I think i don't think technology's gonna give us that much better. But it might give us a bit more forgiveness i think that's one thing i have found golfers can hit the ball better they don't need to be as good swingers to hit the ball as well now with monte you've been a pro at a golf club um. For 29 years now so you've seen a lot of golfers and using a lot of equipment since a lot of brands in in that last let's say 20 years which golf brand would you say has improved the most i'm talking hardware brand give me a tough one for this i guess isn't it yeah um. So all of them there's a lot of glasses out no i'll be totally honest i am a tailor-made ambassador. And one of the reasons i'm a tailor-made ambassador i choose i potentially could have been an ambassador for any brand and i chose taylormade because of what how innovative they are. And how they keep pushing and pushing and pushing everyone's innovative go back uh to the burner product years ago going back to my my first taylormade club in 94 i think it would have been a metal little spoon a 30 degrees a rescue yeah yeah i mean they've pushed the boundaries. But they're all doing it one thing i will say the amount of tech that's come out over the last 20 years every single new product every driver has promised me 10 yards yeah i'm not hitting it 200 yards further than it was 20 years ago. So what's i'm not sure what's going on however. the marketing the demand creation the the backing all the all the exciting stuff the blue ring on the new taylormade driver that's all part of the excitement of. For me the excitement of the product and the game and without that we i would probably still be using something from 10 years ago and i'll probably still be hitting it just as good but at the same time i wouldn't be excited i run now. So i like to go buy new trainers i play golf i like to buy a new driver you know i don't want to buy the same trainers i want to buy the better ones so yeah technology's moving forward i i know i've kind of swift. So if you're a little bit the best brand i'll certainly say 10 million callaway are pushing it ping have come come up you know a very traditional brand. And they've they've joined the high tech race i guess yeah i mean i would say that obviously i probably can't rewind as far as dan's knowledge on would you say since you've started then.

Because you're about 20 years you've been playing yeah probably probably i must admit i probably would agree with taylormade potentially. And i think maybe when i was growing up callaway was the big brand yeah when i when i was kind of a kid callaway was like almost felt like they were already ahead of everyone else like with the big bertha. And the great big bertha and the biggest big bertha and like the x-12 irons or whatever the number was back then..

And like i felt like callaway was certainly in my era of starting in the like kind of late 90s early early 2000s that's what that's when callaway feel like they dominated in my opinion. And taylormade really just came out with odd products that got people's attention i always remembered the original original rescue club which was like an orange head. And it had like the bubble shaft and again it was like that's quite interesting it almost i mean i had one. So it must it must have piqued my interest at some point but it almost felt quite like innovative like you're saying or maybe borderline almost gimmicky at first like people weren't quite sure and remember like the nubbins putter faces yeah yeah that again that was like it was no other brand was doing that like you had your ping which was like tradition like you knew what you were paying solid you were getting a milled. Or a steel stainless steel putter like that that was it done. And you got nice drivers and whatever woods you got and they were kind of pushing the boundary a little bit callaway were already dominating. But in fact like taylormade we're always trying to go right what's next.

What's next.

What's next.

And that's probably not changed for the last 20 years i think what they've done well tailor-made in the last 20 years they've established a ball in the bull market the wedges have become really well known the putter lines. And the number bins and stuff so now that the spiders i thought of a brand i was like because i had this question kind of planned yesterday. And i think i would say taylormade's up there across the board you know i think possibly has done the best in last 20 years i feel like you're going to say titleist no i'm going to go. And this is going to prove some people are wrong because i think some people think i hate on this brand now. And i don't i'm gonna say cobra and the reason i'm gonna say cobra is when i first started golf about 98 cobra drivers were classed i know obviously tiger used one well if this is a clip on youtube we'll put a picture on here of tiger with a cobra driver um. And but then.

When else will be about 12. Or 13. king cobra as we've known then.

Became the old man brand sounds bad that's what they were known as last five. Or ten years do you really have done a good job i think bringing ricky on board as well to to become the younger cooler brand yeah i certainly i think the last three. Or four years definitely have really changed their model um and you've probably seen that with i mean again obviously you've got such great insight to the business like what brand does sell the best. So so there's three big names sorry callaway ping taylormade they're battling out yeah sorry callaway ping taylormade okay depending on. And would you say just in driver mark or overall overlapping right yeah. For me yeah if you look at the whole. And that will probably come out if you look at any data tech reports. And save reports cobra as guys correctly said they have come in hard. But they've come in at a slightly lower price point you know that's a big 50 60 pounds cheaper on a driver that in all essence will perform better uh than than other products then.

It's a no-brainer isn't it. And one thing you've got to understand and again i'm sure we'll touch on this people will buy what you fit them. So if i believe in a product that client believes in me and he'll buy if i tell him cobra is right. For him he'll buy cobra if i tell him telemaze right for him and it stacks up he'll buy that so now where cobra have done very well is they've come in the product that performs at the right price point. And they've got it into people's fitting studios so now they've got all three bases they haven't they if it's not in a fitting studio nobody's gonna buy it yes obviously people watch reviews to see what they think of the product. But again i think. Or for me personally you should always try the product see if it works for you and get 100 and and they've done that as well so that's how you get into that market when a customer comes through the door what are they made what what's the the brand driver category they want to try most like they say they come in. And go i want to test the latest yeah what brand. Or is it really mixed yeah there's not one there's not still not one i wouldn't say there's one out ahead whoever's put who has put the most into the marketing definitely people are asking about bryson's driver at the minute obviously we can all hit it like bryson can't we um he's using one that's five years old yeah exactly which again touches on what i said before i think i don't think technology is gonna give us that much better. But it might give us a bit more forgiveness i think that's one thing i have found golfers can hit the ball better they don't need to be as good swingers to hit the ball as well now with montec well you actually look at stats. And this is a really interesting one because you you'd think with all this later. And you mentioned a minute ago if every brand made you hit the ball 10 yards further you're beating it 200 yards further now but what a lot of um data has been proven to like when the when the handicap was established. Or handicapped 20 years ago was no better than handicaps now. So much and people aren't hitting driver they're sorry they are hitting driver much longer now. But the the big difference is more people are hitting drivers because they're more forgiving heads. So like maybe only a percentage of people used to use drivers but now a lot of new golfers get hit in a driver fairly soon because it's actually quite an easy club to hit for new for new golfers compared to 20 years ago when the head was much smaller it's much less forgiving um that's interesting just on that then.

Why i've got you on speaking of clubs yeah obviously you'll know there's anybody actually a custom fitter. And you think i did no right job in it.