All right guys welcome back to the podcast episode 195. it's been a busy week yes we've been at the open. And this is our summary of the week it's quite a flat start okay should we start again keep it going keep it rolling. But restart now everyone listens to how you do it properly come on all right guys welcome back to the rich Hills Golf Show podcast I'm your host Rick Shields welcome to episode 195 I'm here with co-o's guy how you do guy all right I'm good I uh we had a great week the best week of the year um forget the Masters it's all at the open Don't quantity open I saw someone tweet you actually say they don't give the open enough love. And your response is quite good what was it I've been 11 years in a row I have been to the open 11 years in a row I am a huge advocator of the open is it actually 11 years did you go to Muirfield 2013 yeah did yeah yeah live in 2012 yeah. But Dale 17 I saw you yeah what I bought was 16. I don't know true. So Andrew's 15 you were there yeah yeah it is yeah I've been I had sound's a liar. But you're not actually I can't remember the one before 13 which was 12. we'll let them I think 12. anyway I looked last night. So yeah 11 years. And I'll tell you what I did last night I was a bit went down a bit of a YouTube wormhole there was a full on the YouTube on the open YouTube channel there is coverage of the full day from like 2006 open yeah when tiger won at Royal Liverpool. So I watched quite a lot of that so let's see how it changed like how how do the crowd look what's the infrastructure phones everything's turned from green to blue which I kind of forgot happened you know all the girls standing. And stuff yeah um then.

I also watched highlights of when Rory McIlroy won at Royal Liverpool in 2014. again weirdly that seemed not that long ago. But also seems ages ago yeah like when you look at the crowd. And you look at the Fashion it doesn't actually seem that long ago like Rickie Fowler and uh Rory macro in the final group and it was a really nice kind of calm day. But again you look at the infrastructure and it's like how much it's changed now just coming off the back of being to the 20 23 open Royal Liverpool all um with shout out and and he's getting a bit of stick online and I don't like it shout out to Brian Harman what what a winner what a dominating performance I can understand why fans are frustrated because it wasn't more dramatic. But I mean come on if he's not gonna go all right guys I'll I'll Chuck in a little triple bow gear just to make it fun. For you guys watching at home he was unmatched he was um just uncatchable yeah look I was singing this last night when you if you watch Boxing. For example and it goes to the judges it can happen where actually the winner doesn't get the win that makes sense because the judges can be uh dodgy uh in football you could be awarded a penalty that you score isn't really a penalty. Or there's you know you can be almost cheated well many times in a football match you can be the better team. And lose yeah um. And I said boxing may be the best example of that there was a fight a little while ago uh oh what's his name now it's gonna slip my mind um no pursue wealthy calls you can really annoy me um I can't remember. But there's a guy at least you wanna fight but actually didn't get the win that makes sense and it went down horrendous on social media and stuff what I'm getting to the roundabout way in golf it's simple the person that shoots the best score wins a tournament it's undisputable into it is. And I think the reason a lot of people weren't overwhelmed with with Brian Harman winning was twofold I think firstly it was a name that didn't excite people. And he also won by so many shots six shots in the end the final round felt quite flat yeah if he wasn't in a tournament there would have been a really good race. For first place it was more like a race of second place in the end I did a tweet on um I think it was Saturday the big go down too well with some people it was a bit of a joke. And I thought if Brian Harman wants to win a major I'd have no issues with him winning the uspga. But not the open and right on Queue here's your drink Rick thank you Ed's bringing you where what have you gone with oh she got me look at this thanks had there was a day when Rick would get his own drinks not anymore after the week he's had look at that a couple of sweeteners thanks Bob. So if you listen to the podcast you need to tune into the video version you'll see Rick getting waited those look really good well done ad yeah. So it was um it was it. But yeah he wasn't the winner that people would necessarily have expected going into the open. But it was world number 26 much higher than I expected yeah it's now world number 10. it's crazy the jump. So he's not like one of these Todd Hamilton or Ben Curtis that was a complete another left field he's a guy that gets a lot of top 10 finishes that is obviously a great golfer you know this win reminds me of currently. And it might be I might be wrong in saying this because that people have proven wrong like when Scottish sheffler won the Masters everyone's like it's got a Scheffler and what the hell he's he's not obviously he went an unbelievable Street before winning the Masters but it seemed like a bit of an unexpected winner to some degree take that with a pinch of salt like it wasn't the the it wasn't the household name that everyone knows him as now over there Brian harman's been a lot around for a long long time and you know it certainly if you walked into the open most majority golfers left-handed fairly short in statute he's got that's Brian Harman he's got like he's quite noticeable you recognize him straight away what this win reminds me of currently and I'm gonna I'll be happily to be proven wrong it feels like when Mike Weir won the Masters and the fellow left-hander it was a bit like oh yeah kind of I kind of know Mike we are kind of yeah okay yeah he's won the Masters. But like he didn't really do anything after that massively. And I'm not sure if that if that is that's what Brian harman's gonna do is it going to massively push him on to become a multiple major winner moving forward I don't know um I mean his performance genuinely when you actually look at his performance this week he was outstanding incredible he's one of the most dominating performances in golf it really was. And I think this is you know I think we've had a couple of days we're a little bit late to the podcast I've had a couple of days to reflect on it to digest. And I was thinking to myself what what do I want from major winner. And ultimately I think it's one. Or two things well it's a couple of things really it's either somebody who is a dominant Force I.E a John Ram a Rory a Scottish Scheffler who is that top top Elite golfer to to get that major. Or it's somebody like a Tommy Fleetwood Tony fee now someone that's been around for a while kind of knocking at the door and to finally get offline and get one I think I'd love to see. Or the other thing I'd love to see is a really cool story of like a fairy tale story of a guy who qualifies yeah Michael block. Or if you know Matthew Jordan which will come on too shortly I'm sure something like that I think Brian Harman was kind of just a bit of a nothing story. And that sometimes just comes down to not knowing enough about the player if Brian Harmon had featured on full swing on Netflix and had a cool story exactly you start to get to know him so it's a lot is a personal thing in a sense that you don't know him it's not an actual personal thing it's not it's not I don't nobody I'm sure nobody dislikes Brian harm no like it's just that he's maybe not the most likable yeah. But it's not dislike well he's had some dislike for his poaching his hunting yes um it's a funny one that I'm not super I don't really have an opinion on that either way I know it's right A lot of people up um apparently the things he shoots to kill he eats okay. So I think if you eat meat how can you have such a strong opinion about him doing that yeah I suppose. So I think his trophy holding that's a different story I don't really know the ins. And outs of it so if it's trophy hunting that's quite bad be an interesting uh if he did win The Masters the Masters dinner the next.

Year fresh elk this shot himself a roadkill um. But yeah you know it is if genuinely if you change that name of Brian Harman this week. And and you just swapped the golfer all the shots were exactly the same. And that was John Ram you'd be like what a dominating performance he didn't put a around he is the best player in the world. Or if Scottish effler did it. Or if Rory did it. Or if any of the real big household names no laying up. And listening to him on the way home one day they kind of summarized it in one word I thought it's quite clever and we we I always think we struggle with this it's almost you want that Thoroughbred the offer to win do you know what I mean it's like it's like that Thoroughbred that that real household that deserves to win it yeah I mean. But that's not how Golf Works in the opens 150 golfers out there playing the best it can possibly play in some degree every single one of them has a chance of winning they can all post outrageous numbers um. And last week it was Brian harman's time. But don't you think though with any sport. And certainly with golf you're watching the golf to see which golfer can get the golf ball in the hole in the least amount of shots in its most simple form. But we're not just watching for that we're watching for the sub narrative the story The Players that like to follow and think about Rory McIlroy. For example he has become now a household name you've kind of it's a similar age to me I think I've grown up with him you feel it to a degree you know him to a point don't you could almost stop him in the street. And have a conversation with him and say with atomic Fleet would obviously we film with Tommy's we kind of do know him you know him obviously quite well you feel again like you you want him to win not just. For his golf but from an actual personality standpoint and same with Tony for you now huge Tony female fan you don't know him but like he said off his golf alone the way he dominated down that stretch. And you know you've played there several times again we'll come on to in this in this podcast I'll play there a few times now there's some tough hole 16 17 and 18 you know not easy it's it's a it's a really really difficult Golf and he just owned it and just played them almost with ease in those conditions and you know what I knew as well on the last one other bunk I just needed whole laptop he didn't need to he just knocked it straight in this big massive stable putter that's got that that's probably is one of his most loose shots all week his third shot into 18 yeah. But and he found a bunker and he got up and down yeah it was just really really really good um. And then.

