Instagram that Royal Liverpool put on saying that tiger wasn't going to be going. Or something and what was quite bizarre. So all right okay it wasn't not that surprised that he's not playing obviously in the open this year. And then.

I kind of thought that's the first time for a while I've heard news like that about tiger and not felt gutted and obviously overall yeah I've got it I want tags to be the majors I'd love tiger to win another major another 10 Majors if you could I'm a huge Tiger fan this is something that we touched on in the podcast a few weeks ago when you say look now at how many amazing golfers you've got how many Amazing Stories. And kind of personalities are starting to come to life I actually think gold has never been in a stronger place in my lifetime in terms of the the depth of talent. And excitement like I never once yesterday thought I wish tiger was here I saw that post. And a single tier roll down my cheek really um I am gutted that Tiger's not not played I I did expect it obviously he's had more surgery uh hopefully getting back up. And running again next.

Year um but I think you're absolutely spot on I think the way that the game of golf is at the moment I mean you look at the top of leaderboard I mean like I say Scottish Shuffle is always there John Rahm didn't seem to burn the place up this this week he still came 10th yeah you know what I mean it's like Dustin Johnson tied 10th Min woo Lee friend of the channel you know what's mad the three players all in top fat. And T5 have all been on the channel yes Tommy Ricky. And Min Wooley there we go but that's if you look at that leaderboard now if I should see you right I've got crystal ball and the open this year Windham Clark's gonna win again after that performs you go well if you have Fair dudes he said saying about Rory you'd think well yeah it's a course we won that before he's playing. So well he's Joe major Scottish Scheffler well he could win his world number one he's won the Masters before why could he not win Cameron Smith defending Champion Tommy Fleetwood pretty much a whole no he's quite his home course. But a real like home feeling for him being at Royal Liverpool he's playing Great Golf you look like a minwoo Lee you've got Ricky Fowler you go I said John Ramsey at 10. that leaderboard from this event you look at how strong it actually is. And that's why I'm not necessarily component it's a tag area because I love Tiger's dominance I'd love him to come out again instead and win another 10 Mages but I don't know if I felt this much excitement for a field than I am right now yeah I feel I you're definitely right with the the the depth of players now that are available because even even if you look at I mean I'm just like quite literally flicking through the leaderboard here. And even there's so many big names that have done so well this year that didn't even make the cut you know Max Homer yeah he was actually a huge favorite got into this week because I believe he's got the course record around um um Los Angeles Country Club whether it's 61. Or 62 maybe it's got matched this weekend um Jordan Spieth Justin Thomas is is that a little bit out of form at the moment Justin he said it himself more recently um you know you've got such it's ridiculous how many top top top players um. So yeah it's gonna I mean Rory I don't dwell on Rory too much because his time will come he will win Majors he knocks at the door. So often it's ridiculous he has been so close on so many major tournaments over the last few years yeah. And I was I was trying to articulate it today.

And I've watched highlights and then.

The bits that I watched yesterday I didn't actually feel like you did a lot wrong yesterday no. And when I also looked at the highlights of a Windham when he won there's a lot of times where you do have to get lucky yeah that's a lot of times where he he missed big certainly about nine he hit five. Or six straight pulls that went straight left and every single time by the I think it was the eighth. Or ninth where he did get a bit of trouble every one of them was okay like he just managed to to kind of get around. Or you know a friendly about compared to a horrible bounce where Rory just doesn't feel it doesn't that last day doesn't seem like the looks quite on his side he never seems to lip in it always seems to lip out or he got his ball got embedded in the bunker this you know in the Bank of the bunker and all these things it's like oh no I think I said this before. And well after this before on the podcast though but if you think about the average well it opens like 150 players ever it is playing in it within that there's obviously 30. Or 40 which we could realize you wouldn't be surprised if they won I've just done it then.

Obviously got Rory he's got a schaffler Cameron Smith blah blah within that 30 or 40 whatever you've also got you've got guys who will have a really really good four days you've then.

Got guys who are outside that 30 who might have the week of the life. So what I'm going to get to is in reality there's lots. And lots of players team up with that every week or it's certainly every every major who could win that championship and I think sometimes with Rory he has blown a couple away admittedly. But the fact that he's playing so consistently so often and his name is at the top of the leaderboard I think that's why like it appears that you can't win it's actually the fact he's doing. So well and he's putting himself in contention so much that you notice it more and you think he's not winning like he he's not really there throwing that away as he well he does he shot level part. But as did the top three players he. For me with Ricky he's proven to win yeah he can win sorry not Ricky Rory he can win yeah he's won multiple times already this year I'm thinking right in saying that is yeah he won in Dubai was at the end of uh. So it's not as if oh God fire alarm going off in the background is that a real one it's not as if he can't we'll pause we'll be back in a sec um we're back false alarm um you know. So you know he he has proven he has won this year he said he won at the back end of the last year was it. Or really wouldn't do by this year start of the year um you know it's not like he doesn't win um. But yeah I'm not quite sure I don't know if he's if he's I don't know I wouldn't be able to give any advice. And I'm sure he doesn't need help me I'll tell you what was very interesting this this week with Rory's approach he was much more in a bubble you know he didn't do many interviews pre-event after he I think he had a really good round on Thursday. Or Friday but like with the chip on the last green and didn't do interviews he seems like he's been a little bit more in his bubble this week which might suit him better potentially at this point I'm probably sure he's tried everything. And everything to make you know to make to make the win happen to get it over the line but but you know at the end of the day you can't force that can you if you're playing good golf four days in a row. And In Contention eventually it will happen I've said that. For a while but it will um it has to. And and the fact is putting himself up there I mean all he needed was Windham Clark to Bogey that last hole. And then.

