But even bryson like i've seen it now i've kind of seen it and it and it's not that in like if it was happy girl moving up to the golf ball every time i'd want to watch it every single time. But what do you think of the masters um what did i think of the masters well i think this year was different this year was definitely different to any that i've experienced in the past. And i can only put that down to the fact there was a masters only five months ago in november i just don't feel that there was the buzz that you normally get. And i remember when it happened in november and i said to you oh wouldn't it be awesome if it was like twice a year. And you went no because it's almost too good of a it's too much of a good thing yeah. And i think that's exactly what's happened this year it's like the ryder cup every year sounds good on paper doesn't it. But it wouldn't be it wouldn't work at all so yeah i was a bit kind of going into it it kind of also in the uk certainly in england it's been a bit weird this year because it feels like golf hasn't really started at all until the 29th of march. And then.

The week after it was the master. So it's been a big nice kind of jet infused start for golf here in england um it just kind of came out of nowhere really also it felt a bit weird it was a very very limited field yeah tiger wasn't playing which i definitely think has a massive effect 100 on my like desire. And you know excitement because bryson i don't know you're probably saying on this who who are you excited about watching this week at the masters i love tony fee now. But i can't say i'm excited no um yeah i don't know i i think there was probably a couple of people that i thought oh this could be interesting because of how well they were playing something like a westwood they've been playing. So well i would love to so like i was anticipating him his result. But it wasn't like i was desperate to i wasn't watching his first tee shot on the first hole like i couldn't wait like i would do with the tiger like it makes you really miss tiger how's the tiger spoiled to us though in the last 20 years because how many of the golfers give you that buzz like i said bryce in a bit of the minute. But really rory on his peak to be fair yeah. But even bryson like i've seen it now i've kind of seen it and it and it's not that in like if it was happy gilmore up to the golf ball every time i'd want to watch it every single time. But i've seen bryson now bomb it enough times on social media instagram and that's another thing does social media almost ruin it a little bit that kind of you're not going to see you get. So many opportunities to see a shot yeah like the shot that you hit on the six at bay hill i mean i've seen that a thousand times probably. And then.

When he comes and steps up on the first day on the masters is like i kind of know what this guy's gonna gonna be about yeah um the masters app was absolutely i just wanna take a minute now to say whoever is it ibm. Or somebody whoever does the masters app. And this is not a paid sponsorship it's the best app as it's in sliced bread. And i can't argue as it's the best thing since the rickshaw's golf show podcast potentially it's it's unbelievable to the point where you could i i wouldn't do this. But you could literally not watch any golf and just use the app yeah because it's that good. And i did that quite a bit quite a bit with just different players yeah like i would say this year again maybe because we had the studio being built. So last thursday friday was quite busy with the studio being built. And we've got some nice editing suite and everything now so this kind of taken up a lot of time and the kids were off. For me as well but like i felt i didn't feel like i really like watched hours and hours like i have done in the past on the thursday friday but you can go on the app yeah. And just super quickly i saw every important shot i wanted to see i watched i even watched and it sounds really sad this and this is kind of how uh what's the right word almost like um uh sadastic that's not a word is it this sounds kind of weird i am in the head i watched every single shot from the guy who came dead last sadistic is it yeah is that what it means yeah like i wanted to see you sick man yeah it was it again now it was. And i watched every single shot it was um joe long who's an english player english uh amateur english amateur. And in the first round let me just double check what he shot he shot an 82 yeah which weirdly enough was the same score that i shot in my break75 it's a very similar environment you know you had three people watching you at a lynx course with nothing here to play. For anybody the last for that so i felt like yeah there were some relatable similarities. And he actually and this is what matter i would have never ever ever have seen this without the app he was he was inches away from making a two on the last i don't think inches like literally moved just around the back of the hole. And i wouldn't have seen that without seeing the app i watched every single one of his 82 shots well i think one of the reasons this year i wasn't quite as excited was well once it kicked off was the lack of the big names at the top. And i sort of thing on twitter from michael mcewen who is one of the guys from bunker golf um. And he put this was on. So going into the final day. So at the start of play on sunday he's got the world's top 20 right from 1 to 20 and on the right hand side he had what what the position was. So i'll just i'll go through them but i'll do it quite quickly. So cut tied 13 tied 21 tied 29 tied 38 then.