Royal Liverpool is a venue it was insane I love it it's really really growing on me it really has I think um if you go. And play this golf course any time of year and there's no grandstands I'd be I expect most people to kind of go hmm it's okay the more you play it it's an absolute grower it honestly it's it's phenomenal I was very very fortunate to yesterday the day after the Open Championship I got to play the golf course yes with open pins not every single back tee. But most of them In fairness it's unbelievably hard Golf Course like and we had a beautiful day it was sunny there was a little bit of Breeze. But nothing crazy got a little bit windy towards the back end of the round um just you've got to be a shot shaper yeah you've got to be able to shape it certainly around some of those holes on the back now. And we've got to try and hold your way and if the wind's off the left such a hard shot to try and hit I think the path threes are really really really good they've really grown on me absolutely um the three par threes out there every single one of them you have to find the point in surface sorry it's four potteries the um sixth the ninth the 13th. And the 17th every single one of them you have to hit and hold the putting green because they're all upside down saucepans and they all fall off which either Which Way um 17th I I think it's a phenomenal hole I agree I think it's a phenomenal hole. So I spent a bit of time we've obviously again we've played it but I spent a bit time on the grandstand behind right behind the 17th T and this is going to sound a silly thing to say now I'm gonna say it if you hit a good t-shirt it's an easy hole yeah now you can say about any hole I guess if you hit a bad shot it's one of the hardest holes in the world you know why I don't think it's as hard as other par threes I think it's I think it's challenging don't get me wrong can't actually see that much trouble off the tee you can see the big bunker at the front yeah. But you think well that that's like having a water at the front of the green as long as I strike it well enough I should get over that you don't see the bunker on the right no which is huge you don't see the bunker left you don't see the trouble you see a flag a silhouette often of a flag on top of a hill. And you get a number and you just hit it at that yeah. And I think also the length of it if it was any longer another 10 15 20 yards longer it would be oh yeah five six irons it's impossible I think the other way it would have been impossible. And we didn't see this this year this is why I do think they will make alterations that whole it would surprise me if they didn't this open was green it was the greens when it was takenable if imagine if that place was as hard as this table yeah which it has been 2006 open when tiger won it I watched the highlights as I mentioned earlier it was burnt out brown yeah that that hole could have been unplayable if it was like that yeah well that whole obviously wasn't there then.

It was it was it three years ago it got built. Or two three years ago and the only thing as well is I know the members play off a bit more of a forward T. But I can imagine some members hating that hole because you keep fitting it into those bunkers. And then.

You're just not getting out the bunker I don't know if they've got a local rule where they could just drop it somewhere else right there is. But I think as well as obviously that the main story of Brian Harman this open which I think might go down of one of the more forgetable opens potentially because the winner I've seen a few questions we'll come on to later on off the podcast group about that. But there were some other very exciting stories again Tommy Fleetwood was kind of. So close yeah. So so far away I don't want them to win I'll genuinely World Cup on Saturday morning with this like like real almost like nervousness about me like this excited kind of like come on Tommy this is it like you're there you're in the hunt I don't know if he was tied with the lead. Or very close after after two days obviously tied with lead after day one I think he was maybe a shot I think he fell behind after two yeah. And I was like come on this is it you can do this go out. And shoot a 62 or 63 which is capable of doing we've seen that with John John went. And did it I was like come on go. And dominate it and I was like it was like the day of a really really huge sporting event like I know it is the open it sounds like a stupid thing. But like it felt like I couldn't settle all Saturday and then.

The weather was horrendous in the morning he teed off. And just didn't get it going he couldn't buy it couldn't buy a pot. And you know what again going back we we were we were lucky to play golf on the golf course yesterday. And we actually played a fun video for Seb on golf's channel uh we were playing Augusta with earlier in the year it's quite I think we've played two major tournament courses the days after it's all right. For some so we did a a fun video where we tried to play as a scramble me said Pete Finch. And clubface UK does some great stuff on Tick Tock. And Instagram we got to play the scramble pretending we were cam young trying to catch up with Brian Harman it couldn't hold a bean you couldn't none of us. And we hit good ports just the greens are just they're almost too flat yeah like you almost have to hit perfect straight putts all the time. But do you think though with this that. And they'll come on to Roar in a moment but Tommy in particular will he believe in feeling happy that he's again put himself somewhat in contention. And say somewhat because of how far away it ended up being with the dominance of Harman but it was in that mix if you like. Or does he leave it thinking you know that was a chance. For me it was a local golf course absolutely gutted hmm gutted. And how it finished for him on Fortune 17 and then.

Making triple on 17 and finishing outside the top ten I think he'll be absolutely gutted well the other guy who you know may. Or may not be feeling gutted is is Rory. And obviously this is the place where Rory won in 2014. it's gonna be 10 years now he's not on a major foot. And a little Stam it's nothing crazy this but it kind of actually let's put it on Twitter again yesterday was that yeah you know you can say 10 years that Roy last won a Mage. And you kind of gloss over that and we always do one in that last 10 years Brooks cat because won five majors Spieth has won three JT has won two Rams one two maracarels one two DJs one two. And obviously Scotty shuffles one one and there's a load of guys he fits Patrick Etc have won one but the whole point that's that what really kind of got me thinking was again imagine if someone said to you that Royal people last year whatever that Rory is not gonna I don't know if he did win one after that did he win the US PJ after that did he. Or was it the 14 was the last one was it no. But he was I can't remember what he actually won let me cut this up before I get it wrong. So in 14 he won the the open and the PGA and the PGA was yes the PJ was after the overall oh because that was when the PGA was in order. So yeah essentially he won his third mate drop the four in the July. And then.

The August he obviously won the uspga if somebody said to you then.

Well my job the odds would be if you were better they wouldn't win one. For 10 years within that time Brooks cap called win five speakers Brian Harman Woodward major you know I'm a huge Rory Advocate I think he's a great player I love watching plays he's probably the guy getting most excited. So what again being on site this week as you were he is the pull he he's the closest thing we've got to type he is without even a shadow of a doubt the crowd flocked towards Rory more than anybody else in the whole of the the event. And I think that's twofold now well threefold I think isn't such an impressive golfer to watch in person he has a huge fan base I think also people know that how long it's been since the last one I made. Yet they want to be part of History you know to be there if and when he finally can get his hands on a Clarity jug. Or a green jacket but this is what we said this countless times before. And it's going to be a narrative unfortunately until he wins one again will he win one like you've got to say yes it surely will. But will he I know I don't yeah he will. But and I agree with you but I thought this week was his possible best chance not forever not forever he's had unbelievable chances. But I thought going into this open after winning the Scottish open yeah I feel like actually winning that Sky show open he was actually going to come in this week. So full of like energy and excitement and and confidence that it would just dominate he just never quite got it going um. But whilst Maddie never quite got it going I don't know where he finished in the leaderboard was he was he definitely top 10 oh yeah yeah he was I think he was fifth was it let's have a quick look. But like how mad is that that he can still you know to hit him well doesn't have his a game side six he's he's always in top ten we're walking at the door. So if you look at this then.

This year he missed the cut the Masters he got tied seven in the PGA second in the US Open tied six in the open and then.