Yes he put in someone else's hands there. But if he had a done which he might well I don't with the pressure you know then.

Rose into a playoff and who knows what happens but I think it's curious to Rory how well he's playing how consistent he is as he's a Scottish Chef as his young Rob those three guys are just that next.

Level I think where he could look back at his round today.

And go oh yesterday sorry and he didn't make a single bird in the last 17 holes yeah that's not Rory is it you know even the par fives there's a there's a couple of very drivable parfores he didn't capitalize on any of those it's like they could have been more birdie opportunities without question yeah I mean bogeed the 14th the power fire after in a bad word shot into the green. So it's like for someone with his prowess off the tee I am surprised he didn't make more birdies on in that final kind of 17 holes really did you see Gordon Sergeant's put ridiculous did they fix that I think they fixed it they said I think someone had pulled a flag out too much. And then.

The cop kind of raised a little bit and then.

The ball obviously landed in the hole and came back out again I wonder how much money he lost on that part I don't know um Gordon Sergeant what where did he come he came was is he he's not an amateur isn't he anyway oh he's an amateur sorry yeah you wouldn't have. But it would have man he still won the amateur bit I think it'd become tied 30 seconds instead of tied the 39th wow um there was also some say what was weird. And I know it's quite a lot of talk on Twitter and stuff but because I'm not on that time zone the tea stands were very very very very late. And I've watched the Highlights today.

And I've watched them play down 17 18. it was actually getting dark yeah yeah what have happened if there was a playoff God knows right they would honestly they wouldn't have had a chance to be able to play one more hole I don't think yeah it was weird it was it was a great event not always you know apart from the fact it was too late that was annoying the crowds weren't great. And obviously I think there'd been some story that the the members the Thousand members have been given four tickets each. So they obviously took a lot of tickets or I didn't go even or whatever it was quite a corporate feel I've only took a couple of the podcasts. And some of the people that were there said it did feel kind of very corporate. And it was you know a lot of times wasn't people clapping when a good shot was hit. Or whatever which is a bit of a shame um. But from a golf a course point of view it did look good looked very tough in part it's obviously. So bloody harder imagine what we'd actually genuinely shoot playing in that condition a million and one um because the other thing as well and um I only because I've got slight experience on this I think it was a Saturday night when again Ricky. And Windham was playing together in the fight in the final group on the Saturday as they were finishing it was quite literally going dark. And I remember when I played with Ricky in um at medalist was it back in December now December when it was starting to get dark as we finished. And he really really struggled because the sunglasses he wears are prescription all right wow. So he couldn't take the sunglasses off I just can't see he can't literally see and then.

With the sunglasses on it's obviously a huge downside when it's getting dark wow so there is actually quite a lot I mean I didn't hear him complain about it. Or talk about it it was more Windham that was talking about it. But it was uh you know. For one I saw a few comments there why is he still wearing his sunglasses that it's because they are prescription I'm not a fan of playing golf. And sunglasses I don't think I've ever even done it. But I I have done it I don't think it's something you need to get used to yeah it's remember that phase where they've put on the back of the Hat upside down. And stuff and all that remember David the valdo yeah they were he met him he did kind of fall off it was a look I'd go. For myself but I think he did look quite good it was like the frameless ones when it at the bottom I just don't I can't play glasses with glasses on sunglasses on. But I've never particularly played with sports glasses do you get I mean I'm more wearing fashion glasses. For Ray-Bans a little bit of Ray-Bans and I don't think they're quite suited. For uh no performance Golf. And that might be where I'm really going you know really seeing the downside of my performances at the moment speaking performance golf I went to the range on Saturday. And I don't want to get carried away and cocky on the podcast when people are listening. And can take note. But oh my days I'm flushing it really hitting it well I've heard this before yeah. And I've said it a few times before because I've been getting good at golf um. But little few little swing thoughts really um really good going well going nicely well I'm slightly worried I not played golf. For a while now and my game isn't particularly going very well. And tomorrow I've got a big match yes against a very very high profiled professional golfer yes who we are also going to be doing a podcast with yes. And hopefully that episode will be out next.

Week the episode of the podcast video will be out a few weeks after that yeah it's very we obviously can't say who it is because if. For any reason it doesn't doesn't come off then.

Obviously um we'll be gutted uh where's they come off I think I'll just be dance like weather. And stuff I actually had an email offset person today.

