We um should we talk about rules controversy about patrick reed yeah go on feel free add it watch it. But i've seen the clip so this weekend at the farmers insurance at torrey pines which i didn't know actually the us opens there this year in 150 odd days um on the third round on the 10th hole um patrick reed made a controversial move so the golf course was wet. So i think they were playing preferred lies on the fairway. And if it was plugged in the roof embedded as they call it you're allowed to take relief is it a drop. Or what one club drop free drop you can clean the ball yeah you can take one club relief. And you drop it from your knee um but your ball had to be in bed it embedded it had to have pierced the surface of the ground now typically that only happens once when the balls first impact with ground yeah it's very very rare that it's going to land back jump. And then.

Pluck i think i've ever seen it in my life i don't think i have really you could have lost. So much ball speed when it lands it's not gonna have to force you wouldn't think anyway only only time you could get away with it is if let's say your ball landed on a dry section of a golf course let's say you're on a hill. And your ball lands on the top of the hill kicks forward into a softer area yeah. But even it's not giving that contrast between so hard to so soft you wouldn't think. So it's unlikely right so patrick reed was in a fairway bunker on number 10 he hits his shot left of the green left of the path into rough okay. And um there was the ball was found. But there was no eyewitnesses of how that ball got to that location. So as patrick reed walked up there was a volunteer young lady there volunteered who said here's patrick here's your ball they put a little flag next.

To it to mark it up. And he must have been 15 yards away from his ball at this point right and he has something that was far that kind of struck me as a bit bizarre did you see it bounce. So bear in mind this woman's just found his ball yeah wow he asks he's not got to his ball. Yet did you see it bounce which which was her response was no i didn't see it bounce okay which you might not have done you're not gonna like. And i think you asked a few other people did you see it bounce. And everyone said no we didn't see it bounce right. So he walks up to the ball crouches down near the ball the cameras are on him at the moment he's leading the tournament he kind of signals over to his caddy that he thinks it's embedded he puts a t down he picks his ball up okay no referees there at the time i picked up without a referee wow. So pluck put his tee down pick the ball up without cleaning the ball place the ball down awkwardly like 10 yards away from from the from the t location and called over the referee so it's like dead weird this it just felt weird obviously patrick patrick reed has somewhat of a history let's say of using the rules to his advantage so the referee comes over and patrick's you know saying to the referee my ball is embedded. So the referee comes over and says where's your ball and he says it's there he's he's like yeah. But my ball sorry i've marked my ball so it it was here where this t peg is. So the referee comes over and the referee looked a bit complex he was like why have you moved it like. So referee crouches down asks patrick reed whether he can insert his fingers into said embedded mark which put his finger in. And agreed that where the ball was the ground had been uh damaged had been penetrated right. So grant's patrick reid yep you can have the three drops he then.

Drops it. So he moves it drops it and and hits his shot and proceeds he win at the time yeah he's leading he didn't win though did he won. Or did he win all right okay oh right. So it was. So then.

There was question marks about why did he market in the first place why didn't you wait. For the referee first why surely that was the right thing to do how many was he winning by at the time this happened then.

Couple which obviously i saw it briefly on social media i didn't even know he won the event i don't watch any tour guide. For be honest at the minute but um if he was winning by a couple i'm not saying he hasn't cheats i know he's had a bit of a history in the past. But why would he risk his whole everything to get a slightly better lie and the thing is if if he has cheated you'd understand i think there was a bit of mud on the ball when he got there obviously because it bounced. And then.

You know plugged apparently but so then.

That was that was it sorry. So then.

Once he finished the round it was cleared from the tv highlights that the ball had saw that clip jumped. So it can't have been plugged really so then.

The question was was it really embedded like if it if it bounced was it really embedded. And patrick reed kind of i don't know is he a cheater on your final answer yes. Or no. And do you like him yes. Or no is he a cheat let me answer let me answer that one first when he's obviously been caught cheating that's a fact when he moved the sand in the bunker that is a like you can't disguise that he cheated he broke the rules on this particular occasion from the the letter of the law he didn't actually break the the rules this time because it's not illegal to mark your ball. And move it without a referee there that's that's perfectly okay. And even the referees have confirmed that he's entitled to do that like that's not a problem. But it just makes you think what was his motives going into that into that situation again walking up to the green saying. Or walking up to to the roof saying you know um did you see it land i just felt like his mo his morals going into that shot kind of slow at all costs planted him in the wrong position now just quick fast forward in the same round on the 18th hole um rory mackerel was nowhere in contention really he wasn't doing particularly you know he wasn't at the top of leaderboard he had an unbelievably familiar similar ruling. So he is second shot over some trees. And it plugged it went landed in the roof and it bounced you can see it on tv it bounced he got up there didn't know it bounced that's people as it bounced no he took relief as well he did he didn't even ask a referee like he marked it said it's embedded. And moved and dropped it and um you know there's some sound of it is did patrick reed do that to speed up play did he not want to bring the referee over the same with rory um which was just a bit a bit i don't know controversial last thing on it did you see that patrick reed's burner account got exposed oh no he's got a burner account. So he's got a burner account on twitter right and there's loads of hoo-ha going on on you know twitter on thursday of saturday night when all this happened he quote tweeted right in full capital letters um it was something like along the lines of it wasn't just me that moved it wasn't just me that moved it check out rory on the 18th as well right wrong account why is he not getting quizzed he tweeted that from his burner account right people screenshotted it he deleted it really quickly. And posted the exact same message on his real life exact same message on his real account now whether it's him doing it or his wife i know his wife's got a bit of history and social media um but then.

His burner account people went back on the on the tweets and he's done loads of like really light bad tweets against other talkers can we expose your burner account next.

Week if you don't raise us 18 000 pounds of charity we're exposing your burners i know there's a few um i've only done it once while i've tweeted from the wrong account have you ever had to delete it do you want to know why you've annoyed me.