But we've also got some young juniors coming through we've got you know called uh young shields junior who we think should be in it if you can't go around in less than 78 if you can't break 78 your place is gone yeah that's fair [Music] question about it well then.

[music] i'm gonna try. And do your trick okay okay i'm gonna try. And play devil advocate even i don't fully believe this um i think the masters is the best major tournament changed my mind goes over there rick you want to use it i said i'm fine not that i massively believe. But that's kind of i'm going to put my heart in the ring there okay. So in my opinion that well i might think there's four major championships that's that's fact. And that's not my opinion um this is my opinion the pj is the worst the one that i enjoy the least yeah i'd agree then.

It's the u.s just a quick one why why do you think that i think it's because i agree with you there i think it's because this obviously as it stands as four majors. And that's what they're always will be the open is obviously a test of links golf. And it's often it courses with real tradition and it's the only one that's not in the u.s so it stands out yeah the masters is the masters it's it's a small elite field it's the iconic augusta national it stays there every year it's a golf course you can't just go. And play it's magical that's there us open is the u.s open it's the open it's always a tough call i was going to say that's what test that's what separates the pj. And the us open for me anyway yeah statistically u.s open is typically harder isn't it yeah in your head. And then.

For me the uspga just kind of feels like i don't know i don't know what it is. And some of the winners haven't massively i don't know yeah i know i'd agree um i'd agree that the pga is the worst that's my order. But well that's not my order and then.

Uso i go pj us open the master's the open okay. And obviously that will cause a lot of people to say no app. For the masters or whatever it might be i think most people would agree usbjs last. But the open firstly it's open so there's that magic that you're always going to get players in there who are i can say scratch golfers. But typically lower than that you know local pj pro james robinson who have this they get into the it's obviously very difficult to get into tournament and they literally have four rounds of golf that could change their life so that's one thing i like about it not those names always don't do amazing. But equally we've seen some amazing amateurs play in the open who've then.

Come on through massive names we got chris wood yeah rory played in it. And stuff like that yeah i love the golf courses typically the saint andrews you can use etc. And obviously i've been to the open several times never been to the masters yet hopefully we'll do one day. But it just it it just feels more like what's the word i'm looking for almost more real there's something about the masters that i i appreciate but it feels like disneyland and you've been to you know about 90 but it feels like there's almost gonna be it's almost like fake that there's gonna be a room behind there there's all like people i don't know it's just it doesn't feel real the buildings don't feel real it's all like too green um it's like you don't see for example if you watch the open and look at the crowd which obviously we haven't haven't opened last year and hopefully this year will have some level of crowd you'll see men women children young people old people are completely mixed in the crowd when i'm watching the masters it just feels like people have got loads of darts who are somehow connected to augusta who got in you know you can't go it just doesn't feel real like it feels elitist yeah you're not wrong obviously i've been to both events. And i've been lucky enough to be into the open many many times at different venues um and and again i'm kind of playing dev advocate because i don't know as you had my hand on my heart earlier in this podcast i don't know if i can handle heart say which one i prefer the best the most though because. For me they are slightly obviously different well they are very different. And i do like them equally as much as each other i don't know what would what would tip it. For me i love the open in the fact that exactly what you're saying i love the fact that it's it's in in the uk that's the big one for me it's something you can go to i love the fact that i've been with friends who aren't massively into golf. And they've loved it it's a great day out it's an unbelievable day out and you don't have to pay the world for it it's typically it's quite affordable sometimes you can even buy tickets as you are there on the door. And also if you think about the amount of time you go at six in the morning leave it probably midnight yeah because the field is massive like 160 odd golfers the field is massive um. And like i say i love the fact that sometimes you get these amazing sunny days where everything's baked out and you're eating an ice cream and having a beer and watching the gold sunburn i love that yeah. And you see a few people leaving with a lot of sunburn as well but i also love the wet days the waterproofs on the brawl is up. And you're going this ain't this ain't wind this ain't rain even though it's absolutely down i love those days as well. So for me the open has that element to it it's it's real golf can i put a little asterisks in there usually then.

