Obviously i used to always camp because that's still a turd yeah i was a proper cat i just hide in the corner we don't like you i know i just hide in the corner i'm gonna switch off golf. For a second what do you like to do when you're not playing golf oh some of like to play my followers duty on my laptop gaming laptops okay um on my my off time instead of sightseeing i'd probably you know play cod um i actually love modern warfare 2. yeah that when i was about i'm 30 now. And i was probably 20 20 to 19 20. i absolutely loved it i got obsessed to the point where yeah when i was walking around playing something this would be a good map like i've been looking at the things yeah it's nearly you play. So much and you're just like and you see like a like a glint like this and you're just like oh sniper yeah no it's um this is all like going over my head i think i'm i'm dead all day right now i just played mario karts yeah. So you like playing card and then.

You do like meet up with like friends online. And is that again a way of staying connected to your friends i don't know it's a little tough with covered. But yeah is it like cut as in when you play cod can you do it you can do it oh yeah you can play with anyone in there can you can you connect with like your pals back in person yeah like usually it's usually usually like that. But last year like last night i play with a guy that just you know dm me on yeah i was like just go play. And you know it's pretty i mean the gaming community is actually pretty cool you know there's not if you're playing with them you're you know they're a team you're on a team. So they're like it gets a little toxic when you're versing other people but it's i mean it's it's i mean that's a nice escape yeah it's a pretty awesome laptop you've got do you have to be pretty powerful yeah it's gonna be pretty it's gonna be it was i mean like a couple of thousand dollars because you know it's it's not like a ps4 i carried a ps4 when i first came out on tour it was it was way too hard because it was it was you have to connect to the hotel room. And then.

A tv can be like inches. And then.

They're going to be like tiny. And you're just like sometimes you can't get to the back of it let's say or things like that exactly and then.

Yeah sometimes like it's like up in a shop. And you have to literally yank it out and then.

Like hopefully you don't break anything so you've resorted to the laptop yeah uh it's a new thing now i mean i cried as a mobile version you know i know it's probably not if you're if you don't if you're really into it it's not. But i haven't played cod for years and about two years ago the mobile one came out you're getting into it i really got it it's actually pretty fun if you're proper gamer it's obviously like a bit basic but like if you've not played card for age or you're new to it it's actually from for an iphone game it was free it was pretty good i did play. For it for like a couple weeks but it's not as good as obviously i used to always camp because that's still a turn yeah i was a problem i just hide in the corner we don't like you i know i just hide in the corner is it a wimp yeah things like literally like you can put a tent. And you just just sit accordingly in the corner and wait for something that's a really good person that's been killing people compassion's got bang yeah just cute. But then.

They come back and find you just shoot yeah that's okay. And do you play do you play like your opportunity to challenge other like tour players are they into it as well yeah no we usually play together if we do play because it's like a squad. Or duo or a trios you can play. And then.

You verse 100 other 50 people but like if other players out on tour that are in their hotel i don't know now. But you know crocker shawn crocker sam horsfield kurt kiriyama um brandon stone no way exposing people i don't know i don't know um i think calling shinquin jordan smith you know i'm not yeah there's a couple guys that i'm not friends friends with. But you know you've got you've got friends on cod or something maybe yeah can it work like you've got friends on the ps yeah sure like i don't know someone. But you can just add them because they're good at the game. And you know you enjoy it but yeah you try to enjoy it as much as you can that's how i first got to youtube really watching cod videos yeah i was remembering this one with this guy like through a knife yeah we do that yeah it's it's fun i mean yeah it's just the way to get get away from it. And you know sometimes it's bad because you're like literally on it and then.

You can't sleep because your like brains like screen and yeah because you're almost at any time if you like. But certainly back in the day i need to play with more video games and stuff you you think about it don't you even when like you're going to sleep. And stuff like that why is it when we're late. For his tee time oh he's got a good kill streak going just wait just wait a little bit put it back a little bit who's your pals out on tour did you hang around with um a lot of the aussies a lot of the aussies. So ryan fox no he's a new zealander of course he is yeah. So um you know jacob literally all the australians you know we're all pretty you know we've we're away from home and yeah we relate to each other. But a lot of the guys out there are really cool you know i can i can it's with the bubble it's pretty tough because it's you know we got to be in in a pod. So pretty much me and you have to have dinner every night oh really it's like yeah. And your cat the caddy uh but how do you designate them to somebody else yeah they're kind of told you've got to be with no no it's it's not that strict. But you school trip if you yeah. But if you're a buddy it's pretty much is it's a body system. So you kind of have to be with someone but you know it's it every every table is social distance. So i mean you can be i can be with you every night. But it's different it can be a different table here there's actually five of us around it'd almost be like this yeah. But it's just like little two tables just like this set up or along the whole yeah. And last week was at the belfry was really good because there was three restaurants. But usually usually you know it's only one restaurant and you know sometimes it gets a bit hectic because uh there's not enough space you know there's 150 there's 140 players plus caddies sometimes they do get venues that are really good. And really big so do you like sorry do you like eating out on like is the food good when you go to like tour events eat well it's good. And bad so well obviously you want to eat healthy um and hopefully there's you know decent decent things on the menu um but then.

