So Rick what would your handicap be vanassa's question a lot what would your handicap be if you had a handicap right now it's a great question one that was actually recently asked in the Facebook class if you're watching on YouTube you're not following that. And it's an interesting one in - you've probably seen me play golf more than anybody in the world over the last few years apart from people watching but you get to see everything and I first off I almost I can't remember the last time I played 18 holes of golf with a scorecard with a scorecard yeah I feel like there was one honestly I can't remember I don't play in competitions anymore programs you don't play problems don't really pay. For arms yeah the problems that I play like the the BMW Wentworth. And stuff I'm not the program like one of the amateurs so it's in that format well let's go through a couple of things first off as you mentioned when you turn pro you lose your handicap so a sooner a professional golfer you no longer have a handicap to your name. So you effectively you're off scratch so me playing against Tiger Woods as daft as this sounds he plays off scratch I play off scratch we should therefore. have a level match but as you all know watching that's not really true because until everybody turned professional everybody had a handicap they played that now I turned professional when I was 19 I was off three handicap kind of coming down though I was having a good season I was coming down I probably would have got to two. Or maybe even one and then.

Once I turned professional you have to do a plain ability test which is fairly straightforward two rounds of golf you got shoot under 15 over once you've done that then.

You no longer have your handicap. And you are a professional golfer you compete can compete professionally to impress me. And you can no longer play in amateur events. So that was when I was 19 I honestly think now I'm a don't tell me what you think handicap he does. Yet I wanted so when you read it right in your notes I'm gonna write what I think yours would be. And we show each other okay okay. So carry on so in wid that in mind so that was nineteen I was playing off three I honestly believe now every single part my game is better than when I was 19 mm-hmm every part I Drive it better hit my irons better wedge it mmm. So probably the same and I put better about the same so in theory I actually think I'm a better golfer now yeah what would my handicap represent that I a better score that's a difference no have you got a number. And down but let me explain okay. So if if hypothetically if hypothetically someone said now Rick you're an amateur again you're gonna go. And join a golf club and every week you can apply in two competitions okay every Saturday. And every Wednesday I think by the end of the year I would be off maybe one. Or two hmm right now if I went out and played 18 holes I know for a fact that I'm probably not like that's a shoot on the par but I also don't ever think I'm now if I'm playing quite relaxed I'm never gonna shoot over 80. So I would say my handicap realistically is you ready. So show me your phone after three and I'll show what I put for your handicap give me a second let me just write it again okay one two three Oh generous it's a guy I said two handicap yeah which he sees a lot of me I've said four point six on the card I can't have a four point six cuz that's like five. But really I nobody down before the reason I went for two was because you've got our treble bogey in your locker yeah. But in Club comps with like Stableford you've got birdies and eagles in your lockers yeah yeah. So I think if you were playing I know it wouldn't happen if you're just playing stroke play comps potentially that score a handicap four. Or five if you're playing like most club comps are Stableford week-in week-out that stroke play I think you'd be probably low anything yeah if. So if literally someone said to me right now go. And play golf or the score card in your hand and said with your life depends on it. And you can have a handicap to shoot level par what would you go with that probably go. For four or five right now right this moment I'm but I know it's I can shoot on the par like even when I played Pete in the golf be the challenge last year. And beat him around Walberg I was like two. Or three on the power was secondhand club. So I I can play good golf. But as guy mentioned I've also got some bad holes in there I'm much better at match-play I think I'm a much better match player player because again if I have double bogey trouble doesn't matter if I played a lot right now if I if I hypothetically did quest. For the open again I think I could get start getting some good scores. And when I was doing quest. For a couple years ago I did shooting competition a few times under par just not regularly enough. And as you might have listened to a podcast a few episodes ago when I had the worst time ever playing golf at luminary in Spain when I played in that program that was a very different side of me that was more I expected in my mind still shoot a good score. But forgot that I've not played competitive golf for six months but the thing is though as bad as those rounds were as a club golfer only in the UK our handicap system as it stands you'd have got point two back yeah I want the bat first one. For the second you then.

Go out and shoot at three over par the next.

Round yeah you lose point two again. So to answer everyone's question guy said - I said five. So let's settle on three and a half.