Okay. So it is a concurrent team. And individual world championship concurrent in the sense that there'll be 48 guys playing they'll play every week as individuals so nothing changes it's an individual sport they're also at the same time they'll be playing for 12 teams at 12 teams or for its 18 events it'll start in January each year and will be finished in August. So you've got a shorter season than people are used to. And it means they'll be the opportunity for fans to miss our play for four months and players to have a rest they'll be playing ten times in the US and eight tournaments outside that'd be three and Asia 3 in Europe one in Australia and one in the Middle East as individuals they'll be playing every weekend for a purse of ten million dollars Wow yeah it's nice it's probably also what they're worth. And after 17 events you'll have an individual world championship champion named and worthy of the name because they'll have played the best players in the world every week during the season different courses different climates it's a it's a true test of the best and then.

You move into the 18th event which is the team playoffs because what will have happened every day of every tournament. And by the way this is three days not four. And there's no cut Wow interesting. And is that the idea to keep the best players in the world you know in a tournament in contention you know in play yeah the fans right yeah because you know essentially we are just fans this is that's where this began I was kind of I was going to come with that I think we'll come on that a little bit more where it all started yeah. But going back to the team element the team championship on the final 18th event yeah. So something that we've never seen in golf before no. And I think it's important the team element is designed. So that fans can become impassioned I think it's a little easier to to become tribally associated with a team that it is with an individual. But it's also about generating the content that everybody I think might like to see. So of the four players per team the team principal will have to pick two scores each morning before they go out that's interesting is yeah those scores will count towards the team championship. So you're going to have a situation where the team principal will be asked right who've you pick today.

And then.

Why and there'll be a reason you know it could be cause setup it could be how the guys feeling that's interesting yes. And then.

So if the principal picked a player for the team that day you said player plays horrendous you know who the player from the team who hasn't been picked plays amazing you know their score won't count towards the team correct Wow. And it has to be exciting it's jeopardy but it's also you know I want to hear the guy who shot the 65 or the 66 come off and say what I told you should have picked me because he went out and shot a 74 now the reason it matters and this is also key because seasonal narrative making sure that we as fans are engaged from start to finish every single shot counts. So you've got a situation where one guy is picked. And he's playing badly you're interested in that you're also interested in the dynamic between the team members for the guy who wasn't picked at the end of the day the team principal might have made a bad mistake and the bad mistake counts because where you end up after 17 events as a team will determine how you go into the playoffs. So the playoffs will be a weekend forty million dollar purse a true spectacle no matter on a global sporting stage it'll be big that's how we'll end off the season. But if you finish top of the league after 17 events you get a buy-in you're through to the second round but because you're seeded 1 you get to pick who you play against as a team and you get to pick the order in which they go out so it's a genuine advantage to getting the decision right every day three days per tournament throughout the entire season because it gives you that advantage going into the playoffs.