There's some days where you just shoot three four over and you're like oh yeah i know those days yesterday that's a good day that's what i'm shooting that's why i'm opening champagne i'm going back to my wife. And going let's get the steaks out let's get champagne 75 we're going out big tonight where you you do it the other way you you uh you comfort you after shooting 75. it's a little different [Laughter] yeah it's yeah it's it's tough because it's like you know you kind of want to feed yourself really good. And it's it's kind of like an investment you know you fly business because you need to take care of your body or else you're going to destroy your body just sitting up like this. For 13 hours oh that's generous maybe like 20 hours flight from australia so uh it is expensive. But um yeah it's you do you do take care of yourself you need to take care of yourself. So all those marginal gains isn't it that you talk about like one percent here like you see if getting a business flight over economy saves you a little bit of energy but then.

That makes a difference over a season or over career that's going to make a lot of difference to you. And yeah it's what a few k different i mean that could be not even a shot at the end of the day you know um yeah you look at things like that you mentioned before about the your aussie pals are you kind of friendly with have you had any like words of wisdom from like australian greats like greg norman adam scott have they ever have you ever been in contact with them if they give give you any advice like mentored. Or anything yeah um well i mean not mental. But you know just you know it's pretty cool so at wgc you know that was my first tournament first my second pga tour tournament um. And it was just amazing you know you're there with the top i was the second worst worst second ranked there. And there was literally 60 other peop 60 other people that were ranked in the top 60. And you're just hanging out with them and i was having breakfast. And lunch with adam scott for like three days in a row and i'm just like i can get used to it it's pretty cool is it cool it's cool it is he seems really good he seems yeah i mean jason day. Or they're they're all pretty late i mean they're obviously if they're golf's bad you know they might not be in a good mood. But yeah i mean they're enjoying their life. And they're going out there playing trying to play the one interview with jason day. And he was really i really like he's he's awesome yeah he's i don't know he's kind of like a brother you know he's he's kind of like my age i know he's older than me. But he's he's related to him like manner he's like a kid he's a kid he's his life i loved him on those taylormade videos yeah because there was i don't know if he saw those those long form videos that like taylormade put on youtube. And there's just him like just picking tiger's brain for like 10 minutes and the questions he was asking. And stuff i really enjoyed they could tell he wanted to be they was loving it yeah it was like a wedge that was a wedge video yeah. And he's like uh can you speak in like kid terms because he's like i don't know what you're speaking about tiger i could watch this video as a tiger. For hours it's just uncle those are an hour. And a half the way you talk is just when it's tiger you're idle. Or because yeah yeah tiger is yeah i would say he's you know my idol yeah. And golf yeah i'd look up to him. And you know he's done pretty hopefully he recovers well but he's he's pretty he's pretty cool i met him i met him a few years three four years ago at a junior tournament and him as well he was pretty he was not a kid. But he was still still a teenager you know he his mind's still young. But obviously you know there's a lot of wise and wisdom and everything he's gone through but um yeah he was he was on our level he was playing basketball jason day at that same tournament the year after uh he was playing table tennis with us ping pong you know he was it's cool like they i think they like it when they're you know helping us juniors. And helping us you know pave paved the way a little bit so it's pretty cool that's when you were a junior are you describing yourself now as almost a junior i still i still don't i'm a professional golfer. But i don't i mean i'm still a kid like people that know me they they know me as like annoying little kids i'm still i like to be called you know professional. But you know i'm i'm trying to enjoy i'm trying to enjoy life as much as i can like there's you know tour life is you know sometimes brutal. But you know i like to play card i like to you know hang out i just yeah yeah i just like to you know have 22 at the end of the day yeah exactly i was going out getting smashed every single day you were at 22. oh yeah after all you work at the mirror in the golf shot it's your life was like going out on a weekend driving to the golf club in the morning probably still a bit worse yeah careful yeah there's some trips i shouldn't have taken. But you've got taxis in didn't you of course there's a throw shot rough as anything thinking i missed mr jones how did you think you would make it on tour at 22 with you jail in the birthday that's right yeah i think.