The only way i'd like to see it happen but i don't think it would because it's too much of a risk if they actually played. For 10 million of their own money the bryson and um brooks b brooke b which i don't know much about really so if you can elaborate on that much. Or not so after the uspga let's just yeah okay after the uspga brooks was doing an interview. And he looked a bit disheartened i think this was the final round. So he's been playing with phil nicholson he didn't win obviously phil went on to win which we'll come on to in a minute and brooks was doing an interview. And by the side of him bryce nishambo was also kind of finishing off an interview. Or whatever and apparently from the rumor has it a couple of things got taken away from this kind of video that got leaked because that shouldn't i don't think that video should have ever really come out without 100 percent i almost feel like it's a bit orchestrated i really do i feel like it's a bit staged. But basically as uh brooks is saying he struggled on the greens. And most people struggle on the greens today.

Blah blah blah apparently bryson said if you started online you wouldn't struggle something along those lines a bit of a dig as you walked past. So uh brooks rolled his eyes and lost his train of thought kind of swore and kind of said i can't you know i can't concentrate with that kind of taking place. Or whatever in the background so he um he wasn't happy basically wasn't happy at all and bryson kind of walked off he had spikes on as well bryson which a lot of people thought that's why he was annoyed at first because as bright as brooks was doing an interview bryson it's annoying with brooks. And bryson um bryson had spikes on so people thought brooks was a bit annoyed because of the the tatter across the you know the path. Or whatever it may be um i want to believe it wholeheartedly really want to believe it but just some of them it feels like it's it's planned i don't know i just yeah i'm not too sure both golf's quite fiery certainly brook says he's not scared about saying his opinion he's been in kind of a few little beasts before. And you know he's very very kind of open to to um you know saying what he thinks and obviously bryson as well both big fellas i'm sure they're not scared of anybody um and there was a then.

A line that took place on twitter this weekend. So it came out that phil nicholson was having another match with tom brady. And um against bryson de chambeau and aaron rodgers who i think is an nfl player sorry if somebody says he's not. But there's another match coming up and um brooks then.

Went to twitter and kind of said i feel sorry. For aaron rodgers and obviously a bit beef started there and bryson responded saying i'm glad i've got into your head or things like this you're living i'm living in your head rent free i think you put um then.

There's a bit more back. And forth and blah blah blah and there's also this underlying match that's happening at the moment so i don't really know the guy but the president from bar stool sports again it's massive in the america barstool sports has called out bryson at brook sorry and brooks is going to play this president of barstool sport left-handed is it yes yeah. And this i i don't even know this guy's name has said um that he's asking now bryson to caddy. For him so that'd be quite fun if that comes off um a lot of questions around this kind of 40 million pound social media pots that the pga have put out there at the moment that's an idea that you know if you have raised more publicity for the pga tour you get rewarded at the end of the season um i've definitely seen a trend of we said it a few weeks ago i've seen a trend of of tall players starting to do their own much more social media we actually saw a vlog that bryson released that was good yeah i've not watched it. Or you said you you said it was really good i've watched little snippets of it um phil on social media just going mentally i don't know he does his own stuff phil yeah. But he does his videos he obviously does all of his video stuff like i think his tweeting that took place after uspj wasn't yeah wasn't him because that was a lot of stuff that got done. But you know when he's talking in the car park about bloody bombs and hellacious seeds and all this that's got obviously got to be filled um but i think there's a big push on social media at the moment i feel like this is brewing to turn into something whether it's a big money match. Or i feel like golf like this could be turned a little bit into boxing soon i think it's good. For golf though because you think about it might keep moving if you think about it when a golfer comes onto the scene you see them obviously on the golf course you might see them do a five-minute interview afterwards you don't really get to know much about them as a person do you it's only when they've been on the scene. For so long that you feel like you know them but like i don't feel like i know matt wolf for example really what like what do you know about him you know you feel you might know polter a bit because he's been on the scene. For so long obviously they're out of cups and stuff you can kind of gauge the personality even like rory what do you know about rory really yeah you don't the thing is i always think about this. And i always think i'd love to see behind the scenes. But like i said maybe i need to watch more of this bryce. And stuff that he's doing at the moment i don't know what it'll do what it'll make me think what i do like thinking if you see sorry i just like to think. And i know what happens behind the scenes a bit more i know there's a scene in that video it's if you're not you've not seen this bryson's got his own youtube channel now and he put this like vlog on about half an hour long it's not super super exciting but it's just quite like a slow pace the week in the life there's one point he gets a ball like half fire in the morning is bentley. And he goes to the event and he has to fill up fuel in the way and it sounds ridiculous but just watching him at the gas station is called in america filling up his car with petrol. Or diesel ever in the rain like it's real like you kind of think in two hours time he's on the telly eating bombs from millions of people across the world he's a normal guy. And i almost think. For these guys they don't have to make mad content it's just seeing that they are real people. And then.