It's quite cool getting email off him from his actual account did you see that one yeah yeah from his actual email um. And it's on so podcast 10 shot challenge he is a guy that will want to beat you Rick he is going to get in my head he'll want to humiliate you yeah he'll probably offered me 20 shots at the start yeah. And and yeah I should take it I think I don't think is. And I've got a few excuses up my sleeve I've got them lined up ready to go go on just done a huge charity bike ride yeah okay even now I'm telling you yeah. And everyone else in the office and you guys listening and watching my legs actually don't hurt but you can tell him they do yeah my actual legs are actually weirdly a bit like the marathon actually okay however. you listen to me tomorrow I'm gonna turn up in crutches guy. And talk about oh my legs are in. So much pain oh you know I've just done a charity bike ride from Saint Andrews to Royal Liverpool you know rage 55 000 pounds for prostate cancer you know managed to um you know take Barry the Buddy would need to be retired bike I'll milk that until the cows come home believe me I think if anything this guy who you're playing against that would just be music to his ears lick his lips 20 shots then.

He will notice that I am injured. And wounded correct he will rip me apart like a vulture well these videos I think are some of uh the best on the channel when you play against these kind of really high profile tour players. And you start 10 under par they do really well. And we're fortunate we've had some great people I've had Ricky Fowler obvious we've mentioned a few times today.

Tommy Fleetwood at Lee Westwood Adam Scott. And then.

This new person coming on tomorrow I think it's great because you get to see a number of things you get to see like the difference of level of golf between you. And them on the same golf course you know shot by shot that's really exciting and you kind of get to see the true personality on camera and this again this player has got a very big personality but I think sometimes as well what I like to say. And it sounds bizarre because I'm the live obviously I want to see them hit shots that are unbelievable. But it's also quite nice to see them hitting more not always great shots because when you're watching the golf you know the open the US Open The Masters typically wherever it might be PJ taller event and you're watching the best players in the world but you're also watching the best players who are playing the best as well you know not really watching the guys going to miss the cut by six. Or whatever so sometimes when you hit a more mere mortal golf shot it kind of actually makes you realize that yeah golf is very difficult. And sometimes these guys do hit the odd bad one you know I I really like about the 10 shot challenge as well because. Or anytime we get to spend with tour Pros is when they are mic'd up. And they can express what they're thinking over said shot I think that's very very valuable not only to me. But the viewers and the listeners because we don't often get to hear that you know correct even the dialogue between player and caddy you kind of the sound guys stick a microphone in there a bit more now but it's not particularly as much as you know actually I'm saying right this is how I'm playing it these are things I'm thinking of these are my worries about this show yeah because in the tournament player you're never going to hear a player say those things no um. So so really looking forward to that um so I think I need to hit some balls tonight potentially I'm gonna hit some golf balls tomorrow because I've actually got a fitting um. For some new irons that I'm reviewing very soon um so I might hit a lot of shots there and then.

That battle commence it's gonna be exciting I've got a question for you though uh from Michael Parry on the Facebook group okay hi Michael. So recently I hope you listening and watching have viewed this but we did a video where Rick played around the golf. And got the nice treats the luxury of 10 Mulligans so and it's very nice any shot they didn't let you go do that again Mulligan's used I'm actually going to start a campaign to make that actual golf well. So Michael Paris said I play off 15 if I had 15 Mulligans instead of the 15 handicap would I shoot better scores I'm gonna go with no I want to hear what you say foreign [Music] you get 15 Strokes deducted essentially. So if you shoot 85 that becomes a 70 simple maths with the Mulligans though there's no guarantee that actually is going to help you no it I think certainly there's one style of golfer it would really suit the re the person's got a wild one in them yeah several wild ones that would be me. So let's say Matt we're using from the podcast yes Matt from the podcast you got Mike Matt ing from my areas obviously you won the tournament a couple of weeks ago. And you shot 78. we play golf with you yes. And you've got wild on in your mouth would you agree yeah 100 I feel like if you with your distance had what you're off now uh officially nine if you had nine Mulligans I think Matt's goal would dramatically improve. So let me think about this now Matt's gonna go out normally shoot 181 off nine rules yeah. So you're saying that becomes 72. it's handicap yeah you think he would beat 72 growth with nine Mulligans. Or I don't know actually now you said it like that it's not quite a low number doesn't it. So do you think you'll get a handicap as well don't forget it's just the Mulligans it's hard because usually it's the the tee shots that send send me off especially. For me I honestly reckon a great second shot golfer I think I would benefit from it over shots because when I hit a bad shot that typically then.

Results in at least double bogey you're around the golf can't be 15 really good holes three terrible exactly. So I could shoot say seven over because of three holes I get four handicaps that becomes a three over but those three holes if I had Mulligans on them three or four Mulligans I think they would become pass I don't know interesting quite good we're looking at a different way of playing golf. And that's the thing like obviously it's actually quite good like a a club to have a mulligan challenge every year it'll be long it's like a long time but so what but that's the thing that was well when you go out playing golf like obviously you shouldn't play different games if you're slowing up making it slow play. Or whatever but if you're not for nine holes on your own a nice summer evening you want a bit of fun try to think game do the cheating game that's what we do cheat cheat. But Logan's holidays brilliant um I'm trying to think of something you know I'd love to. And and I think I've got the perfect candidate in mind. For this I'd love to get a tour pro doing it yes well that's the next.

