Upset your offender that my money's on him to shoot no not at all not at all how many times has he won club trump championship ready really content coming your way you might have seen yesterday i put a teaser out of a new series that i'm bringing out as well not sure how we kind of do we put do we start with that now should we start with that conversation yes. So um this year i'm excited i'm going to play more golf this year than i think i've ever played golf because i think a lot of the conception. And you know this obviously being on the ground working with last kind of nearly four years now is actual rounds of golf is very limited very limited. So i'll be out filming a lot i'll be i'll be hitting golf balls a lot i'll i'll be making content around golf but actually playing 18 holes with a scorecard in my hand is incredibly rare certainly going from hole one to weight team green i reckon that is genuinely about four times a year yeah yeah exactly. And if i'm honest most of that is off camera yeah most of the times when i play proper golf 18 holes i don't do it on camera i play it with a couple of pals. Or some mates of mine and uh or or we'll go we've not played really 18 holes have we normally because you win on like the 16th grade skinny teeth but we like very very rare so this year i'm really excited to bring out a new series which is going to start on the 2nd of april. And it is break 75. now the concept is very simple i'm going to play 18 holes. And see if i can break 75. i've got a question straight away right off the bat you're a pro you're a pga pro 75 should be easy well this is where i've been collaborating you've got to set goals that are achievable no in you you're dead right. And we saw we put a trailer out yesterday that harry did a great job on editing it it really gave that that buzz of golf is back it got your heart racing. And the whole idea of it is yeah we're saying i'm saying 75 as my target because yes even though i am a pga gold professional i turned pro off low single figures i was i think i was off three when i turned pro i do know i've got a better game in me i think i if i did play if i played as a member of a golf club from the moment of 18 till now i would reckon i'd be off scratch if not a little bit less. But i've not been doing i've not been playing a lot of golf actual proper golf so i'm giving myself a buffer i feel like if i was to go out. And shoot a 74 any golf course i would be happy the trick is we need to find loads of golf courses that are past 68. nice. So yeah even though it's a we saw a lot of comments on certainly i did on facebook. And youtube yesterday saying yeah. But you should easily break 75 why am i listening to you if you can't break 75 well yeah i hope i do break seventeen talk a good game exactly. And so i reckon i've got it in me but i reckon also have some horrendous rounds in me as well if it's not going well it can go badly yeah. But that's the thing as well and this is why i understand people sometimes get confused because you are a pga professional the biggest tour in the world is the pga tour. So people often think that because you're a pga professional you are a top pro which obviously isn't the case. But you are a golf coach you are a content creator an influencer borderline um a podcast host host. So for you golf actually played you said actually playing golf what else family man family man husband husband it's my wedding anniversary today.

Is it well not today.

We're recording this. But today.

When we've leased the podcast eight years oh congratulations eight years marriage it's my lovely wife uh that's obviously hampered my golf i have to do a gift. Or something i think 10 years yeah. But think about throwing a massive big party. And 10 year anniversary um yeah that'd be good what what vibe vegas vegas yeah yeah really yeah oh my god does that mean you pay. For the guests to come as well a lot of people expect to fork out if we can get like if we five million subs you're paying yeah okay perfect i will make a second account now subscribe hashtag get guy to vegas that'd be really good um. But yeah i just have to come because otherwise you're there's certainly no kids um i'm lost now oh yeah. So you're 75 so i think if you can go out genuinely now. And beat that you've played well and that's no reflect people sometimes think that golf coaches have to be amazing at golf. And obviously you have to you'd think you have to have some knowledge of the game clearly you have to be a decent player. And understand because if you're a golf coach and you couldn't break 90. that you could still understand the swing but you couldn't put yourself in a situation that you your students are in. But equally you know um what's the guy rory just signed with um what's he called not signed with his people pete cowan he has he he won like one event i think that was like the nambia open. Or something mad so obviously he's a good player in his day but he's never been on the last hole in a major so there comes a balance of like you have to be able to play and understand the game but equally you don't have to be as good as your uh your students because otherwise nobody could coach rory and nobody could coach tiger etcetera and in a weird way a golf coach has just failed players anyway to somebody's grip and i'm not saying that as a bad thing but you talk about a lot of the best players in the world have been potential players or have done okay. But then.

Have never quite made it and then.

End up turning into coaches true so break 75 yeah. So every friday so every single week i'm going to play 18 holes at 12 different golf courses around the uk. So a golf course each week for 12 weeks and a friday at 4 p.m on the main youtube channel you are going to get a banger of a video it's going to be action-packed yes from start to finish we're going to include all shots. And the idea it's almost a bit more i think it'll be a very different style to what you've seen before maybe even mean a different style where it will it'll be a little bit more kind of behind the scenes kind of vloggy style yeah um kind of almost course vloggy to a degree we've mentioned that on a few posts. And stuff um i'll have some guests with me i'll have friends with me or sometimes i'll play on my own sometimes i'll play with people you might not know but you kind of introduced through the video it's not so much about the match let's say if i am playing against somebody else it's not particularly against the head-to-head that might come down the line maybe in another series later on in this year seems to have a lot of people wanting to play golf against me at the moment i wonder why that is this bloody podcast yeah it is who was that whoever asked that funny question has a lot to answer. For it's got a few good episodes out of it there it is. But every every tom dickinari in the youtube world wants to challenge me now i've seen that i said i can beat everybody then.

It's going to be awkward in your first video you shoot 83. well actually i think this is something having a guest. Or a playing partner because let's just so tomorrow we're playing one yes well we're not you're playing one with somebody else who's a good player. But you're gonna get say like you could be tactical and let them have the honor on every hole oh somebody get to a path three times an eight item and there's something to you you can go actually he's gone big with that nine. So it's almost like your pace pacemaker pace setter you're gonna learn from that i'm actually playing with a really good player tomorrow i'm not sure if i've ever played with him before as well i've got a funny feeling i have when i went to college does it upset your offender that my money's on him does she no not at all not at all how many times has he won club championship ridiculous amount i think he's won club championship five. Or six times if you do beat him i will happily say you're the best player at this club wow. So wow okay a lot to live up. For um so it's gonna be good it's gonna be what we're also trying to do with these videos as well i know a lot of people are fans of course logs. But my issue with them and a few people's was they often got quite long in length didn't they be like three videos maybe even half now long sometimes yeah. So these are gonna be one video they're gonna be quite short in length to keep them quite exciting. But they're gonna have every shot behind the scenes and then.

What's also really good about this as well is let's say we get a lot of clubs to review that we sometimes don't have time to. Or we don't think that the club itself is a big enough club to warrant a full review whether it be a new hybrid. Or a new five wood from a brand or whatever it might be even a wedge or putter anything really so with this if your short game's been a bit off and you think actually i want to try a new putter next.

Break 75 you put a new odyssey in the bag let's say a new um even roll puts whatever it might be then.

You come off the back of it. And go i like that putter because of x y and z you've got a little bit of a review in the nugget of review and it's still a course vlog correct i i'm excited about it i think playing golf uh because it's it's been taken away from me. For three months i'm itching to go and play some golf have a scorecard in my hand is probably something that i'm maybe not as looking forward to. But i think get two. Or three under the belt and then.

And then.

We'll be off got some really nice golf courses lined up as well um it should be good the mixture we've gone with so far is a mixture of kind of high profile ones that people will know of we don't want to say yankees. For any reason we can't get a tea time but people will know of them. But then.

Also some that are just kind of like a hidden gem. Or local tools so it's kind of a mixture that is like relatable to some people. But also kind of like nice course as well yeah what's also exciting about this rick is you've got a new stick in the bag i've got two new sticks.