Seeing them maybe in the hotel room afterwards or going out. For dinner and what they think you don't see any of that normally. And that's there's definitely a gap in the market for somebody to take that and and be more real because you you feel more part of them than you want them to do well like i already want brighton to do well because i can know him more i don't know him obviously at all. But i feel like i do from watching him on those videos yeah it's um like. For example do you know kali marakawa no like you don't know anything about them dear well the issue that you find is certainly when they're doing um when they are doing interviews post-round they are very they turn into somebody like media trained you know it's very safe it's very corporate it's thank the sponsors thanks. For the event great i just didn't quite play great today.

I'll i'll move on i'll try. And get better next.

Week you hear all those same repetitive lines but it is nice to hear a bit of a different kind of take on it really i like it um do you want to see a match with them with them too um not massively really what what i'd like them in a boxing match i don't think a golf match does much of it i'm going to beat you i'm going to beat you. And then.

There's playing one will win. Or whatever they play know i don't know i feel like obviously a boxing match that'll be ridiculous but it would be funny if he did. But i don't think that i don't think golf massively has that. For me in it in a in a match form i don't think it massively it might do i might change my tune. But i don't think it massively because. For me with boxing i get quite into box and very casual fan but you have two guys often sometimes undefeated and you can't believe that one of them is gonna have to lose because like they're both undefeated fighters yeah. And they might go in for a belt or whatever it might be and the whole week month two months before giving each other the trash talk and some sometimes it's a bit fake but you get so involved in it they're both i'm gonna beat you in the first round i'm gonna beat you in the first round or whatever it might be and then.

The fight happens and then.

One of them wins and one of them loses obviously very very really it could actually be a draw but with golf it's like well if brighton and brooks played each other well one of them will lose like i kind of know that i'm not doesn't mean anything does it the only way i'd like to see it happen. But i don't think it would because it's too much of a risk if they actually played. For 10 million of their own money but even though it would still be backed wouldn't it be basically what i'm saying i want it literally out their own money like and i'm sure like say they'll make it back in sponsors and stuff but even that match that mickelson and targeted a couple of years ago when they were playing. For a million wasn't their money i know but even that i know what you're saying but it doesn't work because if they say we're paying for 10 million out of our own money they're still going to make money doing it the sponsorship. For the event what i'm saying that's what i'd love to see just to have a match of just an actual cash match but still on youtube that'd be the way do it on youtube. So there's a book like on someone else's channel they don't make a penny from it yeah. And it's just all he goes out right here at 10 million there's no sponsors there's no sponsorship boards if you want to play on my channel that's fine i'll be sick i'll host it yeah i think that's something i would like to see like genuinely at the end you see an exchange not an exchange of 10 million. But an xj like an actual i'm gutting because i've just lost 10 million where i feel like when again when they're playing for a million in these matches they're playing four million but they're not going to lose a million like they're not they're still in profit what about if you played. And the loser had to delete all the social media yeah i had to start again yeah that'd be quite good i just feel like it yeah it just needs to. But then.

Equally brooks has got four majors hasn't he now yeah actually got four. Or three four i think four i think bryson's got one. So that that has his argument done straight away well i've got more majors on you so until bryson gets more than him he can't really say anything can they.