This is a good one from Andrew Parker. And this isn't something that a lot of people will never get to experience. And you have suits you are lucky in that. For what was it like being at the Masters I saw Rick on the 1850 during the coverage front row directly behind the tee which remember that because I saw the spirit I've ever seen that picture everywhere what what was it like because that is something that obviously I've not been I imagine nine times that listeners. Or viewers haven't been you have been well I said like at the Masters it's phenomenal it's unbelievable. So let me explain the story so there's an opportunity for a friend of me friend and me to go out to the Masters I paid for my ticket I went as a proper spectator I promised I paid through the nose because there was no tickets available. So as pets spend extra money to get there because it was last-minute all the flights were super expensive the hotels were ridiculously expensive. And so and we ended up getting one that was just awful the hotel was dreadful right. But either way the matter will go into our coaster we went we had tickets. For the Sunday I mean come on if you're gonna go you gotta go somewhere right. So the Saturday we got there day early and it was actually bad weather on the Saturday. So we were quite thankful we weren't going on Saturday this was 2017 818 2018. So Tiger was playing then.

On the Saturday we actually found I had already pre booked it there's like across the road is Magnolia Lane which is I'm confused now isn't the area a bit dicey no not the area outside I'm sure I know I did I I've heard that it wasn't particularly great. But it was a lot better than I expected it to be you're from Bolton. So you know he know you know it's like in the rough areas it was yeah it was it was by it was fine it just like any other sub suburban you think that almost comes from people are used to go into these really like Scottish courses down private roads. And stuff and then.

It could possibly the only thing is from what I've heard is that it base that the area cleans its act up. For when that my is in town because it's such an incredible talk your annual income is do you think it's also because it's the hardest to play golf course in the world I imagine it's the best-looking golf course in the world you expect it to be someone. But it's not you almost didn't go well this is a bit. But yeah I must admit like literally you come out the gates I mean we hadn't. So so on the Saturday will mooching around. And you can't imagine you can't fathom for one minute that on one side of the road you're eating in some greasy restaurant whatever I want to say a spoon that's gonna say something Jesus without a place you know anyway like you're in you're in this diner that's not particularly nice and you can't follow them across their own over the hedge here it goes he's like and literally you're on you're on Google Maps and you see in the golf course you like literally across that corner is like the 11th green yeah I can't get my head around how is it there. And this is a big main road you know what the roads like in America dead wide. And literally there's like a gas station and a just retailed ha does that make it almost better. Or worse because part like when you got Justin Andrews is you kind of get into this area where you can feel it all kind of coming together. And you can see bits between the open we can see some the ground stands. And whatever does it almost make it better that it's just there. Or I've comfortable okay. So Saturday we found a house where it was like you pay up front. And everything all day was free all the drinks all the food the TVs everywhere in every room city house it's like a house they rent out it I think the only rented out like once a year it's massive it's on this road again if you went on this road it's like million pound house after million pound house after million pound house literally across the road from from the master from Augusta right. So you rent this house out I think it was there you know I don't know whether I was the house. So then.

You just go in like a bard it's actually a house it's massive and who do you pay the the people on the door. And get wristband but it's not like coming around to my house its massive no I get that. But what I mean is is it like you come in this house. And there's some random person next.

Year they just don't I can let you would in a bar. But it's a house yes that's man. So it's like so first there's there's there's like food stations it was a putting green in the back garden there was like ice creams there was there were women walking around serving your drinks. And whatever light you go to the bar and everything was free I mean it probably cost two hundred. And fifty dollars each to go into this house so it was not you know. But we got there at breakfast we left at midnight and there's loads of TVs with the golf on all times every obviously everyone's there because there and this is only one house of maybe five. Or six that are doing the same thing like the one next.