Video I think a tour pro doing 10 10 shot Mulligans 10 Mulligan challenge would be ridiculous yeah you I genuinely think they could break 60.. But why do I think that on a oh because we've got no handicap anyway it doesn't matter does it. But the thing is though with the tour pro what I've been cheating to know is where would they use them are looking is it just simply the d8 foot that you missed yeah I think a little flag around the room there's a piece of fluff I think it's actually yeah it's a fly I think try. And catch with your fingers oh my God [Music] why are you eating it um it's actually a little spy drone. So like Peter Finch Finch and arrow tour pro I did um. So we have had lots of questions on Facebook which is a platform you're a huge fan of you're an advocate of um Ambassador almost yeah what was the on the title it was a bit too much was that time we were in the Trafford Center. And that fella Corps and said oh Rick I'll love the videos of it love the channel everything. And he said actually. And why guys I'll tell you a member of your Facebook group The rickshaws Golf Show group I joined and it was free. And I made up with it and you were all right okay. And you escorted into the Apple shop and bought him six iPhones him and his family that was a really nice touch that [Music] the other day it said Andrew yes about three people that turned up actually genuinely turned up the promise they were getting a 50 pound note oh wow well we need to stop offering these promises that we don't deliver luckily I did have 355 notes on me. And gave him of course you did uh I don't always just be careful. But the Facebook group is a great place Facebook. And social media in general can be a bit of a hive of negativity a bit of a hive of nonsense of misinformation the Facebook group the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast however. which is now a massing upwards of 100 000 members it's a it's a good zone of sharing your uh recent achievements if you've broken 80. For the first time or broken 100 or whether you've taken your friends come play their first round of golf you get a lot of love lot support in there so let's just say you have a normal Facebook account you've got 231 friends and you put a picture on that you broke 80. mag at 10 likes potentially yeah put on the Facebook group called double talking triple figures oh. So uh and also we engage on there and interact and that's where we get a lot of our questions from so where are you going you can you can go semi-viral you can go semi-viral sometimes you go do actually go viral viral because they get shared out of the actual group. So you know you never know what you're gonna get um okay. So join the group that was a big plug. For the group so anyway David Creasy has asked us we said how is Rick's what's in the bag going have any changes been made. Yet or close to being made so this is going out the back of the video where Rick announced he was going to be getting rid of some of his clubs yes um what if I train. So far I've put I've put a dot on my putter correct even role of also sent me now a putter with an actual dot on it correct but I'm not using that yet because if if people did watch the 10 shot challenge I don't think I've ever put it as good in my life I don't think anybody's ever put it as well in the history of man since that the Putter's not been quite as hot. So it's there in the backup it's there ready to about pounce when it's needed to I've also if you've watched that reviews come out I've also put some brand new wedges in the back one very much surprise shocked me almost alarmed me actually it was very irrational it was very it was very Rick Shields. So I recently reviewed uh Indie wedges uh they came in this really cool guitar case which quick note that's not fair not everybody gets that nice guitar case so I appreciate that Andy thank you also there's a few comments saying oh is that the illegal wedges they do have an illegal version. But trust me when I say the wedges I um had reviewed and tested and put in the bag are conforming um. So they sent me three wedges in my spec a 52 a 55 bentus or a 54 bent to 55 and then.

The 60. I have put them in the bag at the moment I captured them staying I can't because what I like to be honest with you I was shocked when you put them in the back. And I quite liked it because as everyone knows when Rick reviews product it's completely unbiased it's what you see is what you get you're not afraid it's called the big Brands call out small Brands we give the most impartial honest. And unbiased reviews that's fair to say I believe however. I think there also comes down to me this is where we might be different that I almost have predetermined trust in products. So I feel like if I've got voku wedges I might not play better necessarily than all with other wedges but for me I feel like although the the best but the fact that you were willing to put in a brand Indie because you use them quite like them in the review. And actually put them in the bag and play some golf with them I think was qdos that you weren't scared to give them a try I think I've done that quite a few times yeah you know going back very very far back I put some wedges in the bag long time ago of course score yeah wedges remember. And they were a bit a bit similar to our Indie I just like the look of them I like the feel of them popped them in the bag bed Hogan irons yeah when they first came back out again with I think there's a connect between score. And benog I didn't know that the time put the bed Hogan irons in the bag really like those I've had um Wilson a bit of a left feel one yes. And no obviously it's got its history. And its Heritage it's incredible Mage victories but yet not a set of irons that maybe a lot of people would consider in this day and age all the time but I loved my V6 irons I think I probably need to dig them back out again you were good I realized even roll to a degree even rolled definitely yeah it's coming a lot more mainstream. But it's still a bit of a you had that in the bag for a while yeah. So like you know I feel like as long as you know it's a product that I like and I trust and I like the performance I'm never scared about putting a an unknown brand in the bag really um possibly where I would maybe not put an unknown name uh Club maybe driver see this is a funny one I was literally gonna say the exact same thing a minute ago. But it's arguably easier with a wedge or the Potter because but then.

I thought something else but actually at the same time with the driver if you got a guy trying to drive it never heard of before and tried it out and the numbers were great. And that's evidence you can see the numbers then.

Why would we be scared too long I feel like I feel like with wedges. And Potters the r d doesn't need to be millions and millions and millions of pounds hasn't been spent on R D yeah. For those for those Indie wedges correct and I apologize if they have but I don't believe they have no where. For driver technology it's so much goes into the r d the almost questions me to go surely no brand without that much r d can produce a product. But then.