Last year he was second in the Masters eight at the PGA Tad five at Us open. And then.

Third at the open so he's knocking on the door for most golfers that's a bloody amazing year well it is. But and I think sometimes again I've said this before. And I said this to my brother when he was at the open with me this week I think when you are I play like Rory you can also become a victim of your own success because you're up there. So much because you're such a consistent player it can often be deemed you don't win enough. But then.

Other guys that might like Justin Rose for example Mr Court no one's going oh my God Justin Rose Mr cut it goes into the radar yeah if Rory misses the cut becomes headline news. So I don't know I'd love I'd absolutely love to see him win one but every year that goes by every four Mage that go by that I seem to be going by quicker yeah because they go April May June July it's four months a year now which yeah which by the way I think's wrong really yeah I like it I don't like how they're. So close are you right when they're over now they're all gone I'm gutted. But I love the excitement that it's each month there's another one coming I just feel like they should space him out a little bit more at least get into August I don't think the open should be the last major of the year what about the idea I've had then..

So we have the four majors in a row so it's Masters uspga US Open open right those four ones August the month before the Ryder Cup on the years we have the radicop we have the Golden Crown the four major winners have a tournament the problem is someone's gonna mess that up each year why they might win multiple times three then.

I'll just two. Or if it's if you win the Grand Slam you just get wiggle the ground automatically and they go and play um where could it be the old course potentially I don't know some were iconic four ball 18 holes the winner gets a Golden Crown. And they have to wear that for the rest of the year yeah I like it. But what by again though and we've said this before. But when you look at the elite number of golfers there are now there's such a strong stable the world golf rankings you've got Scottish Chef Leroy John Ron Patrick cantler Victor hovland uh Xander shuffling Max Homer Cameron Smith Fitzpatrick now Harman speed there's all these names go on. And on if I should see you that next.

Year I've got a crystal ball Victor's gonna win one Xander shuffler's gonna win one and ramen's got a Scheffler yeah like. So yeah. And then.

If you said it'll get Cameron Smith will win again Max home if it's Patrick Cameron young yeah anyone any any single one of them. So it's just and that's why I think now. And I I feel gutted to say this and I am always missing tiger and hope he comes back but I feel so excited. For each major now I'm not thinking well I never once this week thought I wish tiger was here like I did I did did you actually yeah no I did genuinely I didn't once think that yeah there was a few times this this year that kind of maybe sin once I don't know I I wasn't maybe getting wrapped up enough in the Rory fan Brigade like Rory a lot I just felt like there was something missing this open I just felt like there needed to be another sub-narrative yeah I feel like there needed to be a a tiger. Or I don't know even even a legend bowing out or you know I don't know it just felt like it was missing a bit of a narrative um I mean I'd take any opportunity in the whole world to watch tiger again compete. And play and play in the open whatever it may be and hopefully we'll do. And does do. And wins I mean Brian if a man called Brian can win the open a man called tiger can win multiple more correct however. however. I don't want to see tiger back personally unless he's actually competitive I don't think he will. But I think we we've said this before yeah like when we when he was making his tenth comeback it was like. But we want to see him be tiger he was Tiger he will always be tiger. And do tiger things um. But I question him for you do you think the fact that Ryan Harman won. And the best part of his game was hitting it straight. And rolling Potts in does that give you more confidence attack it could come win one because the longest in the field 110 manual Club at speeders in the tours wow I'm sure he's longer than us because obviously it's. So much more efficient but he's not a big beast he rolls pots in for fun tiger is out of the best spots to have lived Tyga's the best player in Period Under Pressure who if he has a lead he isn't losing that lead I think that show it shows something on his links costs like that the way it was set up in the conditions it's not a bombers I mean I I don't it there's a lot of talk about it being a strategy golf course. And there's no one better in the game to have that strategy. And I think to some degree I think that's where a lot of players struggled this week I don't think they've used the brain enough I think there was a lot a lot of wayward t-shirts a lot out of position far too many golfers in my opinion going. For like the 18th Green in two and finding those three bunkers at the front of the green yeah like they commit bird they should have been laying it up to 50 60 yards it wasn't like the greens were burnt out. And you couldn't get a spin it just really surprised me the strategy that a few of the golfers use I think the bunkers this week were brilliant they were literally a drop shot I think the day one they were a little bit too brutal didn't they change them after that though yeah. So I I spoke to someone from rather than someone very very high up and they'd apparently warned the RNA that this might happen and then.

I said No it should be fine. But basically the the sand and the Leading Edge was too much of an angle yeah it's like flat on that yeah the ball if it went in it would Nestle up again need a bit of a slope just need a little bit. So if it hit the face it would at least have a chance of rolling back somewhere near the middle I wanna see you know we have this thing now but the clubs are getting too good the balls are going too long. And we need to roll back the ball etc etc if you when I was a junior golfer. And I was didn't have much strength. And didn't quite understand how to get a Bonkers like a lot of amateur golfers have a anyway so it's not really that important it's not a big deal if you're on a bunker I I loved it I absolutely loved it it was Mo the only thing I'd I would say was a bit I don't I love the Steep faces yeah I don't mind that one bit. So that for me is part of Bunker you've got to be skilled enough to be able to get that elevation where I did just find it a little bit too unfair is because obviously there's. So rounded pop bunkers that when the ball did really Nestle up against the side. And the Lich had no yeah that's I don't know how you could avoid that really I know how you can don't win the bunker you're the the last though you said that you missed the tiger sub narrative. And I do understand that. But you know one of the really really cool stories of the week which I'm guessing most people obviously are aware of though. But was the Matthew Jordan story. So good he's been a member of the golf club since he was seven years old I believe it's his home Golf Club he's played Walker cup he's now on tour he's a great player he qualified. For the open via qualifying which I think must have been a lot of pressure to try. And get in just a bit because this is Sergio yeah in the final qualifying at West Langs well he would have known. For the last was it five. Or six years ago the open would have got announced there maybe I can't remember but he would have known for that long that this was one he wants to play he has to play he got in I know you know what I said to somebody I some of my friends I said I reckon I have a great first round then.

He'll probably have a shock a second I just had this feeling that he'll he'll that would happen no I wanted that to happen he actually had great four days really good rounds of golf tied 10th gets him into the open next.

Year at Troon the reception he got when he went to the clubhouse because he qualified. So when I Cuddy for my mate John Beasley sent angel links he qualified then.

Final qualifying to play at St Andrews so we've done sent Andrews now Roy Liverpool and now roll through next.

Year um but but what a story I mean the golf club I know the golf club was super proud one one morning last week I was very honored to have breakfast with the captain lady captain of Royal Liverpool which was which was amazing I was in the in the clubhouse watching the guys on the putting green chatting to the captains of the year you know the history of Royal Liverpool is fascinating like it's really really it's. So interesting the history of the whole place I could do a whole two hour podcast just on that. But as I was there I was chatting something about Matty Jordan it was. So you could see in their eyes they were just. So proud of him he's such a wonderful professional you know he's always seems to be really well mannered he's well spoke and he speaks great in front of the media from what you see like it's great with with the fans and the kids like you saw the amount of support he had from locals I mean how the hell. And this is where they just cut from a different cloth. And I I don't think I'll ever understand their man their mentality to have that much pressure at your home open. And to get into top ten yeah I mean what how how good are these guys why it is actually a joke. And on that as well I know that since you've spoke about live quite a lot in the last obviously a couple of years or years so and we've mentioned how you know we don't massively want to we don't like how much golf is becoming out money. And stuff which I understand but the other great thing about the finish for Matthew Jordan was it's really helped them out career-wise I mean he won um 276 000 Euros brilliant. So that's helped him out for the year no issues with him winning money uh make it. But not what I don't know and I'm sure I'll be able to find it in two two clicks of a button I don't actually know how much Brian Harman won it's an afterthought and I don't care the cleric juggage workers won he won the gold medal he won the champion girl for the year he is now an open Champion a major winner pay I'm sure a lot of these guys I'm sorry this on behalf of them would go don't worry about the money. So the win like yeah. But that's not it's not why they're doing it it's not so um yeah it was amazing Jordan did brilliant yeah I think overall there was a lot of really really strong takeaways from this open it isn't the most memorable in the world um. But I think it again it's it's that's what the open is the open is. For every golfer from around the world to compete and at the end of the day Brian played the best golf I will stop you in your tracks I want that because although. For most people it won't be the most memorable in the world for me it will be because I took my baby daughter oh oh um yeah. So we're gonna go on to this we had it so not only did we obviously watch the golf we were there. For the full week I did Monday through to Friday had Saturday at home then.

