This is a weird one because i almost feel like it's it could be an outsider. And could be i want him to win too okay. And it's a dead weird one okay this week's the masters yes. And if i said this to you yesterday i don't know if it's because i don't follow me like proper golf accounts on social media. But i don't feel like there's been that much buzz yet about the masters i'm sure when this goes out on tuesday there will be a lot more obviously. But i am excited i must add i'm not as excited as normal. And maybe that's because of the november masters being so recently i think you're right. But i also still am excited i'm probably a seven where i might normally be nine. Or ten what's it been five months yeah. So it's like it's almost not give us time to miss it well i've asked you before this to give me three picks so who you want to win who you think will win these could all be the same who you think will win. And lastly who is your outsider that you think is going to either win. Or place very highly so i've got mine i don't think the best shouts do you want to hear mine first do you want to go first just one question on that what classifies as an outsider well see that's what when i looked at the actual list it's very hot all of the people have played. And have won it years ago that's still got a place it's very hard so my outside isn't an outsider really at all little bit shout in fact but i had a really good luck this morning and i'll explain who i've picked and why when it comes to the outsider would you like me to should we do who we want to win first you go first on that then.

I'll follow you i want lee westwood to win okay the bastards yeah i want to see lee westwood putting on that green jacket. Or having dustin johnson put on that green jacket come sunday afternoon i think. For for so many reasons one because he has always been perceived as the nearly man yeah you know he's not one major yeah certainly recently as well certainly recently. But also that almost gets like he's he's 48 i think now he has really kind of gone through the it feels like i've really lived grown up only knowing about lee westwood being a professional golfer like he's been there all through my kind of golfing life um i'd love to see him win a masters he's playing unbelievable golf at the moment i think there's. So much emphasis and stress on him you know um what's the right word as um someone who bottles it and i'd love to see i'd love him to prove people wrong yeah. And i want him to finish his career a major champion that's who i want to win the masters the question on that then.