Door was even bigger lie outside of our now one there was a swimming pool there was a there's like pancakes out the back they were there was all different food stations where did you get your drink from me right there was literally bars. And yell hey obvious right so I think from what I understand even though it is a house it's been converted into this resort yeah play like an air B&B to think in the summer people might I don't know because it didn't let me just try. And think it did have upstairs at toilets. But like the toilets were like rows of girls doesn't like a normal yeah yeah I mean yeah. So anyway it was it was amazing me my mate literally got there at the crack of dawn. And we're drinking from like nine o'clock in the morning to like 11 o'clock at night were absolutely sloshed. And and literally drinking all we want eating everything we want having a putting green stuff like a little putting green out the back garden have like a bag full of old Scotty cameras and balls and we literally played it about 15 times I'm not a big cigar smoker bumps outside smoking a cigar thinking I'm all that and literally across the way we were watching it on the TVs that is happening across the way like it's crazy to the point. And I'm gonna flex a little bit here Tommy fleet was caddy fin Oh text me because he knew I was in Augusta on the Saturday morning saying we've got spare tickets you want to come in it was a bit rainy I was going to his house I kind of went oh I might live to regret that. But it was horrible weather anyway. So that night we actually went out in all gusta or it was. And again it was really nice nice restaurants nice bars right we ended up in like a sports bar. And everything dancing and playing pool whatever probably got in it that like maybe one to hawk in the morning going the Masters next.

Day which might have been a bit of mistake. So we wake up a bit a bit Pongo over and we're going to the Masters. So we get there to the Masters we park the car and we this is now why I said does it feel different because I'm I could be anywhere in America right now you know I'm outside the master I could be anywhere in America you go through the gates. And the gates it's like Disneyland it's like Disney Land for dads on kids or you know I'm not saying for that sounds like that's Vegas and it doesn't if it does anyway you go into these grand gates. And the security gate is like a Disney type experience like the gates it's not like son Andrews where it's a ten do you not me yeah these are this is built. For this occasion everything streamlined you get a map you get your ticket you're going down to the front desk you're getting zapped in you're getting searched you can't take any cameras yes. So where do you put your phone they have lock ups. And you guys a key yeah I didn't do that I didn't say I didn't believe me didn't even take my phone. Or two I left in the hotel what happens if you went in and you took a picture kicked out so I saw people get why didn't I just go in have the day and then.

Just before the dawn get a picture and then.

You get get go get kicked out what I stand if you get kicked out they don't only take your ticket they'll take the form of ID and then.

You're you as a person can't come back you go I mean ya know I do. But I'm just thinking if I went some masters as a once in a lifetime I'm not probably go back again I wouldn't sent in my phone the end of the day get loads pictures get kicked out and then.

Be like you literally searcher like cause you can't take it all no all right I searched you before you go in you go through scanners to search when everything's all Cele I don't know what would if I didn't see it happened to anyone is it the story about me buying some spy glasses yes. So I went on eBay this is a funny story I won't leave I bought some glasses that were like spy glasses. And it had a camera in the glasses right remember but so and it worked they worked I test them at home they arrived they were they just looked boy in fairness if you put them in a sunglasses case. And what they wouldn't never stopped you with those and even if you had them on they would never stopped you but if some old to see me with those glasses there if you want to be listening to the week next.

Week get a picture of Rick superimposed on big massive glasses on top of his face and it's a podcast at Rick feels calm and you will probably be listened to the week. So anyway I'm feel like it's a long story but I think it's worth it this one my clips definitely. For Eugene so basically you go in there you get scanned and and they are the whole experience because it's been because it's there all the time is. So seen yeah. So yeah that's awesome unbelievable. So things like the gift shop it's it's there all the time it's freaking expensive by the way if these are my tips if you go to the Masters if you go in early run to the what's it called gift shop pick up a master's chair the green chairs is we've got one of the office which I've never opened in my life pick up that chair. And I'm run to a location you want that chair to sit let's say it's the 18th green on a Sunday Park your chair spit your name on it that is your chair. For that I can't that is just. So golf imagine not in any of the sports when I go [ __ ] off and keep Phileas were down. But I said fork off kick your chair out the way why in golf it's kind of like all that that's that's a rich law chair. For the day right thought and it happens everywhere so it happens on my husband the main place is like 11 12 13 as you can imagine 16 is mental 15 is mental. And 18 is mental first tee is men's on all these green chairs now what's mad is if you go to the 18th green before any plays happening there's just rows of green chairs holy water. For now no one sat there I said oh no fly naturally. But they've been put there that morning they've not been pre put there they've been put there that morning by people yeah how else were. And then.