Went on Sunday you were there Monday to Saturday you did some really great stuff um at the MasterCard one Club kind of tent where you interviewed some insane names yeah you had I'll try. And read off the ones I can do you tell me what I've lost Victor kamyong um Shane Lowry Tom Watson sunburns is that it yes yeah. And they were good really good you did a good job you shot me yeah he's in front of a live audience I don't actually how many people were in there a couple hundreds I didn't say. So a few hundred yeah um I mean it's chatting to all of them I'm Max Homer yes chatting to all of them were brilliant I love chatting to Victor I think he sucks yeah cool cool character just straight after the interview grabbed him by the scuff of the neck I said are we doing a 10 shot challenge. Or what and he went yeah okay whatever any he he flicked me off. And said what did he I didn't say that oh I'm sorry. And said uh yes. So that's that's in the pipeline guess who surprised at the most out of the people you interviewed in terms of how much actually enjoyed the interview and how they came across you might be surprised at the fact that I'm surprised the one that then.

I can only think of is is um cam young now Shane Lowry oh right well I'm not surprised that that was a such a good one sorry okay then.

That's what I didn't know I would come across I I sometimes got the impression of him. And I was an Irish guy. And he's quite bubbly but I kind of got the impression he might be quite seriously wrong I already knew before he was my most tilt he was brilliant he was really really good. And that's the kind of thing that for those couple hundred people that were there. Or that I've watched it online since or whatever that is how you build fans because you see that personality I will now be cheer him. For him more than ever would have been before because I feel like I I almost gnome a little bit through that yeah no I thought he was he was amazing um they all were it's. So interesting getting their insights to Links certainly the Americans like Max salmon and um and cam young like this is kind of new territory. For them and you know how they I mean cam Young by the way what an open um performance he's had. So far yes second at Saint Andrews. And did he come third. Or or fourth yeah fell back a little bit. But what an open I mean he's going to be an open Champion. For sure his game just is. So good I love his swing um and then.

Again the huge honor of chatting to Tom Watson again I mean I've very fortunate now I am quite literally on first name terms with Tom Watson um you know he he's such a nice guy Rick. Or Ricky or Richard depends how many Bev is we've had no I don't think he drinks um he calls me Rick the first time I've met him at St Andrews when that video reversed. And I I went over there hi Mr Watson anyway don't call me I'm Tom um I could genuine I don't know if you saw her on stage I'm so captivated by what you say it like I literally I just ask him a question and and just off he goes and I'm I'm like a well I am a fan but I'm I always forget oh god I've got to ask him a follow-up question in a minute because he just goes into such incredible depth the start that I didn't know until yesterday or when I interviewed in Chelsea it won't five opens in a nine year stretch just looking at that then.

I knew we'd won five I didn't know so it was 1975 was his first in 1983 was his last imagine that dominance I mean. So I put it this way right let's make this simple for us imagine if somebody won the open in 2015 so the winner was Jordan Speak No the 2015 was was it Louis I know it was Zach Johnson yeah imagine if Zach Johnson won it then..

And then.

One at this year and in between another three so from 2015 five times I mean it's mad he must have been going into every single open just going yeah I'll just win another one that's sometimes what I hate about not being alive in certain Generations that I don't we've said this before. But the Savvy stuff I don't I obviously have respect Savvy because I know he was a legend. But I didn't see it with my own eyes I didn't see Tom Watson imagine having a player like that in your lifetime with obviously lucky we saw tiger which is the probably the best one to see. But even that I feels a little bit too young we did miss a huge dominant there was lots of dominant golfers in even in Jack's here yeah. And considering Jack dominated so much you then.

Still had Tom Watson Greg Norman Nick Faldo Trevino like you know I'm sure I probably missed it all those guys yeah like what I mean it's just Sensational. So that was really really really fun. But anyway so just quickly though speaking of stats one thing before that one what surprised me is that speaker Max Homer this is his first top 10 in a major. And how it's insane was he won six times a lot of times he's won six PJ tour events. And this is his first top 10 in the major he went on to talk about it how basically he's just been putting too much pressure on himself since. And he's elevating the major too much basically which is I understand how that would happen. But it 100 yeah because you don't play it isn't just normal events you can't oh you have to. But you can. So did your seven month old baby enjoy deal yes. So what I'm gonna come on to this is something a bit of a praise actually that to the RNA. And to the open for the fact that you can go to the open. And spend a day there in many different capacities so I was there. For several days and I had four different vibes okay I'm gonna reel them off here one by one you went this guy you went as guyson you went as Daddy guy the daddy um no. But we had a work Vibe didn't we so we went in a work capacity and had some meetings with some people and was very exciting. And some good stuff to come and and the open is a great place. For that kind of networking and meeting there's some quieter places there's some nice kind of little bars or you can go. For like a coffee so that would that's something that you can definitely do at the open. And everyone in the world of golf is there correct. So it's a great place to meet um I also then.

On one of the days met with my brother and my dad and had a bit like a family-ish day but a bit like the three of us walking around quite serious into our golf looking at certain stuff watching certain shots and a grand standard being a bit more like a kind of an authentic golf course yeah you can imagine us wearing golf shoes Etc yeah. And then.

When this was the bit more peculiar day on the Friday it's where my friends were going. For the boys yes four of my friends were going they got the train at half seven they're on the first part about half past ten they were on the source right um they got very drunk. And they they added and I was driving um they got very drunk. And if you want to go to the gulf and get drunk you can go to golf. And get drunk there was a big Loch Lomond whiskey kind of tent as I said um where you could buy all the drinks other than whiskey. And they run a gin and tonic they got really drunk um I was winding them up by saying out of the four of them who was the hardest who was the softest ranking them in order of one to four they were getting almost fighting about people. And I'd have you these are 30 year old blokes with kids by the way um we decided that bring season before the softest brinksy. So listen you wielding now so he came out of the softest uh we all agreed that he was a soft dick right. And he was getting like quite wound up 32 year old blower. But it was funny it's funny when you're with your mates if you go back to school kids don't you yeah like we literally turned into school children. But then.