From what i've seen of lee westwood at events or on your video you feel with him he seems like a really good guy i think he's good on social media like you said he's been he's turned pro in 1993. So i would have been two so all my life i've known lee westwood question this might not go down too well with some people and it's not again open-ended question he's a 47 year old guy how do you how would you feel if you won the masters in terms of the perception of golf to outsiders. So when you think about the best soccer players footballs in the world the young athletic you know 35 is pretty much the end of their career does that if he won at that age how does that put golf in the spotlight more people it could be amazing because people think actually you can be at the top level of golf at the age of 47 it's not just. For young men or does it make young people think oh golf's not cool if a guy who's 47 can win it's a good point. And i know you've mentioned it on the um when it was thompson was going to win the opening what year was that uh i can't remember now when he nearly won the open out dingy true was it yeah um i remember no it was it was it trune um what i don't know i don't know the answer i think it would do good. For england and getting more english people in because i remember when danny willett won a few years ago yeah it did feel like england golf just became huge story everyone was talking about we've got an english champion you know he's on the tv here in england. So i think. For england it would be amazing because he'd do all the press trips i think it's a wonderful story i think you know with all the highs. And lows um but you're right it's probably not the aspirational pro that would bring in a a massive amount of young golfers into the sport potentially but i might be proven wrong with that they have an open-ended question really but i just who do you want to win. So i've got two which i know isn't but i've got bryson because i love watching him play golf at the minute i love watching him smash it it excites me he is my tiger at the moment why tigers obviously unfortunately absent bryson's a guy i turn on the golf to watch him play. And watch him smack it so i'd love to see him do well. And win it and i've also got tommy tommy fleetwood i just think he's due a major he's been last few years he's really kind of upped his game he's become obviously a global name a household name to some degree. And i would like to see him get his first major under his belt i'd like it to be open but i'd also i mean the open at. But was it berkdale where he was on form. And i had massive hopes for him but the masters for tommy would be a nice look yeah that long hair in the green jacket i think he'd pull it off really well yeah i agree. And and he would again for england it'd be amazing for junior golf would be amazing so yeah. For the for the industry yeah. And obviously i've met both westwood and tommy they're both amazing people um yeah i'd love either of those to win. So my heart's on westwood i think is gonna win okay i'm intrigued. So you've gone with here and this is a weird one because i almost feel like it's it could be an outsider. And could be i want him to win too okay. And it's a dead weird one okay i think paul casey is going to win the masters interesting now i know that isn't like. For some reason i've just got this feeling i don't know why you know obviously i could look at the world ranking and go dj or or bryson or rory any of those guys and you think they're gonna win it. But i honestly think paul casey with his with his again he's got his game on at the moment um yeah that's that's about that's who i think he's gonna win the masters. And you've heard it here first everybody paul casey is gonna win the masters as well as lee westwood i want to vote to win. So i've gone with jt justin thomas okay i think he came fourth last year. And obviously recently won the players i just got a feeling he's gonna do well i'd like him to win yeah i think he might win yeah again with the masters it's the best field in the world isn't it you look at the you look at the list of players you think he could win i'm literally on the website now. And i'm trying to pick my guy who i'm thinking outside my outside is not an outsider i'm literally looking at everyone going yep yep yeah he could win yeah he could win i mean literally an outsider would be someone like freddie couples yeah. Or be an outsider but apart from that like i look at this list and anybody has the capabilities of winning well i'm going to shoot them outside. And it's it's not an outsider i'll be honest but i'm going to speed. And the reason i go outside i think he's an outsider well he's he's i think he's sitting at 16 to one odds which is quite good ads. But um well not look low odds should i say he's had four top tens this year so he's kind of he's um kind of he's come back as anybody this year has been his contact yeah he's obviously won the masters had two tied seconds. And he had a third place he obviously likes augusta he can play well around augusta i think he's been close this year to winning it feels weird coming outside when he's a past champion. And he's still kind of a young guy but i also do although i could see him winning i don't think he's gonna win. So that's why i'm classified outside does that make sense definitely if if we were having this conversation last year we'd have almost been laughing he was a proper proper outsider last year like not even close this year he's on the i think another good season he's not no longer an outsider. So i think you can have him as an outsider i've got two okay okay before you tell me why why have you got them as outsiders. And i try and guess one of them um maybe just not the names that people throw about winning the masters do you get what i mean if we asked if we did a poll. And i don't think either of these two players would be in the top 15 top 15 votes from from people can give me one clue. And just try and guess one uh neither are english. Or uk or american are they gonna go victor holland no no i don't think he's massively outside anyway um i don't think you're gonna maybe rape john outside that no he's not an outsider i don't think he was. But when he said no no not american. Or not english so i've gotta think of people there's one golfer who always is up there every single masters. So you think how's that an outside outsider. And not american not american but if you look at it on the ground field of betting golf and stuff i mean let me just see where he is in the world ranking right now give me two seconds i want to keep saying people. But then.

I also say matthew fitzpatrick but he's not an outsider isn't it let me just get the world ranking up right now let me let me just i'm going to go off world ranking to classify if these are outsiders one more guess jason day no i don't know why this is hard right one of my guys is oh my goodness 27th in the world okay. So would you class that as outside who i thought was was going to be higher is actually 32nd in the world i'm going to class these are outside cameron smith yeah just plays good mm-hmm he's not the one who i think is going to do outside louie euston hazen yeah big time he's always he's always always up there oh sorry pop them out there he's always up there um when it comes. So i think outsiders where's spieth in the world because i think spieth is higher than that uh westby's in the world don't know where he's right now 53rd pack i'm looking forward to it as i said i'm not quite as excited as normally. But i think bad times podcast actually comes out on tuesday. But a few days to kind of get excited. For it watch the clips and teasers the masters app is always sick as well. So good so good i think it'll be good.