Some people who've been there for many years have got like good what was quite cool on the back of every chair it says like the Masters 2018 you know like you get some letters own like the Masters 97. Or the Masters 95 or the Masters - anything you've been in quite a few time you know that you know the scripts long story short we didn't do that. So we didn't put a chair down we've decided not to the first place we went to was the food establishments because we were hungry cuz we were hungover. And it was breakfast time we brought the UH what's it called the cheese butter. And pimento cheese Monsanto oh yeah one one dollar fifty it isn't all unbelievably cheap all unbelievably thin. And again all of that process in the food is. So streamlined you get the cups which we've got the cups here in the office and again it's cheap right almost of the booze and the drinks in there is super cheap the food's cheap everything these fairly cheap by the gift shop which is I think I spent you got a lot of socks. And other bought on them prepare socks I would reckon I didn't get that much I easily spent nearly a thousand dollars is probably not more I don't know I haven't experienced on merch from things like that because in one way you've been to the masses. And bought it so it's class like you know it's a memory so maybe getting something one little thing a catheter socks well it's just been made in China and [ __ ] but it's not like you I mean it's just well the socks have thrown them all the way because they're all touchy now cuz it literally just like the auger holes. And don't be wrong I would definitely get something the when but I don't know how it so in the open I know it's different if you from the US or whatever or anybody who comes to the open you want to get a t-shirt but it's just I don't know I never for me I never get that like I want to buy that top I like getting flags and stuff so anyway so we we've been to a food place we've got our bearings the next.

Thing that surprised me about Augusta was how close all the key points were like that came as a massive visually on TV I felt like all the holes were like massively apart from each other lying right you is actually squashing on what I would see is quite a small property right. But it doesn't feel like I want young the TV I'm gonna say the cliche one which those cliche the undulation zillion it like down in 11 it down I don't know intense down 10 the par-5 laugh where bubble warned it with this hook sure out of the tree the big dog locally massively downhill it's ridiculous the 18th shot into the green is massively Hill the t-shirt on eleven on one's dat must have a down hill. So you can really appreciate the undulations the hole. For me was the 13th that surprised me the most the par-5 round the car yeah what part of my favorite hole in the world even though I haven't played it what came as a surprise because all of the TV is shots from the depends which way you're looking at it effectively the left side of the hole if you're looking from the green yeah back to the body everything's on the left right I still in this place you ever see that hole shot from. And maybe behind the teks it's really isolated yeah no one's ever on that tee um it looks like that hole is in the middle of nowhere right you've got all the azaleas. And beautiful plumage on the other side of the fairway and the creek and everything it looks stunning right on the left it's packed with spectators and the green chairs on the green chairs more stood up it's packed like unlike I can't get over our busy is on that last one's like we never seen on TV now. But you actually feel quite far away from the action I bet the players walking down there I feel really away from the action like 12th green 13th C 13th fairway 13th green and at 13 14 15 it's pretty much stacked on top of each other another big thing as well as the leaderboards when you're in there that's the one thing I missed a coaster was the live alone yeah yeah I didn't like that like when I'm at the open a quiet like the lie feeding lie feed however. when somebody does start to make a charge. And it comes up on the leaderboard the crowd goes wild assistive just made him see the yeah this didn't happen like correct which is actually quite nice okay coming back let's describe Andrew Parker asked what the Masters was like oh yeah it's good if they get the chance to go make sure you take it he's actually found that I wasn't erection cigars. And getting Howard so and then.

Coming up to this point that you mentioned I was on the 18th hole right jordan Spieth is making a charge on the last on the last day right Patrick Reed was leading no one really wise Patrick Reed to win. So everyone wanted john Spieth or Rickie Fowler to win so we me and my mate got right behind the 18th tee prying little and Spieth was killing it at the time he was absolutely killing the game of golf right Sun 18th tee. And it's such a daunting tea shop like outrageously daunting dogleg to the right the trees narrowing so much it's unbelievable as a branch sticking out on the left-hand side anyway Spieth the thumbs up there and he's he's actor saw him on the SATs I hit it miles left when I was coming in that bar Sunday there's a branch just sticking out on the left right hit this little caught it's gonna call healing little caught it hits the branch that is sticking out. And the ball just literally dropped and plummeted and that was it that was the end of his masters the only shots are jordan Spieth unless two behind him like. And literally get shown loads on the footage because that's really he he didn't lose the Masters they're not like when he lost it on the 12th but he kind of he was in contention I feel like I'm not sure if that's people who were driving along going that was absolutely fantastic that like they've really enjoyed every second all it would be like that's like when you mate as his best round of golf ever. And he was right let me sort of. So on the first I think this three I in. And then.

Yeah three-quarter six I'll tell you who I sat next.

To under place.