The more serious day I went on the Sunday with my wife and my baby daughter who's seven months old as you know it was an experience. But you were Brave that was Brave I think I would have taken no. But I understand why you did it was on our doorstep it's really obviously won't remember it was more of a memory. For also a nice picture and you know what this is a game I want to shout the RNA it's actually a lot better than you think taking a baby there was actually changing facilities there was like a feeding area um it was really good went to the MasterCard tent. For a bit we got looked after Nur which was nice it was something that was hard work. But I'm glad we did it. And it's just just I thought I'd mention it the fact that you can definitely go to an open in lots of different capacities you can take kids you can go on the ale. And get sourced up if you want it's a good day out for anyone I would say yeah I I would agree. And just on on top of that I'm not sure if this was an experience you encountered this week. But you can actually also go as like entertaining guests. Or clients or you know I I was very well we both were very fortunate to go into the MasterCard hospitality. And up there it's fine dining it's beautiful Cutlery it's nice TVs it's nice wine it's you know and you've got up there you've got businesses who are taking Partners wives yeah um you know having having a lovely civilized meal well the golf is on the balcony outside while you watch it on TV. And they're all very dressed up very nicely you know so there are. So many different ways you can go to an open without without question what I'm interested about on each of those days. And you can summarize it fairly quickly how much percentage of golf does did you watch those days that's the problem business day none family day with my dad quite a bit 80 yeah Lads day twenty percent I'm impressed it's 20 Family Day with the kittens 20 again are you changing nappies. But that's the only thing that actually I spoke to a few people that came up that watched the videos and stuff everyone had a great day I think you can't now if you like golf you can't not have a great day at the open however. if you've never been before you were you don't watch that much go if you go to football you watch the football unless you blink. And miss a goal you watch the action same for a boxing fight or whatever most sports Cricket or whatever the only one I can put similar I'd imagine would be F1 because if you go to F1 you probably got more. For the vibe yes yeah I suppose that. But you kind of got your chord in Theory watch the darts and the big yeah. But yeah it's probably a good shout oh Cricket. Or horse racing horse racing is another one I feel like yeah I feel like with horses. And you you go almost knowing you're going. For the batting and the boozing around actually watching the horse I'd imagine with golf people go thinking I'm gonna watch golf and you have to make the choice don't you just sit in a grandstand do you follow a group do you kind of I don't know the best way I would think would be to follow a not a particularly well-known name all the way around you know where I I would if I was genuinely just go in all day I'd Park myself in the first T grandstand get the best seat you can possibly get. And just sit there all day and just at least you've watched every golfer hit the opening tee shots or likewise go and sit on the 18th grandstand and watch them all finish we we did that on one of the days where we sat on the grandstand then.

What uh there was like a really nice kind of pedigree groups that were coming through three. Or four groups with like Rory John Ram Victor and loads of really good players and we sat there and watched them all play the 18th but yeah you've gotta you've got to really commit yourself to making a decision to watch the golf I love nothing more than being there. And being present and soaking in the atmosphere and maybe you know you just happen to be walking over the Fairway when another you know one of the crossings when a green a group's on the green and watching that but I just like to be fair I understand why a lot of people do it having a few drinks watching on the TV like just being there yeah it's got a real a really good atmosphere you can't believe how many TVs are on site showing the golf even though you're there yeah because you can't see everything it's over too much of a space I definitely recommend anyone listening who's not been to the open who can go go I think this is a really good time a couple of weeks ago we missed an opportunity okay the live podcast yeah I was Ill because you bailed on me oh you have to bleep that sound you have to bleep stuff yeah sorry sorry wrote it down I tell I think it's a good time to then.

Ashia. And I'll I'll also chip in on this we went to live a few weeks ago live London yeah. And now I've been to the open yes okay I'd like to First is there a one-liner that you had like to summarize live on. Or a couple of little paragraphs little paragraph and then.

Also how do you see it varying from the open. So the first thing you have to caveat that with is that obviously the open's a major championship. And lives not so that's the first thing that there's going to be different in stature in size I had a good think about live after we went I've been twice now I've been to London both years if you're going to live with your friends. For a day out I would tell you you're gonna have a good time so the the guy that went with his boys yeah to live. And also sponsored yeah I'd also think you do any four of those ones I think you could go. For a work meeting you could go with your family to watch authentic golf go on the Lash and you could also take a baby so I think you could do all four a death I think it's more catered. For the guys that want to have a party though I also think you can get much much closer to some big big names than you can obviously at the open. Or even probably a DP world event and there's probably going to be better names there than a DP world event the real takeaway. For me I'm Gonna Stand by this now I feel like in some ways without opinions on living in some ways I've sat on the fence and I've finally finally come up with something that's gonna stand by for me the team element is nonsense. And I was thinking this. For a while I would have said this on the podcast if it was here when you support I'm gonna use football. For the examples it's probably the best in the UK to use you typically support a football team because either of where you live or where your parents basically tell you to support So for me that's Liverpool for you that's Man United and you grow up supporting that team and they were obviously created hundreds of years ago 150 years ago whatever. And you feel a connection to that team and in that time the ground might change the kits will change the players will change the manager will play. But there's something about that team that you've bought into with Liv and these teams they are quite literally I suppose like old teams. But they're just made up they come from nowhere so you're on the Range and we run the range watching these guys warm up and that's great you've got Sergio you've got polter you've got Stenson and then.

You've got Majestics you've got Stingers you've got whatever they're called Crushers it just feels so artificial and I just can't buy into the whole team element at all I think. For me it's just really now with time will that change if it's still going in 40 years time. And a 10 year old boy supports Stingers GC because his dad did. And that's who he now supports fair enough but I just can't Envision a future where that's the case it just feels so fake no I I I'd agree there. And I've said it on the podcast that I did it's almost like I think some members of teams are really into it. And they're really trying the hardest to to make it work I think Paul is one of those to be fair I would say the Majestics team is probably the best at that yeah I genuinely think other teams don't care one bit I really don't I think some of the team members just like not really bothered about playing. For the Stingers other Crushers or whatever that's my own honest opinion um where I think some of this comes from this kind of. And I don't know we have similar um coming from the UK your sport teams that's where you're from in America there are some bizarre points of differences where um what's the it'll come to me what's the ice hockey team that moved to Vegas oh I know what you mean I've got set up in Vegas yeah it's a franchise one that moved that that seems bizarre to me you know what I mean that seems Sam do you know the name of it what they called what is an annoying I thought it was eye socket um oh God it nearly came to me then.

People listening. And watching this night yeah Las Vegas Knights were basically like Golden Nights golden nights like created. And and for me it's like I can't imagine people just suddenly supporting them just because they were kind of just made there it'll take time all the teams I've known in America have actually moved locations like they've moved States what I'm actually like man united moved somebody London you should do most of the fans are there set that one up all right to Dubai yeah like it just wouldn't it it just wouldn't make sense. But even and I agree with you but even with that you would you still support United you wouldn't stop no I know. But yeah you just it's just this whole thing. And and at the end of the day everything in the world was made up the open was made up. And the only reason it has such significance to us now is that that has been 151 opens. And there's Legends of all Tom Morris Tom Watson Tiger Woods so we understand the importance of that when you make an event from today.

It's very hard to have that real estate. So you know it is difficult people UFC have done it people see real value me the UFC champion. And that's quite a new sport in MMA but I just think. For golf it's difficult one thing I would add though definitely this year I feel like the live play is at the open didn't really feel like live playing at all they just felt like players yeah Stenson you saw Patrick read all these different guy I didn't feel like Live players. And I think a lot of that was to do with the coverage as well yeah I think last year well I know. For a fact last year they were very much like do not cover Live players unless you absolutely have to like don't make a big deal about it kind of don't interview them don't do anything this year they had to lean into it because obviously cam Smith the current open job the previous open Champion is a live player. So they had to open the doors to that yeah. But I felt like they were doing interviews with Bryson with Brooks with DJ like didn't feel like any live player was off you know um not not allowed. And I think you know what huge respect to the open. For their for their view on all of this yeah. And to be honest to the mate all the majors I actually think they've had a very very clear open-minded look at this situation well when you look actually the live golf leaderboard at the open if you like Henrik Stenson was the best he was at -3 then.

Laurie Cantor Louis used Richard blanded all right. And then.

Actually missing the court you had DJ Mr Cup by a mile Brandon Grace filmmak Etc but what again I noticed this is why I think it's not great having this this separation it was great to have those guys playing again it was against your worries I mean yeah Bryce didn't have the best we wouldn't see him Bryce in the same field as Rory. And seeing DJ and Brooks in the same field with Cameron Smith and obviously all the PJ tour guys back together if you like we want to see the best players competing I feel like they were friends again this this year this week yeah like you saw John RAM. And and Phil Mickelson who have been great friends for many years do a practice round together just like you're not we've not seen that. For ages like it wouldn't have surprised me if if John Ram had won this week Michael Mickelson might have already been on a jet home to be fair but players from live PJ tour you know friend of John Ryan would have been present in my you know that's what would have happened um it was it was nicer to see from my perspective I was I was looking forward to going to the open this year after being delivered recently. And I was going to come back on this podcast today.