If you saw it working well that's it but then.


I'd also question it's it's longevity yeah yeah okay like with wedges I don't ever feel like a wedge is going to break down on me. Or stop working all of a sudden or or the face is gonna crack that's true well if it was a driver from a brand I didn't really know. And on initial hits I'm like wow this is really good I still think I'd have a little bit of a trust issue to go yeah. But is this going to be really good. For you know for the next.

Six months a year whatever it may be um on that I have seen another comment from Stuart Thompson okay was the review Channel just a YouTube experiment you've caught us out to see how many Subs you can get with no guns well in a name in an April if you're if you look back we actually announced it on April the first you believed us there you go don't stop listening because we're gonna say the truth now uh April podcast Rick said the first video will definitely be May. And now we're ending June and still no videos allow me to explain got a lot of explaining to do um this is not. For the want of not wanting to try if that makes sense it's not we are we are trying absolutely bloody best we've built which you will see I mean I can show you now I I could literally pick up this camera that you're watching on now. And take you next.

Door and show the studio that we have built but I'm not 100 happy with it right now it's not not I'm not 100 happy it's not 100 complete would you do a literally one second bang that goes this video no because that's how much you don't want to show it off yeah we've put. So much effort into into the studio that I'm like the first time I show it to anybody we've not shown any teasers or any Clips the first I want it to be like perfect do you know what I mean yeah you know it's like like I just want it to be the best it can possibly be. And that's not only it's even the daf things now it's like the camera positioning and stuff it just needing to be altered and we've realized now with the lighting and the and the computer software it's hot in that room so we need to look at controlling the temperature that was a fact we didn't really realize um it is literally two doors that in the same building two dot two doors down that way um ready to be literally we've got everything operational we're gonna do a Reveal video which will sit on the main Channel. And there'll be a massive giveaway in there and to be honest I'd also quite like it to get to 100 000 subscribers with zero videos that is also quite a cool thing to do it's also going through a full rebranding. And renaming yes it's it is exciting. And just just on that you know the content that you will see on there we have explained this briefly. But it seems a good time to reiterate it send a few comments on some of the videos as well recently we will still be putting reviews of a golf equipment on the main Channel um because we do sometimes find products that we think are really unique. Or really different or really exciting or have huge claims that we think kind of almost deserve if that's the right term to be showcased to two. And a half million subscribers so if you like the kind of current look of the channel now the main Channel nothing would really change for you so there's nothing to kind of worry about if that again is the right term um. But were what this new channel will offer us is a space a platform just to do loads more reviewing. So like we've got a three wood in there um actually it's announced I think today.

It's a ping three wood um that we probably wouldn't necessarily have put on the main Channel because it's a three Ward it's not. But there's still a bit of story to it that'll be a cool video for the review channel so there's going to be lots of videos on there it's going to give us. So much more scope to review more products from more Brands we'll still put some bits of reviews on the main channel so it's kind of it really is I think a win-win. For for everybody yeah just wanted to be as you can tell by Rick's passion it has to be right. And it's getting very very very very close yeah I'd hate to show everybody now. And and go oh yeah. But I know put me looking at it I know it's not quite there um The Mad thing is though I reckon. And that again and that's how it should be but 99.9 people were just like oh my God it's amazing yeah they wouldn't care. But it's like I want 100 of people to think that. And me to think that. So um yeah do not worry it's getting it's getting there do not worry we announced it too soon we did we were. And then.

Premature it's taking a lot longer than we have that's it too yes um. So Glenn Tobin has said do you think the amount of sponsorship on some player's shirts is getting excessive it honestly doesn't bother me one bit it truth be told same um I think it gets excessive when it becomes more like a Formula One driver. And every single piece of clothing that they have on their their fire suit is sponsored yeah. And every panel on the car is sponsored we're not there. Yet I'm not saying it won't get to there um it doesn't offend me yeah it's something I can kind of understand his point. And I think it does look good when a golfer has like clean like obviously Rory. And that who are Nike golfers often should have a swoosh on the top in the Hat. And it's quite clean But ultimately it doesn't really affect us and it's something that obviously suppose the guys and girls on tour have to kind of weigh up that if they want to get sponsored by 10 different brands that's what's going to work. And then.

Probably a lot of money but then.

Each of those Brands will want something from them. And simple terms of what a logo on the top that doesn't really offend them that's really easy enough to do. But then.

They'll probably all get one uh day with the golfer per year with a bringola high flying clients or whatever so that means that if you're supposed to buy 10 brands you might have to give up 10 days of your year which again to some people is well worth it someone like Rory that has got enough money already that wants to keep himself pretty family based. And do his own stuff doesn't need the money can you get enough of the PJ tour Anyway by the sounds of things. And also someone like you know naked they don't like to have you branded up I don't know if you just I was reading some comments did you say that then.

Yeah well that's why they obviously pay you typically a lot more. And then.