It's 50 50.. And i don't disagree i do like the the masters i would say the open accents andrews trumps the masters i would agree with that because certainly if you've been as well well this is now coming on to my second point what i love about the masters. And what i love about augusta national and i've lucky enough to been this is to have been. And uh three years ago i went to sunday and watched i i love the facts i know the golf course so well never played it probably never will do hopefully we'll do one they touch wood. But for me i love the fact you know exactly the holes that are coming up you know where there's birdie opportunities yeah you can look at a leaderboard like yesterday in the back nine of yesterday. And you know it's five or six shots in it and you think yeah. But if xander eagles 13 yeah. And ideky sticks in rey's creek on 13 and suddenly or 12 or like i feel like i can almost play the scenarios out in my head. And i love that for it i also love the fact because obviously here in the uk the masters aren't typically late at night that is that is good like i do love those late nights staying up. And like just being like immersed in it like i'm absolutely loving it when i'm watching it um when you go there it is like disneyland it's not real life. And it feels like that even when you're walking through the gates like it has that disneyland experience like very american basically um when you're there as well i love the fact you can't take your phone and that hurt me for a while but i love all those but i hate how elitist and selective yeah that's what i don't like i do hate that because you have to go on a ballot i've been tried to go in the ballot a few times i've not got in when i paid. For my ticket to go it was outrageously expensive the hotels in the area were outrageously expensive like i had to pay through the nose to get access to it. And i'm glad i did it i don't regret it. But it's not it's not as accessible that's the thing with the open you can you can sleep on a on a campsite in a tent yeah you can get the property yeah you get the guy on the bus with you he's got his golf shoes on he's a proper gcw. And like it just feels more real it's more me it's i love the masters and i love watching that you said the night time's a big thing. So you can watch it at night that is good. For us in the uk but i would also say i think if you win the masters it does more. For your career than when in the open i would say i would i would i would probably because i feel like you ben curtis and todd hamilton's i've literally been forgotten about but if they had a green jacket still be playing now probably yeah. And when like a charles schwarzel or a mike weir i feel like i've got more like i have more respect for him yeah oh well i would say swartz is a bit better than them too. But still mike weir yeah like he's not one much since has he really. Or even potentially know i could say danny willett he wasn't i mean i'd never literally heard of them too. And they won at the time so it's hard to really think about i can't think of anyone from the masters i've never heard of before potentially because zelotaurus would have been i've never really heard of him let me pull this up i don't think there'll be anybody in in our lifetime that's won the masters that we've never heard of. And it's whether they continue to go on to great things after the masters winners daniel willetts are the best example. For like an american they probably hadn't always if some people hadn't heard of him right couple don't there's anybody so pros and cons uh right let me see let me see let me see i'm going back in time here from 2000. Or just before literally everybody that's won it from the year 2000 is without question a household name yeah like i can probably even go back to 90s every single one of them is a household name bar um i'm going back. And i'm probably going to get slated. For this tommy aaron won it in 1973. yeah i don't know that i'm probably probably going to get slated about that because he's probably won loads of things. But he's i don't know who that is speaking of 90s can i say something that really impressed me yeah. So was it 91 that ian wisdom won. Or 93 it's like that 91. right so ian wuznum played in his masters that's something hand on heart can i get one's hand on heart like hand on heart ian wuznum playing the masters now doesn't know me a bit because i think you get lifetime entry to the master. So obviously you have to decide when you're gonna call it a day which i understand if i was a pro golfer. And won the masters i'd want to milk it dry and play every year take my family they can walk around. And look at the scenery and all that stuff have your kid on the bag on the path three tournament all that sell your tickets make a few quid got a gambling debt i need to pay off et cetera you've got you're having enough ernie to pay the woman off that kind of vibe you're with me again that's not crazy but if that was somebody. So but but equally if you know that actually you've got no chance making the cut is it bad that's a different argument. But anyway ian wooshan was playing this week. And i was a bit like it's a bit wrong really because bernard langer typically does quite well. And it's a fair play um elizabeth made the cut yeah yeah it's a fair play ian wuznum didn't make the cut. But he shot two rounds of four over and that got me thinking because it was playing tough those couple days. But it's so firm on the greens and running and everything how good of a golfer he must be ian woosenam at the age i think 61 62 to shoot two rounds of four over imagine him at your local club comp in the club championship i'm not messing he would wipe the floor with everybody like what does handicap actually be if he had one like it must be in the plus five. Or something easily could imagine what what would a plus five handicapper have shot around a guster under that pressure as well of people watching you and stuff he'd be happy to break 80 i bet um he shot you right he shot four over the first day with a double and he shot uh he actually shot five over the second date with a double again that's some goal fight isn't it like i'm not being funny i know you joke i bet you think you could beat him in a way don't you someone said to you before this masters would you can i give a match plate now as a video against ian woozen i bet you'd think all right i'll do him yeah probably you wouldn't yeah i'm not you're not going around there in four. And five how good is is it. And again is it because of his experience it must his experience around there must pay huge dividends there's literally no was there not pressure he's probably got no pressure actually what's he moving pressure. For the masters he's won it but like i say his skill level will still be exceptional i've just worked out where he's going free food. And out on the wednesday three meal of course it is why would you why'd you give that up to be honest you are there already aren't you if you're a master's champion you go anywhere you go. And i just think there should be a point where you have to do a plane ability test right rick you won the masters back in 2020 it's now 2040 old. And gray not getting her left you've got a green jacket we're not going to take that away from it you can keep that right okay. But we've also got some young juniors coming through we've got called uh young shields junior who we think should be in it if you can't go around in less than 78 if you can't break 78 your place is gone yep that's fair in it i think that's fair yeah this should yeah there should be a time limit on when you you don't you no longer get an invite to go back. But how is that gonna work the other thing.