And almost tell you what I what I the difference that I felt they're just uncomparable they're just two totally different products I think the best thing to compare. And live event would be would be a DP world event really or even PGA Tour event I've never been to a PGA Tour event and I've been to obviously a DP world event I do think that if you go to live you'll have a great time in terms of actually the experience I just. For me it just means nothing whoever wins and whichever team it means nothing I said on that podcast it was like I wasn't bothered where waking up on Saturday morning. And even Sunday morning with with still this glimmer of hope that Tommy from my own standpoint I really really really wanted Tommy to Win It for me looking and going oh my God this could be it because it's life-changing yeah Brian Harman winning that this week it's life-changing yeah isn't it he's going to be known as an open Champion. For the rest of his life correct and I think the only way that Liv would have actually to me meant something would be. And it would never have happened if they actually when it Formed they got number one to number 48 in the world on the world ranking said right that is now live. And it's literally the best players because then.

It would be what's the best of the best but you know that it it's not that is it really it's a diluted version of it yeah anyway I've got a couple of emails. For you Rick would you like to hear a nice email um so there's two contrasting emails one's a bit long but very very good and one's very very short and not as good but I want to hear your opinion on both so the first email it's a thank you actually so let me just move my laptop because only this one Justice um we've not done any emails for a while but we've got loads of good ones we might use some of the ones we've currently got in the next.

Couple of episodes but if you want your email read out emails podcast the amount of times we asked for the email for the podcast it does baffle me it's quite a simple email right in the description of the podcast I think it is yeah podcast original stuff maybe people spell the Rick Shields wrong yeah. Or putting the D in there it's r-i-c-k-y right okay. So it says thank you it says I've sent this email again as I foolishly sent it to an open week which meant you guys would have been Mega busy yeah you fool it's from Kieran I'll say his name's from Kieran I wanted to say a big thank you. For sharing a great idea which helped me to get engaged to my now fiance wow she is not a golfer in fact she hates it. So I'm constantly looking for ways to engage here in the sport we love at my own Peril on previous episodes you mentioned about bringing your partner onto the golf course and having myself play tea to green and then.

Letting them out what's the name you call that your old golf club oh Fox and rabbits Fox and rabbit so she's the rabbit he's the fox we have been on holiday in Portugal and I managed to book the golf course where I've had I have had my only ever hole in one and he also decided to rent a boogie and let her do the driving which she loved using your suggestion letting her out she really felt included. And loved spending time with me and finally admitting that golf can be fun she also holds a six foot power point front of the family sitting on the Villa balcony. And got a standing ovation fast forward to the 15th 10 it's a path three where I got me only have a hole in one I've built up the importance of this hole on the drive from the 14th green to the 15th T and made sure she took some photos and videoed my t-shirt just in case it went in again I hit my t-shirt which sadly didn't go in the hole and asked my partner to go and fetch me another ball so I can try again the ball I left in the Boogie was planted. And had written on it will you marry me when she picked the ball up she saw what was written on it. And I went down on one one knee and got a yes I attributed this partly to you guys. For the fantastic idea for including your partner as she hadn't had she hadn't had a good time I wouldn't have been able to propose to her on the golf course it made incredibly special and unique that we were able to do it there. And now we have a fantastic Story and Another probably one to put in the cabinet alongside my hole in one ball pictures of the occasion are below keep up the great work. And I'll be watching the real Liverpool break 75 in the plane home and that's from Kieran and mashia wow it's actually made me quite emotional that's a nice picture we'll put the picture in the video podcast well ledge so um oh that's really nice cool uh and then.

Start congratulations and yes Karen I I will be best man I I appreciate is that's what it says it says you can be best man I'll be in Usher okay. So in fact notice this guy you can be our flower girl as long as we can come on the Stag do we're good. And then.

In start contrast for that lovely long in-depth email for steering oh we've got from Saul Phillips this just says the title of it is very bad at golf right now. And it says it has come to my recognition I've just shanked every second shot at the range any advice please tell them up wow so Rick what advice would you to solve is admitted to us he's a massive Shanker um he's got the shanks how do you get rid of the lamb shanks without seeing his golf swing I know it's quite hard true Patel driving range Max are terrible. For Shanks ah really bad because the club can actually slide on on the actual um artificial grass I used to get it loads at the driving range like if not me no matter how to do it if you if you predominantly hit down on the golf ball too much the bottom of the club can actually slide on the on the mat. And can cause the hit in the shank. So that simple tip put two golf balls together put a club between the two golf balls and then.

What I want you to do is try. And hit the golf balls closest to you without hitting the other ball oh yeah just trying to get that toe strike a little bit more nice. And before we come on to some great questions and the great questions have come from our great Facebook group um I want to touch on something that was arguably my highlight of the open week as good as the open week was at the golf Wednesday yeah. And good God met up at Wallace our favorite Golf Course and you put on social media as did the boys um we thought this would be quite busy we only promoted it Monday yeah two days before we knew it would be busy honestly now hand on heart it exceeded my expectations it was insane. So I mean well it generally was amazing we we did a rough estimation of how many fans turned up it was somewhere between 1 500. And 1750. so around about 1612 fans from all over the country so some fans had come all the way from Scotland someone's come all the way from down south um to come to Wallace which is as guy mentioned one of our favorite golf courses in the whole world beautiful beautiful setup really really Forward Thinking cool Club thank you to Gareth there the general manager. For allowing us access to your wonderful golf course I might have told him only 200 people are going to turn up yeah. So that was uh becoming my laptop on set is it in the way Sam people can see your emails. So that was that was slightly uh yeah lower numbers yeah I think he knew as well yeah we we had it was just great you know what's really funny those meetups I get. So no more nervous is the right word nervous. And kind of like apprehensive we've done a couple now I did want to marry a couple of last year um where about 700 odd people turned up this year it was definitely much much much bigger it's open week five minutes away from Royal Liverpool we knew what we were doing good good of grot bigger we've got bigger um Royal Liverpool on Monday no golf ball I gave little do your balls away that's a buy a box of provies from the shop yeah you know what I found is really good it's first expending your money. And giving up away your stuff it's really enjoyable it's not my wife um so the um 1600 people turned up we played Wheel of my ideal which is a concept that Lads from good good do where they have this wheel with all the different clubs on you spin it. And whatever Club it spins on that's the club you've got to hit thankfully it was a really good game we played Four holes um I hit some really nice shots mixed with some very different shots some weird shots I think the good thing with that game is bizarrely without any people watching I think you want to land on not ideal because if you've got a sandwich off a powerful tea. So I mean you shank it it's kind of like oh it's all right whereas if you drive. And you hook it out about it's quite embarrassing isn't it I I was more than happy because we spun a time off the first two I was like yeah perfect. So power four is like perfect because I could thin it a little bit. And get away with it it's like oh yeah meant to thin it I wanted to get more distance. But the turnout was amazing thank you everybody that came the video will be going on good Goods Channel very soon um it was a beautiful it was insane like the lighting was absolutely amazing. And everyone just was having a great time um we pretty much played till it went dark it was nearly 10 o'clock when we finished um. And then.