It's just a clean just Nike Swoosh is all you can have on. So that's why it's sometimes can be difficult. For them to get new players because they've already got contracts so I haven't had to buy them out of that whatever but yeah it's something that doesn't bother me question. For you yeah this is something I think is in your wheelhouse John Cox has said I've recently just taken over as general manager at a regional Country Golf Club what sort of initiatives could I put in place to attract new members to play our beautiful course that's a great question uh well first off congratulations yes um I think when you when you given the keys of a facility it is quite exciting to imagine it would be you know you suddenly like right I'm not not in a aggressive way. But I'm kind of calling the shots now I can steer this ship in the direction of my vision. And the direction you're talking about is getting more people into the golf club I think you've got to really look at the whole facility. And go are we as open as we can possibly be yeah you know it is it as friendly as experience as you can possibly be. And that that even goes to even the name of the place like Los Angeles Country Club okay where I just hosted the US Open if I said that to any non-golfer what what do you think they're instantly thinking exclusive straight away aren't they that's what I'm saying all right okay. But what I'm saying the naming of something so if okay. So if you want if if they still need a 180 a Los Angeles Country Club said we want to be open to anybody you'd have to you then.

Change the name yeah I get you yeah yeah sorry. So it starts with the naming of the facility it starts off with it's image or it's even logo but if it looks like quite a you know exclusive oh God we've got to be a we've got to know the right people to be a member here or go there that also kind of plays where palm B part three par three course which hat you're wearing now doesn't sound exclusive doesn't know Palm Beach par three course and it's it's just it seems fun let me know spam in the works then.

Because I think you're on to a good point. But let's close the imaginary Golf Club um I'm gonna call it Blossom Hill Blossom Hill okay I don't want new members are you happy with that name enough. For Blossom Hill or not I feel like that would that might be a wine Blossom Hill who cares actually Blossom Hill Golf uh Orange Blossom Hills Golf and Country Club okay. So let's just call it Blossom Hill Golf and Country Club for now yeah are you happy with that name. For chatting new members no okay. So you're gonna change it yeah okay um. But I've been remembered 25 years as my father was. And my children are. And I spent a lot of money here I don't need to change the name yeah that's fine it's not gonna change it there's your check sir thanks. For being a member here for so long so now my 10 mates I'm gonna leave as well we've got another 10 members I think. For me it's how cleverly you do it yeah just don't tell them I think it's more like you know you could call it Blossom Hill Golf Club. Or or just Blossom Hill okay just like just it sounds like the word Country Club I think it it gives this area of exclusivity okay would you agree on that uh I would in a sense yes. But I also feel when I think of a country club there might be tennis courts that actually I can go in on golf clubs be a bit more potentially chilled. For example for example when I used to work at the Mia yeah it was not called the Mia it was called Mia Golf. And Country Club yeah. And at that point it was a quite exclusive members Golf Club yeah. And I would answer the phone good morning welcome you know good morning may Golf and Country Club Rick speaking and there was a level of kind of tone there was a level of almost you know we we are quite a high profile place he used to have a barrier used to have to scan your card at the barrier When you entered. And they realized I think when it got maybe brought out that they needed to increase the footfall. So they added the hotel makes sense they got rid of the barrier at the front gate they started to just call it the mayor yeah that was it just the mirror. And now when you go it has a very very diff and again for me seeing it as a country club it was quite exclusive quite member orientated. And they did lose members. But the amount of football they get now is paying far beyond. So it depends what you want how do you answer the phone Blossom Hill then.

Ring ring ring ring. And ring ring BH what up I don't know just like a Blossom Hill how can I help you nice that works okay we've got to change the name of the yeah it could be a good. But he's talking then.

More initiatives so what initiatives could he put in place is it your favorite story of the rabbit in the hers is that what it's called Fox. And rabbits where you bring your wife partner your husband whoever doesn't play golf and you do play golf you hit the balls the green they then.

Put tracks are interested that's a good way of doing it do you um offer I like three month memberships okay just like through the door three month three month memberships no waiting list dress code what is the one I don't know if there is one now. But that's your place personally I think it should be more relaxed okay I I believe that dress code should be relaxed more what about when I wear a full Liverpool kit well that's obviously off the table I thought Manchester United kit then.

That's we'll do that full football kit go up. And socks as well on the course no okay. So why what's the rules then.

Any details you can wear relaxed Sporting apparel I don't know the right description I don't know. But you can't wear football posture okay snow football shirt. And you have to wear clothes you can't be nude or topless no no all right how to go out just block just serve you that man um yeah like I said there's probably a lot more to it. But I think if you're wanting to attract more people to the Golf Club. And you want to get more people through the door you've got to be more welcoming you've got to be more open you've got to it's got to start from everything yeah notice that like I said the the naming the barrier at the front gate if there is one if there isn't one um. Or even if there is a barrier. For security reasons I don't I don't massively mind that friendly staff yeah throw that hi sir can I help you today.

