And we can you can forget you're on the the world's biggest golf podcast right now the rickshaws golf show podcast that doesn't even forget i can forget that you're the host of it. And i can just openly say what i want speaking of good swings though. And swings the improvement i've got a really good question on facebook if you're down this is one that might be a facebook clip. So it could get good views um graham murray has asked and i want your hand on heart answer here um whose goal swing is better peter finch. Or richard shiels wow i get full sunday titles oh i don't know let's let's create their elaborate as well the longer the clip the more app revenues it's better and we can you can forget you're on the the world's biggest golf podcast right now the rickshaws golf show podcast that doesn't even forget i can forget that you're the host of it. And i can just openly say what i want that doesn't influence anything you're about to say now. So what are we are we going to use the answer based on how good they are controlling the golf ball around the course. And it sticks under pressure or is it the one that looks. And technically seems the best or can you have the two you elaborate you tell me if you think there's more of one option if rick was at least one option then.

We're fine i think there's two answers okay. So i think um if you looked at it just from like old-school kind of hitting position moving through it controlling the ball in a sterile environment like i'm driving range. Or just when it's a free go i think pete's really good you know i technically it's a good move. But i don't see p being brilliant under pressure and i think that it's because some of his skills have been learnt skills. And he maybe just hasn't had enough time to be able to do it under pressure whereas rick kind of owns his move. So he's definitely more of a balanced player that goes with the confidence but because he owns it if he goes couple under it's a chance to go six under but i don't see pete getting that far under because i don't see him bouncing with it i like that so you basically said i'm much better i think i think the biggest differences are. And and i do think pete's got a really good swing. And you've obviously developed that enormously he had a very classic swing when i first met him and you've kind of developed it in so much more of a power swing right now anyway um but you're right there's many times where i feel like my my kind of gritty kind of almost getting the ball around not all the time granted i've had some shockers but getting the ball around definitely works in my favor a little bit more where i do think pete as a longer-lasting golf game right now is a lot better because he's putting. So much more work and practice into it without question match play i think that's where i really thought i kind of really can find my own in match play hence the two trophies on the cabinet just up there from 2002. And 2003. i do think matchplay is where i kind of get that that gritty like little bull terrier type mentality i think you're doing yourself a bit of a disservice there mate i think when i look back before i you know work with you maybe about three months before you went. And won an event at all links yes six seven under no i think i was about maybe four. Or five yes i think he knocked it on the first. And hold it for two back in the day did you win a pga event i came second i was i i was three under through two. And a centimeter eagle the first birded the second then.

Went pah birdie birdie this is where you wanted to play there. For the break 75. yeah the freaking wind picked up no. But i i do think. But that that sort of like tells me where you're at if you get what i mean in terms of you're really comfortable once you've got yourself going you're quite happy to go with the flow i'm a very confident player as you mentioned you're a confidence player. And you can go deep once you start if you're three under par through nine you could be seven yeah i'm not 100 about that like once if i do start if i'm playing well i never ever think i'm gonna blow it when i'm playing well when i am playing badly though all i think about is blowing it on every single hole that's my that's my biggest deal your brain gets in your way when you're not playing well. But but when you are playing well you just roll with it yeah it feels obviously everyone gets this. But when i if i start well and get through the front nine i never think i now need to just hold on. For the back nine i've definitely from playing well i'm like okay batman i'm ready to go more now well like say when it's playing badly it's just like oh god come on where is that magic where is it. And i think that's just part of me i don't play as much i don't practice as much obviously i'm doing a lot more this year with the break 75s. And just playing a lot more in general and really enjoying it and you you know just that little bit of advice i got from you last week even just with the club face and the chest turning just a little glimpse of just something that's like a little stroke on the actual belly roll a little belly you're all right rick you're not as bad as you think questions. For you then.

Whenever i go into that he's just like he's just so much better than peter finch i think that's the biggest fight. And i was slagging pete off. And we've played with anyone he's seen how rugby she is. So and i just walk out there guy i am better than peter finch yes. And you play against pitty beats you're five and four uh but what i was going to say was from what you saw with rick liver date the mia when you played solid. And you bobby's played them and shot one under dead tidy if from that performance you have rick for 12 months every couple of weeks he actually puts it proper grinds it let's say his handicap right now b what would you i would say i'm about three at the moment what do you think you're getting two in a year i know there's a lot more to it. But an open-ended question but realistically if you poise mine to it so base it off like the new system which is really based off of where you're at with your current game plus two that's impressive yeah i take i take yeah. For me i don't travel very well my game doesn't always travel great you're getting your own you're getting your own way when you're traveling places sometimes i think yeah a lot better than you think you are i think your short game needs a lot of work hence yes you're chipping into the worst bit in it i think my putting's good you think you put great i think my point is god your long putting's mega distance control's good obviously it long iron play was really good yeah i think this is controlled irons. And putting is good chipping. And wedges is crap driving is okay i think 120 in game needs to get really good yeah. And the thing is as good as you it you've got a lot of them see they just need to get tighter with proximity you need to be able to control the trajectory a little bit more on the wedge you'd be able to fly it in a bit lower controlling the spin. And then.

Around the greens you need to just be having it where when you do miss it's just average shot three foot that's what it needs to get to i don't have that unfortunate at the moment. So next.

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