You got sourced after didn't you I had a few beverages to be honest other three beverages before during and after yeah yeah. And it continued fellas late on in the morning no it was it was insane thanks to everybody that came as you said it was a huge turnout um. And I know you've just said. But thanks to Wallace I think what we love about Wallace. So much we've said this before we'll say it again until the cows come home Golf Course outstanding incredible the fact that they get it the Ford fate the Forward Thinking the letters use the facility to do the podcast last week as well awesome the food I'm just saying the members I speak to Lady Captain you know they get it. And that's a golf club as well well I'll see that's got an incredible Heritage and history you know we've said this before I keep saying we said this before because I don't want people to think you've said that before. But I'm going to say it again the the um stableford was created there you know they've had some amazing players come from that Golf Club the fact they're willing to try new things they've got this amazing picture about is it Bobby Jones um. But the fact that they are willing to experiment. And not shy away and similar kind of ethos to the RNA as well you know the RNA is such a prestigious organization. But the way they're willing to try things at the open now and have you guys on site and content creators it's really cool to see but yeah it was a great day. And it's exciting I think we need to do more of these things moving forward yeah we'll talk about that we haven't forgot about the live podcast well we had I'd forgot what guy remember this podcast um we have got a live podcast which we will look into. And hopefully it'll be in five weeks you know what I'm gonna put this out there now and I think people listening will get this I'm not let's do it as a celebration of 200. But I'm not personally upset if it's not the 200th I'd rather get it right okay. So let's say it ends up being 200 seconds okay that's okay I think we'll just make sure that it's in celebration. And to be fair in the next.

Few weeks actually a few holidays and everything we've got to take yeah summer holidays. So I think it might be it might be seven weeks down the line. But still our hundredth podcast episode 200 200 yeah yeah. But I think it's a celebration. For for everybody we know we don't maybe say enough but we do appreciate everyone that's listening. And watching and certainly this week obviously you got stopped a hell of a lot of the open which is great to see. But the people that came up to us that were saying I will love the videos in the podcast too as well yeah it was really really nice. And we do appreciate it. And um it's very good so a few questions then.

From our Facebook group um one word to support somebody that's on the fence about whether to join the Facebook group or not give them a little bit of motivation maybe two words or three words but in the small sentence tell somebody why they should why not it's nailed it he's only gonna nail it why not it's free like-minded individuals who share a love for golf podcasting bit of wrecking guy playing the guy you get a lot of online yeah I do it's nice. And uh and I also got a safe space there is. And also somebody put a picture in there I've been having a Wii at Wallace Golf Club they didn't appreciate it but you approved it no no no I approved a post. And they commented on them so they didn't zoom in quite enough they had to do me a lot I don't think they had a Italian. So everything was okay didn't have a telescope that reaches to me it wasn't a warm night it was a cold night okay come on sorry right okay. So Bobby John has said was the open boarding this year yes okay wow. And then.

He also it was there's no dispute in that as we mentioned the start of it it was it was the right person won. But as a fan it was boring okay um Yale stand said sorry would Rory will Rory win a major again again yes. Or no answer yes okay I'm gonna know what was the story behind the photo of Rick on the floor. And Bryson shouting for so actually I don't know this one so this is this is I don't know what it was. So throughout the week I was obviously presenting doing hosting at the MasterCard tent which which sat along the side of the third hole unbelievable location it really was. And um we'd watch a bit of the golf and out the back out the kind of fire exit out the back was possibly one of the best views of the whole venue it wasn't open. For spectators but it was like little fire accident they had a little balcony. And you could see down the third the t-shirt and then.

Down to the green on the third hole one of the hardest holes of the golf course and it was fun down down below um. And everything else and then.

The guy one of the the volunteers from the the tent next.

Door the HSB tent spotted me he said watch out by the way a few golf balls have been hitting the the um Tents today.

What the hell because normally you don't hit you hit to the corner yeah you pitch in I have a funny feeling players were playing. For the hospital like the tented Village because there's no reason to take driver there unless you're going over the corner. And even when you're going over the corner it's really hard now the t-shirt in general is quite hard to position with an iron because if you don't quite catch it you could easily hit it out of bounds. But with a driver there's no possible way of hitting out of bounds unless you go way too far right. For these boys so I was still in that balcony. And I was chatting this guy from HSBC. And there was a few golfers I couldn't see who's on the tee all of a sudden we hear this huge yelling of you before okay. And I will verify there was huge yellings of four okay Started From The Man himself Bryson which I didn't know it was him at the time right. So I'm still on this balcony in Prime View and everyone's showing four four four and suddenly this golf ball whizzed pastors you as far as you are to me right now it's always past it was still flying a tremendous speed. And clattered into the side of the MasterCard tent wow and went almost behind the MasterCard tent where all the the porter cabins are. And the wiring and whatever else right and then.

Loads of fans were like looking. And they spotted me on the top and it was like I was like joking pretending I got hit in all this. And I was with Ellie from the RNA at the time which is. So mad so she's one of the head um people behind all the media from the RNA straight away she goes into work mode she which both she's got two phones she wished both of them out sticks them on record she starts filming all this I'm thinking this is brilliant. So I went down the stairs because the ball was just at the bottom of the stairs. So I went down the stairs just to see whose golf ball it was. And it was a Titleist left Dash Pro V1 X like left Dash is one of these balls let's get low spin. And all this I didn't know whose it was at this time. So I'm laughing so I thought I'll just do a bit of a funny picture. So I lied down next.

To it and it was funny because the open would that happen because I had that water had the water bottle in my hand which I was about to do like a little promo. For anyway so I lied down on the floor in a bit of a kind of dead position and took a picture and obviously that was really funny. So went back up the stairs left the ball and everyone was like where's the ball where's the ball I'm like well I'll just wait. For the player who comes along only Bryce and the Shambo so he's there and he's saying where like where is it. And they're pointing up and he spots me on the balcony obviously we've done the podcast with him and I'll message him we were trying to film this week earlier in the week at Wallace we watched a 10 shot challenge. But he couldn't squeeze in 18 holes Nat tricks it's the open week and he uh he shouted up very Rick how close I said mate it nearly took my ear off. So I said you want the ball he said yes I'll run down the stairs grab the ball run back up the stairs. And tossed it down to him and he it was right in front of us literally we had the best view in the whole house. And I honestly think the players were playing. For it because then.

They got to drop it free drop in the in the trampled part of where all the fans were hitting from now I don't it's a bit naughty because you hit someone correct it is a bit naughty. So I don't I'm not saying that is definitely play yeah. But the guy from HSBC the volunteer said a lot of people are hitting this today.

A lot of driver that is it it's never a driver on that hole. So he took a free drop and he was like 140 yards left of the pin. And hit my 99 just missed the green left look up and down for par um but yeah it was it was pretty epic. So that is. So funny so then.

I messaged him that night and I said like thanks. For nearly hitting me and he said I did I did shout. For and he said you need to post that picture. So I wasn't going to post it. But once he said post it. And it obviously did pretty solid on Instagram very well uh Hugh Davis. So that question by the way was from Mikey Simmons that's already his name out Hugh Davis has said witch Par 3 17th hole is more of a challenge JCB. Or Royal Liverpool and also which is your favorite JCB is a million times harder than rather yeah I'd agree is it your favorite JCB is my favorite is it yeah yeah I think I definitely think walking's at 1750 at JCB every time I've done it it does take your breath away a little bit it's. So good it's so Grand and like oh my goodness no you're hitting like a thought of it everything from a three wood to a six sign into that green I've only powered it two. Or three times or just hitting that green is an accomplishment yeah the island itself sorry you know what's weird though with the sounds to do this. But I was thinking the other day a tough part three if you play Golf Course once. And you come to a tough part three if you hit a good t-shirt on that hole you often then.

Don't realize it's tough no whereas like a tough power. For IE the 17th at the old course you have to hit a cockroach good job so like 17 got hit over the hotel really or just left of it you've got to hit the green and navigate around the Road Hole bunker in the road and then.

You take your two put par so I think you can appreciate it's a tough hole Yeah whereas if you played the 17th at Royal Liverpool. For the first time hit your 9972. what's love is about I've played that hole now maybe five. Or six times and generally I've played it really really well I think I've only missed the green twice yeah I hit one in the bunker short one time when we played that's the first time first time. And I didn't go up and down that was annoying. But I I hit the wrong club and I was totally on me since that we played it with Robbo yeah then.