Uh I'm just going to look around absolutely welcome in yeah it doesn't need to particularly be just because the barrier there are a gate like right you're not in yeah yeah it could just be you know a little buzz again if you if you're worried about security that's not a problem I like golf courses I have security it feels like you know obviously you're safe um. But but it's got to be put in place that you know we're still welcome we're still open we're still wanna we still want you to come and join us and be part of the club or come and play your golf field come and practice here whatever it may be you know one thing I would like to see at more golf clubs I don't know how to do this. And how they maintain this but it's something that I think maybe would not well maybe it'll attract new members. But also probably keep them as well is making the golf club not just somewhere that you go to play golf. So for example I've hardly gone to the gym at the minute which you can tell from looking at me I'm in quite poor shape at the minute. But because you're looking ripped no it's that that just got it's not good anyway. But as I go to my gym quite a bit and do admin on my laptop rather than comes to the office some days it's just quite an all right environment it's quite light. And I just quite like it so because of that even if I'm having a spell I'm thinking you know what I'm paying 60 quid a month for a gym whatever and I'm not really going to probably just quit it's like well actually I do still come because I do work here. And then.

By doing that you sometimes end up taking a gym kit with you you might do a bit. So you kind of keep that going a little bit whereas with a golf club it's a sport where you can quite comfortably. Or I can anyway go from October to February. And not play golf certainly in a private life personal life but if you still go into the golf club maybe to watch the football for tea because ice was my old golf club a lot like a Friday my family. For tea and stuff and it was like from a meal. And then.

You you have a drink with people it keeps you feeling part of something more I do genuinely think I don't know where this golf club is whether it's in the UK. Or us I do typically feel like us do that. So much better I'd agree like when when I was lucky enough to go out there in December. And January this year the amount of times we've filmed at a venue and we'd come back in off the golf course it was starting to go Dark. Yet the clubhouses were packed you know either people watching sports. Or having it having a drink with mates or out with the family or you know so you know Elder grandparents out with the grandkids having a nice little meal like thank God I don't feel like we get that in the UK as much yeah no I I agree um. But yeah I hope that the job goes well. For you um John and uh you have to let us know of any of that advice was um any good really next.

Week emails in um hi um do you have any jobs you know last thing I would actually say as well um. And something I'm seeing come come full circle now is when I was younger much much younger our golf balls member app. For a long time had a really thriving Junior section and I say thriving I don't know what it was like in comparison to some other places. But they're probably 20 25 30 junior members that are active. Or whatever and you know some decent level of golfers there and kind of inevitably get to like 17 18 20 whatever it might be a lot of them either stop playing golf and I carried on a little bit and obviously other people did. But a lot of them stopped now they're all 10 kind of 30s mid-30s maybe pushing up towards 40. so many of them are now back playing golf again. And you know you'd like to think the natural Port of Call because back to that golf club. And you know rejoin For The Memories or whatever it might be so if you have a decent Junior section although it might not be it might not give you a lot of income as a Juniors but they that in future might become members these future members yeah always look after the Juniors always make sure that you've got a thriving Junior section because it the amount of people who are like say members of clubs because they were a junior there yeah it's staggering you know I had to do the day it was really annoying if to buy my first golf glove in about seven No in fact about 10 years you know what I'm bloody glad you bought a glove why yours were lucky well really tough. So basically the story was it's not really a great story in my old job working. For Nike I had lots of equipment obviously I would use and I would take out to demo events and we always had not only do we have loads of clubs. And loads of shafts and loads of balls and loads of teas Etc we also have lots of footwork and gloves and that was partly. So that if you wanted to come and try the clubs you could also try the Footwear on but it's also because a lot of people believe it or not would come they'd book in for a custom fitting to turn up in the work suit with the slide issues on no glove then.

Wonder why they couldn't hit it very well. So we would have boxes and boxes of gloves that I would obviously give to people to wear for you know and then.

I wouldn't keep very long it's a bit minging from fitting when I did an old glove off somebody else anyway long story short when I left Nike in September 2017. had a fair bit of equipment left I was just told I'll just keep it whatever you can just have it. And I had about three boxes worth of gloves size small I am just quite puny and Ill but I like it tight and and that was nice maybe a joke um. And because obviously don't play actually that much in the grand scheme of things maybe twice a month potentially one glove can last a little while was only. So long it can last. And the last one of this whole bat honestly I was clinging on to it. And clinging onto it I actually a couple of comments on the videos about get Guy new glove this is this has got to go. So on Saturday I I went to Clark's Golf Center near me we're at Boston times and what was the counter. And bought a glove I said first time in about 10 years it was 1999. For a golf course for titless players glove that was last that was the last year you bought one coincidentally. So yeah I had to buy a car you got me thinking a little bit a little girl doesn't have to be expensive. So there's a lot of times because you can buy budget things I did bounded area gloves I don't know why I used to allowed the glove whatever. But there's a lot of bits to buy isn't there you've got teas you've got balls you've got gloves you've got apparel you've got a foot where you've got clubs you know with all that stuff you can obviously buy much much cheaper alternatives. And I'm very fortunate as are you to always buy lots of stuff I use bits whatever that we get sent. But it's a lot that you need yeah no you're right I think I always be good buying teas yes luckily I've got a big batch of them. But I still sometimes forget them and have to buy them um but you have the volume what can you do tease is a good one. And I can't imagine you're doing this necessarily but it's good the massive bag off eBay yeah a massive huge ridiculous which you get it. And you get sent them and you look at and you think that's I'm never ever gonna have to use ever my life. But you do obviously it's nice I love having loads of white teas in my golf bag said this before you only have one in it do you want in your pocket when you play it. Or just one I like about six it's two minutes yeah I don't know what are you mad one. Or six would you fit I always carry a full one and a broken one for par threes wow that's why he's prepared yeah I I yeah I don't know I literally only have one on me typically sometimes a ball marker most of the time not yeah that's pretty much it we're very different in our approach to golf in a sense that I love my clubs being dead clean I like everything in order I like to know that I've got several golf balls ready night before in the back. But loads of teas you just rock up on a golf balls I hate it when my clubs are too close I don't understand that I absolutely hate it what about it I don't like looking him well just look too clean I look out oh my God I just like yeah I like to know the yeah I don't wanna I don't like to give them too much respect your golf ball though I love my golf ball being as clean as it can be I hate having the golf what's got a bit grass on it. And stained um I don't mind no more I wouldn't want anything to perfect the flight. But if it's white to train it's got a bit of tree Mark I don't mind bad man but you don't need your shoes very clean is that more because of camera because I take it out of the box [Music] when you wear one one pair of shoes each time you do it's hardly even burn them after around some pork can I can you spare me a pair of shoes no on fire gone I don't buy your own I would never do that to my wonderful Echoes um the one time at band camp when I was away. And then.

