I could do it. For a week but then.

Tell me to do it. For two weeks tell me to do it. For a month time to do it to six months 10 years also something i really want to dive into like what was your what was your daily work routine like at this at this time frame you've not turned professional. Yet yep describe a briefly a normal kind of amateur day routine so wake up have breakfast it could be anything from cereal toast and then.

I jump in my car and i'd always have 35-40 minute drive to sna and that was where i did all my practice basically um i'd always get there i'd start it with two hours putting wow. So i'd be doing basically hauling out drills pace drills working on green reading things like that so i'd always do two hours generally pop into the clubhouse have a cup of tea. And then.

Down to the range and generally i always did like two hours like stints on each like aspect. So it'd be two hour short game and then.

Two hours on the range but between each two hour break oh well sorry each two hour stim i'd always have a break whether it's a cup of tea a scone or something like that just to get away from the pro shop for half an hour yeah yeah have a couple of chocolate bars off the account standard. But um yeah it was i was always yeah two hours was like always like each skill. And then.

After that i'd always finish the day with nine holes looking back at that yep right now the knowledge that you've learned and what we've learned about golf development everything now yep was it the right thing to do. And if it wasn't what would you have changed i think. So because i developed like a fairly quick rate um i would put more time into putting more than anything if i could go back because i would say that was the re one of the like my achilles heel almost during playing season um always a very good driver of the ball. But never did much driving of the ball at sna because the range is only 225 long. So i never really hit driver but it was always a strong part that's interesting yeah. So question then.

A lot of people listening and i understand why would be in the car now or on a run or everything and that's the dream getting up every day but maya was it did it get boring. Or did it get hard i mean it sounds well good. But like today.


We're sat in the uk it's it's sunny it's pretty warm outside i'd love to do that yeah three months. But i couldn't think of anything better getting up on a tuesday in february when it's cold. Or you know whatever it might be was that did you does it feel like a job was it hard to get out the door sometimes. Or did you actually love it i loved it really obviously it's harder when it's when it's cold weather. And wet but absolutely loved it just made the most of it because i did a lot of practice with like you know well you know paul howard he went to school with him uh did a lot of practice with him. And we'd always share the journey so we'd have a good crack on the way and then.

Would get there and you get you get down to work and then.

You'd make it competitive like battling against each other and i'd say that's a good way of improving as well like having someone to try and beat every day like it's a a way to develop your skills definitely you're right with that though guy i think you know if somebody said to me now you've got to do it. For a week i could do it. For a week i'd love it perimeter fresh pro-v ones clubs all clean stick a podcast on every two hours and whatever i think best thing in the world you probably didn't have that at the time like did you listen to anything. Or when you practiced no i've never ever listened to music because you can't hear the sound of the strike true. But then.

I could do it. For a week but then.

Tell me to do it. For two weeks tell me to do it. For a month tell me to six months 10 years 10 years i couldn't do it i couldn't. And how long was this spell. For though so obviously how long was it that you were doing that kind of was that three years. Or four how long was this. For i'd say from leaving my school to pack it in when i was 2017.. So that was your routine. For best part what you said 10 years. Or so yeah oh my god. And obviously events came up would you have yesterday's as well you wouldn't hit a golf ball or would that net like maybe just after an event so he'd finish on a sunday and he'd have a monday as a rest day maybe but but then.

You go to another event yeah. But if you're reacting events and your routine will be the same it just be a different venue yeah. So the one thing that you've not covered there which i think if you if you were to give advice now to it to us 18 year old younger aspirational james robinson yeah would you change that model at all would you would you add anything um i would certainly change the way i practiced i would make it i'd split it up into sections more technique. And then.

Performance back practice so actually trying to break a personal record or something like that where i would maybe a victim of just so say for instance example i've set up a mirror on putting and i've hold 400 puts after that it should be a test of that new skill that i've just learned or practiced so i should be doing holiness i didn't do enough of that until maybe later years when i was a professional. But back then.

If i do a bit more performance practice. And create personal records maybe that would have improved me probably sitting on the pressure yeah feeling like you're actually a tangible result yeah rather than just doing the reps yeah like repetition is good. But like it's like it's like on the driving range if you were just stood there aiming at one target hitting seven nine seven nine seven iron you don't actually play golf like that you hit a driver. And then.

You've next.

Shot is a nine-iron. And then.

Your next.

Shot might be a chip and then.

It's a put if i could go back i would change my practice more like that i've got two questions if you were to go back again. Or give advice would you tell that young james robinson to go to sunnier climates would you advise him to go to america for that time frame during the winter definitely during the winter i mean i used to do that when i was maybe maybe the last year of being an amateur. And then.

During like professional years so that you could wrap it all the way around yeah because if you don't do that there's somebody else that is. So you're not getting any better than the guy in spain or america is the analogy that if you don't practice on some on christmas day someone else is exactly the other thing i wanted to ask you've not mentioned much about kind of fitness working out routines which i feel like if if we were to ask now somebody who's aspirational. And getting on tour right now i think that would be a big part of it right now like they'd say your routine. But even before breakfast and before getting up there'd be an hour and a half workout routine in there yeah definitely i mean i did used to go to the gym a lot certainly more when i was an amateur than a professional because as an amateur i was always seemed to be at home a lot more where when you turn professional you're always in a hotel. And a lot of hotels don't have gyms and it kind of deteriorated when i turned professional but as an amateur i did a lot of gym stuff um. But if you don't do it like we just said somebody else will be yeah. But it you've got to be specific to yourself like only if it benefits you do it because don't just do it because joe blogs down the road is doing it you have to do it to make you better yeah because you're you know physically pretty like without really doing a great deal. And i'm like you're pretty like athletic already yeah you've got a pretty athletic build. And i suppose that's not for everybody you know a lot of people would need to get stronger or faster or improve the flexibility where i feel like if you moved into any level of sport your kind of athletic build would have probably carried you quite a long way potentially yeah definitely. And just like we're saying like i mean look at people like jason duffner yeah like he's he's not athletically like good looking like his body doesn't look amazing. But it's functionable isn't it it works it creates a consistent golf swing and at the end of the day we're trying to create a consistent strike ball flight and repetition and you have to do what's right. For you don't just do it because you think you should do it like do it. For better not just for the sake of it i feel this could be a three hour right so in terms of how much have you got.