Where are your green jackets those are augusta national did they stay there yeah they all all the jackets stay there. So when we arrive so it's very cool it's a great feeling i have to say you know so they have a wardrobe room and so well the only jacket allowed to leave augustine is the champion right okay. So um when we go back each year it's really nice you go to your locker and you know you open your bit like christmas morning it really is. And then.

Boom i've got most of the years i have i'd have all three of them lined up and we share lockers up in the champions locker room so i share with trevor immelmann so but i loved it a couple of years back there was three jackets. And i put them all on because i got my first one and then.

I got a little bit bigger which is quite a good move. So i think stronger stronger [Laughter]. So i got another jacket so that was very cool. And then.

I kept this brilliant idea i said how about he said it because it's three it's three buttons triple brick whatever they call that. So i said well could you do one a bit more european. So we just have two buttons you know so have a bigger lapels so they all they did was iron it differently. And because the lapels got a big blooming hole in it where the buttonhole is no way it didn't work that didn't. But i've got three but i have three i didn't last time it's funny i went last year and i disappointed there's only one i mean oh what do you mean well because they know they work out which one fits me because i said well that one's my fit. And so you don't have like jack hasn't got six in his tiger's got five they've got one but i was lucking out because of they weren't sure which one fits me. So i gotta send a message not sure which one fits me can you stick them all in sorry trevor watch out i've got my three here. So i can promise you i get a lump in my throat. And i see that oh that's pretty amazing the actual ones that you won on the day oh yeah the ones you the ones you were presented with. So absolutely can you get like ones made. For at home then.

You can have a few dramas pjs yeah i want some where to come from gonna get a onesie just a green onesie i'm gonna get a green put a one augustine on this is that one of your favorite days of the year like the champions dinner yeah it's very cool because it's just it really is ours it's just the champions. And the chairman that is it that is literally it is the upstairs room we only changed room because of cove typical we went to a different room. But generally it's the it's the lounge the upstairs dining room in the clubhouse because you know the clubhouse has got an extension on it which is all the other locker rooms. But the champion locker room is just upstairs. And it's and it's pretty pretty tiny i mean it's only 15 feet wide. And 30 odd feet long um but that's our little world and we love it that's our little private corner and it's obviously very special who's made who's whose meal has been the best in recent years or ever hey good good yeah i um uh we've had a couple of good ones um crenshaw did a really good texas bbq moons ago vj started a good vj started a good tradition where he brought head of friends who were thai [Music] thai restauranteurs in atlanta. So they came down and he started the trend of if they brought sushi on things for and nibbles all sorts of things um which we have now on our balcony before we start so we arrive and give a nice little glass of something very nice and then.

We go on the front balcony and we've got canapes and charcuterie board a very posh one you know so we've got all our shrimps and crab and something like that so that was cool. And um and i pride myself because i i flew over harry ramsden's fish and chips oh wow was she peas great i did um sarson's vinegar. So for my last one it's in the 97 dinner i flew massive cod fillets over and they loved it everybody had that and they loved it and the waiter came around you know looking at emoji peas and he goes do you want this you want these things what are these things look like because they're fluorescent green aren't they yeah they are he didn't have a clue i said oh no that's your mushy mushy what mushy peas all right. So so it was good one i i pride myself that i deem i'm in the top three of best dinners why does that why. So we have our corners as well so i'm down in the south african corner i usually go down so the top table is a top end. And then.

Down i'm looking up right hand side because jack's always in the middle down there and watson and uh topping top left langer usually sits and then.

Down the bottom corner fiju she goes oh fuzzies in the middle on the opposite side and so coming around the bottom end it usually goes vijay's there then.

Gary uh trevor me or adam scott it's almost like southern hemisphere it's that apart from me it says we go down that bottom right and corner so that's we get all gary's ben hogan stories i would love to see this filmed yeah imagine. For a minute being like one of the waiting on staff i'd be absolutely terrified my hands like i've there got like fish and chips and mushy peas like everyone's got their green jackets on why'd you be like slipped a bit so it's kind of uh it's pretty relaxed but it's you you have to pinch yourself sometimes to think how how special that is how house you know you get a bit blase. But it's it's pretty historic it just does up there when was the last time you played augusta now i'm fortunate i play um. So i'm allowed on the sunday before to bring a guest and i take my boy matthew yeah i know we've just met. But just drop your wallet if you don't don't put your hand up just drop your word it's certainly not big enough so i my little tradition is my boy matthew um since he was about 18 comes over wow. And we play and we have a really cool day so we the sunday before sunday so we go in there saturday now so we get a full day we go down and we hit some balls and then.

You play the the big course the main course and then.

Come back have a little salmon then.

We go and play the bar three for a bit of fun wow the past three looks amazing perfect is gorgeous that's great. So you do a full day in your. And sometimes the weather can be gorgeous it can be mid 80s. And very humid but it's a and you're whacked it's a full day so it's great a lot of the past champions do that no well the serious ones are there yeah the kind of that's kind of more. For so the players now do a smart move they might go in the week before almost even like monday tuesday wednesday the week previously previous. And they might go now a couple of quick days quietly which is a really smart idea nobody there. And they might go off and play the tournament or go home or whatever and so the sunday before is generally the old school who just want to go. And have a bit of a bit of fun and get in there early and soak up the atmosphere and is that the only time of year you can play it. Or can you can you if i wanted to i still have to play with a member honestly yeah i kind of yeah i still have the house remember do you ever want to be a member could you be a member there no i don't think i could i mean uh. So i'm trying to i'm trying to uh get twist peyton manning's arm to play with me he'll be good he's a good member to play oh my god i can't believe that you've won it three times and you have to play with the member yeah are any of um jack. And annie i think are the only two that are members i'm not even sure about jack i know arnold wasn't made a member i believe i'm not even 100 sure [Music].