There must admit the day before playing Augusta I did go the whole town I cleaned all my clubs I had all the golf. But like I strip my bag to the absolute only things I would ever need for that round of golf that was that was the first time in a long time. And then.

Weirdly it popped up on Facebook today.

Or Twitter or something six years ago today.

On the what we're on 19th of June is it open qualifying this week might be surprised I don't know oh it is is it was the night before open qualifying at Fairhaven like six years how many years ago about six years ago. And I'm in my garage live streaming and 97 000 people were watching me clean my clubs. And saw all my bits and Bobs out what let me get some Bob's up oh my bits and Bobs um and that's probably why I never played in the open because your club's too clean far too clean just done that I'm playing in the open uh we did touch in the last podcast what we did live at Lancaster Golf Club the wonderful Lancaster Golf Club we've made to feel very at home a nice place it was good. And we talked about we just recently played at Muirfield home of the 2013 open as won by Philip Mickelson and we also played a couple of the course of North Beric in particular was one touch on I can't remember how much we discussed it last week aside from repeating myself. But we definitely said it's the best golf course around. And I just want to reiterate the facts about it no. But just North Barrack was. So fun and that video was coming soon as is Muirfield as is you. And Iona playing at Scotland and then.

You and Peter Finch friend of the channel Peter Finch we want to see more on the channel while you've got it at archerfield so there's some really good videos coming soon and that part of Scotland is insane it's actually next.


Monday Open qualifier next.

Monday um I'm actually playing with Pete this week oh yeah going down not filming it. But oh in fact I don't know if you are playing with him I'm actually not playing with him Mama we'll talk about it um uh Rick obviously. And Pete you are ambassadors. For golf bidder and I've done some great stuff with them off to the golf bit of challenge this year came back where you and Pete had an epic match I think only deserves a rematch maybe next.

Year if you fancy it I do if you're not scared next.

Mate Pete's Wyndham yo Rory you're Ricky um yes. And as part of that they ran a giveaway for people that had purchased products from golf but I can't remember if it's a month of March or something and the winner the prize was to play golf with um Peter Finch. And the second place was to play with Ricky I'm joking the Winner's got to play I think there's three winners. Or something or maybe six six winners six winners three play with you for nine three play with Pete then.

They have to swap and three play with you complete yeah. So I'm quite good just a quick one something with and I don't want to eat this in because you just won the US Open yeah I've never heard of the name Wyndham apart from the hotel chain Windham is our name in it well I'm called guy would like to stand on really I've met another guy last week what did you now Liverpool did he say hi I'm guy do you know. So you know when I finished my bike race race you beat the snails or the tortoise went past you though um I finished at Royal Liverpool which was we in fact we've not touched on the final final bit of that oh No Just quickly because obviously the live live podcast last week had one more day to go the last thing completed it anyway I got it. And I finished it Royal Liverpool the home of this year's Open championship and Neil mccaddy from the break Zone was there oh what a guy. So he invited me for a shed load of drinks which I duly accepted yeah yeah I thought you were going home well I did look I didn't drive. So I'd shed loads of drinks [Music] and uh there was another few guys who were Arc um members um guy did you say I know someone else called God I didn't know no no I just thought I'd leave it on that um. But yeah all good rather than that other guy look at that oh I'm really good you're also called a guy you go yeah just a Hulk Hogan cry to each other like how do you spell it do you like how do you spell it gee why did you just become best friends how else can you spell it no it's a joke DIY GI. But yeah that would um I'd love that if anyone else is called guy feel free to follow an Instagram I'll follow you back I'll follow my guys you already do that all right guys thanks. For listening I hope everybody thanks guy for listening and being here guys yeah. But there's no other guys me. And the guy from Royal Liverpool Guy Fawkes was the only the one there was a football years ago a guy witting him thing he played. For Sheffield Wednesday I think I love clinging it on to any of the guys oh no you got a guy richer guy Richie yeah he's a good guy no we are thanks. For listening we'll see you next.

Week for episode 190.