Got all up. And down birded it Invitational nearly birded it again yesterday part it like to some degree I think I play Sawgrass yeah JCB I think when you can see the trouble it's much more menacing yeah like I mentioned before when you can just see a flag silhouette on the top of the green you don't realize there's any trouble down there where when you can visibly see the trouble even if it's just out the corner of your eye that really plays with your head a lot more this is one that I don't quite agree with. But I want to hear your take on it from Jacob Brewer what's with Rick's new American twang when he says damn I know I'm kind of saying it like you did because of that yeah it's like a joke it's like I'm saying it in an American accent it's a damn yeah I'm actually doing it as an American yeah I'm because I wouldn't normally say damn yeah it's weird though when you started the other day. So I'm gonna put gas in my car my club's in the trunk when you start using a sidewalk more put that in the trash and get in the elevator correct so the kids want some candy exactly so I don't know something tomato soup yeah listen it's how it's going yeah no I do I say it on purpose yeah in like a damn like I'd say it on purpose in American accent yeah using contacts then.

How would you do it I normally do it just one word after a bad shot okay I'll hit background damn DM man right Jamie Hollander said this is actually a very interesting question because what we're about to do after this podcast what's the difference between a Titleist T100. And t150 ions forgiveness Etc now before you hold that thought Rick um you can't give too much away yet the Embargo is the second of August. So everyone's seen the golf clubs but we can't really give too much the technology differences away you've hit them both what do you think in a nutshell I think the t150s are a very interesting Club I think the t100s are very similar to the last year's t100s yeah I know you've been enjoying them in the bag at the moment really have yeah the 150 the um the more they're just a bit stronger last year of the 100s. Or last iteration they were supposed to be stronger version of The 100 the 150 this year a bit more to that. And I think a lot of people will like them um I'm looking forward to test I'm literally about to review them this afternoon yeah another impressive um well this one I put this I put this down because it was a it's only uh one answer to this it's from Derek Farge who had more selfies taken with him at the open guy. Or rick it was a no contest I spent most of my time hiding yeah no it was a no contest um it was a bit mad this year thank you by the way everyone they like it. But it was it was very difficult. And it sounds like I'm whinging or moaning no it's not. But it's you're I'm not just saying this to you now I've said it to behind you back as well um no. But you do I think we you naturally do speak to people in a great way because people that come up to you more often than not obviously fans of the channel the nice people those people that watch the channel are great. So you give them time and it's brilliant it was it was crazy. But very very much appreciated um I think when I got home on Saturday night my wife went how was this week. And I went draw a picture I'm just gonna have 30 minutes in non-talk and if you don't mind the way I actually respect the way I speak to speed on the other hand is terrible isn't it I'm surprised I didn't get chinned I was joking the people are great um. And then.

Last question from Dan linger who actually used to work with Nike has said what is your favorite burger because I used to eat a lot of burgers I think it's a better joke. But what is your favorite burger talk to me talk to me through your favorite beef burger is it is it a beef burger is it a lamb burger no it's a chicken burger it's a burger a burger burger I've got two at the moment Harry I must admit I did have this weekend adorable Big Mac meal nice jeez. And it had Five Burgers yeah they must have accidentally put another one on Wow because really all they do is take a normal Burger cut it in half. And then.

Say as a quad they're very thin aren't they very very thin uh we've got a company close to the offices called burgerism oh wow burgerism yeah you know what I like about burgerism. And this is everything yeah everything. But what I really like not only the Burger Great the packaging that comes in is Second To None. So if you're from Manchester this is this escapes people if they're not from Manchester in Manchester Check Out Burgers go on Instagram absolutely ridiculous. But I'm I'm now on the biggest Health kick of my life Wow ever okay the video we released with Ryan Ruffles yeah Ruffles a few feathers unbelievable video I genuinely think it's one of my favorites all year we've been very fortunate. But the golf on display by Mr Ruffles Ryan himself was exceptional however. standing next.

To ryanra Falls didn't particularly give me a great deal of confidence because he's quite a good looking um quite uh what in shape gentlemen he looks like a nephew yeah you're American nephew. So that's it now the line is drawn no more sausage roll reviews I feel like I've hit the desk a lot there's a lot of tension built up enormous because I'm not eating no more sausage roll reviews that's it wow that's the only thing I'm cutting out those reviews you do once every three weeks not happening anymore um. So yeah what's the new uh I don't know. Yet I don't I think you go too hard. And then.

A little burgers in today.

Cheers to Brian Harman big burger no I I am this time next.

Year I'll Be A Millionaire I'll be a different man. So you're going. For a year project I'm going. For a full open to open but then.

What happened with the double burger yesterday was that not count that's sadder okay. So when the open finishes yeah when it started Monday right however. yesterday wasn't my great great it wasn't a great start what happened yesterday I got to roll it. So I didn't eat in the morning right okay I'll have a light breakfast I think it's breakfast on offer at Royal Liverpool okay okay. So I got to Royal Liverpool yeah bacon bomb okay it's not bad actually it's sausage roll yeah I wanted a sausage bar. But there's bacon bomb so I had the bacon bomb pulled a bit of fat off to be fair oh nice a little bit fast yeah um another pint of fresh orange juice fresh orange juice it was nice though we played we teed off at 10. we got around halfway house which has never been opened it was open last night yeah. Or yesterday we just missed out the last batch of hot food I was gonna have a sausage roll too. So what did you get instead I had a cup of soup it's not bad which was actually really really nice. But then.

I'm starving because when we get in you'd have hated this when we got well not hated it well when we got in it was soup. And sandwiches yeah okay sandwiches were great yeah I was starving though like proper starving have a guess what flavor the suit was um you'd have hated it cauliflower. And leek mushroom oh pathetic who wants mushrooms give us Tomatoes I know mushroom did you eat that as well how does that didn't touch it well thanks I had a pack of Guinness which is like a lion a bit of iron. And actually that's all I mean Sam played nine holes I played 27 holes yesterday although you give water calories off yeah. But then.

When we got in I'd one more beverage yes I could yeah. And I did actually have a sausage I was like you say oh you have tea as well no crisps. Or anything in the house add two packets of Chris yesterday [Laughter] you know what I got yesterday by the way it's a game changer monster Munch pickled onion okay you know what they taste like yeah in a walk as crisp what hear me out a walk as Chris that'd be quite good really good I can't have them though I'm on a diet. So they have our two bananas no I am I'm on it yesterday was more challenging. But today.

No challenges just the thought of a burgerism. So anyway um yeah how long was that Sam can you see when I was 15. So hopefully be up today.

Tuesday. So when this people listen to this now and you'll be talking into a burgerism I'm not after burgerism by the time this is this is a landmark moment 195th podcast is when I commit to a Year's worth of yeah. And then.

What about the open next.

Year then.

You eat junk for that week no I'll be a it's not open to open there's just a mouse whoever Adonis No it's just that's the goal that's the finish line [Laughter] yeah no there's this big changes need to be made I put Timber on. And you know what the other thing I need to get better at golf my golf has really gone down I played all right yesterday to be fair at Royal Liverpool but my game has really gone downhill Portland's amazing at the moment everything my chipping's really good you know what yes they are playing the scramble we had a shot from off the green right the three guys putted. And there was a little bowl like a little mound to get over. And everyone was putting it was. And I went I'm gonna chip this off a tight lie I just dinked it over the little nearly held it nice so it's getting there but then.

I also want to play with some last night I double it one God No cameras no pressure anything double hit shot anymore does it. So no it's a fan it got closer. So yeah anyway thanks. For listening everybody that's uh I feel like that end bit was a bit of a therapy session look hungry. For lunch I don't know yet I think you know what I think you need to do then.

Is prepare I know collect my wife's away at the moment though well establish gets packed okay can I start a diet when you're on that I've got the house the week a couple of pizzas start on Monday this is tell everyone now. And then.


Podcast you can start it's a little bit Burgers come on not be in the office happened on the Tuesday right guys thanks. For listening hopefully you enjoyed it a bit of a weird ending bro peace out we'll see you soon bye [Music].