He had tied second to xander who's world number six were tied second then.

Tied 13 tied 43 tied 21 cut cuts cut nine who was tony fee now tied 13 cut tied 29. And it's tied 47 tied 47 cut cut so out of that i don't know if that came across in audio but on the out of that top 20 there was literally zander. And tony fee now who were in the top ten everybody else was like pretty much out of it. And i know it's the golf isn't just about the big names a lot more than the world's top 20 and people to root for and stuff but it didn't have that you know i want to see personally this is what everybody obviously i want to see a playoff of bryson of dustin of rory you know spieth maybe. Or a westwood in the mix or something that's i want to see that yeah. And it didn't produce but having said that i mean it it was a worthy winner uh matsuyama hideki matsuya he's a player his native shout out i mean the round he had on saturday. And again guys i know this is a golf podcast. But we don't go into loads and loads of stats about the golf ball office it's the masters um his saturday round was special like batman on saturday was outrageous. And the way he composed his front nine on saturday sunday sorry was borderline boring yeah. And he was at five. Or six shots ahead at the halfway point and all over twitter and i think i saw you it was like it was it was a bit boring i it didn't have that grandstand final. But he also didn't disappoint on that because he made some critical errors on the back nine to make it much more of a grandstand finish xander schofley had a really really close opportunity he was within two shots at one point after 15 um. And then.

Shuffly put it in the water on 16 which i've not i've almost never seen a golfer do on 16. not no i don't think i have i've almost never seen a golfer go on 16 in the water on 16 like tiger's iconic chipping on 16 is. So weirdly mis hit yeah nobody ever talks about that they really like such a weird place you're always going right on that hole anyway to the break aren't you um. And that was really really a shame. But anyway massive shout out deku matsuyama it's huge for japan the first male major winner there has been two female major winners before for japan but this is the first male. And also to win the masters i think it's going to be a massive thing he's played in 10 years now he played it in the amateur championship 10 year 2011. And he won it then.

Won the amateur um title then.

What do they call it i don't know what it is in the masters it's still of medal obviously in the open um best amateur lowest amateur whatever. And then.

10 years he's got better and better and better his uh little pause at the top has definitely reduced how obsessed with the context of that though all the time got going about it um. And also what about the kid that that actually infuriated me butch harmon is an absolute legend. So i'm not going to start badmouthing him. And he knows more about he's forgotten more about golf and i'll ever know he's an absolute beast but he kept we're not about zelotoris yeah i'm going to say that correctly that's a good thing about um how he's a kid. And kicking the kid this the kid that the kid the other and when he let's hope he doesn't wake up because he realizes what he's doing and he doesn't know the course he's not going to experience it's like i get that. Or something you know he's a youngest bloke cause he is yeah. And he's new on the scene-ish so i get that but it's just a bit like a bit boring in it but i'll tell you what i didn't realize but i kind of wasn't that surprised about what i didn't actually know i had a look at matsuyama on wikipedia and i think it's it's on i know it's not always correct. But i think it's pretty accurate. And he's pj tour so he's played 170 events and made 145 cuts and if you look at his seasons he's so consistent with making cults he's he only misses a couple each year and i think although he's not a kind of player that i would massively be like wanting to win before an event i was happy that he won he does seem like a nice guy. And he's he's swinging i know it's got a bit of a pulse but it's a nice swing yeah it's really it's he looks steady as a rock doesn't it that's what i really like about him um spieth did an amazing tournament again i can't believe he kind of came out of nowhere really well i called him outside. And because we filmed the podcast early and then.

One of those and it was like one that was a little bit of a fool climbing outside rose massively fell off seven on the front nine. And then.

Didn't break power for the next.

Three years first 18 yeah seven on the power sorry. For the first 18.